Responsibilities of membership

General conditions and responsibilities

Ethical conduct and framework adherence

All members of Ongomiizwin – Research are required to conduct their research in alignment with the highest ethical standards and adhere to the principles and practices outlined in the Framework for Research Engagement with First Nation, Metis and Inuit (PDF)

Facility usage

Members are permitted to utilize the facilities of Ongomiizwin – Research, including shared equipment and meeting rooms, based on availability. Meeting rooms cannot be reserved for non-members or for purposes unrelated to Ongomiizwin – Research activities.

Contribution expectations

University and community-based researchers are expected to actively contribute to the efforts in First Nation, Métis, and Inuit health research. This includes collaborating with other investigators, participating in the training of new researchers, and engaging in program administration. Contribution activities may involve grant and application reviews, as well as other research-related tasks.

Compliance with university policies

Members conducting research in collaboration with Ongomiizwin – Research must ensure compliance with all relevant policies of the University of Manitoba.

Avoidance of discrediting activities

Members are prohibited from undertaking any activities under the sponsorship of Ongomiizwin – Research or within its facilities that could potentially bring discredit upon Ongomiizwin – Research.

Acknowledgment in publications and presentations

It is strongly encouraged for members to acknowledge Ongomiizwin – Research in all publications and presentations resulting from First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit research conducted during their membership.

Participation expectations

University and community-based researchers are expected to make every effort to attend the annual membership meeting in the fall and actively engage in discussions and activities organized by Ongomiizwin – Research.

Student/research assistant supervision

Supervision and eligibility

Supervision requirement: All students and research assistants working in Ongomiizwin – Research facilities must be supervised by an investigator who is also a member. The supervisor assumes responsibility for the student's activities.

Student eligibility: Students must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a Manitoba post-secondary institution. Research assistants may or may not be students themselves.

Financial support

Arranging support: Supervisors are responsible for arranging financial support for eligible students. This includes students from other departments, facilities, or institutions who work under supervision at the facility.

Office space contribution

Expectation: Students and research assistants provided with office space within Ongomiizwin – Research are expected to contribute financially or in kind to offset the cost of their office space.

Annual membership meeting

An annual meeting of membership will be held yearly in the fall. The date will be announced at least one month prior to the meeting. Quorum will be set at two thirds of current membership. The director will request a student representative. Special meetings may be held throughout the year to discuss pertinent issues to the centre. Consultations via email may also be undertaken as appropriate.

Use of Ongomiizwin – Research logo

Members are invited to use the Ongomiizwin – Research logo on academic posters or presentation slides. We ask that any documents/files where the logo is used be submitted to

Please note: It may take up to five days to vet files.

Discontinuation or suspension of membership

Affiliation with Ongomiizwin – Research will be suspended if the member ceases to meet the qualifications of membership, or is, in the finding of a review of memberships, in breach of the conditions of membership. Termination of membership will result in withdrawal of supports of the Ongomiizwin – Research.

Membership criteria

Eligibility criteria:
In general, membership is open to individuals actively involved in and dedicated to partnership-based First Nations, Métis, and Inuit health research.

Indicators of involvement:
Evidence of such involvement or commitment generally includes an established or emerging research focus in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit health. This may encompass biomedical, clinical, health services, or research focused on social, cultural, environmental, and population health. Indicators of involvement also include securing research grants and contracts, publishing new knowledge and insights into First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit health, or collaborating on First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit health research projects.

Membership categories

University- and community-based researchers:
Members may consist of university- or community-based researchers, as well as students or research assistants actively conducting or contributing to First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit health research.

Honorary membership:
Ongomiizwin – Research may offer membership on an honorary basis to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit health.

Contribution opportunities

Mentorship program:
Researchers and honorary members are encouraged to participate in and contribute to the Ongomiizwin – Research Mentorship Program.

How to apply

NOTE: We are launching a new membership application for 2025. 
Please check back.


Contact us

Ongomiizwin – Research 
Indigenous Institute of Health and Healing
715 John Buhler Research Centre
727 McDermot Ave
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5
