Our vision, mission and values

  • Two hands form the trunk of a tree on top of the centre logo with the terms collaboration, excellence, integrity, innovation, reciprocity, respect, transformative, resurgence, truth and wholism in the branches.
  • The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning values

    Collaboration, excellence, integrity, innovation, reciprocity, respect, transformative, resurgence, truth, wholism

    These ten values invite conversations about how we do our shared work, both internally and with the campus community. The values represent our collective commitment to learning from, with, and about each other, a process that involves creativity, tensions, and opportunities.

    The values also represent commitment to individual growth through reflection and practice; put another way, a commitment to honouring mind, body, and spirit. Taken together, the values provide a common language for our work at The Centre, and the ongoing journey towards collective well-being, reconcili-action, and justice in education.

  • The Centre has six key areas of practice:

    • Faculty Development and Consultation
    • Curriculum Development and Renewal
    • Research, Evaluation and Innovation
    • Flexible Learning Course Development and Support
    • UM Learn and Solutions
    • Strategic Projects and Programming
  • Vision: Every teaching experience at the University of Manitoba is optimized for learning.

    Mission: Provide leadership, expertise and support for the teaching and learning mission of the University of Manitoba and to advance and advocate for the practice and scholarship of teaching in higher education.

    Read The Centre 2023 Annual Report

Our commitment to anti-racism
We are resolved to affirm our identity explicitly and publicly as an anti-racist academic support unit. We are resolved that our anti-racism commitment be reflected in the life and culture of the unit through our policies, programs and practices as we continue to learn about racism. We resolve to develop and work to implement strategies that dismantle racism within all aspects of our department, college, university and society.

Our services

We offer a broad range of teaching development supports that will assist instructors, teaching assistant, post-doctoral fellows.

    • Classroom observation
    • Customized workshops
    • Course development consultations
    • Learning technologies help
    • UM SRI course evaluation consultations
    • Creative media services
    • Indigenous pedagogical resources and consultations
    • Equity, diversity and inclusion consultations
    • Academic integrity consultations
    • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) guidance
    • Teaching assistant consultations
    • Teaching and learning research collaboration and consultations
    • Teaching dossier consultation
    • Teaching strategies discussion
    • Help with difficulties you are facing in the classroom

What's new

How to record lectures and meetings

We've created a quick guide to help you record lectures and meetings in Zoom and Webex.

Artificial intelligence 

We have created an AI resource to help you navigate artificial intelligence in teaching.

Our teams

We're here to help

Strategic initiatives and partnerships

The Centre is involved in many institution-wide strategic initiatives related to teaching and learning. These include policy creation, learning technologies, spaces research and development, teaching awards, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning awards, our signature publication TeachingLIFE as well as academic integrity.