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Why Science Co-op

Hiring from UM Science Co-op connects you with high-calibre talent and the opportunity to play a role in shaping the development of the next generation of leaders in the digital economy, research, and science.

  • four people waring a laboratory coat smiling in front of the camera
  • About the Faculty of Science

    Located in the heart of Canada, the University of Manitoba Faculty of Science brings together a community of students, researchers and faculty dedicated to discovery and innovation in the field, the lab and the classroom. With more than 50 degree programs and more than 5500 students, our Faculty is a hub of unique voices in learning and discovery; all contributing to important conversations.

    Our students learn in an environment with a century-long tradition of expanding boundaries. From breakthroughs in wireless communications to the prevention of Rh diseases, HIV/AIDS and the invention of Canola.

    Faculty members who guide our students leverage their expertise for practical problem-solving such as product development, customer behaviour modelling, neurocomputing, data security, bioinformatics and climate change adaptations.

Benefits of hiring from Science Co-op

  • Recruitment flexibility

    Science Co-op is a cost-effective resource to fill short-term staffing needs, peak periods, or special projects. Science Co-op students are available for four or eight-month work terms beginning in January, May, and September each year. Employers have year-round access to qualified students in 15 Science disciplines (and counting).

  • Quality students

    Science Co-op students are pre-screened before being accepted into the program to ensure they meet academic standards and have the attributes and motivation to succeed. Science Co-op students bring fresh ideas, enthusiasm and the eagerness to learn and grow. They are ready to work!

  • Customer service

    The Science Co-op team is your recruitment partner. We work with you throughout the hiring process and during the work term to ensure your needs are being met. We are committed to providing the highest level of service and take great pride in delivering prompt and personalized contact.

  • The future

    Science Co-op is not just hiring students for current opportunities. It is an investment in your future and presents an opportunity to recruit potential future employees. Consider the Co-op Work Term to be an “extended job interview” where you assess your co-op students for positions after graduation.

Programs and skills

Hiring process

There are four steps to the hiring process for Science Co-op:

  1. Posting your job by completing our needs assessment form.
  2. Reviewing applications
  3. Interviewing
  4. Making an offer

To get started, please contact the Science Co-op Office via e-mail at scicoop@umanitoba.ca or the appropriate Co-op coordinator to get started.

Salaries and funding opportunities

  • Co-op employers are responsible for setting their co-op student salaries, which should reflect the market rate for the required level of work and experience.

    Life and Physical Sciences, and Computational Sciences (Data Science, Mathematics, and Statistics)

    The hourly wage range for students is from the provincial minimum to $25.00, with an average wage of $18.00 per hour for 2024.

    Computer Science

    The average hourly wage for students working locally is $23.00 per hour, some opportunities pay as much as $30.00 per hour.

    Employers are welcome to offer additional benefits to co-op students, which may include relocation and housing assistance or reimbursement of students’ co-op work term fees.

    You can also explore potential funding or wage subsidy programs.

  • person typing on a laptop with funding text on a green screen.

International employers

Science Co-op connects employers from around the world with our top achievers. They bring unique knowledge, resourcefulness, and ambition. Add the best and brightest of today’s young scientists to your organization.


FAQS Frequently Asked Questions

What are my responsibilities as an employer?

As a co-employer, you play an important role in the education and career development of your co-op student. Here are some tips for creating a successful work term experience for both you and your student.

  • Assign your co-op student a supervisor who is able to meet with and mentor them on a regular basis. This individual should provide the student with feedback on the quality of their work and performance.
  • Co-op students are required to develop learning objectives for their work term. Meet with the student at the beginning of the work term to discuss their expectations and to ensure they are realistic about the scope of their position. This discussion will allow the student to better understand the connection between their co-op position and academic studies.
  • Provide your student with an orientation; which may include an overview of the organization, its work environment and employer expectations. Any required safety training may be included as part of the orientation. If necessary, have the student sign a required non-disclosure agreement should their work deal with confidential and/or proprietary information/technology.
  • It is important to recognize some students may need extra attention during the first few weeks of the work term. For these students, the Co-op work term is their first experience in a professional work environment.
  • Advise the Science Co-op Office of any issues which may arise pertaining to the student or Co-op Program.

When can I post my job?

Science Co-op accepts postings on a continuous basis. Employers are strongly encouraged to submit their postings as soon as possible as posting early provides access to the largest pool of available students. Jobs are posted as received. Employer partners may start to post at the beginning of each new academic term: January (for summer placements), May (for fall placements), and September (for winter placements). Federal government employers may post earlier if they wish to allow time for completion of hiring requirements such as security and medical clearances.

Can I hire an International student?

International students comprise 20-25% of Science Co-op. International students are required to obtain a Co-op work permit through Citizenship and Immigration and the work permit allows International Co-op Students to work off campus in Co-op approved positions. Employers may also wish to contact their Human Resources department or hiring managers to review company policies and procedures for hiring International students.

Does the university provide financial support?

The University of Manitoba does not currently provide employers with financial support for Science Co-op hires. Employers may wish to explore potential funding or wage subsidy programs.

Contact us

Science Co-op Offices
Engineering Information and Technology Complex (EITC)
EITC E2-482, 483, 484 and 499
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 5V6 Canada

Our office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.