Study with us
We offer seven undergraduate programs and eight graduate programs across the key areas of environment, earth, and resources studies. These programs will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the relationship between people and planet in whichever area you focus on. With access to world-class research facilities and researchers, Visit our Research Page, our faculty and students are at the forefront of their fields, and have won numerous awards. Visit our Student Experience Page.
Full time academics
Adjunct faculty
Undergraduate students
Graduate students
Undergraduate programs
We offer a wide variety of undergraduate programs leading to both arts and sciences degrees. These programs will provide you with valuable knowledge and experience that will prepare you for a career in the sciences or serve as a strong foundation for a career in a multidisciplinary field.
Graduate programs
Our graduate programs offer you an opportunity to pursue coursework and research leading to arts or sciences degrees, whether you're continuing your studies at the master's or doctorate level.
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Contact us
Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources
Room 440 Wallace Bldg.
125 Dysart Rd.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada