
Learn more about the technologies you will need for courses delivered remotely.

Technology for online learning

Learning Online

If you're considering taking an online course, you already know that it will require some basic technology skills. And while you don't need to be a computer scientist to take a class online (unless maybe it's a class on computer science), it would be good for you to have a really solid understanding of the basic technical skills you'll need to succeed.
After completing this module, you'll have an idea of what your online instructor might need you to know. This includes becoming familiar with:

  • the hardware and software requirements of most online courses
  • the value of a fast Internet connection
  • how to locate and download the free plugins that your course might require 
  • the basics of email
  • how to obtain tech support when you need it

Self-registering for courses in UM Learn

There are many self-registration courses offered by UM. Here's a guide through the process of self-registration.

Before we begin: You will need your credentials to login to UM Learn. Visit the Claim ID page for more information or call the service desk at 204-474-8600.

To self register for a course, follow these steps:

  1. Login to UM Learn
  2. Click the Self Registration link on the My Home page navbar
  3. Search for the course that you wish to register for in the Self Registering Course Offerings list and click the associated link
  4. Click on the Register button
  5. Fill in the Registration Form and click Submit
  6. Confirm that all pertinent information is correct, then click Finish
  7. Click Done
  8. Click Go to course offering to access the course

Self-registering for Learning Online course

Available through UM Learn, the Learning Online course addresses the benefits and challenges of remote learning. Available in English and Mandarin.

To self register for this course, follow these steps:

  1. Login to UM Learn
  2. Click the Self Registration link on the My Home page navbar
  3. Search for "Learning Online" in the Self Registering Course Offerings list and click the associated link
  4. Click on the Register button
  5. Fill in the Registration Form and click Submit
  6. Confirm that all pertinent information is correct, then click Finish
  7. Click Done
  8. Click Go to course offering to access the course


Get tips to help you succeed in the remote learning environment.

Structure your time

While classes are delivered remotely, and you may not be participating in other in-person activities, you will find yourself with a lot of free time. Remember that you are still enrolled in your classes, and you are expected to continue your learning independently. As you structure your time, ask yourself these questions:

  • What are three things that I want to accomplish today?
  • Which are the highest priority?
  • What day and time will I do these things? 
    • Note: You can use this template to fill out the times that you will complete daily tasks, such as cooking/eating, studying, calling friends/family etc.

Prepare to study at home

Because you will be spending a lot of time at home, you may benefit from reconfiguring space where you study and review remote content. If you normally sit in bed or on the couch, consider siting up at your desk or kitchen table. You will also want to ensure that you are set up with the technology you need to participate in remote learning, such as:

  • Please review the Recommended Minimum Technology Requirements for Students (Remote and Online Learning at the U of M)
  • Prepare in advance for remote and online learning by setting up the technology you will need:
    • UM Learn: Log in and make sure you can navigate each course, especially if your instructor has not previously used this platform.
  • Software: Download the most recent version of the software you will need to complete your work, such as Office 365 and Adobe Acrobat.
  • Email: Ensure you can easily log into and access your UManitoba email account
  • High-speed internet: Check that you have a reliable internet connection, and contact your service provider if you have any concerns.

Communicate with your instructor

Your instructor has adapted their course materials for remote learning. But, you may still have questions about assignment guidelines or assessments, technical errors, or gaps in content. This means that there may be a lack of clarity in assignment guidelines or assessments, technical errors, or gaps in content. Contact your instructor if you have any questions about the course. Refrain from relying on your friends or classmates to provide clarification on assignment expectations, because only your instructor can accurately provide this information. However, if you are having difficulty with UM Learn, contact IST, as they can help you to troubleshoot.

  • Note: It is your responsibility to clarify any areas of confusion in your remote course, including assignment and test expectations.

Find alternative means of communicating

A number of tools are available that can help bridge the gap while you are completing group assignments or otherwise communicating with your classmates. Some of these tools include Webex which is free.

  • Note: Your instructor’s directives regarding individual work still apply to a remote environment, unless otherwise noted. Violating your instructor’s expectations by working with others on an individual assignment can lead to an allegation of inappropriate collaboration.

Treat a remote course as seriously as a regular course

Although a remote environment can feel informal as compared to in-person instruction, you are still expected to abide by the University’s academic integrity expectations, outlined in the academic calendar and Student Discipline Bylaw. This means following the course instructions for individual work, assignment deadlines, and tests/exams. For example: 

  • If you are unclear about assignment expectations, contact your instructor. Do not rely on classmates.
  • If an assignment is intended to be individual, do not work with others.
  • For a group assignment, make sure that you have set clear expectations for each group member’s role, your project timeline, and the frequency and manner of communication.
  • If you are feeling physically or mentally unwell, do not submit an assignment that knowingly violates academic integrity expectations. Contact your instructor to discuss your options. 
  • If you are relying on sources in order to complete your assignment (even if it is not a research paper), ensure you paraphrase/quote properly and include citations and references. Visit the Libraries and Academic Learning Centre websites for resources and remote support.
  • Visit the Academic Integrity website for more information on maintaining academic integrity and avoiding academic misconduct.

Take care of your wellbeing

Your wellbeing is important to us. Make sure to rest, eat well, and take the time to disengage from the news. It is also important to stay connected to family and friends, using tools such as WhatsApp, FaceTime, and others. Reach out to the people you trust and share how you are feeling.

Please note that the following resources are available to support you during this time:

Respectful behaviour in online courses

What you need to know.

As members of the UM community, we are all expected to treat each other with respect both in person and within online spaces, including while using UM Learn, social media, chat, messaging and other apps. We know students are already under a lot of stress during this time, and these resources are intended to help you avoid adding any additional and unnecessary stress by inadvertently engaging in behaviours that are considered problematic as well as to identify where to go for help.


Being part of the UM community means you have both rights and responsibilities. You have the right feel safe while on campus and in all online or virtual interactions. There are  policies put in place to help protect your physical and emotional safety. Violence, threats, and bullying are not tolerated. We also have policies to protect against discrimination and harassment based on characteristics listed in the Manitoba Human Rights Code, and other kinds of unfair treatment. If you experience any type of harassment or discrimination, please talk to someone.


With rights, comes responsibilities. You have the responsibility to respect others, and to know the rules and expectations around appropriate conduct, both in person and online. Behaviour that contributes to an unsafe learning and work environment for students, instructors, and staff may be subject to the Non-academic misconduct and/or the Respectful Work and Learning Environment policy and procedures. Anyone in a leadership role at the U of M has the responsibility to ensure that a climate of respect is followed. This means that instructors, Department Heads or Deans have a responsibility to intervene in situations where a student is engaging in conduct that is disrespectful. Students are encouraged to report behaviour they experience or witness to an individual or office they feel safe reporting to.


Respectful communication and conduct applies to all online application and social media platforms. Private chat groups are not exempt. Taking part in remote lectures, and connecting with fellow students and instructors via email or chat groups poses some new considerations to be aware of, ensuring that you are following U of M’s expectations around respectful and appropriate behavior in these online interactions.

Consider the following and think carefully before posting anything online. Ask yourself:

  • Who might see this? If screen captured, it can be shared beyond the intended audience.
  • Could someone feel disrespected by it?
  • Could this be misinterpreted?

While participating in online lectures, video discussions, observe the following:

  • Understand your instructors expectations about behaviour, check the course outline, clarify your understanding
  • Dress appropriately for online classes
  • Mute your audio while not speaking
  • Use your proper name
  • Raise your hand
  • Respect applies to words, text, photos and memes — choose wisely

When emailing instructors:

  • Use proper language. Address your instructors using their preferred title. Include your full name and student number
  • Be Patient. It will take time to receive replies to your emails. Learn what your instructors response time is. This may be in the course outline, or they may tell you this during the first class. For example, some instructors will reply within 24 hours, or 48 hours. Some instructors may not reply over weekends. Do not send multiple messages with the same question in a short period of time. Sending many email messages will not result in a quicker response, and may actually be considered disrespectful to your instructor, or disruptive behaviour under university policies.
  • Be Proactive. If issues come up, let someone know right away so you can seek timely advice. Don’t leave important questions or concerns to the last minute. When people are stressed, in a rush, or feeling emotional, it is not a good time to be drafting an email message. We are more likely to say something without thinking it through, and it may be received in a disrespectful, offensive, or even aggressive way.
  • Remember, intention, emotion, and non-verbal cues are missing from email communication. Unless the person knows you or your personality well, a sarcastic comment or joke may come across as rude, disrespectful or offensive. Avoid using these in your email communications to instructors and staff on campus, and keep your messages clear and professional.

Netiquette - For remote and online learning

  • Be scholarly. Use appropriate language, grammar, and spelling. Provide thoughtful explanations, justify your opinions, and credit the ideas of others by citing or linking to scholarly resources.
    Please avoid misinforming others when an answer is unknown. If you are guessing, clearly state that you don’t have all the information.
  • Be professional. Represent yourself well. Be truthful and accurate. Write in a legible font, limit the use of emoticons, and check your spelling and grammar.
    Please avoid using profanity and participating in hostile interactions.
  • Be respectful. Respect the privacy of others. Respect diversity and opinions that differ from your own. Communicate tactfully and base disagreements on scholarly ideas or research evidence.
    Please avoid sharing another person’s professional or personal information.
  • Be polite. Address others by their name or appropriate title. Be mindful of your written tone. Interact online politely, just as would be expected in a face-to-face situation.
    Please avoid using sarcasm, being rude, and writing in all capital letters (shouting).

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This work was adapted from Arizona State University:

3 R's to Success

In this presentation, we will give you the information and tools that you need to understand the expectations of all members of the University community in an online learning environment.


Discover resources available to assist you in all aspects of your learning.

Make use of campus resources to assist you in your work

Even though you won’t be on campus, we are still here to support you in finishing your term successfully. Student supports are available by phone, email, and/or video conferencing appointments, including: