Hire a co-op and integrated work (Co-op/I) student
If you are interested in hiring a Co-op/I student from the Faculty of Architecture in a paid position, please fill out the Job Posting Submission Form (PDF) or forward the following information to our Co-op/I Coordinator, Faumcoop@umanitoba.ca
Please provide your:
- Company name and job title
- Job location
- Length of term
- Job description
- Job requirements / qualifications
- Application process (contact info)
Community Design and Planning Centre
The Community Design and Planning Centre (CDPC) provides equitable, accessible, inclusive, and multicultural design and planning services and is a hub for community engaged research and projects in the University of Manitoba Faculty of Architecture. Students, staff, and faculty develop and carry out research, educational activities, and design and planning projects in collaboration with communities in Manitoba, northern Ontario and southeastern Saskatchewan.
Visit the CDPC webpage for more information
Partners Program
Since 1993, the Partners Program has provided a strong and vital link between staff and students within the Faculty of Architecture, fostering collaboration between the university and all facets of the professional practice.
Today, numerous key business leaders work with us to cultivate a dialogue between the university and the outside world, mutually benefiting the academic community, industry, business and the professions as well as our students.
Partners Program Mandate
The Partners Program promotes communications between professionals, industry, educators and students to ensure that students receive an excellent professional education rich in theoretical and technical skills. This involves informing the curriculum, providing relevant community-based projects, developing cooperative education opportunities and engaging in design competitions.
Community building: Matching needs and opportunities
The Partners Program helps match resources in the Faculty of Architecture with opportunities and needs in the community. This ensures the Faculty makes a net contribution to the community and enables the public to see the value of good design and planning.
Events: Connecting the community
The Partners Program sponsors a variety of events throughout the year, including Year End Exhibition and Food for Thought presentations from design professionals.
Research: Putting resources to work
The Partners Program looks for opportunities to increase private sector support and leverage public sector funds to increase resources in the Faculty and funding support for students.
Media and public relations: Getting our message out
The Partners Program provides examples of professional, academic, student and research work in print, digital and broadcast media. This helps to:
- Promote the value of design through publications
- Highlight community-based projects
- Promote design competitions
- Recognize design excellence
Corporate and individual members
Enjoy connection and benefits.
The Partners Program has proven to be a unique and outstanding example of the synergy that is created between the academic community, industry, business and professions. The synergy is a special blend of the research acumen on the part of the Faculty of Architecture and its outreach initiatives into the communities of Manitoba, and the knowledge, experience and capabilities of industry and practitioners. Members also gain access to the Faculty of Architecture FABLab and workshop.
Membership is open to any professional or industry partner who would like to be connected to the Faculty of Architecture. Through your membership you will be invited to engage with the students and faculty members.
Annual membership fee
Corporate member: $1,000
Alumni or community member: $500
Membership is open to both individuals and businesses.
Our partners
- Johanna Hurme / Sasa Radulovic, 5468796 Architecture Inc.
- Lee McCormick, Architecture 49
- Alan Barkman, Barkman Concrete Ltd.
- Michael Robertson, Cibinel Architects Ltd
- Haney Louka, Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd.
- Pauline Thimm, Dialog
- Peter Tielmann, EQ3
- Joanne McFadden, ft3 Architecture Landscape Interior Design
- Monica Giesbrecht, HTFC Planning & Design
- Jack Kobayashi, Kobayashi + Zedda Architects Ltd.
- Corey Greenham, LM Architectural Group | Environmental Space Planning
- Mark Pauls, Manitoba Hydro
- Jeffrey Dolovitch, Manitoba Masonry Institute
- Tom Monteyne, Monteyne Architecture Works
- Christina Legris, Number TEN Architectural Group
- The Professional Interior Designers Institute of Manitoba (PIDIM)
- Lindsay Oster, Prairie Architects Inc.
- Gerry Price, Price Industries
- Michael Banman, Stantec Architecture
- Dean, Faculty of Architecture
Mira (Mimi) Locher
Graduates of the University of Manitoba are leading the way, making an impact far beyond our borders. The UM alumni community is more than 145,000 strong, living in 140 countries, demonstrating that from here you can go anywhere.
Faculty of Architecture alumni are active professionals and educators in major centres around the world. Notable graduates include John and Patricia Patkau, Richard Henriquez, John C. Parkin, Etienne Gaboury, Bill Allen and Harry Seidler, who won the 1996 Royal Institute of British Architects Royal Gold Medal.
Visit the UM Alumni web page to learn more about the university’s alumni community and to find out about the benefits and services available exclusively to UM alumni.
There are no Faculty of Architecture reunions planned at this time. If you are interested in planning one, please contact:
Lynn Ferguson
Read our complete guide to planning reunions at the University of Manitoba (PDF). It’s easier than you think!
Warming Huts
The Warming Huts Art + Architecture Competition on Ice has been melding world-class design and art with Winnipeg’s famous winters since 2009. The competition attracts entries from across the globe, and creates an opportunity for the Faculty of Architecture to engage in this important event benefiting our students’ learning experience, and serving as an outlet to promote the University of Manitoba locally and internationally.
NETWORK is an annual publication of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
The Faculty of Architecture aspires to offer widely recognized and highly valued design and planning undergraduate and graduate programs that promote a respectful, collegial, interdisciplinary culture of teaching, scholarship, and service within the University and beyond.
NETWORK is circulated to Faculty of Architecture alumni all over the world, and professional and industry firms throughout Western Canada. NETWORK welcomes articles, comments, and information related to issues affecting the design community.
Barkman concrete design competition
Concrete is familiar and grey. But concrete has amazing properties! Every year Barkman Concrete Ltd. honours pre-cast design proposals of students that challenge and celebrate the material. The Barkman concrete design competition is unique among faculty-wide design competitions since it promotes communication between industry, educators and students.
The call for entries aims at establishing prizes (total money of $3000) generously donated by Barkman Concrete Ltd. as part of their Scholarship Fund for students in the Faculty / Department of Landscape Architecture.
Contest task
The task is to design a new segmental retaining wall product that will expand the aesthetic and technical possibilities for designers. Barkman Concrete Ltd. is expecting compelling ideas for a precast wall system that is flexible, attractive, and easy to integrate with other products.
The wall system needs to:
• be a dry-cast product, fabricable with Barkman’s equipment and methods;
• be modular and integrate with at least one other Barkman hardscape product;
• be functional and aesthetically pleasing.
The winning design will be chosen based on the feasibility, creativity and usefulness demonstrated in the design.
The Barkman Concrete design competition is open to any student enrolled in the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba (in the 2022-2023 academic year) and is a required assignment for students in EVLU 4002. Team entries are welcome. Only one design per team or person is allowed.
Submission instructions
Students are to submit scale drawings (plan and section) of the proposed wall system and its components, how they stack together and maintain structural integrity, as well as renderings of the product in use. At least two different applications should be illustrated (e.g., curb & retaining wall). Written explanations of the design concept, potential applications, and anticipated fabrication method are to be included on the board.
Students are welcome to use scale models, real or digital, to study assembly options, but this is not a requirement. Images of the models may be included in the submission as a supplement to the plan and section drawings.
Layout: design board(s), 24 x 36 inch surface area. Maximum of 2 design boards permitted.
Submission form: 2 hardcopies and 1 pdf-file
Schedule and adjudication
Explanation of Competition
Rm 110 Arch 2 | 11:30am – 12:15pm, Monday, Oct. 3, 2022
Barkman Plant Tour & Lecture on Concrete
10:15am – 2:15pm, Monday, Oct. 17, 2022
Review of draft
JAR room #312 | 11:30pm –2:15pm Monday, Nov. 28, 2022
Arch 2 Room 110 | 11:15am Monday, December 5, 2022
Arch 2 room #208 | 9:00am – noon Friday, December 9, 2022
A jury of Barkman Concrete representatives will undertake the adjudication on December 9th, 2022.
Intellectual Property developed during competition will be managed under the University’s Intellectual Property Policy. Barkman Concrete Ltd. will retain the duplicate copy of submissions for their records and will enter into a compensation agreement with the designer(s) and the University before commencing any commercial production on the basis of their design.
For further information please contact the instructor: Glen Manning
SiAF student design competition
The Department of Biosystems Engineering, with formal ties to both the Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences and the Price Faculty of Engineering, is committed to the establishment of a Sustainability-in-Action Facility (SiAF) that will be available to the University of Manitoba community for experiential learning and demonstration opportunities in areas of sustainability.
The 2021 design competition was initiated by the Department of Biosystems Engineering and organized in collaboration with the Department of Landscape Architecture and the Partners Program in the Faculty of Architecture.
For more info visit: SiAF Student Design Competition page
Contact us
Partners Program
Room 212 John A. Russell Building
84 Curry Place (if using courier)
Faculty of Architecture
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2