A group of hijras, who include transgender and intersex people.

Research strategy

The IGPH research strategy is grounded in identifying priority populations and geographies using a program science framework. Focus areas for programs and research include:

  • Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH)
  • Nutrition
  • Health System Strengthening 
  • Infectious Diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and COVID-19

Focus populations may include key populations at risk of HIV, such as female sex workers, or broader groups such as women and children in order to reduce health disparities and improve health outcomes across a population.

Research questions within programs will consider various types of inequity to determine the priority populations. Research priorities at IGPH are driven by the interest and needs of the communities in which the programs are anchored and are developed in partnership with key stakeholders.

To respond to the learning needs of programs and partners, IGPH maintains a wide range of expertise in quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods and adds expertise through additional collaborations.

Knowledge translation is an inherent part of the Program Science approach which occurs at each stage of the program cycle from strategic planning and priority setting to program implementation, management and monitoring. Our audience for knowledge translation includes global normative bodies such as the WHO and UN groups, funders, frontline program planners and implementers, government and policy makers at the national and sub-national level, communities, civil society organizations and academia. A variety of knowledge translation approaches are used based on the most effective methods for our audience. These include the development and implementation of learning sites and training courses, the development of scientific publications and technical reports, convening scientific meetings and symposia and dissemination events with stakeholders.

Contact us

Institute for Global Public Health (IGPH)
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, Community Health Sciences
R070 Med Rehab Bldg, 771 McDermot Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0T6
