Expected duration
Minimum 3 months
What is the PRA MB-SP?
The Practice Ready Assessment Manitoba–Specialty Practice Program (PRA MB-SP) is for internationally trained medical specialists who can work independently without needing additional residency training. You must demonstrate that your skills meet the standards of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) and match those of Canadian-trained specialists.
What happens after the assessment?
Once you successfully complete the assessment, you will start working independently in rural Manitoba.
How does the assessment work?
Coordination and location
The assessment is organized by the University of Manitoba IMG Program and takes place in specialty departments at the University of Manitoba's affiliated hospitals.
Pre-assessment evaluation
Before the main assessment, you will undergo a screening evaluation, which may include an interview, Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), or a written test.
Assessment duration
The length of the assessment varies by specialty but is at least 3 months and usually not more than 6 months.
Reports are created by supervisors, colleagues, nurses, and allied health professionals. These reports are submitted to the Head of the Department, who then sends a final report to the IMG Program. This final report evaluates whether your skills and knowledge are on par with a final-year resident in the specialty. The IMG Program sends the final recommendation to CPSM.
After successful completion
You must fulfill your return-of-service obligations according to your sponsorship agreement and complete a mandatory one-year Mentorship Program through the IMG Program.