Lawyer, teacher, doctor, nurse. How many occupations can you name? What does an occupational therapist do anyway? How about a valuator, conservator, arborist or orthoptist?  

Good career decisions require good information—about your personal traits and preferences and about the world of work. Career Consultants can help you identify and articulate your skills, aptitudes, values, personality traits and interests as they relate to career choice. 

Information about the world of work is everywhere—not just in libraries and career centres. Even television shows can influence your views of specific occupations. Government departments, sector councils and professional associations publish great labour market information. Mentoring and job shadowing programs can provide deeper insights and help you develop professional networks. 

Within this occupational library, we've profiled 200+ occupational options. Thousands more exist! Be creative. Remember—good research can lead to more informed and satisfying career decisions!

Click here to view occupations list by industry or occupational grouping

  1. 0-9

  2. A

    1. Accommodation Services Manager
    2. Accountant
    3. Actuary
    4. Administrative Officer
    5. Aerospace Engineer
    6. Agricultural & Biological Systems Engineers
    7. Agricultural Representative, Consultant, Specialist
    8. Air Pilot, Flight Engineer and Flying Instructor
    9. Air Traffic Controller and related occupations
    10. Ambulance Attendant
    11. Animal Health Technologist
    12. Animal Scientist
    13. Anthropologist
    14. Arborist
    15. Archaeologist
    16. Architect
    17. Architectural Technologists and Technicians
    18. Archivist
    19. Art Conservator
    20. Art Gallery Technician
    21. Art Therapist
    22. Artist
    23. Arts Administrator
    24. Assessors, Valuators and Appraisers
    25. Astronomer & Physicist
    26. Athlete
    27. Athletic Therapist
    28. Audiologist
    29. Author
  3. B

    1. Biologists & Biological Technologists
    2. Biomedical Engineers
    3. Biostatistician
    4. Biosystems Engineer
    5. Botanist
    6. Broadcaster
    7. Broadcasting Technical Coordinators and Support Workers
    8. Business Development Officer
    9. Buyer
  4. C

    1. CSIS Agent
    2. Camera Operator (Film & Video)
    3. Cardiology Technologist
    4. Cardiopulmonary Technologist
    5. Career Development Practitioner
    6. Cartographer
    7. Chef
    8. Chemical Engineer
    9. Chemists & Chemical Technologists
    10. Child Life Therapist
    11. Chinese Medicine Practitioners
    12. Chiropodist
    13. Chiropractor
    14. Choreographers
    15. City Planner
    16. Civil Engineer
    17. Civil Engineering Technologist and Technician
    18. Claims Examiner
    19. Clinical Perfusionists & CardioPulmonary Technologists
    20. Coaches & Scouts
    21. College Instructor
    22. Communications/Public Relations Specialist
    23. Community & Social Service Workers
    24. Community Economic Development Officer
    25. Computer Engineer
    26. Computer Programmers & Interactive Media Developers
    27. Computer Software Engineers
    28. Computer Systems Analyst
    29. Conductors, Composers & Arrangers
    30. Conference and Event Planner
    31. Conservation Officer
    32. Conservator
    33. Construction Manager
    34. Copywriter
    35. Correctional Service Officer
    36. Counsellor
    37. Criminologist
    38. Curator
    39. Cybersecurity Analyst
    40. Cytotechnologist
  5. D

    1. Dance Therapist
    2. Dancer
    3. Data Scientist
    4. Database Analysts & Data Administrators
    5. Dental Hygienist
    6. Dentist
    7. Denturist
    8. Diagnostic Cytotechnologist
    9. Dietitian
    10. Directors (TV, Motion Pictures, Performing Arts)
    11. Disaster Response Manager / Relief Worker
    12. Doctor (MD)
    13. Drafting & Architectural Techs
  6. E

    1. Early Childhood Educator
    2. Ecologist
    3. Economic & Business Development Officer
    4. Economist, Economic Policiy Analyst
    5. Editor
    6. Electrical & Electronics Engineer
    7. Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians
    8. Electrophysiological & Cardiology Technologist
    9. Emergency Medical Technician
    10. Emergency Response Manager
    11. Employment Counsellors & Career Development Practitioners
    12. Engineering Technologists and Technicians (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial)
    13. Engineers
    14. English Second Language Teacher
    15. Entomologist
    16. Entrepreneur
    17. Environmental Engineer
    18. Environmental Policy Researcher, Analyst & Program Officer
    19. Environmental Scientists & Specialists
    20. Epidemiologist
    21. Ergonomist
    22. Event Planner
    23. Executive Assistants
    24. Exhibit Designer
  7. F

    1. Family Physician
    2. Fashion Designer
    3. Film & Video Camera Operator
    4. Film Directors, Producers & Related Occupations
    5. Film Technical Coordinators & Support roles
    6. Financial Analyst
    7. Financial Planner
    8. Firefighter
    9. Fishery Officer
    10. Flight Attendant
    11. Food Scientist
    12. Food Service & Restaurant Managers
    13. Food, Agriculture & Biological Systems Engineer
    14. Foreign Service Officer
    15. Forensic Scientist
    16. Forest Firefighter
    17. Forester
    18. Fundraiser
    19. Funeral Directors & Embalmers
  8. G

    1. General Practitioners & Specialist Physicians
    2. Genetic Counsellor
    3. Geneticist
    4. Geographer
    5. Geographic Information Systems Specialist
    6. Geological Engineer
    7. Geologist & Geological Technologist
    8. Geophysicists
    9. Graphic Designers & Illustrators
    10. Guidance Counsellor
  9. H

    1. Health & Safety Officer
    2. Health Care Managers and Service Administrators
    3. Health Physicist
    4. Health Policy Researcher, Analyst & Program Officer
    5. Health Records Management
    6. Health Service Administrator
    7. Herbalist
    8. Historian
    9. Historical & Nature Interpreter
    10. Historical Interpreter
    11. Home Economist
    12. Homeopaths
    13. Horticulturalist
    14. Hotel Manager
    15. Human Resource Specialist / Manager
    16. Hydrologist
  10. I

    1. Industrial & Manufacturing Engineer
    2. Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Technologist and Technician
    3. Industrial Designer
    4. Industrial Hygienist
    5. Information Systems Analyst
    6. Insurance Broker
    7. Insurance Underwriter, Adjuster & Claims Examiner
    8. Intelligence Officer
    9. Interior Designer
    10. International Aid Worker
    11. International Development Officer
    12. Interpreter
  11. J

    1. Journalist
  12. K

    1. Kinesiologist
  13. L

    1. Labour Relations Specialist/ Officer
    2. Land Surveyor
    3. Landscape & Horticulture Technician / Specialist
    4. Landscape Architect
    5. Lawyer
    6. Legal Assistant
    7. Lexicographer
    8. Librarian
    9. Licensed Practical Nurse
    10. Linguist
    11. Logistics Manager
  14. M

    1. Management Consultant
    2. Manufacturing & Industrial Engineer
    3. Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering Technologist and Technician
    4. Mapping Technologist
    5. Marine Biologist
    6. Maritime Transport, Traffic & Coast Guard Officers
    7. Market Researcher and Consultant
    8. Marketing Manager
    9. Marriage and Family Therapist
    10. Massage Therapist
    11. Mathematician
    12. Mechanical Engineer
    13. Mechanical Engineering Technologist
    14. Med. Radiation Therapist
    15. Medical Doctor
    16. Medical Laboratory Technologist
    17. Medical Microbiologist
    18. Medical Physicist
    19. Medical Radiation Technologist / X-Ray Tech
    20. Medical Radiation Therapist
    21. Medical Sonographer
    22. Medical Writer
    23. Mental Health Counsellor
    24. Metallurgical Engineer
    25. Meteorologist
    26. Microbiologist
    27. Midwife
    28. Military Member or Officer
    29. Mining Engineer
    30. Minister and Religious Leaders
    31. Museum Technician
    32. Music Conductors and Composers
    33. Music Therapist
    34. Musician
  15. N

    1. Naturalist
    2. Naturopathic Doctor
    3. Nuclear Medicine Technologist
    4. Nurse - Licensed Practical Nurse
    5. Nurse - Nurse Practitioner
    6. Nurse - Psychiatric Nurse
    7. Nurse - Registered Nurse
    8. Nutritionist / Dietitian
  16. O

    1. Occupational Health and Safety Officer | Public Health Inspector
    2. Occupational Hygienist
    3. Occupational Therapist
    4. Oceanographer
    5. Operations Research Analyst
    6. Optician
    7. Optometrist
    8. Orthoptist
    9. Orthotist
    10. Osteopath
    11. Osteopathic Manual Therapist
  17. P

    1. Painter
    2. Paralegal & Legal Assistant
    3. Paramedic
    4. Parole / Probation Officer
    5. Patent Agent
    6. Pathologists' Assistant
    7. Pedorthist
    8. Personal Trainer
    9. Petroleum Engineer
    10. Pharmaceutical / Med Device / Tech Sales Representative
    11. Pharmacist
    12. Pharmacologist & Toxicologist
    13. Philosopher & Ethicist
    14. Photographer
    15. Physician
    16. Physician Assistant
    17. Physicist
    18. Physiotherapist
    19. Pilot, Air Pilot, Flight Engineer and Flying Instructor |
    20. Plant Scientist
    21. Podiatrist and Chiropodist
    22. Police Officer
    23. Policy Analyst
    24. Political Scientist
    25. Practitioners of Natural Healing
    26. Private Investigator and Security Guard
    27. Probation Officer
    28. Producers, Directors, Choreographers (TV, Motion Pictures, Performing Arts)
    29. Professor
    30. Property Assessors & Appraisers
    31. Prosthetist, Orthotist, & Ocularist
    32. Psychiatric Nurse
    33. Psychiatrist
    34. Psychologist
    35. Public Health Inspector
    36. Public Relations / Communications Specialist
    37. Publisher
    38. Purchasing Manager & Buyer Fashion Merchandising
  18. Q

  19. R

    1. Radiation Technologist
    2. Radiation Therapist
    3. Real Estate Agent
    4. Records Administrator
    5. Recreation & Sport Administrator
    6. Recreational Therapist
    7. Reflexologists
    8. Registered Dietitian
    9. Registered Nurse
    10. Registered Psychiatric Nurse
    11. Respiratory Therapist
    12. Restaurant Manager
    13. Retail Manager
  20. S

    1. Sales and Marketing Specialist
    2. School / Guidance Counsellor
    3. School Psychologist
    4. Science Policy Analyst, Researcher & Program Officer
    5. Science Writer
    6. Sculptor
    7. Security Guard
    8. Seismologist
    9. Set Designer
    10. Sign Language Interpreter
    11. Social Policy Researcher, Analyst & Program Officer
    12. Social Program Officers and Coordinators
    13. Social Worker
    14. Sociologist
    15. Software Engineer
    16. Soil Scientist
    17. Speech-Language Pathologist & Audiologist
    18. Spiritual Care Provider
    19. Sports Administrator
    20. Sports Scout
    21. Statistician
    22. Supply Chain Manager
    23. Surgeon
    24. Survey Technologist and Technician
  21. T

    1. Teacher
    2. Technical Writer
    3. Technology Transfer Officer
    4. Terminologist
    5. Textile Scientist
    6. Theatre Technical Coordinators & Support roles
    7. Therapist (Mental Health)
    8. Tourism Development Officer
    9. Toxicologist
    10. Translator
    11. Transportation Manager
    12. Travel Counsellor
  22. U

    1. Ultrasound Technologist / Sonographer
    2. University Professors and Lecturers
    3. Urban Regional and Land Use Planners
  23. V

    1. Valuators, Assessors & Appraisers
    2. Veterinarian
    3. Volunteer Coordinator / Administrator
  24. W

    1. Web Designer
    2. Writer
  25. X

  26. Y

    1. Youth Worker
  27. Z

    1. Zoologist