rendering of a warm entrance space.

Department of Interior Design

Image by Ashley Peebles

Graduate program: Master of Interior Design

The Master of Interior Design (MID) program trains interior designers equipped to work nationally and internationally at the forefront of the profession. 

The First-Professional Program is for students interested in interior design practice, who have an undergraduate degree such as a Bachelor of Environmental Design. While an undergraduate degree is sufficient for accreditation in some provinces, a Master of Interior Design degree is required for professional accreditation in Manitoba. This program emphasizes the creation of human-centered and context-based design solutions that respond to the needs of contemporary life. The core curriculum focuses on professionalism and an understanding of contemporary practice. The program requires a minimum of two full years of study to complete.

The Post-Professional Program is for students who already hold a professional degree in interior design (such as a Bachelor of Interior Design) and would like to increase their education and credentials. The program has a research orientation and advances knowledge in specific areas of the discipline. The program requires a minimum of one and a half years of full-time study to complete.

In addition, the department offers a Pre-master's Program for students with degrees other than Interior/Environmental Design to prepare applicants to meet the admission requirements of the First-Professional Program. For more information on admissions and portfolio requirements read the portfolio overview (PDF).


The interior design program leading to the Master of Interior Design (first-professional) degree, is accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation, 206 Cesar E. Chavez Ave SW, Suite 350, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503.

The CIDA-accredited program prepares students for entry-level interior design practice, for advanced study, and to apply for membership in professional interior design organizations. The Master of Interior Design (first-professional) degree granted by University of Manitoba meets the educational requirement for eligibility to sit for the National Council for Interior Design Qualification Examination (NCIDQ Exam). For more information about NCIDQ Exam eligibility visit:



Fall 2024 laptop and software requirements

Software Requirements


Adobe Creative Cloud
Microsoft Office
AutoCAD 2025
Revit 2025


3ds max 2025
Rhinoceros 3D v8
Bluebeam Revu

Pricing and availability of each software title is available on the CADLab website, under the “Available software” link.

Minimum Laptop Requirements:

OS: Windows 11
Processor: 13th Generation Intel Core i7 or faster
RAM: 16GB RAM; 32GB recommended
Graphics: Radeon RX or NVIDIA RTX
Display: 1920x1080 minimum; 4K recommended
Storage: 512GB SSD Minimum; 1TB recommended

Why is there no Mac option?

Apple’s laptops are no longer able to run Windows, which is a requirement of some of our software.

Student achievement

As mandated by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), the Department of Interior Design is required to publish information to the public regarding student achievement in our Professional Master of Interior Design Program. Data is collected using institutional records, alumni surveys and observation. 

Student retention

  • 100% of students who began in the fall of 2021 returned in the fall of 2022
  • 100% of students who began in the fall of 2020 returned in the fall of 2021 
  • 100% of students who began in the fall of 2019 returned in the fall of 2020
  • 100% of students who began in the fall of 2018 returned in the fall of 2019
  • 100% of students who began in the fall of 2017 returned in the fall of 2018

Degrees granted

  • 8 students graduated in the 2021-22 academic year
  • 11 students graduated in the 2020-21 academic year
  • 9 students graduated in the 2019-20 academic year
  • 8 students graduated in the 2018-19 academic year
  • 11 students graduated in the 2017-18 academic year

Professional MID graduation rates

  • 31.5 months was the average time to completion for the students who graduated in 2021-22
  • 36 months was the average time to completion for the students who graduated in 2020-21
  • 35 months was the average time to completion for the students who graduated in 2019-20
  • 35 months was the average time to completion for the students who graduated in 2018-19
  • 43 months was the average time to completion for the students who graduated in 2017-18

Acceptance into the program

It is a competitive graduate program with acceptance rates of approximately 25-35%. 

Job placement rates 

  • 100% of students who graduated in 2022 are employed in interior design or a related profession
  • 100% of students who graduated in 2021 are employed in interior design or a related profession
  • 91% of students who graduated in 2020 are employed in interior design or a related profession
  • 100% of students who graduated in 2019 are employed in interior design or a related profession 
  • 100% of students who graduated in 2018 are employed in interior design or a related profession

Master of Interior Design student experience

Interior designers emerging out of the University of Manitoba have an established reputation for successful collaboration in the building industry.

They work independently or in conjunction with design teams to determine interior environments; assessing and interpreting client and user requirements for projects as diverse as hospitals, offices, restaurants, retail design and resorts. Areas of expertise in the department include universal access, cultural theory, design theory, design education, lighting, work environments, human comfort and profession-based research.

MID practicum and thesis proposal information

Proposals should be sent to before 4:00pm on one of the following days:

  • October 3, 2024
  • November 7, 2024
  • January 23, 2025
  • March 13, 2025
  • April 17, 2025


Our strong UM alumni community

The work of Interior Design graduates reflects a commitment to social, ethical and environmental responsibility, research-based outcomes and critical thinking.

Jaymie Borchardt

Year of graduation: 2016
Current Position: Interior Designer, Design Poole Inc., Winter Park, Florida

What do you do in your current job?

Since we are a small interior design firm (only four designers) I was thrown right into the heart of the design process from the start. I have the pleasure of participating on everything from interior design documentation (plans, elevations, details, IA & FF&E specifications), developing initial concepts, pulling imagery to create conceptual presentation boards, making FF&E selections and corresponding with vendors and clients. Additionally, when time permits, I meet with vendors for product presentations and manage the organization of the product library.

What are you doing right now that you are most excited about?

I am currently very excited to have been given the opportunity to be the project manager of my own small project. With the guidance of my colleagues, I developed the concept and design of a designer inspired space for the Boutique Design Trade Show in NYC (BDNY 2017). Managing this project has helped me to develop increased skills creating detailed drawing sets and 3D renderings as well as learning to confidently speak with vendors and lead conference calls between everyone involved. I have learned so much through this experience and I look forward to traveling to New York City in November to promote the firm and exhibit the design that was created.

What is your proudest achievement since graduation?

My proudest achievement since graduation was obtaining the job in Florida and having the courage to start a new life so far from home. It is definitely frightening to think about how different the experience of working in the field is compared to learning in school. In less than a year however, I have been given the opportunity to prove myself with more job responsibility than I would have ever imagined in such a short amount of time. I am very proud of what I have accomplished at the firm so far and look forward to working with this great design team for years to come.

What do you find to be the most challenging, and the most rewarding aspects of your career? 

The most challenging aspects of my career so far is having the ability to separate work life from personal life. It is so easy to get wrapped up in several projects at a time and forget how important it is to stop and take care of yourself both mentally and physically as well. The most rewarding aspects of my career however are being able to complete a deadline and be proud of the documents that you have created. There is no better feeling than flipping through a beautiful, complete set of drawings or renderings and envisioning what the space will look like when it is complete. I also enjoy being able to travel and network with so many people in the design industry.

What advice would you give to those who are considering a career in interior design?

Be prepared to work very hard. Nothing comes easy. Work hard in school to learn as much as you can, apply for as many scholarships as possible and get involved. Use the relationships that you create through networking to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the people you have met when it comes time to find a job. I met my employer in New York City while at an event accepting a scholarship that I never thought I would be awarded. I contacted her upon completing my practicum project, and was on my way to Florida months before even graduating. But the hard work doesn’t stop there. Continue your hard work even after you’ve landed your first job. And most importantly, be humble. The learning doesn’t stop once you have your degree in hand. Listen to your colleagues and learn as much as possible from them. Real life is a completely different experience from what we are taught in school and it is a fast-paced, forever learning process. Embrace it, work hard and stay positive. It is all worth it to be able to do what you love every single day.

What drew you to interior design? What do you love most about it?

Initially, I was drawn to interior design while watching decorating shows on TLC. It was not until I was accepted into the Faculty of Architecture that I realized there is much more to interior design than the decorating depicted in these shows. I quickly lost interest in residential design and developed a passion for hospitality design. What I love most about interior design is being able to develop beautiful spaces that create an experience for everyone who visit them. Being a very detail oriented person, the processes that I love most about interior design are developing the initial concept boards for a project and creating very detailed and organized drawing sets.

What do you see as the most compelling trends in the interior design field?

To me, the most compelling trend in the interior design field (specifically the hospitality industry) is the forever changing use of colour in a space. The use of colour in design can be intimidating, especially as colour trends change from year to year. What I find most intriguing about colour is the way that designers have begun to use it in unconventional ways that bring excitement and interest to the space. It is common to see colour used as accents whether it be through a single accent wall, textiles or art, but more recent trends have shown colour being used in much more bold applications such as bright, colourful tile on the floor and ceiling, painted columns and beams and digital printed wallcovering.

How did your MID degree at UM help to prepare you for your career?

The MID degree helped to prepare me for my career by providing me with the basic technical skills necessary to work in an interior design firm and the importance of applying theory to every design. Although it did not seem so at first, the extensive process of completing a practicum project was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. The completed practicum document sits on my desk at work and is a daily reminder of what I was able to accomplish in graduate school. I truly value everything that I learned throughout the MID program as it taught me to consider every detail of a design in order to provide a well-thought out solution for every project.

In what ways did your experience at UM contribute to your success?

I do not think I would be where I am today if I had not been so involved with the Interior Design Association of Students at the U of M. Of course the Environmental Design and MID programs provided me with the skills and design knowledge that I needed to begin a career in the industry, being involved with IDAS and all other correlating councils taught me the life skills necessary to become the person that I am today. Serving as president in my last year of the MID program, taught me about time management, leadership, independence, networking and the importance of teamwork.

What was the best part of your experience in the graduate program at UM?

The best part of my experience in the graduate program at the U of M were the life changing studio trips to both New York City and Istanbul, Turkey. I have so much appreciation for being able to travel and experience different cultures and design. Every studio course in the MID program taught me the importance of research in order to incorporate the essence of the regional culture into each design. I have learned that this is increasingly important in the hospitality industry as people who travel expect a certain type of experience in the region that they are staying. As our team at Design Poole designs projects both regionally and internationally, travel, research and experience are very important at the start of every project.

What was the most valuable lesson you learned at UM?

The most valuable lesson that I learned at the U of M is that success comes to those who work hard and believe in themselves. It is easy to let others discourage you but it is important to stay positive and give 100% at everything you do.

Will Grey

Year of Graduation: Fall 2014
Current Position: Project Designer, Figure 3, Toronto Ontario

What do you do in your current job?

I am currently a Project Designer at Figure3. I have a wide range of responsibilities that largely depend on the project team and overall scope. So far in my role at Figure3 I have administered:

  • site verification (measuring and cataloguing the existing site information)
  • concept development / design development
  • 3D modelling
  • rendering
  • design presentation composition
  • finish selection
  • permit/tender/construction drawings
  • communication with project team (consultants, clients)
  • construction administration (submittals, site meetings, deficiencies)

What do you find to be the most challenging?

I think for me, being fairly fresh from school, it has been wrapping my mind around the construction, and construction administration process. It's an entire world unto itself, understanding the different timelines, phases, processes, terminology, and channels of communication. So it has been tremendously eye opening to be exposed to that side of design. I am learning every day.

What advice would you give to those who are considering a career in interior design?

Understand that it is a fast-paced job environment and compensation is not tremendously high. However also understand it is incredibly rewarding to go to work every day to a job that personally utilizes your particular skill set, a job where you are affecting and shaping the physical world, and a job that you love.

What drew you to interior design? What do you love most about it?

I think what drew me to this profession was a series of small decisions. I knew I wanted to do something creative but also wanted something with structure. This, along with my ever present interest in design, I was lead straight to the doorstep of interior design.

It's not an easy question to answer "what do you love most", but I think the best I can describe is the ability to think big, be messy, and explore and experiment with ideas and concepts.

How did your MID degree at UM help to prepare you for your career?

The question is a little broad, so I will try and be as concise as possible. For starters the University of Manitoba is adequately equipped, as accreditation requires, with all of the courses aligned with a standard professional interior design education (design theory, studio, interior systems). However I think the most valuable take away from the program, in my experience, was the way it taught me to explore environment and space in a deeper way. In my education I was asked to think about and investigate the built environment across a number of dimensions (be it political, social or sensorial), instilling the idea that space/place/environment is inherently complex. That might sound simple or obvious, but I think it's actually extremely important because it is easy in practice to reduce design to just a process, or confine its parameters in physical or economic ways. The University of Manitoba, Master of Interior Design program helped me frame the act of interior design, not necessarily as a trade (which it can be, and is often taught as), but as a participant in positioning and conceptualizing environments.

What was the best part of your experience in the graduate program at UM?

It's hard to single out one best part of my experience at the University of Manitoba, but one of the most positive things was the culture. I have made some strong lasting friendships in the MID program that I will always be thankful for. My peers were an extremely important part of my support network throughout school, and at times were a huge part of what got me through. I would also like to point out that they were all immensely talented, which pushed me forward in my design thinking and skills.

The staff were also a big part of the reason my experience at the University of Manitoba was so positive. They are an interesting, talented, eclectic group of people. I really enjoyed working with each of them and learning from them and their unique skill sets. The staff's diverse portfolios and design ideologies together gives their students a well rounded, critical and complex entrance into design.

Natalie Rowe

Year of Graduation: Fall 2014
Current Position: Full-Time Faculty, Honours Bachelor of Interior Design Program, Faculty of Arts, Media & Design, Fanshawe College, London, Ontario

What do you do in your current job?

I work with students in upper and lower years in our BID, teaching Design Studio, Case Studies in Design and Design Communications. I'm actively involved in the Alliance of Canadian Educators in Interior Design ACEID / ACEDI. When not in the classroom I look for ways to disseminate my graduate research and continue to build upon my area of focus which is the future of design for Alzheimer's Care Facilities in Canada.

What are you doing right now that you are most excited about?

Disseminating my graduate research through poster presentations, speaking engagements, panel presentations and most importantly creating partnerships with like-minded individuals to potentially advance research and the approach to the design process related to Alzheimer's Care Facilities in Canada.

What advice would you give to those who are considering a career in interior design?

Be open to the many directions and career opportunities in and related to interior design. Many students come into our program with a desire to pursue one area. Make sure you are passionate, curious and unafraid to make mistakes and push boundaries along the way.

What do you see as the most compelling trends in the interior design field?

Individuals from different disciplines coming together and looking at ways to advance the built environment for 'all' end users. I'm also fascinated with the opportunities to utilize multimedia as a means of conveying stories about the design process.

What was the best part of your experience in the graduate program at UM?

As a graduate of the post-professional Master of Interior Design, it was daunting to be a student after many years in the industry. Time spent on campus with access to resources, faculty and the first professional graduate students was extremely beneficial. There were many lifelong relationships that resulted from face to face collaboration. My experience also further reinforced the value of research in interior design, and the importance of contributing to Canadian perspectives.

What was the most valuable lesson you learned at UM?

The value of what can be learned from your peers - sharing ideas, perspectives, and constructive criticism can shape your ability to process problems in a more dynamic way. It was exciting as a student to reach out to other researchers and esteemed professionals seeking advice and guidance, creating contacts that were valuable as a student and in my current academic practice. Being a student again made me more empathetic to my students and what they experience on a daily basis!

Heather Wagner

Year of Graduation: 2014

Current Position: Professional Interior Designer at Republic Architecture Inc. 

What do you do in your current job?

I am a Professional Interior Designer at Republic Architecture Inc. in Winnipeg. My current role has me working on various projects from very small, unique institutional projects to large cultural projects. The projects I work on have a team that consists of a project manager and an interior designer, and sometimes an architect if their services are required. I have a lot of autonomy over my design work, which I really enjoy and I can really push the boundaries of design and be as creative as I want. It is very satisfying.

What is your proudest achievement since graduation?

My main goal since I graduated in 2014 was to pass the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) exams and become a registered Professional Interior Designer. This spring I wrote and passed my NCIDQ exams! It was very exciting to receive my new business cards with my full title and credentials!

What advice would you give to those who are considering a career in interior design? 

To really make sure you understand that it isn't simply selecting furniture and coordinating paint colours. Interior design is much more than we often see it portrayed as on many television shows. Interior design is more than just creating a visually pleasing space, but rather, it is a way of enhancing the experience of spaces. Further, as a practitioner, it is the ability to enhance the lives of those who live, work or play in these spaces. Humans spend the vast majority of their time inside, and as a result, there is a complex formulaic response that we must follow in order to meet everyone's needs. This includes everything from programming to detailing and construction management. My advice would be to immerse yourself in everything that can help you understand and grow your spatial awareness and develop creative responses. Take a painting class and study light and shadow, understand how photography can be a powerful tool not only in capturing designs once complete, but learn how to frame an image, so you are able to understand how to better draw perspectives. Read extensively, figure out what the issues in design are that interest you most and remember, the details are often the most important part.

What drew you to interior design? What do you love most about it?

My aunt is an interior designer and I was always fascinated by her creative response to both simple and complex design problems. What I love most about design is problem-solving. Finding solutions that fit within certain criteria set forth by the client and how it always leads to unique and interesting solutions. I often find that the projects with the most constraints often lead me to really push the boundaries of design and "think outside the box". I also love how I am constantly being challenged by projects that I never thought I would work on, but that I find equally fascinating and challenging.

How did your MID degree at UM help to prepare you for your career? 

Research was a main focus in my design education at the U of M and it has led me to understand that it is equally important in practice. Honing my research skills has given me the tools to continue to constantly learn about design and how it affects how we feel, how we behave, what works and what doesn't work. The U of M also taught me that design is ultimately a thought process and a skill that can be used to enhance the every day of those you are working for.

What was the best part of your experience in the graduate program at UM?

Writing my practicum was definitely one of the most challenging things I have completed and looking back, was one of the most enjoyable parts of my graduate experience. I was able to completely immerse myself and focus on design in a way that I have not yet seen paralleled in my career.

Contact us

Department of Interior design
Faculty of Architecture
201 John A. Russell Building
84 Curry Place
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M6
