Prioritizing geographies with poor health outcomes: IGPH prioritizes counties and provinces/ districts within the counties where health outcomes are poorest. Our focus countries are India, Pakistan in Asia and Nigeria, and Kenya in Africa
Focusing on populations who tend to be 'left behind': IGPH’s global health work prioritizes subpopulations that are marginalized due to various structural factors like poverty, gender, age, sexuality, criminalization, etc. Some of those subpopulations are rural poor women and their children, adolescent girls and young women, sex workers, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, to name a few
Using an equity lens to identify, address and monitor structural barriers: Our programs recognize the need to address structural barriers and inequalities to achieve desirable health outcomes and design and implement programs using that lens
Person-centric with a life course and continuum of care approach: The IGPH programs place the affected persons at the center of designing and implementing programs emphasizing a life course and continuum of care approach.