Three steps for submitting to MSpace

  1. Log in to MSpace, navigate to My MSpace and upload file(s). See How to upload material to MSpace
  2. Complete the MSpace submission form. See How to complete MSpace submission form.
  3. Click the green “Deposit” button that appears at the bottom of the submission form. At any time during submission you may also use the "Save," "Save for Later," or "Discard" buttons at the bottom of the submission form.

How to upload material to MSpace

  1. Go to the the MSpace home page
  2. Click on “Log in” in the top right-hand corner of the MSpace home page
  3. Enter your UM email domain address and password (email address ending in or
  4. After you have logged in, click on the “User profile menu” icon that looks like a person in the top right-hand corner of the MSpace home page. 
  5. From the dropdown that appears, click on "My MSpace." The initial view you should see in My MSpace is called “Your Submissions”. 
  6. There are three methods you can use to upload your thesis/practicum file to "Your Submissions":

A. Drag and Drop -

  • Drag and drop file(s) one at a time into the dashed-line box.
  • Select the appropriate collection from the drop down menu when prompted.

B. Browse -

  • Click the Browse link inside the dashed box to open your computer's file manager and select and open relevant files.
  • Select the appropriate collection from the drop down menu when prompted.

C. Plus symbol  -

  • Click the plus sign either in the left side menu (click Item) or at the top of the page and then proceed to select the relevant collection.
  • The new submission page with input form will appear. Proceed to use either A or B method to upload material.

PLEASE DO NOT USE the option to initiate a pre-populated/live import submission.

How to complete the MSpace submission form

Each section in the form is indicated by a section name in a light grey bar. For ease of completion, sections can be expanded or contracted by clicking the arrow symbol “Λ” on the right-hand side of each light grey bar.

There are symbols in the section header beside the “Λ” arrow to indicate required fields and actions in the form. A green circle with a checkmark indicates no required fields in that section, an orange circle with exclamation mark indicates required fields, and a red circle with exclamation mark indicates a required condition that must be completed.

Section 1 - General Information



  • Enter Last Name and First Name in text boxes and click Search to access the MSpace/ORCID registry
  • Select your name from the list. If there are two entries, one will be MSpace and one for ORCID; select MSpace with an ORCID ID if possible
  • If your name is not found, click out of the menu list and leave your name as entered
  • To edit a name, click in the text box (the Edit option beside each name is not available)


  1. Enter in order of author list (i.e., First author is to be entered first etc.).
  2. For each additional name click +Add more
  3. Author names can be reordered by clicking on the "6 dot domino" that appears when cursor moves to the left side of the Last name box and moving the name combination above or below the others listed
  4. Author names can be removed by clicking on the 'trash can' icon to the right side of First name box

University of Manitoba affiliation


Select the primary unit affiliation within the University of Manitoba:

  • Only one affiliation can be selected
  • The affiliation will direct the MSpace admin to map the deposit to its respective community/collection
  • If multiple unit affiliations are a possibility, select the affiliation of the first Manitoba author in the author list


  1. Select the unit affiliation that of the individual(s) from University of Manitoba.



  • Identify the main title of the work: if the title and/or body of the work is in a language other than English, enter the non-English title here


  1. Enter the title of work in the text box in sentence format respecting capitalization of proper nouns corresponding to the given language

Other or alternative title


  • If the title is in another language other than English, provide the English equivalent title here


  1. Enter the title of work in the text box in sentence format respecting capitalization of proper nouns corresponding to the language rules of the title.



  • Consider applying existing abstract if available or otherwise compose a concise summary that would aid in discovery; there is a maximum of 300 words


  1. Enter the abstract or descriptive paragraph for the work

Subject Keywords


Consider including keywords and other descriptive words or phrases:


  1. Enter the word or phrase
  2. To enter additional words or phrases, click +Add more

Resource Type


For improved discovery select the type that best describes the work

  • Only one type can be selected.
  • Types are listed in alphabetical order.
  • Subtypes (e.g., Journal – Article, Journal – Editorial) are grouped together.
  • See the What you can deposit page for a table of content types with their definitions for more information.


  1. Select the type from the drop-down list that describes the work being deposited.



Select the language that describes the primary language of the work.

  • Only one language descriptor can be selected
  • If bilingual/multi-lingual, select Multiple Languages.
  • If the language is not listed, select ‘Other’.
  • If text is not included (i.e., the work is an image or musical notation), select ‘Other'


  1. Select the type from the drop-down list that describes the work being deposited.

Section 2 - Publication Information

Date of publication or distribution


  • Unpublished Works: use the creation date or last date of modification before deposit
  • Previously Published Works: this is the date of when the original publication was issued
  • Year (YYYY) is required; Month and Day if available


  1. Enter the year, month and day into the respective text boxes; use the arrow keys to change the numbers

Persistent identifiers


This applies if the work deposited has been previously published or otherwise assigned an identifier (i.e., deposited elsewhere)

  • Add all relevant identifiers: DOI, ISBN, ISMN, ISSN, PURL, URI, Other
  • Enter the DOI without the prefix (e.g. 10.1002/j.1538…)
  • ‘Other’ would include identifiers not available in the list
  • Some of these identifiers are resource specific (e.g. ISSN, ISMN)


  1. Select the respective identifier label from menu and then enter the identifier in the text box beside
  2. To add additional identifiers, click +Add more

Citation information (for previously published works)


This is for previously published works only; do not complete if not applicable

  • Elements are the components of a citation.
  • If the work was produced as part of a conference, add conference information as applicable.
  • This information assists validation of deposit rights. If this information is not provided and yet the item indicates that it has been previously published, the deposit will be rejected, and the depositor will be asked to provide this information.


  • Publisher:  Enter the name of the publisher
  • Citation Title: Name of larger work e.g. Journal Name, Book Title
  • Citation Volume: Journal description, if applicable/available
  • Citation Issue: Journal description, if applicable/available
  • Citation Edition: Journal description, if applicable/available
  • Citation Start Page: Self-explanatory; if electronic, add what is available (e.g., e14)
  • Citation End Page: If applicable.
  • Citation Conference Place: if physical, add City, Country here; if virtual, provide URL
  • Citation Conference Date:  Enter date in YYYY-MM-DD format. For date range, start and end dates separated by a hyphen (e.g., 2011-10-16 – 2011-10-20)

Section 3 - Funding/Award Information

Primary funder name


Completing this field is strongly encouraged for improved discovery to the Tri-Agencies


  1. Enter the primary funder full name

Primary funder identifier


Completing this field is strongly encouraged for improved discovery to the Tri-Agencies

  • The funder name entered in the previous field has a corresponding identifier: enter the identifier here.
  • Find the name and corresponding identifier using the Crossref Funder Search or download the .csv file for the full list.
  • Example: Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s identifier is


  1. Enter the primary funder DOI.



Add this information that corresponds to the information provided by the respective primary funder name and identifier.


  1. Title: Enter the award full name.
  2. Number: Enter the unique grant or award number.
  3. URL: Enter the link address of the grant/award landing page

Additional funding and/or sponsors


Add all additional funding information

  • For each award enter in the following order (per line):
    • Funder/sponsor name (in full); grant name; grant ID


  1. Enter information in large text boxes according to the order indicated in the guidance for this field.

Section 4 - Upload files

See also "How to Upload Material to MSpace" section above

  • If material has been uploaded prior to completing the form, here you can:
    • Verify that all file(s) have been successfully uploaded. If not, proceed to drag and drop one file at a time anywhere on the page. 
    • Edit the file(s) by clicking the middle icon, the "page with pencil" image - see below
    • Remove and upload another file. To upload, proceed to drag and drop one file at a time anywhere on the page. 

Edit the file, including adding an embargo


  • Title: recommend replacing the file name with generic name e.g. 'Thesis' or 'Main Article'
  • Description: if an embargo is being added, describe here the reason and/or conditions of access e.g. "A 12 month embargo has been applied to meet the publisher conditions of deposit." Note that this information assists validation of deposit rights as this description displays with the other file information.
  • Access condition type: openaccess is the default access that will be applied to all MSpace deposits unless another condition has been appropriately applied according to MSpace policy. Other conditions include embargo. See also Rights/Permissions and MSpace.
  • Grant Access from: this only applies if embargo has been selected and only the 'from' or release date is applicable. Click the calendar to select the relevant date. A release date would be considered the first date where it can be accessible after a period of embargo (e.g., 12 months + one day).


  • Title: Enter the desired name of the file
  • Description: Enter in any descriptive information about the file, including rationale for conditions/limits on access
  • Access condition type: Select the type from the drop down menu. If 'embargo' is selected, proceed to complete the Grant access from field as per the respective Guidance section above
  • Click Save

Section 5 - Deposit license


  • Read the statement that includes the link to the Agreement; click to read the Agreement to ensure you are informed to all conditions and understandings


  • Once you have read the Agreement, click "I confirm the license above"

Contact us

Research Services & Digital Strategies
Elizabeth Dafoe Library
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada