Experience Record
On this page:
For experience participants:
Your Experience Record
For experience administrators:
Validation New Co-Curricular Experience Application Updating Existing Co-Curricular Experience
Your Experience Record
Your Experience Record is a tool that captures your notations for participating in UM-recognized Experiential Learning (EL) and Student Involvement (SI) opportunities from Fall 2020 onwards.
Below is a step-by-step guide on how to access your Experience Record in UMConnect.
Steps in written format
To view your Experience Record:
- From the UMConnect home page, select 'LOGIN'. You will be redirected to a user group selection page.
- Select your user group. For current UM Students, select 'UM Students.' You will be redirected to the UM Single Sign-on page.
- Use your student email and password to log in. Once you successfully log in, you will see your UMConnect Dashboard.
- On the white space to the right underneath "Welcome, (Your Name)," you will find multiple tabs. Select the 'Experience Record' tab.
- You will find notations for various experiences you have completed. You can select 'View' under each tile to reveal more information about the notation.
Steps in written format with pictures
To view your Experience Record:
1. From the UMConnect home page, select 'LOGIN'. You will be redirected to a user group selection page.
2. Select your user group. For current UM Students, select 'UM Students.' You will be redirected to the UM Single Sign-on page.
3. Use your student email and password to log in. Once you successfully log in, you will see your UMConnect Dashboard.
4. On the white space to the right underneath "Welcome, (Your Name)," you will find multiple tabs. Select the 'Experience Record' tab.
5. You will find notations for various experiences you have completed. You can select 'View' under each tile to reveal more information about the notation.
Steps in video format
Coming in the future!
Receiving Notations
A notation will be added to your Experience Record by a validator after you complete the requirements of the role / position. The validator could be an executive member of an association, group, or club, a program administrator/coordinator, or an activity facilitator.
May 18, 2025: Deadline to request validation for experiences that occurred between May 1, 2024 and April 30, 2025 (2024-2025 academic year)
Some notations are missing from my Experience Record
If you are missing a notation for an experience you completed, you can submit a request to add it to your Experience Record through UMConnect. Once submitted, the validator will approve or decline your request accordingly.
May 15, 2025: Deadline to submit requests for experiences between May 1, 2024 - April 30, 2025 (2024-2025 annual cycle).
Requests submitted through UMConnect are only for the current Experience Record Annual cycle. If a notation from an experience you participated in from a previous annual cycle is missing from your record, please reach out to the Experience Record Team.
I want to submit a request for an experience I completed but can't find it in the Experience Catalogue
Reach out to the person coordinating your experience.
We would like to capture as many experiences in the Experience Catalogue as possible. Please feel free to share the information on this website or our contact details with the appropriate contact person.
Other ways to capture recognition from experiences
While you cannot submit a request for a notation for completing an experience that is not in the Experience Catalogue, you can still include your responsibilities and the skills you gained on your resume and CV or discuss them in interviews. Additionally, a verification letter from the person running the experience can serve as an official confirmation of your participation.
I participated in experiences between 2012 to Summer 2020 semester
If you are looking for notations of participation in recognized experiences during this time period, these will appear in your Archive CCR, not your Experience Record.
Validation is the process through which students are given a notation on their Experience Record once they complete their participation in an experience. This is done through UMConnect by a validator.
The role of validator is assigned to faculty members, staff members, students, or external partners who are responsible for validating students. This role is typically given to an executive of an association, group, or club, a program administrator/coordinator, or an activity facilitator, but can also be assigned to a designated individual. More than one validator can be assigned to a particular position.
Six Responsibilities of a Validator
Validators ensure that:
- Recognition is given to all students who have completed the requirements of their role / position.
- Requests from students who did not complete the requirements of their role / position are declined.
- Information published on the Experience Catalogue is up-to-date and accurate.
- Each position within their experience has identified competency areas, in accordance with the UM Competencies Framework.
- Updates and changes in validators are communicated to the Experience Record Team in a timely manner.
- Information regarding validation and validator responsibilities is communicated to new validators of your experience.
June 30, 2025: Deadline to validate experiences between May 1, 2024 and April 30, 2025 (2024-2025 academic year).
UMConnect Guide to Validation
New Co-Curricular Experience Application
For students to receive notations for completing an experience, it must be recognized and published in the Experience Catalogue. This recognition and publishing requires an application process, which is typically completed by an executive of an association, group, or club, a program administrator/coordinator, or an activity facilitator.
Step 1: Prepare information about the experience and positions
Step 1a: Check the Experience Catalogue to confirm that your experience is not yet recognized.
If your experience is already published and you are looking to update it, proceed to the 'Updating Existing Co-Curricular Experiences' section of this webpage.
Step 1b: Identify which positions within the experience you would like to be recognized as Student Involvement or Experiential Learning.
For more information on Student Involvement and Experiential Learning criteria, refer to Supplemental Information - Number 1.
Step 1c: Prepare your responses to each question of the application.
The New Co-Curricular Experience Application Questions document is available to help you prepare your responses.
Your responses will not be saved if you leave or close the application page without submitting it. When filling out the application, please allow ample time to complete the application form in one, uninterrupted attempt.
Step 2: Submit an application
In the Experience Catalogue Co-Curricular Application Form, proceed with the application by clicking ‘Submit a new group, program, or club’.
Upon submission, your application will undergo a pre-review process to ensure that it is complete. If your application is incomplete, the Experience Record Team will contact you on what further information is needed and what you can do to complete your application.
Step 3: Post-application and communication of results
Complete applications are presented to the Experience Record Campus Committee (ERCC) for formal review and approval.
The applicant will be informed of the ERCC's decision through email from ExperienceRecord@umanitoba.ca within 7 business days after the ERCC meeting.
Co-Curricular Experience Application Resources
Online Information Sessions
Online information sessions are available to students hoping to engage with the application process. We currently don't have any information sessions scheduled, but feel free to check back-in in the future!
Meet with a staff member
We have staff members available to meet with students about the application process.
Important Documents
Updating Existing Co-Curricular Experiences
Updates to a currently existing co-curricular experience in the Experience Catalogue include editing its details, updating positions with competency areas, adding new positions, or changing its categorization.
Please refer to the Experience Catalogue to find what information is currently published regarding your experience and positions.
Editing details of positions within an experience
If you want to edit details of an experience or positions within it, you can do so through the Co-Curricular Experience Update Form. Proceed by clicking ‘My group, program, or club is already in UMConnect’ and search for the experience you want to edit.
You must be given the validator role for the position to submit changes to it through the form.
Updating positions with competency areas
With the implementation of the UM Competencies Framework, validators are asked to identify competency areas that students will develop through participation in each position.
You can update your positions through the Co-Curricular Experience Update Form. Proceed by clicking ‘My group, program, or club is already in UMConnect’ and search for the experience containing the position you would like to update.
You must be given the validator role for the position to submit changes to it through the form.
Adding a new position
If you want to add a new position within an experience, you can do so through the Co-Curricular Experience Update Form. Proceed by clicking ‘My group, program, or club is already in UMConnect’ and search for your experience you want to add a position to.
You must be given the validator role for a position within the experience to add a new position.
Changing categories from Student Involvement to Experiential Learning
If you have positions categorized as Student Involvement and would like them to be recognized as Experiential Learning, proceed as if you are applying for a new experience and refer to the section "New Co-Curricular Experience Application."
Post-update application and communitcation
Complete update applications are presented to the Experience Record Campus Committee (ERCC) for formal review and approval.
The applicant will be informed of the ERCC's decision through email from ExperienceRecord@umanitoba.ca within 7 business days after the ERCC meeting.
New and Updated Experiences
Check out the list of newly approved or updated experiences and find new opportunities to get involved in!
May 2024 - April 2025
January 2025
- Experiential Learning - Updates
- Leaf Rapids: Northern Community Engagement
- Student Involvement - Updates
- .devClub
- Bison Sports Awards
- Bison Sports Varsity Athletic
- Centre for Human Rights Research Speakers Bureau
- Faculty of Arts Language Centre Tutor Program
- Faculty of Music Students' Association
- Indigenous Circle of Empowerment
- Language Partners Program
- Manitoba Centre for Nursing and Health Research (MCNHR) Summer Research Internship
- Nursing Association
- Nursing Peer Mentorship Program
- Nutrition Education and Community Outreach (NECO)
- Rec Club Executives
- Student Art Curatorial Selection Committee - School of Art
- UManitoba Undergraduate Leaders in Healthcare (UM-ULH)
- University of Manitoba Actuarial Club
- University of Manitoba Athletic Council (UMAC)
December 2024
- Experiential Learning - Updates
- Asper Mentor Programs for Graduate Students
- Indigenous Career Mentor Program (ICMP)
- Plant Science Graduate Student Association
- Reading to Write Program (RWP)
- Supplemental Instruction
- Student Involvement - Updates
- Active Minds at University of Manitoba
- Buller Greenhouse Volunteers
- CanU Reach
- College of Nursing Skills Peer Mentorship Program
- College of Rehabilitation Sciences Student Association (CoRS-SA)
- Community Health Science Student Council (CHSSC)
- Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry Student/Faculty Advisory Committee (SFAC)
- Faculty of Arts Student Ambassador Program
- GradSteps
- Graduate Student Volunteer Program
- Honouring Our Indigenous Campus Community
- Interior Design Association of Students (IDAS)
- Introductory Tutor Training
- KRM Peer Study Group Program
- Legal Help Centre
- Multidisciplinary Health Research Experience
- Nursing Students' Association (NSA)
- Nursing Students' Association Mentorship Program
- Organization of Physics Undergraduate Students (OPUS)
- Pro Bono Students Canada (Manitoba) Law Student Volunteering
- REC Club Executives
- Society of Earth Science and Environmental Students (SESES)
- St. Paul's College Students' Association
- Student Accessibility Services Volunteer Notetaking Program
- Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Program
- The Faculty of Architecture Student Ambassador Program
- University of Manitoba Community Law Centre (UMCLC) Law Student Volunteering
- University of Manitoba Graduate Students' Association (UMGSA)
- University of Manitoba IEEE Student Branch Chapter
- University of Manitoba Steel Bridge Society
- University of Manitoba Swing Dance Club (UMSwing)
November 2024
- Experiential Learning
- SCCE New Venutre Builder
- HealthyU - Updated
- Student Involvement - Updates
- Biosystems Engineering Graduate Students' Association (BioE Grads)
- Campus Food Strategy Group
- German Students' Association
- Graduate Nursing Students' Association (GNSA)
- Intercultural Leadership Program
- International Centre Orientation
- Neechiwaken Indigenous Peer Mentor Program
- President's Student Leadership Program
- Price Faculty of Engineering - Student Ambassador Program
- Psychology Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE)
- Science Co-op Student Outreach, Leadership, and Peer Mentoring Program
- Senate and Senate Committees
- Students Targeting Aging Research (STAR)
- University of Manitoba Orientation Volunteers
- University of Manitoba Student Ambassadors
- Volunteer Language Exchange Program
- Welcome Mentors
October 2024
- Student Involvement
- Biology Undergraduate Students' Association (BUGS) - New position(s)
- Men in Dialogue (MinD) Program
- Polish Students' Association (PSA)
- UM Students Leading Change (SLC) Conference
- University of Manitoba Food Bank *New position(s)
- University of Manitoba Programming Projects Club (UMPPC)
September 2024
- Experiential Learning
- Bison Spirit Indigenous Leadership Program
- Mahkwa omushki kiim: Pathway to Indigenous Nursing Education (PINE) - Turtle Island and Aotearoa
- Science Rendezvous
- The Body Project
- UM Indigenous Student Community Volunteers
- University of Manitoba Anthropology Students’ Association (UMASA)
- University of Manitoba Indigenous Students' Association
- WSD Science Fair Mentorship Program
- Student Involvement
- Career Management: International Undergraduate Student Workshop
- Graduate Student Research Workshop Series
- Library Research Essentials Workshop Series
- Segue UofM
- SSA Entrepreneurial Skills Workshop Series
- SSA Research Ready Workshop Series
- Student Representative on Faculty of Science Committee on Student Standing
- Student Representative on Faculty of Science Local Discipline Committee
- The Manitoba Law Journal
- UMSU Super Clinic
- University of Manitoba Pre-Medical Club (UMP)
May 2024
- Experiential Learning
- Manitoba Neuroscience Network - Brain Awareness Week
- Winnipeg Brain Bee
- Student Involvement
- BioTalent Canada’s Essential Skills Fundamentals Training Program
- Community Leadership Development Program (CLDP)
- Fossil Preparation Lab
- Girls in Science Event Coordinator
- Graduate Students of Kinesiology And Recreation Management Association (GSKARMA)
- High School Symposium Event Coordinator
- Let's Talk Science Assistant Coordinator
- Let's Talk Science French Assistant Coordinator
- Let's Talk Science Volunteer
- Let's Talk Science: Event Coordinator
- Poverty Awareness & Community Action (PACA)
- Queer and Trans Graduate Student Group (Q&TGS)
- Racial Equity and Inclusion Alliance
- University of Manitoba Pre-Law Society
- University of Manitoba Wetlanders
May 2023 - April 2024
April 2024
- Experiential Learning
- Belize: Maya Wellness
- Student Involvement
- IHPSA (Interdisciplinary Health Program Students' Association)
- St John's College Student Association (SJCSA) Executive
March 2024
- Experiential Learning
- Student Leadership Development Program (SLDP)
- University of Manitoba Pep Band Club
- Work-Study
- Student Involvement
- Board of Governors and Board of Governors Committees
- Faculty of Science Student Ambassadors Program
- UM Orientation Volunteers
- University of Manitoba Black Students' Union
- University of Manitoba WIN Herbarium
February 2024
- Experiential Learning
- Labour Studies Students' Association (LABSSA)
- Student Involvement
- Sustainability in Academics Subcommittee
January 2024
- Student Involvement
- Rainbow Pride Centre
- St. John's Ambulance Division 281
October 2023
- Experiential Learning
- Afro-Caribbean Mentorship Program (ACMP)
- Better Together
- Centre for Human Rights Research: Period Poverty and Equity
- Student Involvement
- Lockhart Planetarium Show Host
- SSA Science Mentorship Program
- Undergraduate Microbiology Club Mentoring Program
- Univeristy of Manitoba Foodbank
Supplemental Information
1. Criteria for Experiential Learning and Student Involvement
For an experience to be recognized as Student Involvement, it must meet the following criteria:
- The experience must not be for academic credit (i.e. not part of a class / a requirement for a course),
- The experience must be affiliated with or under the direction of a University of Manitoba Faculty, Department or administrative unit; UMSU; or GSA.
- The experience and the positions within it must have clear descriptions and offer an opportunity for students to gain and/or develop specific competencies identified from the UM Competencies Framework.
For an experience to be recognized as Experiential Learning, it must meet the six criteria of Experiential Learning at UM.
2. Glossary of Terms
Coming soon.
3. Experience Record Campus Committee
The ERCC consists of the following members:
The following must be present during the review meeting (the designate is a staff member within the CCELC assigned by the designator):
- CCELC Director or their designate
- Student Experience and Development (SEAD) Lead or their designate
- SEAD Coordinator or their designate
- Experiential Learning Partnerships Lead or their designate
Other invited ERCC members:
- A CCELC Student Representative, (could be a Peer Involvement Advisor or a student staff member)
- A Representative from UMSU
- A Representative from UMGSA
4. Experience Record Crest of Approval
The Experience Record Crest of Approval is available to staff and students to be used on promotional pieces. The Experience Record Crest quickly tells students that an experience is recognized and approved and that participation in the activity will be reflected on a student's Experience Record.
Please note that the Experience Record Crest must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Only permitted on promotional material of experiences in the Experience Catalogue.
- The Crest should be no smaller than 1 inch in width.
- The Crest cannot be altered in any way aside from its size as outlined above (includes no overlay on the stamp).
- The Crest should not be rotated further than 75 degrees.
Experience Record Crest of Approval Files
Other logos of approval
Full horizontal logo
Abbreviated horizontal logo
Experience Record checkmark
Contact us
Experience Record Team
65 Chancellor Circle, UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6 Canada