Services for employers

Our dedicated staff are here to help maximize your recruitment efforts and raise awareness of your employer brand.

The Asper Career Development Centre can assist:

  • Posting your career opportunities for full time, part time, summer or short term projects
  • Hire a Masters or BComm coop student 
  • Recruit Bachelor of Commerce, MBA, MFin and MSCM students and alumni
  • Connect to the Asper community through information sessions, guest speaking, career fairs and recruitment events

Post a job

Post a co-op/summer/full time position on the Asper Career Portal. ​Please indicate within the job description if the successful candidate will be expected to work from home or through an alternative arrangement as directed by public health authorities.

Book interviews

The Career Development Centre can provide assistance with scheduling and coordination of interviews.

Please contact a Career Consultant
Ph: (204) 474-6549
Ph: (204) 474-7103

Book an information session

The Career Development Centre provides assistance with scheduling, coordination and promotion of pre-recruitment information sessions and marketing events. This is an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your organization and meet with prospective candidates in a more relaxed setting.

Please contact our Career Consultants:

Ph: (204) 474-6549 or (204) 474-7103

Information sessions can also be coordinated through the Asper Career Portal


Hire a co-op student

The Asper School of Business has recently launched co-operative education at the graduate student/master's level.  We now offer co-op in our MBA, Master of Finance and Master of Supply Chain Management & Logistics programs. Looking for students who can contribute strategically to your organization?  Hire a masters' co-op student starting in Summer 2022. 

Our Bachelor of Commerce Co-operative Education Program is one of the University of Manitoba’s largest co-op programs and is CEWIL Canada and AACSB accredited.

By joining the Asper Co-op Program, employers will have an opportunity to mentor students’ developing careers and to promote their corporate image by establishing a reputation as an employer of choice.

Career fairs


Stay up to date with the latest CDC news including salary information, upcoming events, labour market trends and interviews with industry partners.

Register on the Asper Career Portal to receive the CDC employer newsletter.

View our latest edition here.

Recruitment guidelines

In line with the Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE)’s Guide to Ethical Recruitment, we request that employers, Asper School of Business students, alumni and other users of our services comply with the following guidelines for all recruitment and employment-related activities on campus.

Third party recruiters

  • Candidates' resumes must not be held in the files of a third party recruiter for later referral to other positions unless authorized by the candidate
  • Organizations advertising third party job posting websites are not permitted

Sales/Commission-Based/Franchise Opportunities

We do not allow recruitment for 100% commission-based positions unless there is a minimum wage.

All postings for sales, commission-based or franchise opportunities must provide the following details (if applicable to the position):

  • Detailed descriptions of the job responsibilities
  • Compensation arrangements (i.e. how income will be calculated). Potential earnings and guaranteed earnings must be clearly distinguished in the posting
  • Lengths of required training and any costs associated with the training
  • Any applicable start-up costs (franchise fee, demo kit costs, travel/accommodation costs, etc.)
  • Any financial obligations or penalties if the students/graduate chooses to leave the position

Unpaid Internships

Internships can be great opportunities for students to gain meaningful experience and receive valuable hands-on training. As a member of CACEE, we share CACEE’s position on unpaid internships and would only promote unpaid internships that meet the following criteria:

  • The training is similar to field-specific or applied training that can be found at a post-secondary institution
  • The training is for the benefit of the intern
  • The organization providing the training derives little, if any, benefit from the activity of the intern while he or she is being trained
  • The intern does not displace employees of the organization providing the training
  • The intern is not accorded a right to become an employee of the organization providing the training
  • It must be clearly stated within the posting that the position is an unpaid internship
  • The skills and/or experience gained must be transferable to other employment settings
  • There are clearly defined and articulated learning outcomes for the intern to realize by the conclusion of the internship
  • Regular supervision is given by a professional pertinent to the internship and feedback is shared with the student on a regular or ongoing basis
  • Internships must be for a defined period of time

On-campus recruitment activities booking

  • On-site recruitment activities must be reserved through the Asper School of Business Career Development Centre at least 3 business days in advance
  • Exhibitors must submit detailed descriptions of the opportunities they’re recruiting for in order to reserve a booking
  • The Career Development Centre reserves the right to screen and to reject bookings that do not meet our recruitment guidelines
  • Exhibitors must comply with all applicable fire, health, safety and building code regulations while on-campus
  • Exhibitors shall occupy and use only the display space assigned by the Asper School of Business Career Development Centre on the dates and times that have been reserved

Tax incentives and wage subsidies

Government of Canada’s Student Work Placement Program (SWPP)

Thinking of hiring a student? Access the Government of Canada's Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) for your next student hire! 

Through the Student Work Placement program, employers can apply for $5,000-$7,000 in wage subsidies to help them hire post-secondary students across Canada.

Check out the SWPP employer delivery partners  

Student eligibility assessment

The student is:

  • A Canadian Citizen, permanent resident or a protected person defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
  • Registered as a full-time student in a post-secondary institution program
  • Not an international student requiring (or on) a work permit
  • Not an immediate family member of the employer

Remember that final decisions lie with the SWPP funding partners. This is to provide employers with a guideline only.

Co-op Students Hiring Incentive (COS-HI)

The Co-op Students Hiring Incentive is designed to provide work experience for students through co-operative education work placements. Employers who hire a student as part of a registered co-operative education program can claim 15% of wages and salaries, up to a maximum of $5,000 per student.

Co-op Graduates Hiring Incentive (COG-HI)

The Co-op Graduates Hiring Incentive (COG-HI) is designed to connect graduates of registered co-operative education programs to full-time employment related to their field of study. Employers who hire a student as part of a registered co-operative education program can claim 15% of wages and salaries, up to a lifetime maximum of $5,000 per student.

Sponsorship opportunities

Sponsoring and/or participating in our upcoming career events is a great way to share your expertise, market your organization to future employees, and connect with the business professionals of tomorrow!

Asper Career Month

During Asper Career Month, the CDC will offer a number of career focused events during the day and evening, including the University of Manitoba Career Fair in January.  Events feature business guests and consulting experts offering advice to students in support of career exploration. If your company has an idea for a career focused event, please contact us at to discuss logistics and sponsorship.

Asper Career Fair

Sponsor the Asper Career Fair in September and grow your connection with the Asper community.

The event is virtual and will provide the same benefits as a physical career fair without compromising talent quality and safety.

Information on sponsorship levels and their benefits is available on the Asper Career Fair page.

Resume & CACEE Blitz

Held in September & January

Meet one on one with business students to share advice and insights on preparing dynamic resumes or CACEE forms that catch a prospective employers’ eye.  Raise awareness of opportunities within your organization while sharing current recruitment practices with students. 


  • Build your on-campus profile
  • Promote your organization as the sponsor of the Resume/CACEE Blitz through various social media channels and the Asper Career Portal
  • Display your company logo on Asper Career Portal with a direct link to your Website for 1 year
  • Display promotional material at event
  • Send 2 representatives to meet with students at the Resume/CACEE Blitz
  • Recognition of sponsorship at refreshment table

Engagement opportunities

Get involved with Asper! We are always looking for business professionals to join us as guests for our many events. It’s a great way to give back while staying connected!

📢 Sponsorship and Engagement Brochure 🔗

MBA/MFin/MSCM speed interviews

Get a sneak peek at the leaders of tomorrow through mock interviews with Asper MBA, MFin, and MSCM students.

Mock interviews are a key piece of our Career Management seminars, and this no-pressure, no-hiring event gives current students interview experience and the chance to learn interview skills from business leaders.

Designed around the idea of speed dating, this concept pairs senior business guests from a variety of industries and sectors with graduate students for a fast paced, one hour long event.  Guests interview graduate students and provide feedback on their interview performance, sharing insight and advice on what they look for when recruiting top talent.  No preparation is required on our part – just bring your experience and insights to share with students!

Asper Career Fair

Hosted by the Asper Career Development Centre, this one-day Career Fair allows you to market your company to the business professionals of tomorrow. 

Speaker and event participation

If you are interested in giving of your time to provide support or share advice with our students, please contact us at 204-474-6596 or at

Mentor a graduate student


The Asper mentor programs connect Asper MBA, MFin, and MSCM students with inspirational leaders in Winnipeg and across Canada.

Learn more:



Co-op employer information

The Asper co-op program is your connection to top talent to support your business needs, year round. Co-op students are bright and highly motivated , and whether you need an eager BComm student, or more experienced graduate student, Asper has someone to fit your business’ unique needs. Participating in the co-op program can help to bring fresh ideas into your workplace, increase your organization’s brand recognition among current students and grads, and more.

Who are Asper Co-op students?

Our Asper students are motivated and eager to learn as evidenced by their commitment to leadership roles in student groups, charitable organizations, case competitions and volunteer activities. Students will contribute their developing skills and knowledge to your business while simultaneously receiving meaningful professional experience relevant to their career goals.

Why the Asper Co-op Program?

The Asper School of Business Co-operative Education Program is one of the University of Manitoba’s largest co-op programs and is CEWIL Canada and AACSB accredited. By joining the Asper Co-op Program, employers will have an opportunity to mentor students’ developing careers and to promote their corporate image by establishing a reputation as an employer of choice.

  • Entrance into the Asper Co-op Program is competitive. Successful applicants have been pre-screened and admitted to the program based on academic excellence, professionalism and communication skills.
  • Students complete mandatory workplace coaching and professional development training.
  • Asper Co-op students are motivated and eager to learn and bring a multitude of skillsets.

Co-op roles are:

  • Full time (minimum 35 hours per week)
  • 4 months in duration, spanning the academic term (winter, summer, fall)
  • Paid (refer to student wage information in "How to hire..." below)
  • Meaningful and challenging work that is relevant to a business major

How and when to hire a BComm Co-op student

The Asper BComm Co-op Program facilitates a rank/match recruitment process.

Important Recruiting Dates


Deadline to post positions: October 17, 2024
Job postings close: October 21, 2024
Interview Shortlists Due: October 24, 2024, by 4PM
Interviewing period: October 31 - November 8, 2024
Rank/match form due: November 12, 2024 (Noon)
Rank/match results announced: November 18, 2024
Second phase begins: November 18, 2024


How and when to hire a Master's Co-op student

Students from each program will be available in the following terms:

  • Winter: MBA
  • Summer: MBA & MSCM
  • Fall: MBA, MSCM, & MFin

Employers can set their own wages, and are encouraged to take the advanced education and work experience of master’s students into account. Master’s student wages are expected to start at $20-25/hour.

How Continuous Placement Works:

Flexible timelines to post positions and conduct interviews
You decide when to post and when your job closes, though we recommend posting at the beginning of the previous semester (i.e. Post January for May start, May for September start, and September for January start)

  • Post positions on the Asper Career Portal
  • Interview candidates as applications are received or wait until the job posting expires, it’s your choice
  • Keep in mind students are actively searching for co-op jobs and may secure one with another organization at anytime

You decide when to interview

  • Conduct interviews virtually, by phone, or in person at your office (we can arrange on campus interview space upon request) 
  • Contact students directly to arrange a suitable meeting time

Make employment offers directly to students

  • No rank/match process or ranking forms
  • Allow students a minimum of 48 hours to respond (accept or decline)
  • Update the co-op office once a student has accepted your offer and provide a copy of the letter of offer for our files

I've hired, now what?

Letter of Offer
Employers are required to provide a letter of offer/employment contract to the co-op student once placements have been finalized and could include hiring details such as:

•    Start and end dates of term (start and end dates are negotiable between employer and student employee, the co-op work term is approximately four months in duration)

                                      WINTER (January-April)
                                     SUMMER (May-August)
                                FALL (September-December)

  • Hours of work (a co-op position must be full-time hours - minimum 35hrs per week or 480 hours)
  • Remuneration (wages are set by the employer, if interested, reference Asper Co-op Wage Information)
  • To whom the student will report and check in instructions for the first day of work
  • Work site address
  • Parking or transportation details
  • Dress code
  • Information on confidentiality agreements or criminal record checks, if applicable

Creating a Successful Work Term
Assign your student a supervisor who is available to meet with and mentor them on a regular basis.

At the start of the work term, discuss expectations for the student's role, performance standards, communication, reporting structure and confidentiality. Provide your student with an orientation to your company's work environment and policies.

Recognize that some students may need extra attention the first few weeks on the job. For some, the co-op work term is their first experience in a professional environment.

Midterm Check-in Meeting with a Co-op Coordinator
Approximately half-way through the term, a Co-op Coordinator will conduct a midterm meeting (virtual). This is a three-way meeting between the student employee, the student’s supervisor and a Co-op Coordinator. The purpose is to ensure the student is meeting/exceeding performance expectations. The student is responsible for scheduling this meeting after determining their supervisor’s availability and communicating this with the co-op office.  

A supervisor should not wait for the midterm meeting if there is an urgent matter to discuss. Co-op Coordinators are available anytime by phone or email. 

Supervision & Evaluation
It is the employer's responsibility to provide ongoing feedback to the student regarding their performance and ability to meet expectations. In addition to the site visit, employers are asked to complete a short online performance evaluation form shortly before the end of the student’s work term. After completing the evaluation, we recommend that supervisors discuss their evaluation with the student, as the feedback provides valuable insight for the student’s ongoing professional development.

Asper Co-op is an Academic Program
Co-operative education (co-op) is an experiential learning opportunity that allows students to integrate academic terms with work terms in business-related positions. Employers, students and the Asper School of Business all contribute to successfully providing the combination of theoretical and hands-on experience co-op students require to excel in their future careers.

The Asper Co-op Program is a tuition-based, academic program in which students receive a grade for the course and are required to submit written assignments marked by a Faculty Advisor.  Within a few weeks of the start of the work term, students will be required to determine their learning objectives and may ask their supervisor if the goals are reasonable and represent the duties of the position.

Employer benefits

  • Multiple start dates

    Students are available year round and can begin work in January, May or September, for a 4-month period (8-month placements can be facilitated - for BComm only).

  • Recruitment strategy

    Employing Co-op students is a cost-effective and low-risk means of recruiting and evaluating potential future hires. Co-op students can provide relief for short-term peaks in workload, or special projects and research.


  • Be an employer of choice

    Your organization will establish an enhanced presence amongst students and will be seen as an employer of choice by all students seeking employment.

  • Tailored skills and expertise

    Hire a capable BComm student for an entry level business role, or consider a master's student (MBA, MFin, MSCM) with a greater depth of academic, technical, and strategic skills.  

Find specialized skills

Employers can hire Asper students at a range of academic and professional levels to suit your specific organizational needs. Co-op students are perfect for organizations looking to expand and develop new talent as well as bring in new perspectives and insights.

  • BComm and MBA students can concentrate in a wide range of specializations, students often choosing two.

    Accounting (BComm)
    Actuarial Mathematics (BComm)
    Entrepreneurship (BComm, MBA)
    Finance (BComm, MBA, MFin)
    Health Administration (MBA)
    Human Resource Management/Industrial Relations (BComm)
    Indigenous Business Studies (BComm)

  • International Business (BComm, MBA)
    Leadership & Organizations (BComm, MBA)
    Supply Chain Management (BComm, MBA, MSCM)
    Sustainability (MBA)
    Management Information Systems (BComm)
    Management of Public Enterprises (MBA)
    Marketing (BComm, MBA)

Bachelor of Commerce (BComm)

  • Undergraduates are eager to learn, are leaders on campus and in the community, and will bring great energy and openness to entry -level business roles
  • BComm candidates are perfect for organizations looking to grow and develop new talent, and position them for advancing career success within your business
  • Will have taken a broad range of academic business coursework

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) students must have a minimum of 2 years' professional work experience upon application to their program, allowing them to hit the ground running with skills and insight gained from previous experience
  • Students bring technical proficiency, leadership skills, and strategic thinking
  • High numbers of international students offer diverse and mature worldviews, complementing your organizational strategy with fresh perspectives

Master of Finance (MFIN)

  • Master of Finance (MFIN) students bring high levels of technical skills, and advanced understanding of Excel
  • Candidates have taken extensive academic finance coursework: the program covers 80% of the CFA Body of Knowledge. Some students may have already completed CFA exam levels
  • Businesses can expect detail-oriented, data driven co-op employees, with strong quantitative and qualitative skills combined with a grounding in behavioural and ethical finance

Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics (MSCM)

  • MSCM students bring innovative and contemporary perspectives on ethics, relationship management, and professionalism
  • Candidates have academic expertise and focused knowledge in supply chain management, from raw material to customer, with a focus on sustainability as a key aspect of the circular economy
  • Students are equipped with negotiation skills

Brochures and documents for employers

Contact us

Asper School of Business Co-operative Education Program
Room 254 Drake Centre
181 Freedman Cres.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V4

Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.