Wawatay campus life
The Wawatay lifestyle

Even though your focus and goal are graduating with a degree from the Faculty of Science, university life encompasses so much more than academics. The program allows you to stay connected to your community and Indigenous roots, yet we also want you to uncover other interests and find new communities. Although we hope life goes smoothly, we also have you covered if it doesn’t.
On this page
The Wawatay Space
While at the University of Manitoba's Fort Garry campus, finding a quiet study spot that provides a sense of comfort can be challenging. Luckily, the Wawatay study space is there to help. It is a welcoming place where Wawatay Scholars can focus on their studies. It's a welcoming place where Wataway Scholars can focus, meet others, and learn. Along with a place to store food, reheat lunches and make coffee. With the Math, Statistics, and Physics help centre right next door, there is always a helping hand.
Living arrangements
Entering university can be a big change, especially if you have to move, but there is something for everyone when choosing where to stay while you’re attending UM. While on-campus housing can offer the convenience of using the extensive tunnel network to get to class on those early winter mornings, off-campus housing lets you explore living in any one of Winnipeg’s great neighbourhoods while you study.
With four residences located on campus (Arthur V. Mauro Residence, Mary Speechly Hall, Pembina Hall Residence, and University College Residence) and two affiliated colleges (St. Andrews College Residence and St. John’s College Residence), you can choose the one that best suits you and your needs. Food courts, cafes, and dining halls are scattered throughout the buildings on campus making sure you’ll never go hungry and the variety of student-organized activities and clubs available means you’ll never get bored.
If you’re looking for a way to separate your school life from your home life, living off-campus might be for you! With transit routes connecting the campus to all parts of the city, it doesn’t take very long to get around, especially since an unlimited transit U-Pass is included with your tuition.
Cultural connections
University of Manitoba’s Fort Garry campus is enormous. Although it offers many things, sometimes what you’ll need is a touch of home. And you’ll probably need it sooner rather than later. Welcoming students from all nations, the Migizii Agamik Bald Eagle Lodge is a great place to spend time, meet other Indigenous students on campus as well as be a space where you’ll find the many resources and support people of the Indigenous Student Centre.
Leisure activities
In addition to the many Wawatay activities and Indigenous Student Centre events, you’ll find a world of things to occupy your free time. You could use up lots of time just reading about the many ways to get involved. When we said “world of things,” we meant it. Not only are there clubs representing the many countries that send students to UM, but also all kinds of other interests from yoga to virtual reality gaming to toastmasters. This barely touches what’s available, so take a look for yourself.
If you’re into playing sports, check out UM’s Intramural Rec Clubs. Then again, if you’d rather watch than play, you can support the Bisons – both men’s and women’s sports teams including basketball, volleyball, and hockey.
When reality bites
If only life went exactly as planned, then this section wouldn’t be necessary. Everyone encounters rough patches at some point. As a Wawatay scholar, when you face hurdles, the university has enormous resources to help you overcome all kinds of personal and academic issues. The Wawatay Lead can help you find specific support services as needs arise such as tutors, childcare assistance, and counseling.
Our office
Wawatay - Faculty of Science
W230, Duff Roblin, 190 Dysart Rd
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2M8 Canada