Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

RFHS Faculty Executive Council

Upcoming meetings

  • 2024:

    Special meeting of the RFHS Faculty Executive Committee

    Meeting dates may be subject to change.

  • 2025:

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the Rady Faculty resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. Ex. For a meeting held in January the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.




May 17, 2022 meeting was cancelled, hence no minutes.


Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the Rady Faculty resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).


Reference documents

The documents listed below are available in alternate formats upon request to the Rady Faculty resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).



University of ManitobaDr. Michael BenarrochPresident and Vice-Chancellor
University of ManitobaDr. Diane Hiebert-MurphyVice-President (Academic) and Provost
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesDr. Peter NickersonDean & Vice-Provost
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesDr. Hope AndersonVice-Dean, Graduate Studies
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesDr. Marcia AndersonVice-Dean, Indigenous Health
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesJanice LintonHead, Health Sciences Libraries
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesDr. Jacquie RipatVice-Dean, Academic Affairs
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesLanette SiragusaVice-Dean, Education
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesDr. Jude UzonnaVice-Dean, Research
School of Dental HygieneProfessor Mary BertoneDirector
College of NursingDr. Netha DyckDean
College of PharmacyDr. Lavern VercaigneActing Dean
College of Rehabilitation SciencesDr. Reg UrbanowskiDean
Dr. Gerald Niznick College of DentistryDr. Anastasia CholakisDean

Faculty Reps

College of NursingStephanie Nunes
College of NursingVladan Protudjer
College of NursingBarbara Rose-Lovett
College of NursingLinda Townsend
College of PharmacyJamie Falk
College of PharmacySheila Ng
College of PharmacyLavern Vercaigne
College of Rehabilitation SciencesMark Garrett
College of Rehabilitation SciencesLeanne Leclair
College of Rehabilitation SciencesDenise Mackey
Dr. Gerald Niznick College of DentistryLorraine Glassford
Dr. Gerald Niznick College of DentistryIgor Pesun
Dr. Gerald Niznick College of DentistryTrenna Reeve
Dr. Gerald Niznick College of DentistryBob Schroth
Dr. Gerald Niznick College of DentistryChrysi Stavropoulou
Max Rady College of MedicineVersha Banerji
Max Rady College of MedicineChris Christodoulou
Max Rady College of MedicineJayesh Daya
Max Rady College of MedicineJean-Eric Ghia
Max Rady College of MedicineGeoff Hicks
Max Rady College of MedicineRebecca Mueller
Max Rady College of MedicineCaroline Piotrowski
Max Rady College of MedicineAfshin Raouf
Max Rady College of MedicineMojgan Rastegar
Max Rady College of MedicineAbdelilah Soussi-Gounni

Student representatives

College of NursingJudah Chepil
College of PharmacyTBD
College of Rehabilitation SciencesTBD
Dr. Gerald Niznick College of DentistryMadison Chambers
Max Rady College of MedicineEmmit Hameed

Staff representatives (ex-officio)

Rady Faculty of Health SciencesSophia AnastasiadisDirector of Planning and Priorities
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesRaman DhaliwalDirector of Administration
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesNathan DueckDirector of Finance
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesJackie GruberDirector of Professionalism
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesLani JonesHR Consultant
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesAnna Solumdson-BirchLegal Counsel
Rady Faculty of Health SciencesValerie WilliamsDirector of Equity, Access and Participation

Support staff representatives

Max Rady College of MedicineAnu Bajwa
Dr. Gerald Niznick College of DentistryKristjana Oliver

RFHS Faculty Council

Upcoming meetings

  • 2024:

    Meeting dates may be subject to change.

  • 2025:

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the Rady Faculty resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. For example, for a meeting held in January, the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.


The November 23, 2021 meeting was cancelled and rescheduled to March 30, 2022 (hence no minutes are available).


RFHS Faculty Council bylaw

Passed by Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty CouncilSeptember 16, 2014
Passed by University of Manitoba SenateNovember 5, 2014
Revision passed by Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty CouncilJune 14, 2016
Revision passed by University of Manitoba SenateNovember 2, 2016
Revision passed by Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty CouncilNovember 21, 2023

This Bylaw is supplementary to the University of Manitoba Faculty and School Council General Bylaw.

I. Principles

  1. The Faculty Council is the academic council of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, created by the Senate under the authority granted to it under The University of Manitoba Act (Manitoba). It derives its authority to act and recommend on matters of an academic character, from the University of Manitoba Faculty and School Council General Bylaw. Its authority derives from, and is subject to, the general charge of the Senate on all matters of an academic character.
  2. The Faculty Council will clearly delegate certain functions and powers to its Executive Council, its Standing Committees and the College Councils, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, that a matter ought to be handled by the least centralized authority capable of addressing that matter effectively; it is expected that the Colleges have the expertise respecting their professional programs, and therefore these decisions are best made at the College level, as long as these decisions do not conflict with institutional norms, standards or priorities.
  3. It is the role of all members of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences to act honestly, fairly and in the best interests for the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and the University of Manitoba. Members should deal with matters in such a way that the interests of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences take precedence over the interests of any of its constituent parts, should those interests conflict or appear to conflict.
  4. Unless otherwise specified, reference to “Faculty” or “Rady Faculty of Health Sciences” includes the Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Rehabilitation Sciences (the “Colleges”) and includes the School of Dental Hygiene (the “School”), and reference to “academic staff” includes all academic members holding academic rank (excluding sessionals and nil-appointments) in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.
  5. Graduate programs, although housed within the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, are administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The powers to act and recommend respecting these programs therefore rests with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, according to its Bylaws and policies.

II. Faculty Council

A. Membership

The Faculty Council of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (the “Faculty”) shall be composed of:

  1. The President
  2. The Vice-President designated by the President
  3. The Dean of the Faculty
  4. The Vice Deans of the Faculty
  5. The Deans of the Colleges
  6. The Director(s) of the School(s)
  7. A librarian, appointed by the University Librarian
  8. All academic staff of the Faculty including Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Instructors I and II and Senior Instructors (and excluding sessionals and nil-appointments) holding academic rank in the Faculty
  9. 30 full-time support staff of the Faculty (including staff of its Colleges), with a term of office of three years, as follows:
    • five (5) Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry support staff appointed or elected by its support staff
    • five (5) Max Rady College of Medicine support staff appointed or elected by its support staff
    • five (5) College of Nursing support staff appointed or elected by its support staff
    • five (5) College of Pharmacy support staff appointed or elected by its support staff
    • five (5) College of Rehabilitation Sciences support staff appointed or elected by its support staff
    • five (5) Rady Faculty of Health Sciences support staff appointed or elected by its support staff
  10. 30 students registered in the Faculty or its Colleges, with a term of office of one academic year, who are appointed:
    • five (5) Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry students appointed or elected by its student body
    • five (5) Max Rady College of Medicine students appointed or elected by its student body
    • five (5) College of Nursing students appointed or elected by its student body
    • five (5) College of Pharmacy students appointed or elected by its student body
    • five (5) College of Rehabilitation Sciences students appointed or elected by its student body
    • five (5) Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Interdisciplinary Health Program students appointed or elected by its student body

B. Meetings

  1. The Dean of the Faculty shall be the presiding officer and chair at all meetings of the Faculty Council, subject to the right of the President to take the chair at such meetings. In the Dean‘s absence, a Dean of a College shall be the presiding officer, as designated by the Dean of the Faculty.
  2. The Faculty Council shall meet at least once yearly.
  3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the Faculty or at the written request of any 50 members of the Faculty Council.
  4. At least one month’s written notice (i.e., dispatch by email to all members) of any regular Faculty Council meeting shall be given and at least 48 hours’ notice for any special Faculty Council meeting.
  5. Faculty Council meetings shall be open, subject to the Faculty Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting. In the case of an instance where an urgent matter requires resolution by Faculty Council, or it is deemed expedient not to convene Faculty Council in person, the Chair may determine that any item or items be considered by teleconference (or other similar electronic means that enables all participants in the meeting to hear the deliberations of the meeting at the same time).
  6. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be 60 members.

C. Powers to Act

The Faculty Council, subject to the plenary powers of the Board of Governors and the general charge of all matters of an academic character vested in the Senate, shall have power:

  1. To provide for the regulation and conduct of its meetings and proceedings.
  2. To periodically review the Faculty Council Bylaw (that includes any terms of reference for any Faculty Executive Council) and recommend amendments to the Senate for approval.
  3. To periodically review, in concert with the College Council(s), College Council Bylaw(s) and, following review by the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures, approving College Council Bylaw(s).
  4. To establish standing and ad hoc committees of the Faculty Council and approve their membership and terms of reference.
  5. To elect and remove members of the Faculty Council to Senate from each of the Colleges in a proportion specified in the Bylaw, and in accordance with the Act, and the rules and procedures authorized by the Senate.
  6. To hear and determine undergraduate disciplinary appeals (via a local disciplinary committee) of students registered in the Faculty, Colleges and School, in accordance with the Student Discipline Bylaw.
  7. To consider and administer all rules and regulations respecting students who are registered in undergraduate programs of the Faculty (i.e., not within a specific College).
  8. To determine the functions and powers, according to the Faculty and School Council General Bylaw, that may be delegated to subordinate bodies, including but not limited to an Executive Council, its Standing Committees or a College Council.
  9. To determine other matters within its jurisdiction that have not been specifically delegated to subordinate bodies.

D. Powers to Recommend

The Faculty Council shall have the power to make such recommendations as it deems advisable to the appropriate persons or bodies and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, has the following powers to recommend:

  1. To recommend to the Board on the conferring of the title Professor Emeritus/Emerita and Dean Emeritus/Emerita.
  2. To recommend to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in colleges, schools, departments, divisions, chairs, lectureships in the Faculty.
  3. To recommend to the Dean of the Faculty athletic, social or other extra-curricular activities of students.
  4. To recommend to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in exhibitions, bursaries, scholarships, or prizes, to be awarded to students, applicable across the Faculty (i.e., not within a specific College).
  5. To provide advice to the Dean of the Faculty on the acquisition and use of facilities and on the requirements for lecture rooms and other facilities.
  6. To provide advice to the Dean of the Faculty respecting the academic implications of strategic directions for the Faculty.
  7. To recommend to the Senate on new, or significant changes to, undergraduate programs offered by the Colleges or the Faculty.
  8. To recommend to the Senate on all matters relating to undergraduate programs (i.e., not within a specific College) and their students including without limitation admission, curriculum and program requirements, instruction, academic standing of students, examinations, candidates for degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency, and dates of classes.
  9. To recommend to Senate on all matters relating to inter-professional education offered by the Faculty (including curriculum and program requirements offered that affect more than one College).

III. Faculty Executive Council

A. Membership

There shall be an executive council of the Faculty Council (the “Faculty Executive Council”) and it shall be composed of:

  1. The President
  2. The Vice-President designated by the President
  3. The Dean of the Faculty
  4. The Vice Deans of the Faculty
  5. The Deans of the Colleges
  6. The Librarian appointed to Faculty Council
  7. Twenty-five (25) members elected by and from the members of the Faculty Council who hold academic rank within the Faculty, ensuring that the Faculty Council elects at least three (3) representatives who are members of each College in the Faculty, i.e., that the members’ primary appointment is in the College. One College may not hold greater than twelve (12) members of the twenty-five (25) members. The term of office for each elected academic member shall be three years.
  8. Six (6) students elected by and from the student members of the Faculty Council, with one student member from each College and one student member from the Interdisciplinary Health Program, with a term of office of one academic year
  9. Two (2) support staff members, elected by and from the support staff members of the Faculty Council, with a term of office of three years

B. Meetings

  1. Notwithstanding the President’s right to preside over the Faculty Council, the Dean of the Faculty or designate shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the Faculty Executive Council. In the Dean’s absence, a Dean of a College shall be the presiding officer, as designated by the Dean of the Faculty.
  2. The Faculty Executive Council shall meet at least three (3) times per year.
  3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the Faculty or at the written request of any seven (7) members of the Faculty Executive Council.
  4. At least one month’s written notice (i.e., dispatch by email to all members) of any regular Faculty Executive Council meeting shall be given and at least 48 hours’ notice for any special Faculty Executive Council meeting.
  5. Faculty Executive Council meetings shall be open, subject to the Faculty Executive Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting.
  6. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be a majority of the members.
  7. In a case of an instance where an urgent matter requires resolution by Faculty Executive Council, a meeting of the Faculty Executive Council by email is appropriate under certain circumstances. The use of e-meetings shall be reserved for those issues needing a decision before an in-person meeting of the Faculty Executive Council is scheduled. Each e-meeting agenda shall consist of a single issue. Members shall then indicate their vote in writing to the recording secretary of the Faculty Executive Council within three (3) business days. The results of the vote shall be communicated by the recording secretary as soon as possible after all the votes are received.
  8. Where it is deemed expedient not to convene Faculty Executive Council in person, the Chair may determine that any item or items be considered by teleconference (or other similar electronic means that enables all participants in the meeting to hear the deliberations of the meeting at the same time).

C. Powers to Act and Recommend

The Faculty Council hereby delegates to the Faculty Executive Council all powers to act and recommend granted to the Faculty Council set out in the Faculty and School Council General Bylaw and this Bylaw, except:

  1. The Faculty Council shall retain the power to elect members to and remove members from Senate.
  2. The Faculty Council shall retain the power to elect members to its Faculty Executive Council.
  3. The Faculty Council shall retain the power to recommend for approval its Bylaws and any amendments thereto.

The Faculty Council cannot overrule the decisions of its Faculty Executive Council, made on the Faculty Council’s behalf.

The decisions of the Faculty Executive Council shall be reported to the Faculty Council, at its next meeting, through the Chair.

IV. Standing Committees

  1. There shall be standing committees as required by the Senate or as deemed necessary by the Faculty Council.
  2. The Terms of Reference and membership of each Standing Committee shall be approved by the Faculty Council.

V. College Councils

The Faculty Council shall delegate the specific functions and powers to the College Councils and confer on them the power and authority to act with respect to such matters as set out in approved College Council Bylaw(s), and that are within the jurisdiction of the College Council.

VI. Election of Faculty Council Members to Senate

The Senate Bylaw on the Election of Academic and Support Staff to Senate, and the following provisions shall govern the election of Senate representatives by the Faculty Council.

A. Principle of Proportional Representation

Senate representatives for the Faculty shall be elected by members of the Faculty Council from among the candidates duly nominated for such an election. The process of election of Senate representatives shall ensure that the Faculty Council elects at least two (2) Senate representatives who are members of each College in the Faculty, i.e., that the member’s primary appointment is in the College.

B. Eligibility for Nomination

The following shall be eligible for nomination for election to Senate by the Faculty Council:

  • All Full-time members of the academic staff of the Faculty who are members of the Faculty Council, except those designated ex officio members of Senate under Section 26 of The University of Manitoba Act.
  • All Full-time support staff who are members of the Faculty Council.

C. Nomination Process

By March 15 each year, the Committee on Nominations (or some other such Committee) shall submit to the Chair of the Faculty Council a slate of nominees for positions on Senate that are up for election. The Committee shall ensure that the slate of nominees, along with those with continuing terms on Senate

Faculty Council Bylaw

C. Nomination Process

By March 15 each year, the Committee on Nominations (or some other such Committee) shall submit to the Chair of the Faculty Council a slate of nominees for positions on Senate that are up for election. The Committee shall ensure that the slate of nominees, along with those with continuing terms on Senate, ensure at least two (2) members from each College in the Faculty’s Senate representation.

The Chair of the Faculty Council shall then forward to the members of the Faculty Council:

  • A call for nominations
  • The slate proposed by the Committee on Nominations (or other such Committee)
  • The list (or a link to the list) of those eligible for nomination

Members of the Faculty Council shall have ten (10) days from the call for nominations to make further nominations.

If, at the close of nominations, no more nominations are received than the number of vacancies to be filled on Senate, the candidates nominated shall be declared elected by acclamation and the results reported to members of Faculty Council and the University Secretary. If there are more nominations received than Senate representatives to be elected, a vote shall take place.

D. Eligibility to Vote

All members of the academic and support staff (including ex officio members of Senate but excluding sessional and part-time support staff appointments) who are members of the Faculty Council shall be eligible to vote in elections for representatives to Senate by the Faculty Council.

E. Election Process

A notice of election, including a listing of all the candidates and information on how to vote shall be distributed to all those eligible to vote upon the close of nominations.

The election may be conducted by paper ballot, or any appropriate electronic means that ensures that the ballot is secret.

Those eligible to vote will have ten (10) days from the notice of election to vote. The specific deadline for the receipt of votes shall be included in the notice of election. Votes received after the deadline shall not be counted.

Those eligible to vote may vote for any number of candidates up to the number of vacancies on Senate that are to be filled by election.

Following the close of voting, those individuals so appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Council shall count the votes.

The determination of candidates being elected to Senate shall be as follows:

  1. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes who are members of Colleges requiring at least two (2) Senate representatives will be declared elected.
  2. Following the determination of those elected in 1 above, all remaining Senate seats to be filled shall be by the remaining candidates who received the highest number of votes.

In the event of a tie, the tie shall be broken by the drawing of lots.

F. Filling of Vacancies

The filling of vacancies in Senate representatives, either due to resignation or ineligibility or due to a Senate representative going on leave, shall occur in a manner similar to that outlined above. Any such process shall ensure that the Faculty’s Senate representation at all times includes at least two (2) members from each College of the Faculty.

G. Removal of Senate Representative(s)

Removal of a Faculty Senate representative(s) may be held at any meeting of the Faculty Council provided that:

  1. At least seven days’ notice in writing of the motion to remove the Senate representative(s), including the reasons for the proposed action, is given;
  2. The person concerning whom the motion is made is given the right to be heard at the meeting held to consider the motion; and
  3. The motion for removal succeeds by at least a two-thirds majority of those members present.

VII. Standing Rules

The Faculty Council may enact or amend standing rules and procedures for conduct of the affairs of the Faculty Council by a majority vote of those members present and voting at a duly called and constituted meeting, provided that five days’ notice of the proposed standing rule or amendment has been given to all members prior to the meeting at which such enactment or amendment is to be made.

VIII. Rules of Order

Except where otherwise provided, the “Rules and Procedures governing meetings of the Senate of the University of Manitoba” shall govern the conduct of the Faculty Council and Faculty Executive Council meetings.

IX. Enactment and Amendments

A. Enactment

The date of enactment for this Bylaw shall be the date on which it receives approval of the Senate.

B. Amendments

Any amendments to this Bylaw shall require the approval of the Senate, edited by the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures.

C. Approval by Faculty Council

Before submission to Senate, such Bylaws or amendments shall be approved by two-thirds of the members present and voting at a duly called and constituted meeting of the Faculty Council. At least one month’s notice in writing of any amendment shall be given to the members.

X. Review

This Bylaw shall be reviewed every five (5) years.

Reference documents

The document listed below is available in alternate formats upon request to the Rady Faculty resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).

RFHS Standing Committees 

Local discipline committee (LDC)

Lavern Vercaigne
Committee chair

Susan Petras
Phone: 204-789-3484

LDC Terms of Reference (TOR)

1. AUTHORITY/Jurisdiction:
Established by Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Council as a standing committee of Council, this committee is the Local Discipline Committee (LDC) of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences which shall review and determine student appeals of disciplinary action(s) in accordance to the Student Discipline By-law (and related governance documentation).


2.1 Appeal Hearings: To hear and determine disciplinary matters appealed to it in accordance with the University of Manitoba Student Discipline By-law (and related governance documentation); i.e., by a student enrolled in one of the Colleges of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (or in the School of Dental Hygiene or Interdisciplinary Health Program), if the decision being appealed has been confirmed or imposed by the Dean of the RFHS (or
designate), the Dean of one of the Colleges, or the Directors of the School of Dental Hygiene or the Interdisciplinary Health Program; and the student is not accepting of the result.

2.2 Education and Recommendations: To educate its members on student disciplinary appeal matters, and to periodically review and make recommendations on governing documents relating to student discipline matters.

2.3 Annual Report: To prepare and submit an Annual Report to the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Executive Council for presentation at its Annual Faculty Council meeting and for forwarding to the University of Manitoba University Secretary for the Senate annual report on discipline matters


3.1 Composition and Terms of Office:

3.1.1. Faculty: One full-time faculty member (core) and one first and one second ‘alternate’ full-time faculty member from each College, the School of Dental Hygiene and from the Interdisciplinary Health Program to serve a three-year term. Faculty members can be reappointed for a subsequent term(s).

The ‘alternate’ members are expected to attend Committee meetings organized for orientation and education purposes. In the order of first and second alternate, the ‘alternate’ faculty members would be responsible for attending appeal hearings when the core committee member is unavailable or has conflict with the appeal being heard. Names of two alternate members are required to ensure there are sufficient faculty members to draw on to establish a LDC when required.

The faculty member and ‘alternate’ members from each College/School/Program shall be either 1) appointed by the College Dean, or 2) elected by the College faculty members; the decision as to which process to use will be determined by individual Colleges. Colleges are to forward the names of these membership appointments to the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Nominating/Governance Committee upon the request of that Committee.

3.1.2 Students: A Senior Stick (or designate) and/or equivalent student organization position (or designate) respective to the programs’ student leadership and two alternate student members from each College, from the School of Dental Hygiene and from the Interdisciplinary Health Program. Student members and alternates shall serve a one-year term. The ‘alternate’ student member is responsible for attending meetings when the core student member is unavailable or conflict with the appeal being heard. The ‘alternate’ is expected to attend Committee meetings organized for orientation and education purposes.

Student organizations within each of the Colleges/School/Program shall determine the process by which the designate (if required) and ‘alternate’ will be selected.

Student organizations are to forward the names of these membership
appointments to the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Nominating/Governance Committee upon the request of that Committee.

3.2 Chair: The Chair shall be a Faculty member elected by and from among the Committee membership and shall only vote in the case of a tie. The Chair, once elected, shall remain in the Chair position for the remainder of his/her term.

A Vice-chair shall also be elected to serve in the place of the Chair in the circumstance where the Chair is unable to attend a meeting, or is in conflict with the appeal being heard.

3.3 Diversity: The Rady Faculty of Health Sciences strives to achieve diverse membership on its committees that is reflective of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences’ Faculty and student membership in general, and this should therefore be considered when appointing Committee members.

3.4 Conflicts of Interest: Any Committee member who had direct involvement in the matter under appeal shall be excluded from the Committee membership for the particular case under appeal so as to avoid conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived.

3.5 Resources: The Committee may call upon various resources as required in order to meet its goals and objectives, including, without limitation, consultation with University legal counsel.


4.1 Number of Meetings: The Committee shall meet at least once per year and on an ad hoc basis to discuss governance and education matters and to hear appeals. Meetings shall be at the call of the Chair.

4.2. Quorum: A quorum shall be half the members (6), ensuring at least two (2) student and two (2) faculty members are present, in addition to the Chair.

5. Process/Procedures for Appeal Hearings

5.1 Students appealing to this Committee, shall do so in accordance with the procedures relating to appeals to Local Discipline Committees as detailed in the Student Discipline Bylaw (procedures document).

5.2 Students appealing to this Committee will have ten (10) working days, from the date of the last finding of the matter, to do so. Appeals should be directed to the Chair of the Local Discipline Committee, c/o the Dean’s Office, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.

5.3 Membership of a Hearing panel will be structured as follows:

  • One LDC faculty and student representative from appellant’s home College (2 people).
  • Six LDC faculty or student representatives from the remaining six Program/School/Colleges, ensuring 3 faculty and 3 students (6 people). Upon the submission of an appeal, it will be randomly determined whether the remaining Program/School/Colleges will provide either a faculty or student panel member to make up these six positions.
  • This structure would result in a panel of eight LCD members, plus the chair (1 person)
  • Thus a total of nine (9) panel members.


6.1. Date Approved: Faculty of Health Sciences Executive Council - June 11, 2015

6.2. Review: Formal review of these terms will be conducted every ten (10) years. In the interim these terms may be revised or rescinded if: the Faculty Council deems necessary, or the relevant Bylaw, Regulation(s), or Policy is revised or rescinded.

6.3 Date Revised:
RFHS Nominating/Governance Committee – September 29, 2016
RFHS Nominating/Governance Committee – May 29, 2018

6.4 Date Approved:
RFHS Executive Council October 27, 2016
RFHS Faculty Council January 24, 2017
RFHS Faculty Executive Council June 19, 2018

7. Effect on Previous Statements:

7.1. These terms shall supersede the following:
(a) all previous Rady Faculty of Health Sciences/Faculty of Health Sciences terms and resolutions on the subject matter contained herein;

(b) all previous Faculty/School/College terms and resolutions stemming from Faculty/School/College Council Bylaws on the matter contained herein for Faculties/Colleges/Schools which now are encompassed within the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (as per Senate April 2013/revised August 2013; i.e. former Faculty of Medicine; Faculty of Dentistry; Faculty of Pharmacy; Faculty of Nursing; School of Medical Rehabilitation and School of Dental Hygiene).

8. Cross Reference to:
University of Manitoba Student Discipline By-law and Procedures documents.

Nominating Governance Committee

Cara Brown
Committee chair

Brenda Loewen
Phone: 204-510-3120

Nominating Governance Committee TOR

Established by Faculty of Health Sciences Council as a standing committee of Council, this committee will make recommendations for approval by Faculty Executive Council or Faculty Council.


2.1 On an annual basis this committee will ensure that faculty members and students are made aware of upcoming opportunities for Faculty Council committee involvement, and for seeing to it that vacancies, including leave vacancies, on all Health Sciences Faculty Council committees are filled.

2.2 On an annual basis this committee will ensure that faculty members and students are made aware of upcoming opportunities for involvement on Senate and that all Rady Faculty of Health Sciences senate seats are filled.

2.3 To oversee the development and formal establishment of College Council By-laws and Faculty Council Standing Committees including membership and terms of reference.

2.4 To periodically review the governance documents of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and recommend to the Faculty Council any amendments for approval.

2.5 To report annually to Faculty Council regarding the actions and business of the Committee.


3.1 Composition:

3.1.1 Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (ex-officio)

3.1.2 One faculty member from each of the Colleges of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences. Faculty members shall hold a probationary, continuing, tenured or full-time term position and shall be elected by and from among their respective College faculty members.

3.1.3 One student member to be selected by and from among the student body of the programs within the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

3.1.4 Other resource personnel (non-voting) as required on an ad hoc basis, at the discretion of the Chair.

3.2 Chair: the Chair of the Committee shall be selected by and from the membership of the committee. The chair shall only be permitted a vote to break a tie.

3.3 Term of Office: A faculty member’s terms of office shall be for three years and is renewable. Student members shall hold office for a one-year term.


4.1 To be held annually or at the call of the Chair.

4.2 A simple majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for any meeting.

4.3 It is expected that recommendations and resolutions will be made by consensus however, they may be passed by agreement of a simple majority of the members of the Committee present at quorum.


5.1. Date Approved: Faculty Executive Council: June 11, 2015

5.2 Date Revised: November 15, 2016

5.3 Date Approved: Faculty Council: January 24, 2017

Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry

Dental College Executive Council

Upcoming meetings

  • 2024

    Meeting dates may be subject to change.

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the college resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. Ex. For a meeting held in January the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.


September 11, 2023 meeting was cancelled (hence no minutes available).


Committee members

For a list of current committee members please email dawn.silva@umanitoba.ca

Dental College Council

Upcoming meetings

  • 2024

    Meeting dates may be subject to change.

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the college resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. Ex. For a meeting held in January the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.


September 25, 2023 meeting was cancelled, hence no minutes.


January 31, 2022 meeting was cancelled, hence no minutes.

Committee members

For a list of current committee members please email dawn.silva@umanitoba.ca.



Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry Council bylaw

Approved by the College of Dentistry Council: August 26, 2014

Approved by the Faculty of Health Sciences Executive Council: June 11, 2015

This Bylaw is supplementary to the Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw.

I. Principles
A. The College Council is the academic council of the College of Dentistry, created by the Senate under the authority granted to it under The University of Manitoba Act (Manitoba). It derives its authority to act and recommend on matters of an academic character, from the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw. Its authority derives from, and is subject to, the general charge of the Senate on all matters of an academic character.

B. The College Council may elect to delegate certain functions and powers to its Executive Council, Standing Committees, or School Councils in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity; that a matter ought to be handled by the least centralized authority capable of addressing that matter effectively, as long as those decisions do not conflict with institutional
norms, standards or priorities.

C. It is the role of all members of the College to act honestly, fairly and in the best interests for the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and the University of Manitoba. Members should deal with matters in such a way that the interests of the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry take precedence over the interests of any of its constituent parts, should those interests conflict or appear to conflict.

D. Graduate programs, although housed within the College, are administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The powers to act and recommend respecting these programs therefore rests with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, according to its Bylaws and policies.

II. College Council

A. Membership
The College Council of the College of Dentistry (the “College”) shall be composed of:

  1. The President

  2. The Vice-President designated by the President

  3. The Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences (the “Faculty”) or designate

  4. The Dean of the College

  5. The Business Manager of the College

  6. The Director of the Centre for Community Oral Health

  7. The Librarian for the College

  8. All academic staff of the College including Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Instructors I and II and Senior Instructors (excluding part-time, sessional, and nil-appointments) holding academic rank in the College (includes the School of Dental Hygiene)

  9. Two full-time support staff of the College

  10. Four undergraduate dental students, two dental hygiene students, and two graduate students of the College

    (a) Student Representatives shall be excluded from meetings of the College Council and committees while matters concerning individual students are being considered.

    (b) Student representatives shall be excluded from meetings of the College Council and committees while matters concerning the content of exams, examination results, awards, bursaries and scholarships, or matters arising therefrom are being discussed.

  11. Four part-time Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, and/or Lecturers holding academic rank in each clinical department within the College of Dentistry (Restorative Dentistry, Diagnostic and Surgical Sciences, and Preventive Dental Sciences) as well as the School of Dental Hygiene (one from each area) who have more than three (3) consecutive years of service and currently hold an appointment, elected by, and from among themselves, with a term of office of three years

  12. Registrar of the Manitoba Dental Association

  13. Registrar of the College of Dental Hygienists of Manitoba

  14. One member of the Manitoba Dental Association

  15. One member of the Manitoba Dental Hygienists Association

  16. One representative of the University of Manitoba College of Dentistry Alumni Association

  17. One representative of the School of Dental Hygiene Alumni Association

B. Selection of Members and Terms of Office

  1. Full-time support staff of the College shall elect two representatives to the College Council, with a term of office of three years

  2. Selection of the Dental undergraduate student representatives shall be made annually by the Manitoba Dental Student Association, with a term of office of one academic year

  3. Selection of the School of Dental Hygiene student representatives shall be made annually by the Manitoba Dental Hygiene Student Association, with a term of office of one academic year

  4. The graduate student representatives shall be elected by and from current graduate students in the College of Dentistry, at an annual meeting convened by the Dean or his/her designate, with a term of office of one academic year

  5. The Manitoba Dental Association shall appoint its representative, annually

  6. The Manitoba Dental Hygienists Association shall appoint its representative, annually

  7. The University of Manitoba College of Dentistry Alumni Association shall appoint its representative, annually

  8. The University of Manitoba School of Dental Hygiene Alumni Association shall appoint its representative, annually

C. Meetings

  1. The Dean of the College or designate shall be the presiding officer and chair at all meetings of the College Council, subject to the right of the President or the Dean of the Faculty, to take the chair at such meetings

  2. The College Council shall meet at least four times yearly

  3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the College or at the written request of any five members of the College Council

  4. At least one month’s written notice (including official email) of any regular College Council meeting shall be given and at least 48-hours’ notice for any special College Council meeting

  5. College Council meetings shall be open, subject to the College Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting

  6. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be 20 members, not including the President, Vice-president, and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, or counting any vacancies on the Council, except during the months of July and August when the quorum shall be 16 members

D. Powers to Act
The Faculty of Health Sciences Council delegates to the College Council its powers to act, subject to the plenary powers of the Board of Governors and the general charge of all matters of an academic character vested in the Senate. To that end, the College Council shall have power:

  1. To provide for the regulation and conduct of its meetings and proceedings

  2. To establish standing and ad hoc committees of the College Council and approve their membership and terms of reference
  3. To approve department council bylaws and amendments thereto, following guidelines approved by the Senate

  4. To approve School Council bylaws for The School of Dental Hygiene and amendments thereto

  5. To make and administer regulations with respect to the attendance, conduct and progress of students who are registered in programs of the College

  6. To administer the rules and regulations of the Senate and the Board as they affect the students registered in programs of the College

  7. To prepare and publish College academic timetables of programs offered by the College

  8. To consider and determine academic appeals by students registered in programs of the College, from a decision of a member of the academic staff, or committee, of the College

  9. To consider and determine the suitability of a student for his/her profession, in accordance with any professional suitability by-law, recommended by the College and approved by the Senate

  10. To determine the functions and powers that may be delegated to subordinate bodies, including but not limited to an Executive Council, its Standing Committees or department and School councils

  11. To periodically review College Standing Committee terms of reference and following review, approving the terms of reference and/or amendments

  12. To determine other matters within its jurisdiction that have not been specifically delegated to subordinate bodies

E. Powers to Recommend
The College Council shall have the power to make such recommendations as it deems advisable to the appropriate persons or bodies and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, has the following powers to recommend:

  1. To propose to the Faculty of Health Sciences Council, the establishment of College Council Bylaws, and to propose amendments to them
  2. To periodically review and recommend amendments to the College Council Bylaws for approval by Faculty Council

  3. To recommend to the Faculty on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in schools, departments, or divisions in the College

  4. To recommend to the Faculty on new or significant changes to, undergraduate programs within the College

  5. To recommend directly to the Senate the candidates for degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency to be granted by the University pertaining to undergraduate courses of study in the College

  6. To recommend directly to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in chairs or lectureships in the College

  7. To recommend directly to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in exhibitions, bursaries, scholarships, or prizes to be awarded to students registered in College

  8. To recommend directly to the Senate on the conditions of admission for undergraduates to programs of the College and the standing to be allowed to students entering the College

  9. To recommend directly to the Senate on the regulations, methods and limits of instruction in the College

  10. To recommend directly to the Senate on the academic standing of all students in programs in the College

  11. To recommend directly to the Senate on the rules and conduct of examinations and the results of examinations for students in the College

  12. To recommend directly to the Senate on curriculum and program requirements and changes for existing programs offered by the College that do not impact other Colleges

  13. To recommend directly to the Senate on the dates from the beginning and end of classes in programs offered by the College

  14. To recommend to the Dean of the College athletic, social or other extra-curricular activities for students

  15. To provide advice to the Dean of the College on the acquisition and use of facilities and on the requirements for lecture rooms and other facilities

  16. To provide advice to the Dean of the College respecting academic implications of strategic directions for the College including, but not limited to matters concerning the promotion of health education, research, or care

  17. To recommend to the Faculty the conferring of the title Professor Emeritus/Emerita and Dean Emeritus/Emerita

  18. To recommend to the Faculty concerning the acceptability of library services to the College

III. College Executive Council

A. Membership
There shall be an executive council of the College Council (the “College Executive Council”) and it shall be composed of:

  1. The President

  2. The Vice-President designated by the President

  3. The Dean of the Faculty or designate

  4. The Dean of the College

  5. Associate Deans of the College

  6. Business Manager of the College (non-voting)

  7. The Director of the School of Dental Hygiene or designate

  8. Department Heads of the College or designates

  9. Three members elected by and from the members of the College Council who hold full-time academic appointments within the College. The term of office for each elected academic member shall be three years or until the individual ceases to be a member of College Council. Members shall be eligible for re-election

  10. One of the members of College Council elected to Senate by the Faculty Council, selected annually by, and from among, themselves

  11. Three student members with a term of office of one academic year. Student members are comprised of the Senior Stick for Dentistry, The Vice Stick for Dentistry, and the Senior Stick for Dental Hygiene

B. Meetings

  1. Notwithstanding the President’s right to preside over the College Council, the Dean of the College or designate shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the College Executive Council

  2. The College Executive Council shall meet at least four times per year

  3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the College or designate, as well as by written request (including official email) of any three members of the College Executive Council

  4. At least one month written notice (including official email) of any regular College Executive Council meeting shall be given and at least 48-hour notice for any special Executive Council meeting

  5. College Executive Council meetings shall be open, subject to the Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting

  6. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be 50% plus one, of the filled positions on Council Executive Committee. The President, Vice-president, and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, shall not be counted in determining quorum

  7. A meeting of the College Executive Council by email is appropriate under certain circumstances. The use of e-meetings shall be reserved for those issues needing a decision before an in-person meeting of the College Executive Council is scheduled. Each e-meeting agenda shall consist of a single issue. Members shall then indicate their vote in writing to the secretary of the College Executive Council within three (3) business days. The results of the vote shall be communicated by the secretary as soon as possible after all the votes are received.

Speaker: A member of Council Executive other than the Chair shall be selected by Council Executive for each meeting of the College Council. The Speaker is responsible for presenting the position and/or recommendation of Council Executive to the College Council.

C. Powers to Recommend
The College Council hereby delegates to the Council Executive Committee the power to recommend College Council agenda, and review items prior to submission to College Council. The College Council shall retain the power to approve or disapprove (by simple majority vote) all recommendations brought forward by the Executive.

IV. Standing Committees
A. There shall be standing committees as required by the Senate or as deemed necessary by the College Council.

B. The Terms of Reference and membership of each Standing Committee shall be approved by the College Council.

C. The selection of student members for committees of College Council (except for Council Executive) shall be made by joint consultation with the Manitoba Dental Student Association, Manitoba Dental Hygiene Student Association, and current Graduate Students within the College. Unless the Student Associations decline to place members on a committee, the number of student members on any committee of College Council
except the Executive Committee, the Committee for Selection in Dentistry, the Scholarship in Dentistry Committee, and the Committees on Student Promotions, shall be decided by College Council at the time of establishment of the committee but shall be no less than 10% of the total membership of the committee.

V. School Councils
The College Council shall delegate the specific functions and powers to the School Council and confer on them the power and authority to act with respect to such matters as set out in approved School Council Bylaws and that are within the jurisdiction of the School Council.

VI. Standing Rules
The College Council may enact or amend standing rules and procedures for conduct of the affairs of the College Council by a simple majority vote of those members present and voting at a duly called and constituted meeting, provided that five-days’ notice of the proposed standing rule or amendment has been given to all members prior to the meeting at which such enactment or amendment is to be made.

VII. Rules of Order
Except where otherwise provided, the “Rules and Procedures governing meetings of the Senate of the University of Manitoba” shall govern the conduct of the College Council and College Executive Council meetings.

VIII. Enactment and Amendments
A. The date of enactment for these Bylaws shall be the date on which they receive approval of the Senate.

B. Any amendments to these Bylaws shall require the approval of the Faculty of Health Sciences Council and the Senate, edited by the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures.

C. Before submission to Senate, such Bylaws or amendments shall be recommended for approval by two-thirds of the members present and voting at a duly called and constituted College Council meeting. At least one-month’s notice in writing of any amendment shall be given to the members.

Max Rady College of Medicine

Max Rady College of Medicine Executive Council

Upcoming meetings

  • 2024:

    Meeting dates may be subject to change.

  • 2025:

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the college resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. Ex. For a meeting held in January the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.




Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the college resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).


Committee members

For a list of current committee members please email brenda.loewen@umanitoba.ca.

Max Rady College of Medicine Council

Upcoming meetings

  • 2024:

    Meeting dates may be subject to change.

  • 2025:

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the college resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. Ex. For a meeting held in January the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.



November 16, 2021 meeting was cancelled and rescheduled to March 8, 2022,(hence no minutes available).

Committee members

For a list of current committee members please email brenda.loewen@umanitoba.ca.

Max Rady College of Medicine Council bylaw

Approved by the Max Rady College of Medicine Council: October 24, 2018

Approved by the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Council: November 27, 2018

This Bylaw is supplementary to the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw.

I. Principles
A. The College Council is the academic council of the Max Rady College of Medicine, created by the Senate under the authority granted to it under The University of Manitoba Act (Manitoba). It derives its authority to act and recommend on matters of an academic character, from the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw. Its authority derives from, and is subject to, the general charge of the Senate on all matters of an academic character.

B. The College Council may elect to delegate certain functions and powers to its Executive Council, and its Standing Committees in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, that a matter ought to be handled by the least centralized authority capable of addressing that matter effectively, as long as
those decisions do not conflict with institutional norms, standards, priorities

C. It is the role of all members of the College to act honestly, fairly and in the best interests for the Max Rady College of Medicine, the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and the University of Manitoba. Members should deal with matters in such a way that the interests of the College take precedence
over the interests of any of its constituent parts, should those interests conflict or appear to conflict.

D. Graduate programs, although housed within a College, are administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The powers to act respecting these programs therefore rests with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, according to its Bylaws and policies, however, the College may make recommendations to
the Faculty of Graduate Studies respecting Graduate programs within the College, in accordance with this Bylaw

II. College Council

A. Membership
The College Council of the Max Rady College of Medicine (the “College”) shall be composed of:

  1. The President

  2. The Vice-President designated by the President

  3. The Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (the “Faculty”) or designate

  4. The Dean of the College

  5. The Head Librarian for the Neil John Maclean Library

  6. All program directors of designated academic programs (e.g. the Director, Master of Physician Assistant Studies program)

  7. All academic staff of the College including Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Instructors I and II and Senior Instructors (and excluding sessionals and nil-appointments) holding academic rank in the College

  8. 9 full-time support staff of the College, elected by the staff of the College, with a term of office of three years

  9. 33 students who are members of programs in the College; ten students shall be undergraduate medical students, one of whom shall be the President of the Manitoba Medical Students’ Association; three shall be students of the Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS); ten students shall be postgraduate medical students, one of whom shall be the President of the Professional Association of Residents and Interns of Manitoba (PARIM); ten graduate students enrolled in a graduate program offered through the Max Rady College of Medicine. Student representatives shall be elected in a manner established by the appropriate student organizations.

    (a) Student Representatives shall be excluded from meetings of the College Council and committees while matters concerning individual students are being considered.

    b) Student representatives shall be excluded from meetings of the College Council and committees while matters concerning the content of exams, examination results, awards, bursaries and scholarships, or matters arising therefrom are being discussed.

  10. The Registrar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, or designate.

  11. One representative from Doctors Manitoba.

  12. One representative from Shared Health.

B. Selection of Members and Terms of Office

  1. The Undergraduate Medical Students’ Association shall elect 9 student representatives annually, from among its members.

  2. The Physician Assistants’ Student Association shall elect 3 student representatives annually from among its members.

  3. The Professional Association of Residents and Interns of Manitoba (PARIM) shall elect 9 student representatives annually, from among its members.

  4. Students enrolled within Graduate programs offered through the College shall annually elect 10 representatives by and from among themselves.

  5. The College support staff shall elect 9 representatives from among themselves, each for a three-year term.

C. Meetings

  1. The Dean of the College or designate shall be the presiding officer and chair at all meetings of the College Council, subject to the right of the President or the Dean of the Faculty, to take the chair at such meetings.

  2. The College Council shall meet at least once a year.

  3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the College or at the written request of any 35 members of the College Council.

  4. At least one month’s written notice of any regular College Council meeting shall be given and at least 48 hours’ notice for any special College Council meeting.

  5. College Council meetings shall be open, subject to the College Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting.

  6. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be 51 members, not including the President, Vice-President, and Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, or counting any vacancies on the Council.

D. Powers to Act
The Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Council delegates to the College Council its powers to act, subject to the plenary powers of the Board of Governors and the general charge of all matters of an academic character vested in the Senate. To that end, the College Council shall have power:

  1. To provide for the regulation and conduct of its meetings and proceedings.

  2. To establish standing and ad hoc committees of the College Council and approve their membership and terms of reference.

  3. To approve department council bylaws and amendments thereto, following guidelines approved by the Senate.

  4. To make and administer regulations with respect to the attendance, conduct and progress of students who are registered in programs in the College.

  5. To administer the rules and regulations of the Senate and the Board as they affect the students registered in programs in the College.

  6. To prepare and publish College academic timetables of programs offered by the College.

  7. To consider and determine academic appeals by students registered in programs in the College, from a decision of a member of the academic staff of the College.

  8. To consider and determine the suitability of a student for his/her profession, in accordance with any professional suitability bylaw, recommended by the College and approved by the Senate.

  9. To determine the functions and powers that may be delegated to subordinate bodies, including but not limited to an Executive Council, its Standing Committees or department councils.

  10. To periodically review College Standing Committee terms of reference, and following review, approving the terms of reference and/or amendments.

  11. To determine other matters within its jurisdiction that have not been specifically delegated to subordinate bodies.

E. Powers to Recommend
The College Council shall have the power to make such recommendations as it deems advisable to the appropriate persons or bodies and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, has the following powers to recommend:

  1. To propose to the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Council the establishment of College Council Bylaw(s), and to propose amendments to them.

  2. To periodically review and recommend amendments to the Faculty for approval, College Council Bylaws(s).

  3. To recommend to the Faculty on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in schools, departments, or divisions in the College.

  4. To recommend directly to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in chairs or lectureships in the College.

  5. To recommend to the Faculty on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in chairs or lectureships in the Faculty.

  6. To recommend to the Dean of the College athletic, social or other extra-curricular activities of students.

  7. To recommend directly to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in exhibitions, bursaries, scholarships, or prizes to be awarded to students registered in College.

  8. To recommend directly to the Senate on the conditions of admission for undergraduates to programs of the College and the standing to be allowed to students entering the College.

  9. To recommend directly to the Senate on the regulations, methods and limits of instruction in the College.

  10. To recommend directly to the Senate on the academic standing of all students in programs in the College.

  11. To recommend directly to the Senate on the rules and conduct of examinations and the results of examinations for students in the College.

  12. To recommend directly to the Senate the candidates for degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency to be granted by the University pertaining to courses of study in the College.

  13. To recommend directly to the Senate, or to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for graduate programs, on curriculum and program requirements and changes for existing programs offered by the College that do not impact other Colleges.

  14. To recommend directly to the Senate on the dates from the beginning and end of classes in programs offered by the College.

  15. To recommend to the Faculty Council on new, or significant changes to, undergraduate programs within the College.

  16. To provide advice to the Dean of the College on the acquisition and use of facilities and on the requirements for lecture rooms and other facilities.

  17. To provide advice to the Dean of the College respecting academic implications of strategic directions for the College.

III. College Executive Council
A. Membership
There shall be an executive council of the College Council (the “College Executive Council”) and shall be composed of:

  1. The President.

  2. The Vice-President designated by the President.

  3. The Dean of the Faculty or designate.

  4. The Dean of the College.

  5. Associate and Assistant Deans of the College.

  6. The Head of each academic department of the College.

  7. All program directors of designated academic programs (e.g. the Director, Master of Physician Assistant Studies program).

  8. The Vice-President and Chief Medical Officer, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.

  9. The Head Librarian for the Neil John Maclean Library.

  10. One member of each academic department with academic rank elected by the respective Department Councils.

  11. Six additional academic members elected by and from the College Council as members at large.

  12. The Chair of the:
    a) Curriculum Executive Committee;
    b) Student Progress Committee.

  13. Members of the Max Rady College of Medicine who have been elected to the Senate by the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Council.

  14. Seven students of the College elected by and from the students who are members of the Council: two of these shall be undergraduate medical students, including the President of the Manitoba Medical Students’ Association; one shall be a student of the Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) program; two of these shall be postgraduate medical students, including the President of Professional Association of Residents and Interns of Manitoba (PARIM); and two shall be graduate students.

  15. Three members of the College support staff, elected by and from the support staff members of College Council.

  16. The Chief Medical Officers or their designates of the Health Sciences Centre and St. Boniface General Hospital and such other teaching hospitals as may be designated by the College Council upon the recommendation of the College Executive Council.

  17. One member appointed by the Medical Staff council of the Health Sciences Centre and one member appointed by the Medical Advisory Committee of St. Boniface General Hospital.

  18. One representative from the Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba.

  19. One representative from Doctors Manitoba.

  20. One representative from Shared Health.

B. Meetings

  1. 1. Notwithstanding the President’s right to preside over the College Council, the Dean of the College or designate shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the College Executive Council.

  2. The College Executive Council shall meet at least four times per year.

  3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the College or at the written request of any 10 members of the College Executive Council.

  4. At least five days’ written notice of any regular College Executive Council meeting shall be given and at least 48 hours’ notice for any special College Executive Council meeting.

  5. College Executive Council meetings shall be open, subject to the Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting.

  6. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be 18 members, not including the President, Vice-President, and Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, or counting any vacancies on the Council.

  7. A meeting of the College Executive Council by email is appropriate under certain circumstances. The use of e-meetings shall be reserved for those issues needing a decision before an in-person meeting of the College Executive Council is scheduled. Each e-meeting agenda shall consist of a single issue. Members shall then indicate their vote in writing to the secretary of the College Executive Council within three (3) business days. The results of the vote shall be communicated by the secretary as soon as possible after all the votes are received.

C. Powers to Act and Recommend
The College Council hereby delegates to the College Executive Council all powers to act and recommend granted to the College Council set out in the College and School Council General Bylaw, the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw, and this Bylaw, except:

  1. The College Council shall retain the power to elect members to its College Executive Council.
    The College Council shall retain the power to recommend for approval its Bylaws and any amendments thereto.

The College Council cannot over rule the decisions of its College Executive Council, made on the College Council’s behalf. The decisions of the College Executive Council shall be reported to the College Council, at its next meeting, through the Chair.

IV. Standing Committees
A. There shall be standing committees as required by the Senate or as deemed necessary by the College Council.

B. The Terms of Reference and membership of each Standing Committee shall be approved by the College Council.

V. Standing Rules
The College Council may enact or amend standing rules and procedures for conduct of the affairs of the College Council by a majority vote of those members present and voting at a duly called and constituted meeting,
provided that five days’ notice of the proposed standing rule or amendment has been given to all members prior to the meeting at which such enactment or amendment is to be made.

VI. Rules of Order
Except where otherwise provided, the “Rules and Procedures governing meetings of the Senate of the University of Manitoba” shall govern the conduct of the College Council and College Executive Council meetings.

VII. Enactment and Amendments
A. The date of enactment for these Bylaws shall be the date on which they receive approval of the Senate.

B. Any amendments to these Bylaws shall require the approval of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Council, edited by the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures.

C. Before submission to Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Council, such Bylaws or amendments shall be recommended for approval by two-thirds of the members present and voting at a duly called and constituted College Council meeting. At least one month’s notice in writing of any amendment shall be given to the members.

College of Nursing

Nursing College Executive Council

Upcoming meetings

  • 2024

    Meeting dates may be subject to change.

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. Ex. For a meeting held in January the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.

Committee members

For a list of current committee members please email don.rodil@umanitoba.ca.

Nursing College Council

Upcoming meetings

  • 2024

    Meeting dates may be subject to change.

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the college resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. Ex. For a meeting held in January the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.


Committee members

For a list of current committee members please email don.rodil@umanitoba.ca.

College of Nursing Council bylaw

This Bylaw is supplementary to the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw.

Approved by Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty Council – November 24, 2020.

I. Principles

A. The College Council is the academic council of the College of Nursing, created by the Senate under the authority granted to it under The University of Manitoba Act (Manitoba). It derives its authority to act and recommend on matters of an academic character, from the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw.  Its authority derives from, and is subject to, the general charge of the Senate on all matters of an academic character.

B. The College Council may elect to delegate certain functions and powers to its Executive Council, and its Standing Committees, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, that a matter ought to be handled by the least centralized authority capable of addressing that matter effectively, as long as those decisions do not conflict with institutional norms, standards or priorities.

C. It is the role of all members of the College to act honestly, fairly and in the best interests for the College of Nursing, the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and the University of Manitoba.  Members should deal with matters in such a way that the interests of the College of Nursing take precedence over the interests of any of its constituent parts, should those interests conflict or appear to conflict.

D. Graduate programs, although housed within a College, are administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.  The powers to act respecting these programs therefore rests with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, according to its Bylaws and policies.  However, the College may make recommendations to the Faculty of Graduate Studies respecting Graduate programs within the College, in accordance with this Bylaw.

II. College Council

A. Membership 
The College Council of the College of Nursing (the “College”) shall be composed of:

  1. The President
  2. The Vice-President designated by the President
  3. The Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (the “Faculty”) or designate
  4. The Dean of the College 
  5. The Librarian for the College
  6. All academic staff of the College including Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Instructors I and II and Senior Instructors (and excluding sessional and nil-salaried appointees) holding academic rank in the College
  7. One full-time support staff of the College, elected by the support staff of the College, with a term of office of three years
  8. Two undergraduate students registered in the College and one graduate student enrolled in a graduate program offered through the College, appointed or elected by the student body, with a term of office of one academic year

    (a) Student representatives shall be excluded from meetings of the College Council and committees while matters concerning individual students are being considered.

    (b) Student representatives shall be excluded from meetings of the College Council and committees while matters concerning the content of exams, examination results, the selection of recipients of awards, bursaries and scholarships, or matters arising therefrom are being discussed.

    (c) Student representatives shall not participate in the nomination, election or removal of representatives from the Faculty Council to the University of Manitoba Senate.
  9. University College of the North Dean, Faculty of Health
  10. University College of the North Program Coordinator
  11. Resource (non-voting)  Operations Manager 

B. Selection of Members and Terms of Office

  1. Selection of the Nursing undergraduate student representatives shall be made annually by the Nursing student body through involving all students to nominate candidates and then asking students to vote for student members from the nominated list of students.
  2. Selection of the graduate student representative shall be made annually through involving all graduate students registered in a program offered through the College to nominate candidates and then asking graduate students to vote for student members from the nominated list of students.

C. Meetings

  1. The Dean of the College or designate shall be the presiding officer and chair at all meetings of the College Council, subject to the right of the President or the Dean of the Faculty to take the chair at such meetings.
  2. The College Council shall meet at least four times yearly.
  3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the College or at the written request of any six members of the College Council.
  4. At least one month’s written notice of any regular College Council meeting shall be given and at least 48 hours’ notice for any special College Council meeting.
  5. College Council meetings shall be open, subject to the College Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting. 
  6. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be 40% of members, not including the President, Vice-president, and Dean of the Faculty, nor counting any vacancies on the Council.
  7. A meeting of the College Council by electronic meeting is appropriate as the circumstances may require, as determined by the Chair.

D. Powers to Act

The Faculty Council delegates to the College Council its powers to act, subject to the plenary powers of the Board of Governors and the general charge of all matters of an academic character vested in the Senate.  To that end, the College Council shall have power:

  1. To provide for the regulation and conduct of its meetings and proceedings.
  2. To establish standing and ad hoc committees of the College Council and approve their membership and terms of reference. 
  3. To approve department council bylaws and amendments thereto, following guidelines approved by the Senate.
  4. To make and administer regulations with respect to the attendance, conduct and progress of students who are registered in programs in the College.
  5. To administer the rules and regulations of the Senate and the Board as they affect the students registered in programs in the College. 
  6. To prepare and publish College academic timetables of programs offered by the College.
  7. To consider and determine academic appeals by students registered in programs in the College, from a de
    cision of a member of the academic staff of the College.
  8. To consider and determine the suitability of a student for his/her profession, in accordance with any professional suitability bylaw, recommended by the College and approved by the Senate.
  9. To determine the functions and powers that may be delegated to subordinate bodies, including but not limited to an Executive Council, its Standing Committees or department councils.
  10. To periodically review College Standing Committee terms of reference and following review, approving the terms of reference and/or amendments.
  11. To determine other matters within its jurisdiction that have not been specifically delegated to subordinate bodies.

E.    Powers to Recommend 

The College Council shall have the power to make such recommendations as it deems advisable to the appropriate persons or bodies and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, has the following powers to recommend:

  1. To propose to the Faculty Council, the establishment of College Council Bylaw(s), and to propose amendments to them.
  2. To periodically review and recommend amendments to the Faculty for approval, College Council Bylaws(s). 
  3. To recommend to the Faculty on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in schools, departments, or divisions in the College.
  4. To recommend directly to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in chairs or lectureships in the College.
  5. To recommend to the Faculty on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in chairs or lectureships in the Faculty.
  6. To recommend to the Dean of the College athletic, social or other extra-curricular activities of students.
  7. To recommend directly to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in exhibitions, bursaries, scholarships, or prizes to be awarded to students registered in College.
  8. To recommend directly to the Senate on the conditions of admission for undergraduates to programs of the College and the standing to be allowed to students entering the College.
  9. To recommend directly to the Senate, or to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for graduate programs, on the regulations, methods and limits of instruction in the College.
  10. To recommend directly to the Senate on the academic standing of all students in programs in the College. 
  11. To recommend directly to the Senate, or to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for graduate programs, on the rules and conduct of examinations and the results of examinations for students in the College.
  12. To recommend directly to the Senate, or to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for graduate programs, the candidates for degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency to be granted by the University pertaining to courses of study in the College.
  13. To recommend directly to the Senate, or to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for graduate programs, on curriculum and program requirements and changes for existing programs offered by the College that do not impact other Colleges.
  14. To recommend directly to the Senate on the dates from the beginning and end of classes in programs offered by the College.
  15. To recommend to the Faculty Council on new, or significant changes to, undergraduate programs within the College.
  16. To provide advice to the Dean of the College on the acquisition and use of facilities and on the requirements for lecture rooms and other facilities.
  17. To provide advice to the Dean of the College respecting academic implications of strategic directions for the College.

III.    College Executive Council  

A. Membership

There shall be an executive council of the College Council (the “College Executive Council”) and shall be composed of:

  1. The President
  2. The Vice-President designated by the President
  3. The Dean of the Faculty or designate
  4. The Dean of the College
  5. Six members elected by and from the members of the College Council who hold academic rank within the College.  The term of office for each elected academic member shall be three years.  For the first election, two members shall be elected for a one-year term, two members for a two-year term and two members for a three-year term.
  6. One Nursing undergraduate student and one graduate student enrolled in a program offered with the College of Nursing elected by and from the student members of the College Council, with a term of office of one academic year 
  7. One support staff member, as elected by and from the support staff to the College Council, with a term of office of three years
  8. Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
  9. Associate Dean, Graduate Programs
  10. Associate Dean, Research
  11. Director, Clinical Education
  12. University College of the North Dean, Faculty of Health 
  13. University College of the North Program Coordinator
  14. Two Senators selected by and from the Senators elected to Senate by the Faculty Council who are members of the College of Nursing 
  15. Resource (non-voting) Members:
    a) Operations Manager 

B. Meetings

  1. Notwithstanding the President’s right to preside over the College Council, the Dean of the College or designate shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the College Executive Council.
  2. The College Executive Council shall meet at least six times per year.
  3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the College or at the written request of any three members’ of the College Executive Council.  
  4. At least one month’s written notice of any regular College Executive Council meeting shall be given and at least 48 hours’ notice for any special College Council meeting.
  5. College Executive Council meetings shall be open, subject to the College Executive Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting.
  6. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be 50% plus one of the filled positions on the Council Executive Council.  The President, Vice-president, and Dean of the Faculty shall not be counted in determining quorum.
  7. A meeting of the College Executive Council by electronic meeting is appropriate as the circumstances may require, as determined by the Chair.

C. Powers to Act and Recommend

The College Council hereby delegates to the College Executive Council, when an expedient decision is required (i.e., in circumstances where if a decision is not made in a timely manner, it will disadvantage the College and/or students within the College), all powers to act and recommend granted to the College Council set out in the College and School Council General Bylaw, the Faculty Bylaw, and this Bylaw, except:

  1. The College Council shall retain the power to elect members to its College Executive Council.
  2. The College Council shall retain the power to recommend for approval its Bylaws and any amendments thereto.

In addition to the delegated powers noted above, the Council Executive Council also has the following functions:

a) Receive and consider reports and recommendations from standing and ad hoc committees of the Council and recommend to the Council on their disposition.

b) Initiate and formulate policy for recommendation to Council. 

c) Act on behalf of the Council between regular meetings of Council. 

d) Provide advice to the Dean.

e) Carry out other functions as may be delegated to it by Council.

IV. Standing Committees

There shall be standing committees as required by the Senate or as deemed necessary by the College Council.  The Terms of Reference and membership of each Standing Committee shall be approved by the College Council.

V. Standing Rules
The College Council may enact or amend standing rules and procedures for conduct of the affairs of the College Council by a majority vote of those members present and voting at a duly called and constituted meeting, provided that five days’ notice of the proposed standing rule or amendment has been given to all members prior to the meeting at which such enactment or amendment is to be made.

VI. Rules of Order
Except where otherwise provided, the Senate Meeting Rules shall govern the conduct of the College Council and College Executive Council meetings.

VII. Enactment and Amendments

A. The date of enactment for these Bylaws shall be the date on which they receive approval of the Faculty Council.

B. Any amendments to these Bylaws shall require the approval of the Faculty Council, edited by the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures.

C. Before submission to the Faculty Council, such Bylaws or amendments shall be recommended for approval by two-thirds of the members present and voting at a duly called and constituted College Council meeting.  At least one month’s notice in writing of any amendment shall be given to the members.

College of Pharmacy

Pharmacy College Executive Council

Meetings are scheduled as needed.

Meeting dates may be subject to change.


Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. Ex. For a meeting held in January the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.

Committee members

For a list of current committee members please email ingrid.gomez@umanitoba.ca.

Pharmacy College Council

Upcoming meetings

  • 2024

    Meeting dates may be subject to change.

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the college resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. Ex. For a meeting held in January the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.


Committee members

For a list of current committee members please email ingrid.gomez@umanitoba.ca.

College of Pharmacy Council bylaw

Approved by the College of Pharmacy Council: February 11, 2015

Approved by the Faculty of Health Sciences Executive Council: June 11, 2015

This Bylaw is supplementary to the Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw.

I. Principles
A. The College Council is the academic council of the College of Pharmacy (the “College”), created by the Senate under the authority granted to it under The University of Manitoba Act (Manitoba). It derives its authority to act and recommend on matters of an academic character, from the Faculty of Health Sciences (the “Faculty”) Bylaw. Its authority derives from, and is subject to, the general charge of the Senate on all matters of an academic character.

B. The College Council may elect to delegate certain functions and powers to its Executive Council, and its Standing Committees, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, that a matter ought to be handled by the least centralized authority capable of addressing that matter effectively, as long as those decisions do not conflict with institutional norms, standards or priorities.

C. It is the role of all members of the College to act honestly, fairly and in the best interests for the College of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Health Sciences and the University of Manitoba. Members should deal with matters in such a way that the interests of the College of Pharmacy take precedence over the interests of any of its constituent parts, should those interests conflict or
appear to conflict.

D. Graduate programs, although housed within a College, are administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The powers to act and recommend respecting these programs therefore rest with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, according to its Bylaws and policies.

II. College of Pharmacy Council

A. Membership
The College Council of the College of Pharmacy shall be composed of:

  1. The President

  2. The Vice-President designated by the President

  3. The Dean and Vice-Provost of the Faculty of Health Sciences or designate

  4. The Dean of the College of Pharmacy

  5. Associate Deans of the College of Pharmacy

  6. All academic staff of the College of Pharmacy, including Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Instructors I and II, and Senior Instructors (excluding sessional and nil-appointment staff) holding academic rank in the College of Pharmacy

  7. The Registrar of the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba, or designate

  8. One representative of the Manitoba Society of Pharmacists

  9. One representative of the Manitoba Branch of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists

  10. Two undergraduate students of the College of Pharmacy, one graduate student conducting major part of his/her research in the College of Pharmacy

  11. Two full-time support staff

  12. The liaison Librarian for the College of Pharmacy

  13. Deans Emeriti, Professors Emeriti and Senior Scholars

B. Selection of Members
1. The Manitoba Society of Pharmacists shall appoint its representative to the College Council, once every three years.

2. The Manitoba Branch of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists shall appoint its representative to the College Council, once every three years.

3. Selection of the undergraduate student representatives shall be made annually by the Pharmacy Students’ Association in the form of the two Student Co-Sticks.

4. The graduate student representative shall be elected by the graduate students conducting
major part of their research in the College of Pharmacy, at an annual meeting convened by the Dean or his/her designate.

5. The full-time support staff members shall be elected by and from the full-time support staff, once every three years.

C. Meetings
1. The Dean of the College or designate shall be the presiding officer and chair at all meetings of the College Council, subject to the right of the President or the Dean and Vice-Provost of the Faculty, to take the chair at such meetings.

2. The College Council shall meet at least once yearly.

3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the College or at the written request of any 10 members of the College Council.

4. At least one month’s written notice of any regular College Council meeting shall be given and at least 5 working days’ notice for any special College Council meeting.

5. College Council meetings shall be open, subject to the College Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting.

6. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be one third of College Council members.

7. All discussions by the College Council shall be confidential unless otherwise decided by a majority of members present and voting at a duly constituted meeting of the College Council.

D. Powers to Act
The Faculty of Health Sciences Council delegates to the College of Pharmacy Council its powers to act, subject to the plenary powers of the Board of Governors and the general charge of all matters of an academic character vested in the Senate. To that end, the College of Pharmacy Council shall have

1. To provide for the regulation and conduct of its meetings and proceedings.

2. To establish standing and ad hoc committees of the College Council and approve their membership and terms of reference.

3. To approve formation of departments and department council bylaws and amendments thereto, following guidelines approved by the Senate.

4. To make and administer regulations with respect to the attendance, conduct and progress of students who are registered in programs in the College.

5. To administer the rules and regulations of the Senate and the Board as they affect the students registered in programs in the College.

6. To prepare and publish College academic timetables of programs offered by the College.

7. To consider and determine academic appeals by students registered in programs in the College, from a decision of a member of the academic staff of the College.

8. To consider and determine the suitability of a student for his/her profession, in accordance with any professional suitability bylaw, recommended by the College and approved by the Senate.

9. To determine the functions and powers that may be delegated to subordinate bodies, including but not limited to its Executive Council and its Standing Committees.

10. To periodically review College Standing Committee terms of reference and following review, approve the terms of reference and/or amendments.

11. To determine other matters within its jurisdiction that have not been specifically delegated to subordinate bodies.

E. Powers to Recommend
The College Council shall have the powers to make such recommendations as it deems advisable to the appropriate persons or bodies and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, has the following power:

1. To propose to the Faculty Council, the establishment of College Council bylaw(s), and to propose amendments to them.

2. To periodically review and recommend amendments to the Faculty for approval of College Council bylaw(s).

3. To recommend to the Faculty on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in departments or divisions in the College.

4. To recommend directly to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in chairs or lectureships in the College.

5. To recommend to the Faculty on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in chairs or lectureships in the Faculty.

6. To recommend to the Dean of the College athletic, social or other extracurricular activities of the students.

7. To recommend directly to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in exhibitions, bursaries, scholarships, or prizes to be awarded to students registered in the College.

8. To recommend directly to the Senate on the conditions of admission for undergraduates to programs of the College and the standing to be allowed to students entering the College.

9. To recommend directly to the Senate on the regulations, methods and limits of instruction in the College.

10. To recommend directly to the Senate on the academic standing of all students in programs in the College.

11. To recommend directly to the Senate on the rules and conduct of examinations and the results of examinations for students in the College.

12. To recommend directly to the Senate the candidates for degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency to be granted by the University pertaining to courses of study in the College.

13. To recommend directly to the Senate on curriculum and program requirements and changes for existing programs offered by the College that do not impact other Colleges.

14. To recommend directly to the Senate on the dates of the beginning and end of classes in programs offered by the College.

15. To recommend to the Faculty Council on new, or significant changes to, undergraduate programs within the College.

16. To provide advice to the Dean of the College on the acquisition and use of facilities and on the requirements for lecture rooms and other facilities.

17. To provide advice to the Dean of the College respecting academic implications of strategic directions for the College.

III. College Executive Council

A. Membership
There shall be an executive council of the College Council (the “College Executive Council”), and it shall be composed of:
1. The President

2. The Vice-President designated by the President

3. The Dean and Vice-Provost of the Faculty or designate

4. The Dean of the College of Pharmacy

5. Associate Deans of the College of Pharmacy

6. All academic staff of the College including Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Instructors I and II, and Senior Instructors (excluding sessional and nil-appointment staff) holding academic rank in the College

7. Two undergraduate students of the College, one graduate student conducting major part of his/her research in the College, with a term of office of one academic year

8. Two support staff members, from the College Council, with a term of office of three years

B. Meetings
1. Notwithstanding the President’s right to preside over the College Executive Council, the Dean of the College or designate shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the College Executive Council.

2. The College Executive Council shall normally meet at least one time per year.

3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the College or at the written request of any 10 members of the College Executive Council.

4. At least 5 days’ written notice of any regular College Executive Council meeting shall be given and at least 48 hours’ notice for any special College Executive Council meeting in the event of an emergency situation.

5. College Executive Council meetings shall be open, subject to the Executive Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting.

6. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be one third of College Executive Council members.

7. A meeting of the College Executive Council by email is appropriate under certain circumstances. The use of e-meetings shall be reserved for those issues needing a decision before an in-person meeting of the College Executive Council is scheduled. Each e-meeting agenda shall consist of a
single issue. Members shall then indicate their vote in writing to the secretary of the College Executive Council within three (3) business days. The result of the voting shall be communicated by the secretary as soon as possible after all the votes are received.

C. Powers to Act and Recommend
1. The College Council hereby delegates to the College Executive Council all powers to act and recommend granted to the College Council set out in the College Council General Bylaw, the Faculty Council Bylaw, and this Bylaw, except that the College Council shall retain the power to elect members to its College Executive Council.

2. In addition to the powers set out above, the College Executive Council shall have the power to appoint representatives to such other bodies concerned with pharmacy education, the advancement of pharmaceutical sciences, or the interests of the Faculty and the University, as it deems advisable.

IV. Standing Committees
1. There shall be standing committees as required by the Senate and as deemed necessary by the College Council. With the exception of the Awards Committee, who will report to College Council for information, the decisions of the Standing Committees will require the approval of College Executive Council, or College Council.

2. Students shall be represented on such Committees, in such numbers and with such rights of participation as provided for in the terms of reference and composition of the Committees.

V. Standing Rules
The College Council may enact or amend standing rules and procedures for conduct of the affairs of the College Council by a majority vote of those members present and voting at a duly called and constituted meeting, provided that five days’ notice of the proposed standing rule or amendment has been given to all members prior to the meeting at which such enactment or amendment is to be made.

VI. Rules of Order
Except where otherwise provided, the “Rules and Procedures governing meetings of the Senate of the University of Manitoba” shall govern the conduct of the College Council and the College Executive
Council meetings.

VII. Enactment and Amendments
1. The date of enactment for these Bylaws shall be the date on which they receive approval of the Senate.

2. Any amendments to these Bylaws shall require the approval of the Faculty of Health Sciences Council and the Senate, edited by the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures.

3. Before submission to Senate, such Bylaws or amendments shall be recommended for approval by two-thirds of the members present and voting at a duly called and constituted College Council meeting. At least one month’s notice in writing of any amendment shall be given to the members.

VIII. General Provision
Unless otherwise provided for in the resolution referring the matter to the College Council, such matters shall be referred to and dealt with by the College Executive Council.

College of Rehabilitation Sciences

Rehabilitation Sciences Executive Council 

Meetings are scheduled as needed

Meeting dates may be subject to change.

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the college resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. Ex. For a meeting held in January the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.



Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the college resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).


Committee members

For a list of current committee members please email liane.allen@umanitoba.ca.

Rehabilitation Sciences College Council

Upcoming meetings


Meeting dates may be subject to change.

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes are available in alternate formats upon request to the college resource/secretary (listed in contacts column on the right).

Meeting minutes are available after they have been approved at the following meeting. Ex. For a meeting held in January the minutes are approved at the next meeting held and posted shortly afterwards.



Committee members

For a list of current committee members please email liane.allen@umanitoba.ca.

College of Rehabilitation Sciences Council bylaw

Approved by the School of Medical Rehabilitation Council October 6, 2014; Revised Feb 2, 2015, August 19, 2015

Approved by the Faculty of Health Sciences Executive Council: June 11, 2015

Revised: November 26, 2019 (approved Faculty Council, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences)

This Bylaw is supplementary to the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw.

I. Principles
A. The College Council is the academic council of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences (the “College”), created by the Senate under the authority granted to it under The University of Manitoba Act (Manitoba). It derives its authority to act and recommend on matters of an academic character, from the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw. Its authority
derives from, and is subject to, the general charge of the Senate on all matters of an academic character.

B. The College Council may elect to delegate certain functions and powers to its Executive Council, and its Standing Committees, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, that a matter ought to be handled by the least centralized authority capable of addressing that matter effectively, as long as those decisions do not conflict with institutional norms, standards or priorities.

C. It is the role of all members of the College to act honestly, fairly and in the best interests for the College of Rehabilitation Sciences, the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and the University of Manitoba. Members should deal with matters in such a way that the interests of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences take precedence over the interests of any of its constituent parts, should those interests conflict or appear to conflict.

D. Graduate programs, although housed within a College, are administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The powers to act respecting these programs therefore rests with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, according to its Bylaws and policies, however, the College may make recommendations to the Faculty of Graduate Studies respecting graduate programs within the College in accordance with this Bylaw.

II. College Council

A. Membership
The College Council of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences (the “College”) shall be composed of:

1. The President

2. The Vice-President designated by the President

3. The Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (the “Faculty”) or designate

4. The Dean of the College

5. The Associate Deans and Assistant Deans of the College

6. The Departments Heads of each of the Departments of the College

7. All academic staff of the College including Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Instructors I and II and Senior Instructors (and excluding sessionals and nil-appointees) holding academic rank in the College

8. The Librarian for the College

9. One representative from Ongomiizwin, appointed by the Head, Ongomiizwin

10. One (1) full-time support staff of the College

11. Five (5) students, one representing each of the programs offered within the College: Master of Occupational Therapy (“MOT”), Master of Physical Therapy (“MPT”), Bachelor of Respiratory Therapy (“BRT”), Master of Science Rehabilitation Sciences (“MSc Rehabilitation Sciences”), Ph.D. in Applied Health Sciences

a. Student Representatives shall be excluded from meetings of the College Council and committees while matters concerning individual students are being considered.

b. Student representatives shall be excluded from meetings of the College Council and committees while matters concerning the content of exams, examination results, the selection of recipients of awards, bursaries and scholarships, or matters arising therefrom are being discussed.

12. Appointed Representatives:

a. One (1) representative appointed by the College of Occupational
Therapists of Manitoba

b. One (1) representative appointed by the Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists
c. One (1) representative appointed by the College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba

d. One (1) representative appointed by the Manitoba Physiotherapy Association

e. One (1) representative appointed by the Manitoba Association of
Registered Respiratory Therapists

f. One (1) representative from each of the Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba

g. One (1) representative from Shared Health Manitoba

h. Three (3) members representing leadership from affiliated clinical and
fieldwork education community, one from each discipline, appointed by the
Dean on recommendation of Department Heads.

B. Selection of Members and Terms of Office
1. Each appointed representative organization shall appoint its representative, for a three (3) year term.

2. The student body of each College Program (MOT, MPT, BRT, MSc Rehabilitation Sciences, Ph.D. in Applied Health Sciences) shall elect its student representative annually.

3. The College support staff shall elect its representative for a three (3) year term.

C. Meetings
1. The Dean of the College or designate shall be the presiding officer and chair at all meetings of the College Council, subject to the right of the President or the Dean of the Faculty, to take the chair at such meetings.

2. The College Council shall meet at least once a year.

3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the College or at the written request of any ten (10) members of the College Council.

4. At least one month’s written notice of any regular College Council meeting shall be given and at least 48 hours’ notice for any special College Council meeting.

5. College Council meetings shall be open, subject to the College Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting. A Record of Decisions of the open portion of the meeting shall be posted on the College website, in accordance with applicable legislation.

6. A conflict of interest arises when a member's personal and/or
business/occupational/professional interests compete with or supersede the
member's dedication to the interest of the University. This could arise from a real or apparent conflict of interest. Should a real or apparent conflict of interest arise respecting a member of the College Council, the member:

a) shall not take part in the discussion of the matter and shall not vote on any question in respect of the matter;
b) shall leave the meeting for the period during which the matter is under discussion; and
c) shall not attempt in any way, before, during or after the meeting, to influence the discussion and/or voting on any question in respect of the matter.

After a declaration of a conflict of interest has been made by a member, the declaration and the resolution of any conflict of interest shall be recorded in the Record of Decisions of the meeting.

7. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be twenty (20) members, not including the President, Vice-President, and Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, or counting any vacancies on the Council.

D. Powers to Act
The Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Council delegates to the College Council its powers to act, subject to the plenary powers of the Board of Governors and the general charge of all matters of an academic character vested in the Senate. To that end, the College Council shall have power:

1. To provide for the regulation and conduct of its meetings and proceedings.

2. To establish standing and ad hoc committees of the College Council and approve their membership and terms of reference.

3. To approve department council bylaws and amendments thereto, following guidelines approved by the Senate.

4. To make and administer regulations with respect to the attendance, conduct and progress of students who are registered in programs in the College.

5. To administer the rules and regulations of the Senate and the Board of Governors as they affect the students registered in programs in the College.

6. To prepare and publish College academic timetables of programs offered by the College.

7. To consider and determine undergraduate academic appeals by students registered in programs in the College, from a decision of a member of the academic staff of the College.

8. To consider and determine the suitability of a student for his/her profession, in accordance with any bona fide academic requirements, essential skills and abilities or professional suitability bylaw, recommended by the College, and for graduate programs recommended by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and approved by the Senate.

9. To determine the functions and powers that may be delegated to subordinate bodies, including but not limited to an Executive Council, its standing committees or department councils.

10. To periodically review College standing committee terms of reference and following review, approving the terms of reference and/or amendments.

11. To determine other matters within its jurisdiction that have not been specifically delegated to subordinate bodies.

E. Powers to Recommend
The College Council shall have the power to make such recommendations as it deems advisable to the appropriate persons or bodies and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, has the following powers to recommend:

1. To propose to the Faculty Council, the establishment of College Council Bylaw(s), and to propose amendments to them.

2. To periodically review and recommend amendments to the Faculty for approval, College Council Bylaws(s).

3. To recommend to the Faculty on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in schools, departments, or divisions in the College.

4. To recommend directly to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in chairs or lectureships in the College.

5. To recommend to the Faculty on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any changes in chairs or lectureships in the Faculty.

6. To recommend to the Dean of the College athletic, social or other extra-curricular activities of students.

7. To recommend directly to the Senate on the establishment of, the abolition of, or any
changes in exhibitions, bursaries, scholarships, or prizes to be awarded to students registered in College.

8. To recommend directly to the Senate on the conditions of admission for
undergraduates to programs of the College and the standing to be allowed to
undergraduate students entering the College.

9. To recommend directly to the Senate, or to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for graduate programs, on the regulations, methods and limits of instruction in the College.

10. To recommend directly to the Senate on the academic standing of all students in programs in the College.

11. To recommend directly to the Senate, or to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for graduate programs, on the rules and conduct of examinations and the results of examinations for students in the College.

12. To recommend directly to the Senate, or to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for graduate programs, the candidates for degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency to be granted by the University pertaining to courses of study in the College.

13. To recommend directly to the Senate, or to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for graduate programs, on curriculum and program requirements and changes for existing programs offered by the College that do not impact other Colleges.

14. To recommend directly to the Senate on the dates from the beginning and end of classes in programs offered by the College.

15. To recommend to the Faculty Council on new, or significant changes to, undergraduate programs within the College.

16. To provide advice to the Dean of the College on the acquisition and use of facilities and on the requirements for lecture rooms and other facilities.

17. To provide advice to the Dean of the College respecting academic implications of strategic directions for the College.

III. College Executive Council

A. Membership
There shall be an executive council of the College Council (the “College Executive Council”) and shall be composed of:

1. The President

2. The Vice-President designated by the President

3. The Dean of the Faculty or designate

4. The Dean of the College

5. The Associate Deans and Assistant Deans of the College

6. The Department Heads of each of the Departments of the College

7. The program leads of each of the Programs of the College (MOT; MPT;
BRT; MSc Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D. in Applied Health Sciences)

8. The Chair of each of the standing committees established by the College Council

9. The Ongomiizwin representative that sits on the College Council

10. All Senators elected to Senate by the Faculty Council who are members of the College

11. Two (2) faculty members with .5 FTE or greater, from each Department within the College elected by and from the members of the College Council who hold academic rank within the College. The term of office for each elected academic member shall be three years .

12. The five(5) students that sit on the College Council

13. The support staff member of the College that sits on the College Council

14. The following appointed representatives that sit on the College Council from each of the regulatory bodies:

a. The representative appointed by the College of Occupational Therapists of

b. The representative appointed by the College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba

c. The representative appointed by the Manitoba Association of Registered
Respiratory Therapists.

B. Meetings
1. Notwithstanding the President’s right to preside over the College Council, the Dean of the College or designate shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the College Executive Council.

2. The College Executive Council shall meet at least two (2) times per year.

3. Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Dean of the College or at the written request of any four(4) members of the College Executive Council.

4. At least one (1) month’s written notice of any regular College Executive Council meeting shall be given and at least 48 hours’ notice for any special College Executive Council meeting.

5. College Executive Council meetings shall be open, subject to the College
Executive Council moving into closed session by the vote of a simple majority of those in attendance and voting. A Record of Decisions of the open portion of the meeting shall be posted on the College website, in accordance with
applicable legislation.

6. A conflict of interest arises when a member's personal and/or
business/occupational/professional interests compete with or supersede the
member's dedication to the interest of the University. This could arise from a real or apparent conflict of interest. Should a real or apparent conflict of interest arise respecting a member of the College Executive Council, the member:

a) shall not take part in the discussion of the matter and shall not vote on any question in respect of the matter;

b) shall leave the meeting for the period during which the matter is under discussion; and

c) shall not attempt in any way, before, during or after the meeting, to influence the discussion and/or voting on any question in respect of the matter.

After a declaration of a conflict of interest has been made by a member, the declaration and the resolution of any conflict of interest shall be recorded in the Record of Decisions of the meeting.

7. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be 10 members, not including the President, Vice-president, and Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, or counting any vacancies on the Council.

8. A meeting of the College Executive Council by way of virtual meeting is
appropriate under certain circumstances. The use of virtual/e-meetings shall be reserved for those issues needing a decision before an in-person meeting of the College Executive Council is scheduled. Members shall then indicate their vote, in the format requested, to the assistant to the College Executive Council within three (3) business days. The results of the vote shall be communicated by the Chair of the College Executive Council as soon as possible after all the votes are received.

C. Powers to Act and Recommend
The College Council hereby delegates to the College Executive Council all powers to act and recommend granted to the College Council set out in the University of Manitoba College and School Council General Bylaw, the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Bylaw, and this Bylaw, except:

1. The College Council shall retain the power to elect members to its College Executive Council.

2. The College Council shall retain the power to recommend for approval its Bylaws and any amendments thereto. The College Council cannot over rule the decisions of its College Executive Council, made on the College Council’s behalf. The decisions of the College Executive Council shall be reported to the College Council, at its next meeting, through the Chair.

IV. Standing Committees
A. There shall be standing committees as required by the Senate or as deemed necessary by the College Council.

B. The Terms of Reference and membership of each Standing Committee shall be approved by the College Council.

V. Standing Rules
The College Council may enact or amend standing rules and procedures for conduct of the affairs of the College Council by a majority vote of those members present and voting at a duly called and constituted meeting, provided that five days’ notice of the proposed standing rule or amendment has been given to all members prior to the meeting at which such enactment or amendment is to be made.

VII. Rules of Order
Except where otherwise provided, the Senate Meeting Rulesshall govern the conduct of the College Council and College Executive Council meetings.

VIII. Enactment and Amendments
A. The date of enactment for these Bylaws shall be the date on which they receive approval of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Council.

B. Any amendments to these Bylaws shall require the approval of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Council, edited by the Senate Committee on Rules and Procedures.

C. Before submission to the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Council, such Bylaws or amendments shall be recommended for approval by two-thirds of the members present and voting at a duly called and constituted College Council meeting. At least one month’s notice in writing of any amendment shall be given to the members.

Contact us

Brenda Loewen
Governance resource/secretary
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Manitoba, Bannatyne Campus
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0T6
