Hussein Agoushi
What do you do in your current job?
In my current job, I design interior spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. This involves everything from conceptualizing designs to selecting materials and ensuring that the final product meets the needs and desires of the clients.
What are you doing right now that you are most excited about?
I’m currently working as an interior designer in Winnipeg at an architecture and interior design firm. I’m most excited about broadening my understanding of design.
What is your proudest achievement since graduation?
My proudest achievement is continually expanding my design knowledge and applying it to create impactful interior spaces.
What do you find to be the most challenging, and the most rewarding aspects of your career?
The most challenging aspect of my career is staying ahead of the ever-evolving details and technologies in design. However, the most rewarding part is seeing my designs come to life and positively impacting people’s lives.
What advice would you give to those who are considering a career in interior design?
Understand the importance of interior design and recognize the significant contribution it makes to society. It’s more than just aesthetics—it’s about creating spaces that improve lives.
What drew you to interior design? What do you love most about it?
I was drawn to interior design because it’s a unique blend of art and technology. I love how it allows me to express creativity while also solving practical problems.
What do you see as the most compelling trends in the interior design field?
The most compelling trends in interior design right now are centered around innovation and technology, particularly in how they enable more customized and sustainable solutions.
If you could turn back time to your MID years, what would you have done differently/have taken advantage of as a student?
I would have focused more on mixing creativity with code and detail, which would have allowed me to better integrate innovative technology into my designs from the start.
How did your MID degree at the UM help to prepare you for your career?
My MID degree at the UM provided me with valuable accreditation and exposure to the industry. It also helped me build a strong network of professionals, which has been crucial for my career development.
What was the best part about your experience in the graduate program at the UM?
The best part of my experience in the graduate program at the U of M was the connections I made. The relationships with professors, peers, and industry professionals have been incredibly beneficial both personally and professionally.