For research publications

Research publications such as preprints, post-prints, working papers, technical reports, conference papers, and other intellectual outputs may be submitted to MSpace. Please ensure the following before submitting your research publication to MSpace:

  • If applicable, that you (the depositor) have agreement from all co-creators of the work to deposit it in MSpace.
  • That you have the information required to complete the MSpace submission form, including the persistent identifier (e.g., DOI, handle, URI) of the published work if available. See Depositing Research Publications Step by Step for the full list of fields included in the submission form.
  • That your submission complies with your publication agreement and publisher policies. This may involve placing an embargo on your submission, depositing a different version of your article, or contacting the publisher or journal for permission. Review your publishing agreement (or copyright transfer agreement) or learn about a publisher's policies in the Sherpa Romeo database,, or the publisher’s/journal’s website in their information for authors. 

For theses and practica

  • The thesis/practicum must be compiled into one electronic document for submission.
  • You must confirm you can use any third-party copyright protected materials in your MSpace submission under permission, a license, or copyright exemption as applicable. See Copyright support for students and review the “Copyright in thesis or practicum” section, particularly the Copyright and Your Thesis/Practicum slides.
  • If your thesis/practicum requires a publication delay (embargo), prior permission from Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) is required. To request permission, complete and submit the embargo request form to FGS before submitting your thesis to MSpace. Additional details are included in the copyright and permissions section below.
  • If you have created supplementary materials that are to accompany your thesis, please review what you can deposit to help determine whether the materials may be included in your thesis in MSpace or in another repository. See also the Content Deposit Guidelines.

Depositing theses or practica step by step

Contact us

Research Services & Digital Strategies
Elizabeth Dafoe Library
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada