retirees in audience

Annual General Meeting

UMRA's Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held each fall.

President's report

The president's report is released annually and includes highlights of the year's activities at a glance.

2023-2024 President's report

This is my 3rd Annual Report as President of UMRA. Selected highlights of the past year’s activities are provided below:

Your Executive Committee has been kept very busy this past year. We continue to work on behalf of all retirees advocating for improved retirees' benefits. And we have been working with Johnson's Insurance to find other retiree benefits plans (similar to the Retired Teachers of Ontario plan offered through CURAC) that might be of interest to those who have reached the age of 75 and can no longer stay in the university plan and/or for those who wish to supplement their university benefits. 

With the help of the members of the Communication Committee, an UMRA banner was purchased this past spring. The banner was displayed at the spring President's Reception and also at the Center on Aging's Spring Symposium in May 2024, where UMRA had their own booth to provide promotional material regarding the benefits of joining the association.

2023-2024 President's report continued


UMRA offers a number of committee opportunities for members.

Executive Committee

The executive committee is responsible for overseeing the administrative and business affairs of the association. 

  • Janet Sealey

    Mark O'Riley
    Vice President

    Dan Sitar
    Past President

  • Dennis Cooley

    June LaRonde

    Note The President is an ex-officio
    member of all
    other committees.

Executive Committee Meeting highlights February 23, 2023

  • University of Manitoba administration has once again agreed to pay UMRA’s & CURAC membership renewal for 2023.
  • The Executive approved of the UMRA President attending the CURAC AGM in Saskatoon from May 31 to June 2, 2023.
  • 3MT Final competition is scheduled for Thursday March 30, 2023 at 7 p.m. UMRA’s President and Vice-president will be attending the final competition where they will be presenting the 2nd prize which is sponsored by UMRA.
  • The retirement planning sessions are still well attended and going forward. Bernie Gold, Director, Staff Benefits, advised that the costs for the retirement planning sessions will be funded as part of the Staff Benefits Office budget.
  • The Benefits and Pension committee are currently working with Lisa Hanson, Johnson insurance to develop a benefits plan that might be attractive to retirees, especially those who, at age 75, must shop around for a new plan.
  • CURAC is assembling information to compare benefits and pensions at different universities. June Stewart and Janet Sealey completed the survey for UMRA.
  • The Executive committee approved a further donation of $1,000.00 to both the UMRA bursary fund and the UMRA scholarship fund.
  • A members' event at the new Royal Aviation museum in early summer was approved.
  • U of M retirees contributed 54% of the funds donated to the United Way in the most recent campaign.
  • Next Executive meeting will be held on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
  • Ex-offico Members

    Gene Walz, Chair
    Communications Committee

    Gladys Stewart, Chair
    Membership Committee

    June Stewart, Chair
    Benefits & Pensions Committee

Members At Large

Ed Unrau

Norma Godavari

Jay Goldstein

 Bill Kops

Benefits and pensions committee

  • Mark O'Riley & June Stewart (Co-chairs)
  • Thelma Lussier
  • Gail Mackisey
  • Janet Sealey

Communications committee

  • Gene Walz (Chair)
  • Gene Walz (Editor: Retiree's News)
  • Janice Mann (Webmaster)
  • Ed Unrau
  • Janet Sealey
  • Dan Sitar
  • Bob Talbot

Membership committee

  • Gladys Stewart (Chair)
  • Norma Godavari
  • Jay Goldstein
  • Jean Paterson

Nominating committee

  • Dan Sitar (Chair)
  • Marjorie Doyle

Endowment fund committee

  • Ed Unrau (Chair)
  • Monica Carlberg (Donor Relations, UM)
  • Janice Mann
  • Lotfollah Shafai
  • Peri Venkatesh

United Way retiree campaign

  • Dan Sitar

Privacy Officer

  • Mark O'Riley

Retiree contact within UM

Learn more about UMRA governance

Contact us

University of Manitoba Retiree Association
c/o Learning & Organizational Development
309 Administration Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
