As the demand for academic and research careers in dentistry grows, there is a clear need for professionals who blend clinical expertise with research and academic training. Traditionally, there has been a shortage of clinical dentists who also pursue research or academic careers, leading to many unfilled faculty positions and a need for innovative approaches in dental education.
At the University of Manitoba, we offer a unique joint DMD/PhD program that addresses this need. Our integrated program is designed to:
- Develop future dental leaders: We prepare you to take on pivotal roles in dental research and education.
- Support excellence in teaching and research: Our program ensures a steady pipeline of qualified scientists to maintain high standards at our College of Dentistry and other Canadian dental schools.
- Advance dental science: You will gain the skills to make significant strides in understanding and treating oral, infectious, and systemic diseases.
- Translate research into practice: We train you to convert groundbreaking research into practical diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic methods.
Program details
The Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry offers education and training leading to a joint Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) and Doctor of Dental Medicine (PhD) degree.
Expected Duration: 7 years
The DMD/PhD program is seamlessly integrated into the DMD curriculum for students pursuing the BSc in Dentistry option.
To earn both the DMD and PhD degrees, you’ll need to complete:
- DMD Program Coursework: 154 credit hours and clinical experience.
- PhD Research Requirements: An oral presentation and a final research report.
Both degrees will be awarded simultaneously upon successful completion.
Learn more about the Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) program
Program structure
Year One: You’ll start with your first year in the DMD program and begin the BSc in Dentistry program during the summer.
Year Two: You’ll follow a modified schedule that allows you to start PhD research. About half of your time will be dedicated to research, while the other half focuses on undergraduate clinical work. The second summer will involve completing your BSc in Dentistry research and continuing your PhD research.
Year Three: You’ll concentrate primarily on PhD research, with a small amount of clinical work. The third summer will continue your research efforts.
Year Four: This year will be similar to the third, with a strong focus on research. The fourth summer will also be dedicated to continuing your research.
Year Five: You’ll continue with your research, collecting most of the PhD data. The summer following this year will again focus on research.
Year Six: You’ll return to the DMD program, with a small commitment to PhD research to meet your undergraduate dental requirements.
Year Seven: This year will closely resemble the sixth year, continuing your focus on completing the DMD program and finishing any remaining research tasks.
Admission requirements
You can be considered for the DMD/PhD program if you're already enrolled in the Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) program and pursuing the BSc in Dentistry.
After you complete your first year in the DMD program and finish a summer of research in a faculty lab, we'll discuss the option of adding the DMD/PhD program with eligible high-achieving students.
How to apply
To be considered for the DMD/PhD program, you need to be enrolled in both the Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) program and the BSc in Dentistry program option.
Learn more about applying to the Doctor of Dental Medicine and BSc in Dentistry programs.
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Contact us
Admission and application inquiries
Mailing address
Undergraduate Admissions
424 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba
65 Chancellors Circle
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
Office location
Room 424 UMSU University Centre
65 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Submit a question
Phone: 204-474-8808
Toll-free: 1-800-224-7713 ext 8808
Program inquiries
Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Room D113 Dentistry Building
780 Bannatyne Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0W2
Phone: 204-789-3631
Fax: 204-789-3912