COVID-19 mitigation strategies and risk statement

 Please review the latest updates and information as it is released by the University of Manitoba.  Researchers must follow public health and institutional COVID-19 mitigation strategies. 


Research requiring review

Please review the information and definitions below to learn more about the circumstances in which ethics reviews are required.

When is research ethics approval required?

In accordance with University of Manitoba policies, any undertaking in which a university affiliated faculty, staff or student investigates or collects data on human participants for research purposes must be approved by a University of Manitoba Research Ethics Board (REB) prior to implementation. This includes research carried out on university premises or conducted elsewhere.

If you are a Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) researcher who is either (i) employed by the WRHA or have a written contract for service with the WRHA; or (ii) have privileges under the WRHA's Medical Staff By-Laws and are conducting your research at facilities owned by or operated by the WRHA or under the direction of the WRHA, you may also submit or in some cases be required by WRHA to submit your research to a University of Manitoba REB.

Uncertain if an ethics approval is required?

The researcher must seek the written opinion of the REB chair by sending a one-page summary of the proposal to the REB office.

How is research defined?

The definition of research as per University of Manitoba policy used in determining if an activity needs prior REB approval is as follows:

Human research refers to any project that involves the collection of specimens, data or information from persons, through intervention or otherwise. Included are procedures that have a low degree of invasiveness (for example, survey, interviews, naturalistic observations, exercise or psychometric testing, examination of patient records) as well as more invasive procedures (for example, blood sampling, insertion of a cannula, administration of a substance).

This includes all types of research conducted with human participants.  Specifically, prior ethics review and approval is required when research data are derived from, but not exclusively restricted to:

  1. Information collected through intervention or interaction with a living individual(s)
  2. Identifiable private information about individuals 
  3. Human organs, tissues, body fluids  
  4. Written or recorded information derived from individually identifiable human participants.

In addition, ethics review is required for the following categories of research that may be overlooked or raise questions about the necessity for such a review:

  • Pilot studies and feasibility studies, even those involving only one human participant, require the same scrutiny as full-scale research projects involving many participants. 

  • Projects that involve the secondary use of data on human participants gathered in earlier projects

  • Research conducted by administrative and academic units that involves the collection of survey replies or the use of records as correlates of survey replies from human participants, for example, students, staff or faculty members. 

FIPPA Policy 1406 - The Ethics of Research Involving Human Subjects Guidelines: Administrative Research, Interviews and Surveys (PDF)

  • Research projects in which the researcher is a consultant, unless the researcher has a strict consulting relationship which:
    • (a) the researcher is hired on his or her own time
    • (b) the researcher holds no rights in the work, and
    • (c) neither the researcher nor the university retains any data. 

If any one of these criteria is not met, prior ethics review and approval is required.

  • All graduate and undergraduate independent student research projects conducted in partial fulfillment of degree requirements.

When is research not subject to REB review?

Prior ethics review and approval from an REB will not normally be required for:

  • A limited type of research most often found within the humanities, fine arts, and in some historical research which involves:
    (a) a public database where aggregated data that cannot be associated with any individual are obtained; and/or
    (b) information already in the public domain (for example,  autobiographies, biographies or public archives).  Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the researcher to ascertain that any information used from these sources is presented in an accurate fashion. 
  • Archival analysis of records by UM departments normally engaged in the collection, maintenance and analysis of such records. Nevertheless, it is incumbent on such units to ensure that the anonymity of individuals and confidentiality of their records are maintained. 
  • Class research projects which involve human participants and which are conducted by students on other members of the class as exercises to learn how to conduct research. 
  • Per article 2.5 of TCPS 2, quality assurance and quality improvement studies, program evaluations activities and performance reviews, or testing within normal educational requirements when used exclusively for assessment, management or improvement purposes, do not constitute research and do not require REB review. 
  • The researcher should seek the written approval of the REB Chair that ethics approval is not required.

The Tri-Council Policy Statement 2: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS)

The University of Manitoba is committed to complying with the intent of the TCPS 2 with respect to ethic and ethical conduct for research involving human participants.

The Tri-Council Policy Statement 2:  Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans TCPS 2 (2022) describes the policies of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSCERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The joint Policy expresses the three Agencies continuing commitment to the people of Canada to promote the ethical conduct of research involving human participants.

Additional requirements for international research

If you are planning to conduct research with human participants outside of Canada, the Tri-Council Policy Statement (Article 18.3) requires ethics approval at your institution and by an ethics board, where such exists, in the country where the research will be conducted. To find out more about this requirement, get in touch with REB staff.

Remember to factor in extra time for obtaining ethics approval from international ethics bodies often known as Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) or Research Ethics Committees (RECs).

Submission processes

The processes outlined for submission requirements are for submitting:

  • New study submissions (delegated and full board)
  • Case reports
  • Tabled responses
  • Responses to conditional approval
  • Amendments (full board and delegated)
  • Annual reviews (full board and delegated)
  • Final reports
  • Protocol deviations, privacy breaches, adverse event reporting and safety updates

Please disregard any references to the need for paper copies on checklists/or website instructions. We only require electronic copies via e-mail at this time.

Learn about submission requirements

Board Membership

There are two Research Ethics Boards (REBs) at the Bannatyne Campus.

Members of the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Medical Rehabilitation, the affiliated teaching hospitals, and their associated research foundations must submit their protocols to the appropriate REB at the Bannatyne campus. In addition to the Bannatyne campus protocols, the BREB and HREB will review any protocols that may be referred by the REBs on the Fort Garry Campus.

If you do not fall under any of the above listed categories please see the Fort Garry Campus Research Ethics Board website for further information.

Biomedical Research Ethics Board (BREB)

The BREB reviews all research ethics protocols involving clinical trials and other biomedical research interventions.

Chair: Dr. L. Nicolle, MD, FRCPC
Current BREB Membership List (PDF)

Health Research Ethics Board (HREB)

The HREB reviews research from the Bannatyne campus involving the behavioural sciences, surveys, examinations of medical records and protocols of generally lesser risk.

Chair: Dr. J. Arnett, PhD, C. Psych

Current HREB Membership List (PDF)

If previous versions are required please contact Denise Cannon at 204-789-3255.

PHIA and research ethics

Learn the details and expectations around the application of PHIA to research involving personal health information when requesting Research Ethics Board approval for research.

Research Ethics Board guidelines

The following guidelines were developed by the Bannatyne Campus Research Ethics Boards to be used with the University of Manitoba's Policy 1406 governing research involving human subjects.

A. Fee assessment for review of research proposals

Fee assessment for review of research proposals

The Bannatyne Campus Research Ethics office will assess a fee of $2500 for protocols that are funded all or in part by the private sector. Protocols that are not funded by private sector organizations and protocols with small external grants usually will not be billed.

Research undertaken within undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate training programs and studies funded by national granting agencies will not be billed.

Protocols funded by the private sector

The $2500 fee is not dependent upon approval; that is, if the study is not approved or initiated and REB review has been undertaken the fee will apply. One of the following modes of payment must be specified in the submission package:

  • A UM account number from which the fee of $2500 may be debited by processing an interdepartmental charge; or
  • A contact person with a billing address and telephone number to which the fee of $2500 may be invoiced.

If the mode of payment is not specified, the Principal Investigator will be billed directly.

Researchers should reference the appropriate Ethics Review Number in all correspondence regarding billing.

Combined submissions

A single fee of $2500 may be charged when two or more investigators, involved in the same study, combine their submission to the Research Ethics Boards. This single fee is subject to the following conditions:

  • One investigator (hereafter referred to as the "contact investigator") should submit the package (containing all the submission requirements) on behalf of all the investigators who are making the combined submission.
  • The contact investigator's submission package should include the consent forms for all the investigative sites involved in the combined submission. The consent forms for the various sites involved in the combined submission should be identical in content except for site-specific details such as letterhead, investigators' names and contact numbers.
  • The cover letter of the submission should indicate the name of the investigator making the submission and the names of the other investigators on whose behalf they are is making the combined submission.
  • Throughout the course of the study, the contact investigator is responsible for submitting all amendments, such as Serious Adverse Event reports, on behalf of themselves and all those involved in the combined submission.

When the same protocol is submitted separately by different investigators, each investigator will be billed $2500.

Please direct questions regarding fee assessment to:

Beatrice Kallu
REB Ethics Office
Room P126 Pathology Building
770 Bannatyne Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0W3

Phone: 204-789-3883

B. Advertising for study participants

All advertising material must be reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Board (REB) prior to implementation. Advertisements may be reviewed through delegated review procedures.

The REB will review the information contained in the advertisement and the mode of its communication, such as posters, TV or radio, internet, social media, to ensure that the procedure for recruiting participants is not coercive and does not state or imply a certainty of a favourable outcome or other benefits beyond what is outlined in the consent document and the protocol.

When advertisements are to be taped for broadcast, the REB may either review the final audio or video tape or alternatively, the REB may review the wording of the advertisement prior to taping to preclude re-taping because of inappropriate content.

Content of the advertisements

No claims should be made, either explicitly or implicitly, that a drug, biologic or device is safe or effective for the purposes under investigation, or that the test article is known to be equivalent or superior to any other drug, biologic or device. Such representation would be misleading to subjects and would involve promotion of investigational drugs or investigational devices.

Advertising for recruitment into investigational drug, biologic or device studies should not use terms such as "new treatment," "new medication" or "new drug" without explaining that the test article is investigational. A phrase such as "receive new treatments" implies that all study subjects will be receiving newly marketed products of proven worth.

Advertisements should not promise "free medical treatment" or "free medication" when the intent is only to say participants will not be charged for taking part in the investigation.

Advertisements may state that the participants will be paid, but should not emphasize the payment or the amount to be paid.

C. Payment to research participants

Payment to participants for participation in research studies should not be considered a benefit. It is a method for compensating research volunteers for out of pocket expenses, such as parking or meals, and/or lost wages as a result of time spent in the study. Payment to participants should not constitute "undue inducement" by leading to an increase in voluntariness or a decrease in the understanding with which participants agree to participate.

The payment should accrue as the study progresses and should not be contingent upon the participants completing the entire study. Payment of a small proportion as an incentive for completion of the study is acceptable, providing that such an incentive is not coercive. The REB will ensure that the amount paid is reasonable and not so large as to unduly coerce participants to stay in the study when they would otherwise have withdrawn.

The amount and schedule of all payments should be presented to the Research Ethics Board (REB) with the initial submission. The REB will review both the amount of payment and the proposed method and timing of disbursement to ensure that neither is coercive or presents undue influence.

All information concerning payment, including the amount and schedule of payment should be clearly explained in the in the REB Submission Form and informed consent form.

In controlled studies, payment to participants should be equal, irrespective of the treatment arm and irrespective of whether they are patients or "normal" (healthy) control participants.

Gifts and Incentives

“Incentives" or “compensation,” include anything offered to participants, monetary or otherwise, to encourage participation in research. This is distinct from reimbursing participants for minor incidental expenses they incur by participating in the research, such as transportation costs or parking, which is not problematic from an ethics perspective. It should not be assumed that people must be compensated in order to participate in research studies; however, compensation can improve participation rates.

TCPS2 reminds us “because incentives are used to encourage participation in a research project, they are an important consideration in assessing voluntariness. Where incentives are offered to participants, they should not be so large or attractive as to encourage reckless disregard of risks. “

To ensure voluntariness of consent is not compromised, the researcher must justify to the Research Ethics Board in the initial application or any amendments the particular mode and level of incentive.

The researcher should consider applicable issues such as economic circumstances of those in the pool of prospective participants, the age and decision-making capacity of participants, the customs and practices of the community, and the magnitude and probability of harms that may affect the voluntariness of consent in their project.

TCPS 2 also states “Guardians and authorized third parties should not receive incentives for arranging the involvement in research of the individual they represent. However, they may accept reasonable incentives or compensation on behalf of that individual, as long as these are suitable to the circumstances.”

Items that are directly related to the procedures in the trial may be given to the participants. For example, pens may be given where participants are required to complete diary cards and medical aids, such as breast self-exam cards, may be given if relevant to the study. Only items that cannot be perceived as being "unduly coercive" may be given to participants.

Use of lotteries as an incentive

Some researchers may wish to compensate participants using a draw or lottery—defined as a chance to win a substantial prize—instead of or in addition to giving every participant a smaller prize.

There are federal legal issues pertaining to lotteries that must be taken into account if this method is used. For example, a lottery must not require participants to pay money or other valuable consideration in order to participate. The probability of winning the prize should be given when recruiting participants as part of informed consent. In addition, winning the lottery must be based on skill as well as chance. Thus, many lotteries require the participants to answer a skill-testing question in order to qualify for a chance to win the prize.

As a guide for researchers who choose to use this method, the University of Manitoba will require that prizes with a value of $50 or greater have the participant answer a skill-testing question to qualify to win the prize.

Researchers must outline the odds of winning in both the informed consent form/consent disclosure and REB submission form. The informed consent/consent disclosure, when applicable, as outlined above, must also indicate to participants that a skill testing questions is required when the value of the prize is $50 or greater.

Example of skill testing text problem:

“By participating, you are eligible to win a (insert prize). Under federal law, it is necessary that you answer a skill-testing question correctly in order to qualify for a chance to win the prize. If you wish to be considered for this prize, then please answer the following question. (Write your answer in the blank space provided.) Sample mathematical problem (create your own): (13 + 17) divided by 10 = ____. “

D. Payment to investigators

The REB collects and reviews all study budgets to ensure that funds are allocated in an ethical manner. Payment to researchers, for research that is sponsored by the private sector, should not be so high as to seem coercive. For research funded by the private sector, granting agencies or other organizations the consent form should contain the following (or similar) disclosure to the research participants:  The study doctor (and or/ institution) is (are) receiving professional fees and financial support from (name of sponsor/funder) to conduct this study.”

Detailed, itemized financial disclosure in the consent form is not necessary, unless the participant requests it.

Recruitment bonuses paid to investigators

Awarding or accepting recruitment bonuses for the recruitment of a certain number of participants or for the recruitment of participants within a certain period of time is unethical.

Offer and acceptance of finders' fees for the recruitment of research subjects

The offer or acceptance of a finder's fee is prohibited—where finders' fees are defined as money or other personal rewards provided to faculty members, trainees or any other individuals simply to identify potential participants for a study.

Compensation to the referring professional may be acceptable when additional duties such as reviewing the clinical protocol and conducting a general eligibility screening are required. The recruit must have provided informed consent for the general eligibility screening to proceed. Compensation to the referee must be disclosed in the informed consent form.

Compensation must not be contingent upon the participants  acceptance into the protocol, agreement to participate, or completion of the protocol. The REB will consider as nominal compensation that is felt to be reasonable for the time and effort expended by the referring professional.

E. Guideline to research involving stored biological materials

F. Review procedures for researchers affiliated with the National Research Council and UM

Researchers affiliated with both the National Research Council (NRC) and the University of Manitoba need to submit their research proposals to and receive approval from the Research Ethics Board (REB) of the NRC and a REB of the University of Manitoba prior to initiating the research.

The REBs at both institutions operate in compliance with the Tri-Council Policy Statement of Canada (August 1998), the Personal Health Information Act of Manitoba and other applicable national and international regulatory guidelines. This policy has been developed by the NRC REB and the two REBs at the Bannatyne campus, University of Manitoba in an effort to streamline the ethics review process. (The REBs at the Bannatyne Campus are the Health REB and the Biomedical REB). This policy will be effective starting July 2000.

The Research Ethics Boards at the Bannatyne Campus will conduct a delegated review of new research proposals, or amendments to approved proposals, that have been approved by the NRC REB where the following circumstances apply:

  1. The researchers are affiliated with the University of Manitoba and the research involves human subjects, remains, cadavers, tissues or biological fluids.
  2. The subjects are adults who are able to provide consent and no intervention is undertaken, except as described in 3, below.
  3. The intervention poses no more than "minimal risk" to the participants, for example, some examinations of patient records, secondary analysis of data, use of biological specimens normally discarded, collection of blood and urine specimens, applications of hot and cold to body surfaces, response to visual or auditory stimulus, MRI studies without contrast, may constitute no more than minimal risk).

The submission for "expedited review" to the UM REB must include single copies of the following documents:

  • Protocol
  • Consent form (if applicable)
  • Bannatyne campus REB Submission form
  • Letter of approval from the NRC REB
  • Any other applicable study specific documents

The REB at the Bannatyne campus will maintain a file on each study. If there are concerns about the research proposal or subsequent amendments to it, the Chair of the university REB has the authority to request full board review. The university REB should be updated on all amendments to study procedures or documents, including approval from the NRC REB for such amendments. Both REBs need to be notified of any Serious Adverse Events. The researchers must submit annual study status reports to both REBs for annual renewal of approval. For both REBs, this can be done using the NRC's Annual Study Status Report format.

Where the research involves greater than minimal risk to research participants, for example, the administration of drugs, invasive procedures, or based on the opinion of the REB Chair, the investigator must submit to both the NRC REB and UM REB for full board review.

G. REB meeting minutes

Minutes will be recorded at each REB meeting, and the minutes will be approved (or revised as required) at the subsequent meeting. When individuals or organizations request to review the minutes, they will be given access to the sections that pertain to their protocol(s) only, in order to maintain confidentiality. The minutes will include the following information:

General information:

  • Meeting date and time
  • Meeting location
  • Attendance

Study-specific information:

  • Principal Investigator's name
  • Study title
  • Ethics #
  • Item reviewed, for example, new protocol, amendment, annual approval
  • Names of committee members who abstained from voting, if applicable, and the reason
  • General description of the comments and concerns discussed at the meeting
  • Outcome of REB review, for example, Approved as submitted, Approved with modifications, Tabled, Not approved

H. Application of PHIA in a research ethics context

Learn more about the application of the Personal Health Information Act of Manitoba (PHIA) in a research ethics context.

PHIA and research ethics

I. Reporting and monitoring adverse events

Please review all situations in which adverse events should be reported below.

Adverse event reporting

J. Informed consent guidelines

Please review the informed consent guidelines section on this page.

K. Procedures for reviewing research requiring administration of radioactive substances to healthy human Volunteers

Review guidelines within the University of Manitoba digital library documentation.

UM Libraries login

L. Procedures and forms for reporting protocol deviations

As per ICH GCP 4.5.2, "The investigator should not implement any deviation from, or changes of the protocol without agreement by the sponsor and prior review and documented approval/favourable opinion from the IRB/IEC of an amendment, except where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard(s) to trial subjects, or when the change(s) involves only logistical or administrative aspects of the trial (e.g., change in monitor(s), change of telephone number(s)."

A protocol deviation is defined any action or inaction that does not correspond to the approved protocol. A protocol deviation may include accidental or unintentional or intentional changes, including changes made to eliminate an immediate hazard to participants or others. Protocol deviations may be major or minor and serious or not serious. 

All protocol deviations, both minor and major, for all research projects   that had not received prior approval by a Bannatyne campus Research Ethics Board through an amendment, must be reported to the Bannatyne Campus REB office as per  the above guideline. This includes clinical trials, observational studies, retrospective records review, registries, biobanks and others. 

As we develop more detailed requirements for reporting privacy breaches or confidentiality breaches please report such as a protocol deviation on the Major Protocol Deviation Form.

Protocol deviation forms

M. Annual review/continuing review guidelines

Please review the information below to learn more about guidelines and instructions to submit your Annual Study Status Report (ASSR).

Annual review procedures

N. Virtual Platform Guidelines

O. Demographic Questions Guidelines

Q. Online Transcription Services - Assessed by UM IT

Assessed On-line Transcription Services

The following transcription services have been assessed by Information Security and Compliance based on encryption, security management framework/non-disclosure agreements, data storage/upload considerations, as well as authentication method and have been categorized for use with appropriate levels of confidential data as observed. Please take into consideration the sensitivity of the data you will be using with the service and only use services that have been vetted for the level of data you will be processing.  

If you wish to use a service not listed below, please contact Information Security and Compliance so that a Threat Risk Assessment can be performed on the service to provide assurance of data security. Please refer to the Data Security Classification Guide and the Data Storage Guidelines for Research with Human Participants as appropriate.

Guidelines for research involving stored biological materials

This guideline has been developed by the Bannatyne Campus Research Ethics Boards to address ethical issues pertaining to the collection, storage and use of human biological materials for research purposes. It will aid researchers and Research Ethics Boards (REBs) in the application of principles outlined in sections 8 and 10 of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (2022).

Previously collected biological materials

  • Research involving the use of previously collected biological samples (samples that were either collected for another research project or samples from pathological examinations) must be submitted to a REB for review and approval.
  • When identification is possible, researchers shall seek to obtain free and informed consent from the donors, or from their authorized third parties, for the use of previously collected biological material (TCPS, Article 10.3). If obtaining informed consent is not feasible, permission must be sought from the REB prior to use of the samples.
  • If informed consent was previously obtained, that is, at the time of sample collection, a copy of the consent form must be forwarded to the REB with the new submission. For identifiable samples, the REB will review the original consent forms to determine whether the subjects agreed to participate in the type of research proposed. If the consent forms are inadequate, the researcher must either obtain consent from the subjects for the current research or, if appropriate, anonymize the samples.
  • When biological material has been provided by persons who are not individually identifiable (anonymous and anonymized biological material), and when there are no potential harms to them, there is no need to seek the donor's permission to use their biological material for research purposes (TCPS, Article 10.3).


The following are definitions for terms commonly used in the context of research involving stored biological materials:

  • Anonymized samples: Samples that have been permanently stripped of identifiers. Also known as unlinked samples. This does not include samples that have been stripped of identifiers for the purposes of one or more investigators.
  • Anonymous samples: Samples that are anonymous due either to the absence of tags and records or the passage of time, such as biological material recovered from archeological sites. Also known as unidentified samples.
  • Biological materials: Human tissue, such as bone, muscle, skin, connective tissue, organ tissue, and hair, blood, body fluids, feces, DNA, etc.
  • Banking: Storage of biological material for future research.
  • Genetic Research: The study of genetic factors responsible for human traits. This includes research that involves the identification of genes that make up the human genome; the functions of genes; and the characterization of normal and disease conditions in individuals, biological relatives, families and groups. (TCPS, p. 8.1).
  • Identifiable sample: Samples that can be linked to a specific individual, for example, by way of an identifying tag, patient number or database. Also known as linked, coded or traceable samples.
  • Stored biological materials: Biological materials stored for future research.
  • Subject: Used to refer to the donor of the biological sample, to be consistent with the Tri-Council Policy Statement. Also referred to as the participant.
  • TCPS: Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (August 1998).

Collection of biological material for research

The collection, storage, and use of human biological materials for research must be undertaken with the free and informed consent of competent donors. In the case of incompetent donors, free and informed consent must be obtained from an authorized third party. In the case of deceased donors, free and informed consent must have been expressed in a prior directive or free and informed consent must be obtained from an authorized third party. (TCPS, Article 10.1).

Informed consent is required when the biological material to be used in research was acquired incidentally to therapeutic interventions (TCPS, p. 10.3). "Acquired incidentally" refers to material left over from clinical samples or extra samples acquired at the same time as clinical samples. The consent form for research use of human biological samples should be separate from the consent form for clinical procedures.

Informed consent for collection of biological material for research

The general principles for informed consent, as outlined in the consent form templates for the Bannatyne Campus, should be applied in addition to the following issues specific to the collection of biological material:

  1. The purpose of the research for which biological samples are being collected (TCPS, Article 10.2).
  2. The type and amount of the biological sample to be taken; the manner in which sample will be taken; and the safety and invasiveness of acquisition (TCPS, Article 10.2);
  3. The potential uses for the sample, including any commercial uses (TCPS, Article 10.2); Use for genetic research must be specified. Note: Generalized descriptions of the potential uses are only acceptable if the samples are anonymized.
  4. Potential benefits and harms from the research (including, where appropriate, benefits and harms to families, groups, or communities).
  5. Specify how long the samples will be stored (TCPS, Article 10.2). Note: Storage for an indefinite period of time is only acceptable if the samples are anonymized.
  6. Specify where the tissue will be stored; and, if applicable, who will be responsible for distributing the tissue for future research.
  7. The consent form may be designed with yes/no check-boxes giving subjects the opportunity to consent to or refuse certain categories of research. Examples include:
    • Future use of identifiable samples for any study relating to the condition for which the sample was originally collected;
    • Future use of anonymized samples for any study relating to the condition for which the sample was originally collected;
    • Future use of anonymized samples for studies that are unrelated to the condition for which the sample was originally collected;
    • Use of samples for one particular study;
    • Future contact permitted to ask for permission to do further studies; etc.
  8. Describe the safeguards to protect the individual's privacy and confidentiality.
  9. Describe any identifying information attached to specific samples, links to personal information, and potential for traceability (TCPS, Article 10.2).
  10. When the consent is obtained in a clinical setting, it should be clear that refusal to consent to the research use of biological materials will in no way affect the quality of the patients' clinical care.
  11. The subject should be told whether they will be provided with the results of the tests. In the case of anonymized samples, where appropriate, subjects may be given the overall results of the study. The results should be disclosed when they signify a clinical problem and methods to ameliorate or treat the condition are available. If the results will not be disclosed, reasons for this should be provided.
  12. Where the samples are identifiable, the subjects should be able to request that his/her sample be destroyed. The exercise of the right to withdrawal is not possible in the case of anonymized samples and the subject should be informed of this in the consent form.
  13. Where appropriate, the researcher should inform the subject at the time of consent that the subject is not entitled to any financial or commercial benefits arising from the research.
  14. If the biological samples or data derived from the research are to be sent to other researchers or institutions, the subject should be informed at the time of consent to participation and given the opportunity to decline (e.g. using a yes/no check box). The recipient researcher's/institution's policies governing storage and access to stored samples should be forwarded to the REB along with the request for approval.

Guidelines for the Collection of Blood Samples in Research involving Humans

Guidelines for the Collection of Blood Samples in Research involving Humans

These guidelines can be reviewed under Miscellaneous Forms, Templates and Guidelines on this website.

Storage of biological materials for research

  • The principal investigator or appropriate delegate should control access to stored biological material. The principal investigator should outline plans for the transfer of responsibilities regarding the samples and research data, in the event of his/her departure from the institution, prolonged absence or death.
  • The study protocol must describe the storage procedures in detail: where will the samples be stored; how will they be stored to protect the subjects' privacy and confidentiality; who will have access to identifiable information, for example. 
  • When transferring genetic material and information between researchers, only coded or anonymized information should be transmitted.

Ethical issues for the REB to consider

  • Rendering samples anonymous has the advantage of increasing confidentiality, however, it has the disadvantage of making it impossible to offer potential benefits of the research to donors and their families. This is important when research may disclose previously undiagnosed conditions, such as an inherited predisposition to breast cancer (TCPS, p. 10.2).
  • In addition to the privacy and confidentiality of the individual donors, the REBs should take into account implications of the research to biological relatives of the donors or related communities. When harms to the individual or associated groups can be anticipated, investigators should, to the extent possible, plan their research so as to minimize such harms and should consult, when appropriate, representatives of the relevant groups regarding the study design.

Genetic research

In addition to the guidelines for research involving stored biological material, the following must be considered for genetic research:

  • The researcher must ensure that the results of genetic testing and genetic counseling records are protected from access by third parties (e.g. insurers, employers), unless free and informed consent to do so is given by the subject (TCPS, Article 8.2). For example, for some studies the REB may request that there be no mention of the study in the subject's medical charts.
  • Family information in databanks must be coded so as to remove the possibility of identification of subjects within the bank (TCPS, Article 8.2).
  • Children may be at particular risk for stigmatization both within and beyond the family because of knowledge gained through genetic studies. Genetic research involving children [regarding specific diseases] should not be done unless an effective intervention is available and the information to be gained outweighs the risk of harm. (e.g. it may be appropriate to offer testing to children in a family for an early onset condition such as polyposis coli, for which the knowledge affects treatment options, but inappropriate to test children for an adult onset condition such as Huntington Disease for which no effective prevention yet exists (TCPS, p. 8.4).
  • Where appropriate, researchers and the REB shall ensure that the research protocol makes provision for access to genetic counseling for the subjects (TCPS, Article 8.4).
  • Gene alteration (including "gene therapy") that involves human germline cells or human embryos is not ethically acceptable. Gene alteration for therapeutic purposes and involving human somatic cells may be considered for approval (TCPS, Article 8.5).

Consent for genetic research

In following additional requirements for informed consent should be addressed for genetic research:

  • Discuss potential harms (to the subject, family, group or community) that may result from the genetic research. For example, receiving information regarding susceptibility to genetic disease or identification of blood relationships may cause distress to the subject. Describe how such harms will be dealt with as part of the research project (e.g., genetic counseling, TCPS article 8.4).
  • Plans for disclosure of the results of genetic research (to the subject and to family members) must be addressed in the protocol and in the consent forms.
  • With the exception of the cases provided by law, no genetic information should be transmitted to insurers, employers, educational institutions and other public institutions without express consent from the subject.

Related issues that have been raised frequently at REB meetings

  1. Can the current guidelines (for example with respect to length of storage, or informed consent) be applied to research involving samples that were collected prior to the existence of these guidelines?
    Yes, the currently guidelines may be applied. The REBs will address such studies on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Do researchers need to specify length of storage for research that does not involve genetic analysis? If not, what is the justification for specifying length of storage for genetic research (other than the fact that it is asked for in the TCPS)?
    • Regardless of the type of sample, genetic or otherwise, length of storage should be specified if the samples are not anonymized. While there is no 'upper limit' for the length of storage, the length must be justified. In certain circumstances it may be necessary to maintain the link to the subject, for example if the results of the research may be beneficial to the subject.
    • If the samples are anonymized, storage for an indefinite period of time is acceptable.
    • The consent form should specify the length of storage and whether the samples are anonymized.
  3. Should 'minimal risk' research involving human biological materials qualify for expedited review? For example, some research involving anonymous or anonymized tissue may qualify for expedited review.
    'Minimal Risk' research may qualify for expedited review. This is to be determined by the chair of the appropriate REB on a case by case basis. 
  4. Would the REB accept consent forms that refer to future use of the samples in general terms, rather than specifying, at the very least, the category of future research (e.g., "research about cardiovascular disease")?
    Such consent forms are only acceptable when the samples are anonymous. If the samples are not anonymous, the consent forms need to be more specific with respect to the type of research.
  5. How should our local researchers address ethical concerns with regard to storage and access when other parties (e.g., the sponsor) are banking the samples?
    The consent form should detail who has access and under what circumstances. The recipient researcher's/institution's policies governing storage and access to stored samples should be forwarded to the REB along with the request for approval.

Canadian Tissue Repository Network (CTRNet)

CTRNet members collaborate with each other to develop nationally accepted Polices and Standard Operating Procedures and educational training for Biobanking.

Adverse event reporting

Review the University of Manitoba Bannatyne Campus Research Ethics Board's procedures relating to the reporting of adverse events and safety information. This includes forms for local adverse events, external events and the Periodic Safety Update Form.

Clinical trial registration

Guidelines for registering in a clinical trials registry

(Updated October 2019)

Please review the PDF for details and definitions related to registering your clinical trial and the University of Manitoba's regulations.

Mandatory Clinical Trial Registration (PDF)

Health Canada approval

Certain clinical trials involving drugs, medical devices, natural health products and cannabis may require an application for regulatory approval be filed with Health Canada prior to the recruitment of the first study participant.

Food and Drugs

Clinical researchers must be familiar with the details of the Regulations amending the food and drug regulations (1024 - clinical trials) which were amended to require sponsor submission of a clinical trial application (CTA) for drug trials, a reduced default time for Health Canada review of applications, sponsor compliance with Good Clinical Practices (GCP), and Health Canada inspections/compliance verifications. These regulations apply to clinical trials (Phase I – Phase III) for both new investigational drugs and some marketed drugs.

It is important to note, that the use of marketed drugs outside of the approved indication (such as a new age group, new disease entity or new dose range) now require Health Canada approval for use in a clinical trial, whether investigator or industry initiated.

Following receipt of a CTA by a study sponsor and Health Canada's internal review, either a No Objection Letter (NOL) or a "Not satisfactory notice" is issued by Health Canada.

Any protocol amendments following the initial approval of the trial must also be submitted to Health Canada for approval. The Biomedical Research Ethics Board (BREB) withholds the certificate of final ethical approval pending receipt of a copy of the study's 'No objection letter' for new study submissions and subsequent applicable protocol amendments.

Medical Devices

Clinical trials involving medical devices require a similar but separate process under the Medical Device Regulations; however REB approval is required by Health Canada prior to the Bureau releasing the Investigational Testing Authorization (ITA) letter. Following receipt of the ITA by the sponsor/Investigator, the BREB requests that the site forward a copy of this letter to the office.

Natural Health Products

A similar Health Canada review and approval process exists for clinical trials involving natural health products. Under the Natural Health Product Regulations, which came into effect on January 1, 2004, natural health products (NHPs) are defined as:

    Vitamins and minerals
    Herbal remedies
    Homeopathic medicines
    Traditional medicines such as traditional Chinese medicines
    Probiotics, and
    Other products like amino acids and essential fatty acids.

Submissions satisfying the NHP Directorate's requirements will be issued a "Notice of Authorization" to commence the trial. The Biomedical Research Ethics Board (BREB) withholds the certificate of final ethical approval pending receipt of a copy of the study's Notice of Authorization for new study submissions and subsequent applicable protocol amendments.

For further information, please refer to their website.

If there is any uncertainty as to whether a trial involving drugs, food, medical devices and/or natural health products requires Health Canada approval the researcher is encouraged to contact Health Canada.

Cannabis Research Study Requirements

Health Canada’s site on Types of research with cannabis provides information about regulatory requirements involved with conducting research and development with cannabis. Clinical Trials with cannabis are interventional studies regulated under the Food and Drug Regulations.


Health Canada REB Attestation Form

The University of Manitoba Health Research Ethics Board (HREB) and Biomedical Research Ethics Board (BREB) will not sign the Health Canada REB Attestation Form. The University of Manitoba HREB/BREB currently uses an Ethics Approval certificate that contains the required attestation as per Health Canada regulations and this should be used by the sponsor in lieu of the Health Canada REB Attestation Form. We refer you to Section 14(b) of the Guidance for Clinical Trial Sponsors: Clinical Trial Application dated 2003/06/25 which states, "Research Ethics Board(s) may wish to use the Research Ethics Board Attestation(s) or develop similar documentation that meets the requirement of Part C, Division 5 of the Food and Drug Regulations".

Clinical Record Retention

Some clinical trial records must be retained for a period of 15 years post study closure.

Guidance relating to the retention of records and the conditions under which they are to be made available for monitoring, auditing and inspection related to clinical trials can be found at the following Health Canada website.

Local Investigator Initiated Studies- Appropriate sign off on Clinical Trial Application(CTA)

Any investigator-initiated projects submitted under a Health Canada (HC) Clinical Trial Application (CTA) involving work done at The University of Manitoba (UM), by UM employees and/or are funded in part or in full by grants/contracts that are held at UM must be sent to Office of Research Service (ORS) prior to submission to HC. Furthermore, any investigator-initiated study submitted under a HC CTA that are funded in part or in full must list UM as the sponsor on the HC application.

When UM is the sponsor, ORS will review and arrange for signing by an authorized university signing official. This review is to ensure the University can fulfill its obligations as the sponsor as outlined in the Regulations. If you have any questions regarding this requirement, please contact UM ORS Contracts Office directly (

Health Canada's Clinical Trials Database

Health Canada's Clinical Trials Database is providing to the public a listing of specific information relating to phase I, II and III clinical trials in patients.

The database is managed by Health Canada and provides a source of information about Canadian clinical trials involving human pharmaceutical and biological drugs. Patients can access the database to determine if a clinical trial has met the regulatory requirements.

The database may also assist Canadians in finding clinical trials that might be relevant to their medical condition.

The Clinical Trials Database is not a registry, and therefore, it does not contain comprehensive information about each clinical trial.

To maximize use of the database and available information, users are advised to link to external resources, including publicly available registries, to obtain further information such as trial objectives and patient eligibility.

Monitoring Plan Requirements

As per section 5.1.1 of ICH E6, the sponsor is responsible for implementing and maintaining quality assurance and quality control systems with written SOPs to ensure that trials are conducted and data are generated, documented (recorded), and reported in compliance with the protocol, GCP, and all applicable regulatory requirements.

The N2 Quality Committee Guidance for Developing Monitoring Plans can be found at the Forms and templates page on our website. 

Institution/Investigator-Sponsored Clinical Trials

In the situation where a clinical trial is sponsored by an institution/ investigator, and the trial is conducted by a group of physicians at different sites, it is the institution/investigator identified on the CTA as the sponsor, who is required to monitor the trial at all investigative sites.

This institution/investigator assumes the responsibilities of both the sponsor and the qualified investigator. This would include ensuring that all of the sponsor's obligations under Part C, Division 5 of the Regulations are met at each site, and that each site follows GCP.

The monitor should submit a written report to the sponsor after each trial-site visit or trial-related communication. Reports of on-site and/or centralized monitoring should be provided to the sponsor (including appropriate management and staff responsible for trial and site oversight) in a timely manner for review and follow up. Results of monitoring activities should be documented in sufficient detail to allow verification of compliance with the monitoring plan. Reporting of centralized monitoring activities should be regular and may be independent from site visits (ICH E6, 5.18.6).

In addition to monitoring, a sponsor may perform audits of trials. An audit is independent of, and separate from, routine monitoring or quality control functions, and is performed to evaluate a trials conduct and compliance with the protocol, SOPs, ICH E6 and applicable regulatory requirements (ICH E6, 5.19.1).


Cannabis Research and Compliance

All research involving cannabis [including cannabidiol (CBD)] must be approved through the University of Manitoba (UM) Cannabis Compliance Office. The Cannabis Compliance Officer can help to ensure all applicable licensing is in place and procure appropriate products.

Research engagement involving First Nations, Métis and Inuit

Over the past decades, First Nations, Métis and Inuit and organizations have advocated for the right for a more active role in research. The 2007 Canadian Institutes of Health Research followed by the 2018 Tri-council Guidelines Chapter 9 Research Involving the First Nations, Inuit and Métis of Canada has defined the need for researchers to adopt a more collaborative approach in the conduct of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit research.

Ongoing dialogue with partners in Manitoba has highlighted the key components for inclusion and research engagement in the Framework for Engagement of First Nations, Métis and Inuit for Manitoba. We recognize that University of Manitoba researches also engage in health research with Indigenous Peoples across Canada and world-wide. Although this framework can provide some guidance, researchers are advised to consult with these Indigenous nations to clarify expectations, and to learn local protocol for developing meaningful partnerships.

The University of Manitoba Research Ethics Board application and protocol must now outline the plan for community engagement when research involves First Nations, Métis and Inuit.

Educational resources

Bannatyne campus Research Ethics Board Researcher Training Manual

All researchers should review the training information for details on the submission guidelines for both Bannatyne campus research ethics boards:

  • Biomedical Research Ethics Board (BREB)
  • Health Research Ethics Board (HREB)

Bannatyne campus Research Training Manual (PDF)

Research ethics presentations

If you would like the Bannatyne Ethics Office to give a talk to students or departments about ethics review procedures or specific issues please contact Shelly Rempel-Rossum at or 204-789-3389.

Research ethics education and training modules

Please note that all submissions made to any of the five University of Manitoba Research Ethics Boards (REBs) for protocol or project review and approval will require completion of the TCPS 2:  Course on Research Ethics (Core) by all research staff/personnel in direct contact with participants or access to data collected for the study. 

Details for researchers, research team members, and students

CORE is an on-line tutorial that provides contemporary review of issues related to the conduct of safe and ethical conduct of research with humans. Completion of CORE ensures a standard level of research training is achieved before REB approval is given to a researcher working with humans. While it is recognized that many researchers will have already completed the older version of the on-line Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) tutorial, or other tutorials specific to Research with Humans, completion of CORE remains a condition of Research Ethics Board (REB) review and approval.

All Principal Investigators (PI’s) must complete CORE prior to be granting final REB approval. All research personnel in direct contact while conducting research with humans or data collected on humans are also required to complete CORE. The REB may indicate this has a condition of approval.

It is estimated that it will take one between three and five hours to complete.  A certificate is made available for those who complete all modules. Researchers, study personnel and students are asked to print and retain a copy of the certificate for verification of completion for audit purposes. The PI's copy will be required to accompany the submission of a project for REB review. Also, some courses may require completion of the CORE tutorial.

External policy information

Use the medicine ethics useful links provided below to ensure you are in line with all applicable guidelines.


REDCap is a web-based program designed to support research data management with electronic data capture technology. Developed by Vanderbilt University, it is in use at over 3,000 sites around the world. You are encouraged to use the built-in tools for assessing data quality, generating reports, graphs and descriptive statistics, and sharing access among team members.

The Canadian Tissue Repository Network (CTRNet)

CTRNet is a translational cancer research resource,  linking cancer researchers with provincial tumour banks.

Canadian policies and guidelines

Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans

The Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS) is the joint research ethics policy statement of the federal research agencies –Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). TCPS 2 is the first comprehensive revision of this Policy since its adoption in 1998. This document highlights some of the key elements of TCPS 2 in relation to the 1st edition.

Good Clinical Practice (GCP): Consolidated Guideline

Health Canada has adopted the International Conference on Harmonization Tri-Partite Guideline: Good Clinical Practice: Consolidated Guideline (GCP) as its own policy. GCP is designed as an ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting clinical trials that involve the participation of human subjects and that generate data that are intended to be submitted to regulatory authorities for the purposes of licensing new interventions in health care. GCP should be fully understood by researchers who are carrying out research that they intend to submit to regulatory authorities.


CIHR Best Practices for Protecting Privacy in Health Research (September 2005)

This document, produced by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) covers best practice guidelines to protecting participant privacy and confidentiality in health research.

Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research: Frequently Asked Questions

This bank of frequent asked questions is a reference point for human pluripotent stem cell research provisions and is updated by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research as necessary to include new relevant information.

CIHR Guidelines for Health Research Involving Aboriginal People (Draft May 2007)

These guidelines have been prepared by the Ethics Office of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), in conjunction with its Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health, to assist researchers and institutions in carrying out ethical and culturally competent research involving Aboriginal people. The intent is to promote health through research that is in keeping with Aboriginal values and traditions.

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Research Policies

Negotiating Research Relationships with Inuit Communities  - A Guide to Researchers

Negotiating Research Relationships with Inuit Communities - A Guide to Researchers (PDF)

This guide offers some ideas for how to begin, or improve the process of negotiating research relationships between researchers from a variety of disciplines and Inuit communities in northern Canada.

Forms and templates

These are quick links to Bannatyne Campus Research Ethics Boards Templates and should only be accessed following the review of web pages on this site relating to initial and continuing review submission requirements page. Note:  Please disregard any references to the need for paper copies on checklists/or website instructions.  We only require electronic copies via e-mail at this time.

If presented with a "Please wait..." screen on a form, save the electronic file to your computer and complete the form on your device by adding any necessary information. Once the form is complete re-save the document to your computer and submit it according to the instructions on the form.

All requests for review (including requests for delegated review) of new projects must be submitted to the Bannatyne Campus Research Ethics Board office by the monthly full board meeting deadline dates.

Contact us

Research Ethics - Bannatyne
P126 Pathology Building
770 Bannatyne Avenue
University of Manitoba, Bannatyne campus
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0W3

204 789-3255