Full Time and Part-Time Study
Student status is considered on a term-by-term basis. For most purposes, Full-time students are students registered in at least 9 credit hours a semester (60% of a full course load). Part-time students are students registered in less than 9 credit hours a semester (less than 60% of a full-time course load).
Course loads are determined by your credit load in each term of study, this is coordinated through your program of study. If you are unsure of your program's course load requirements, please contact your faculty. The summer semester is an optional semester for most programs and as such is not typically required. If you are unsure if you need to register for summer courses, please consult your faculty.
For example, if your program normally requires 30 credit hours each year (Regular Session), the normal full load is 15 credit hours each term. 60% of the full load is 9 credit hours each term.
Credit hour requirements sometimes vary by the year in the program. For example, Year 1 & 2 may consist of 30 credit hours, while 33 credit hours are required in Year 3. In these cases, the credit hours used to determine the full-time credit hour load (60%) is normally the lower number of credit hours. In the example above, the full-time requirement would be 60% of 15 cr hrs (30 cr hrs / 2).