Get the information you need for academic planning and connect with experiences to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes that employers are seeking.

This resource is meant as a guide to provide suggestions throughout your time at university (refer to the Academic Calendar for a complete list of program requirements). Develop a plan and timeline that suits you best. Make intentional choices for your courses and work experiences.

  • Photo of Ciarra de Laroque
  • Student spotlight

    “…get involved early on with your faculty. There are many great clubs within the faculty […] for any students that are looking for hands on experience and a glimpse into what makes up the animal industry in agriculture.”

    Ciarra de Laroque, animal systems student

Agriculture and Agroecology at UM

As an agriculture student in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences you will have three areas of specialization to choose from:

  1. Animal Systems: the study of animal production including genetics, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, health and reproduction. You will learn how to effectively manage the production of livestock animals and poultry.
  2. Agronomy: the study of crop production, soil management and water resources, including crop physiology and the biology of seed plants. You will learn how agronomy is practiced around the world, with a focus on Western Canada.
  3. Plant Biotechnology: this degree provides you with a solid foundation in genetics, pathology, the physiology of plant growth, and the development of crop plants for food, feed and industrial uses.

As an agroecology student in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences you will learn about the biological and physical components of ecosystems, and how we can achieve economically sustainable agricultural production while conserving resources and maintaining the integrity of our ecosystems. 

Students graduating with a B.Sc. in Agriculture (Agronomy, Animal Systems, Plant Biotechnology) or a B.Sc. in Agroecology meet education requirements for registration and licensure with Agrologists Manitoba leading to the Professional Agrologist (P.Ag.) designation.

Skills you will gain by studying AGRICULTURE and AGROECOLOGY

  • The ability to effectively manage livestock production while considering the economic and environmental sustainability of integrated livestock and crop production systems.
  • The ability to produce food, feed, fuel and bio-products in sustainable ways.
  • The ability to develop food crops from the molecular level to the plant in the field, and new technologies that protect crops from insects and disease.
  • An understanding of how we can achieve economically sustainable agricultural production while conserving resources and maintaining ecosystems.


Year 1 - 30 credit hours


Course requirements:
ABIZ 1000AGRI 1600BIOL 1020BIOL 1030, CHEM 1100 and CHEM 1110 or CHEM 1130ECON 1010, HNSC 1200 or HNSC 1210, free elective

Agroecology: Free elective

Agriculture: MATH 1210, or MATH 1300, or MATH 1500 or MATH 1510 or MATH 1524

To do this year:

  1. Know the requirements for your degree. Meet with an academic advisor in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science to help you plan your program.
  2. If you need academic support, visit the Academic Learning Centre for workshops or to meet with a learning skills instructor.
  3. Use UM Achieve to explore different program options & corresponding requirements
  4. Research the different specializations and degree options to determine which will help you to acquire the skills required for your field of interest.


Start planning your career:

  1. Meet with a career consultant to generate career ideas based on your interests, values, personality and skills. Gather career information and resources from the faculty job placement coordinator.
  2. Research occupations that match your skills and interests.
  3. Set up a UM Connect account to view job postings and register for workshops and events.
  4. Set up your Experience Record, an official record of university-approved activities.


Link experiences to your career interests. Options include:

  1. Student groups including the Stockman’s and Pre-Vet clubs, the Faculty of Agriculture Students' Association (FASO) and the University of Manitoba Students' Union (UMSU).
  2. Student work opportunities including Work-Study, Provincial government's STEP Services or Federal government's Student Work Experience Program.
  3. Experiential education opportunities such as UM Community Volunteers and the Student Leadership Development Program.


Considering international opportunities? Visit the International Centre website to learn about international opportunities for UM students.

Explore communities and cultures you want to work with: Visit Migizii Agamik or the International Centre for Students, take part in the Intercultural Retreat or learn about local agencies via 211 Manitoba.

Year 2 - 60 credit hours


Course requirements: Refer to the academic calendar to view the courses for your program or specialty of choice in the faculty.

To do this year:

  1. Meet with an academic advisor and career consultant to map out your options.
  2. Consider taking a minor and choose courses that will open opportunities.
  3. Use UM Achieve to prepare for and plan for registration. 
  4. Consider applying to the co-op option.


Make professional connections:

  1. Join the Career Mentor Program to learn from professionals.
  2. Attend career fairs, like the ASE Career Fair in October, to connect with employers.
  3. Become a student member with the Canadian Society of Agronomy, the Canadian Society of Animal Science, the Canadian Society for Soil Science and others.
  4. Develop professional connections with professors by applying for an Undergraduate Research Award.

Market your skills: Develop your resumé and cover letter and refine your interview skills.


Explore student research opportunities: Apply for a research assistant positions, Undergraduate Research Award through Faculty departments and other research institutions.

Gain practical experience by volunteering: Check out Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre, Manitoba Eco-Network, UM Orientation events, and Fort Whyte Farms

Check out student job opportunities with: Agriculture and food companies, government and not for profit organizations through the Faculty website.


Develop global career skills and expand intercultural learning: Consider an international student exchange, volunteer in an agricultural-related position through Go Overseas, Volunteer Base Camp or Projects Abroad, Agriculture Without Borders, International Rural Exchange Program, My World Abroad or SWAP for a "working holiday".

Staying local? Check out out a spring or summer Community Engaged Learning experience. Consider learning a new language and culture through the Language Partner Volunteer Program.


Year 3 - 90 credit hours


Course requirements: Refer to the academic calendar to view the courses for your program or specialty of choice in the faculty.

To do this year:

  1. Meet with an academic advisor for program approval prior to registration.
  2. Consider taking a minor in Plant Biotechnology, Agronomy, Economics, Management, Soil Science or Entomology.


Investigate your career options:

  1. Look at sample job postings to ensure you have the qualifications upon graduation.
  2. Develop employability and essential skills sought by employers.
  3. Explore supports available to entrepreneurs for business planning including the Stu Clarke Centre for Entrepreneurship, World Trade Centre Winnipeg, and the Manitoba Government.
  4. Create a LinkedIn profile to network with professionals.

Consider continuing your studies: Check out the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Extended Education or other professional programs at the University of Manitoba.


Continue or start research: Participate in the Undergraduate Research Poster Competition.

Join community associations: Check out the Manitoba Association of Plant Biologists (MAPB), Bioscience Association Manitoba (BAM) and Manitoba Environmental Industries Association (MEIA).

Volunteer on campus by joining Welcome Volunteers.

Search for job opportunities online: Check out, Environmental Careers Organization Canada (ECO Canada), Agri-Food Innovation Council (AIC), Manitoba Institute of Agrologists, Manitoba Pork, Direct Farm Manitoba, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Job Bank, Indeed or other search engines.

Use your networks and connections: Inquire about unadvertised job openings (the "hidden job market").


Did you travel abroad? Become an exchange mentor for the International Student Mentorship Program, join the exchange student community at the University of Manitoba or write an article about your experience.

Participate in the multicultural opportunities on campus: Participate in the Intercultural Development and Leadership Program or take part in the Graduation Pow Wow.

Year 4 - 120 credit hours


Course requirements: Refer to the academic calendar to view the courses for your program or specialty of choice in the faculty.

To do this year: Confirm ability to graduate with an academic advisor and declare intent to graduate in Aurora.


Start job search 9 months in advance: Contact Career Services to refine your job search and self-marketing strategies. You can visit the office up to 6 months after graduation. Additional career information and resources are available from the faculty job placement coordinator.

If you are continuing on to a professional program or graduate school: Finalize your application materials and required tests. Use the awards database to search for funding and awards to help finance your continuing education. Contact your department to find out how their awards deadlines are advertised.


Ensure you have references in place: Ask your professor for a reference or a letter of recommendation if you're applying for graduate school.

Find opportunities to market yourself: Attend a conference through the Agriculture Institute of Canada or event through Farm Management Canada.

Assess your resumé: Identify any gaps in experience and fill them through volunteering, work placements or internships such as the Post-Secondary Recruitment Program. Consider doing the P.Ag designation – learn more through the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists.


Prepare to work in a multicultural environment: Visit Canada's National Research Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Get access to through the Winnipeg Public Library.

Sample Jobs

Sample jobs with an undergraduate degree and related experience

Animal Systems Option

Agronomy/Agroecology Option

Plant Biotechnology Option

Options requiring other education


What do employers want?

Industries such as agriculture, biotechnology, community development, environment, food and beverage, education, and government would value an agriculture or agroecology degree in combination with the employability skills that are highly sought after by employers. These include:*

  • Industry specific knowledge
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Oral and written communication
  • Teamwork
  • Numeracy and data use
  • Digital technology
  • Continuous learning

Attain skills through your classroom education and take advantage of experiential education opportunities.

*Information has been adapted from Employability Skills 2000+ and Workplace Education Manitoba – Essential Skills.

Get one-on-one help

  • Meet with a career consultant

    Meet with a career consultant for a confidential discussion about your career goals, job search, resumé/CV and interview preparation.

    Contact Career Services at or call 204-474-9456 to make an appointment.

  • Talk to an academic advisor

    Talk to an academic advisor who will guide you to resources to help you make important decisions for your future. Advisors are specialized, often by program, faculty/school or unit.

    Find your advisor

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Career Compass Search

Select a Career Compass

Use Career Compass as a guide to develop a strong connection between your studies and your occupational choices. It will provide you with suggestions for academic and career planning specific to your program.

Information for career counsellors

Contact us

Contact Us

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
256 Agriculture Building
66 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
