Return to in-person teaching toolkit
Fall 2022 will be the first time we are all back on campus together. Some of you may be excited about being back. Some of you may be anxious. Some of you may have been back on campus for some time already. Whatever your situation and however you feel, we have collected on this page resources to help you navigate Fall 2022.

On this page:
- How to bring some of the great things you did during remote teaching into your in-person classes
- How to teach and learn in masks
- How to prepare for potential disruptions and absences
- Strategies for helping students through challenges
- How to look after yourself
- How to help students look after themselves
- AV support
- More help with teaching and learning
How to bring some of the great things you did during remote teaching into your in-person classes
- Leverage UM Learn as a hub for all course materials and asynchronous interactivity between students and yourself.
- Ensure course materials are available in multiple formats. YuJa Panorama can help with generating accessible formats for online documents.
- Record and post your lectures – even basic recordings are helpful. YuJa Video provides tools for recording, editing, and sharing recorded lectures.
- Have regular small-group discussions in class periods to replicate breakout rooms online.
- Offer synchronous virtual office hours as an alternative, or supplemental, to in-person office hours.
- Continue to invite guest speakers to participate remotely.
- Consider flipped classroom approaches where content is available online in advance and class periods are used for discussion and application activities.
- Consider inviting students in the classroom to join a Zoom, Webex or Teams meeting: this provides an effective method for sharing digital files and links with students, and the chat can be used as a backchannel mode of communication.
- Use Mentimeter or iClicker Cloud for real-time student feedback and polling that maintains anonymity. iClicker Cloud can also be used in conjunction with UM Learn to take attendance, offer short quizzes and polls, and other applications which associate student responses with names.
- Use QR codes to share online content with students in the classroom. QR codes can be shared in printed handouts or on PPT slides, and most newer smartphones have a QR code reader by default.
- Continue to recognize and work to change the ongoing systemic inequities that students face in higher education- see our teaching resources on diversity and inclusion and inclusive pedagogies.
- Use the Ask an Expert service for support with any or all of the above-mentioned technologies.
How to teach and learn in masks
- You may remove your mask if you’re actively teaching and if you can maintain a 2-meter distance from others.
- If you teach with a mask on, speak louder or use a microphone, and exaggerate your body gestures to compensate for the lack of facial expression cues.
- Develop a signal for students to use if they can’t hear you through the mask.
- Invite everyone to post a maskless photo of themselves in a discussion board in UM Learn.
- Have open conversations with students about mask behaviours along with other expectations for classroom behaviour.
- If others around you choose not to wear a mask even if one is required, it is your choice whether to confront them about this: you are not obligated to enforce masking guidelines.
If students in class do not comply with mask mandate
Instructors will give a reminder to the class in the event masking is not adhered to
Continual non-compliance will result in the lecture being stopped and campus security being summoned.
Action under the student discipline policy would occur through formal channels if the lecture is delayed or stopped
Mask use policy PowerPoint slide
How to prepare for potential disruptions and absences
- Familiarize yourself with the new UM policy on sick absences: students can now self-declare without a doctor’s note.
- Make as much course content as possible self-paced and available through UM Learn.
- Post slides/lecture materials in advance or shortly after class.
- Build in ways for students to skip assignments/quizzes because of illness without having to do make-ups (e.g. having a best 8 out of 10 option).
- Encourage electronic submission of assignments, offer take-home exams, and consider video submissions or online presentations rather than in-person presentations other assessments.
- Offer options for in-person and remote attendance where feasible.
- Ensuring alternate methods for hands on practices/practical or clinical exams.
- Create a clear communication plan in the event that a class needs to be quickly moved online or cancelled.
Strategies for helping students through challenges
- As a group, set guidelines for classroom behaviour and revisit them regularly, but especially if challenging situations arise.
- Check in with your learners regularly - in-person as well as virtually.
Teach with empathy using strategies from pedagogies of compassion (coming soon).
- Share the “Respectful Conduct” website with students.
- Familiarize yourself with university policies around Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct.
- Familiarize yourself with crisis resources and supports, including the UM’s Student Distress Guide (UM Intranet login required).
How to look after yourself
- Access the EFAP. Through this support program U of M employees have free access to mental health professionals, wellness, counselling and legal advice. Log in to UM Intranet for more information.
- Take advantage of Canada Life’s mental health supports.
- Make time to engage in activities that bring you joy and help you de-stress.
- Build a support system: meet up in-person or virtually with 2-3 colleagues also teaching this fall.
- Consider activating or renewing a membership with UM Recreation Services.
How to help students look after themselves
- Regularly mention academic and non-academic student supports to all students, not just those who seem to be struggling.
- Encourage smaller social meetups and get students to share ideas of campus activities they’re involved in.
- Make time for students to introduce themselves when engaging in formal and informal groupwork.
AV support
- Visit your assigned classroom(s) to confirm the configuration
- Attend a demonstration of the installed and portable audiovisual equipment in your classroom(s).
- Group demonstrations (see schedule below).
- Schedule a One-on-One demonstration for unique teaching spaces
- Reserve the space through AdAstra then book a demo through the IST Service Desk.
- Check your tech:
- Make sure you are connected to the UM WiFi network (uofm secure instructions)
- Ensure you are set up for Multifactor Authentication
- Buy your lapel microphone – contact your business manager to order through EPIC
- Get the right video adaptor for your laptop – rooms have VGA or HDMI connections.
Demonstrations - Classroom and Portable AV Equipment
IST Audio-Visual is hosting demonstrations of the university’s installed classroom and portable audiovisual equipment on the following days:
Date |
9:00am to 11:00am |
1:00pm to 3:00pm |
Tues, Aug 23 |
Armes 204 – Extron Touch Panel |
Drake 107 – Extron System 8 |
Wed, Aug 24 |
University College 237 – MLC Control Panel |
St John's 172 – Crestron Touch Panel |
Thurs, Aug 25 |
St John's 125 – Bring your own device |
Tier 401 – Portable Equipment |
Tues, Aug 30 |
Tier 401 – Portable Equipment |
St. John's 125 – Bring Your Own Device |
Wed, Aug 31 |
St John's 172 – Crestron Touch Panel |
St. John's 125 – Bring Your Own Device |
Thurs, Sept 1 |
Drake 107 – Extron System 8 |
St. John's 125 – Bring Your Own Device |
Sessions will demonstrate:
- The features of the room that are available to instructors
- Basic troubleshooting procedures
- How the following room configurations and technologies work:
- Extron Touch Panel – Examples: Tier 301, Armes 205
- Creston Touch Panel – Examples: University College 240, EITC 3 207, Robert Schultz 172
- MLC Control Panel – Examples: Tier 206, University College 237
- Extron System 8 – Examples: EITC 2 130, St John’s 118
- Portable Equipment - Technology includes Data projector, document viewer
- Bring Your Own Device - Focused primarily on laptops, MacBook’s, iPad, and connecting your device to the control panel and display
Special Notes:
- IST encourages you to attend a demonstration of the equipment you will use to be fully prepared as they are not resourced to start every class (confidence start).
- Blended / hybrid teaching where there is a combination of students both in class and remote is currently not supported at the University of Manitoba. Should you wish to discuss this topic further please contact Mark Torchia, Vice Provost (Teaching and Learning).
- Audio Visual Classroom support will respond to any urgent in-class issues that you may encounter. Contact the IST Service Desk at 204-474-8600 and we will strive to respond in person within 10 minutes.
If you have any questions or need assistance being prepared for fall classes, please contact the IST Service Desk at: 204-474-8600 or check online at
More help with teaching and learning
- Looking for more ideas or want to talk through your strategies? Contact us for a consultation
- Some specific workshops offered through the Centre in Fall 2022:
- Developing an Inclusive Syllabus – Robin Attas & Jeri Ducharme, Aug.17, 9-11am
- Navigating Difficult Discussions – Robin Attas, Aug.25, 1-3pm
- You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup: Well-being and the Return to Face-to-Face Teaching – Lori Doan, Oct.4, 1-4pm
- Strategies for Engaging Students in Face-to-Face Classes – Joanna Koulouriotis, Oct.11, 1-3pm
- What’s Working, What’s Not? Examining Classroom Teaching and Learning – Janet Cape and Matthew Quesnel, Oct.18, 9am-12pm
- Effective and Engaging Online Learning Activities – Iwona Gniadek, Oct.21, 10am-12pm
- The Flipped Classroom – Mark Meagher, Sept.26, 1-4pm
- A full list of technology support workshop can be viewed here.
Contact us
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
65 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
Room S204B, Medical Services Building, 744 Bannatyne Avenue
University of Manitoba, Bannatyne Campus
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0W2 Canada