Engraved STRR awards lined up on a table

Merit awards

Merit awards are available in these categories:

  • Teaching — up to eight awards
  • Research, scholarly work and other creative activities — up to eight awards
  • Service — up to six awards
  • Any combination of teaching, research, scholarly work and other creative activities, and service — up to eight awards
  • Promoting Indigenous achievement — up to three awards


Teaching awards

The University of Manitoba rewards excellence in teaching through a number of awards and programs.

Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Saunderson Award for Excellence in Teaching

This award recognizes an outstanding University of Manitoba educator who has demonstrated continuing teaching excellence and who made contributions to advancing teaching and learning at both UM and the national or international level.

The award consists of a plaque and a monetary award of $12,500, presented annually at Spring convocation. The recipient also delivers a presentation within UM New Faculty Orientation and/or the Teaching and Learning Certificate program.

Application deadlines:

Executive summary - February 10, 2025
Full Nomination - March 31, 2025

Olive Beatrice Stanton Award for Excellence in Teaching

This award recognizes an outstanding University of Manitoba educator who has demonstrated continuing teaching excellence and who has made contributions to advancing teaching and learning at UM.

The award consists of a plaque and a monetary award of $7,500, presented annually at Spring convocation. The recipient also delivers a presentation within UM New Faculty Orientation and/or the Teaching and Learning Certificate program.

Application deadlines:

Executive summary - February 10, 2025
Full Nomination - March 31, 2025

Students' Teacher Recognition Reception

The Students’ Teacher Recognition Reception (STRR) is an opportunity to celebrate teaching excellence.

Recognizing that academic growth and development occurs over many years, each faculty nominates an outstanding graduating student, who then selects two teachers who have made important contributions to their education – one from Kindergarten to Grade 12 years and one from their years at the University of Manitoba.

Community Engagement Awards

Each year, the University of Manitoba honours both support and academic staff who have been active in community engagement activities.

Annual Community Engagement Award

Each year, the University of Manitoba honours both support and academic staff who have been active in community engagement activities, particularly during the previous year, through presentation of sterling silver pins bearing the outreach logo. An annual reception is held in late fall to recognize the winners.

Nomination process

Suggestions for nominations are to be sent to the appropriate dean or director, or the appropriate Vice-President (Administration, External or Research) for consideration.

Community engagement is defined as activities above and beyond what an individual does as an employee of the university. The committee identifies the general purpose of community engagement as enlarging and enriching the contacts between the university and all segments of the community by such means as:

  • increasing access to the existing programs of the University
  • extending the nature and range of the programs and services it offers
  • sharing more effectively with the community the resources of the University
  • drawing on the talent, experience and resources within the community

Application deadline: February 24, 2025

Campbell Outreach Award

To mark the end of the term of Dr. Ralph Campbell as president of the University of Manitoba, his colleagues and friends established a trust fund to support the Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell Outreach Award for meritorious service in outreach activities. 

The award is given to University of Manitoba faculty who have displayed a strong commitment to outreach and the betterment of their local and extended communities through their academic positions. 


The Campbell Award is normally presented each fall to a staff member of the University of Manitoba. The value of the award will be determined from time to time by the Board of Governors. In each of the past years the award has been $1,000.

Application deadline: March 15, 2024

University Honours

Each year, the University of Manitoba recognizes and celebrates outstanding faculty, staff and community members with special honours and awards, such as:

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