Audit objectives

Human research ethics audits are conducted to:

  • Ensure the ongoing protection of research participants with respect to their rights, safety, and welfare including the proper protection and management of all participant data and biological materials
  • Foster a culture of responsible conduct of research

Research audits are undertaken by the Research Compliance Specialist to
ensure compliance with:

  • The REB-approved study/protocol
  • Study/protocol referenced documents
  • University and Sponsor policies and procedures
  • TCPS 2
  • Other legislative and regulatory requirements
  • Contractual obligations, as applicable


Types of audits

Routine audits

Routine audits are conducted to check for general ethical compliance.

Studies are selected if they meet any of the criteria set out below: 
i.    more than minimal risk, 
ii.    involve current/active participant engagement,
iii.    conducted by a PI with multiple active protocols, 
iv.    are multi-year/longitudinal, and
v.    involve a research agreement.

For routine audits of clinical trials, the following studies are prioritized: 
i.    Health Canada regulated, and
ii.    UM investigator-initiated (UM is the Sponsor).

Additional clinical trials are selected for audit if they meet any of the criteria set out below:
i.    involve current/active participant engagement, 
ii.    conducted by a PI with multiple active protocols, and
iii.    multi-year/longitudinal.

Where a PI has multiple, active protocols, Research Randomizer may be used to identify one study to audit. 

Directed audits

Directed Audits are conducted following a request from a senior University administrator, an REB Chair(s), the Director, Human Research Ethics and Compliance, a research participant or potential participant with concerns related to the ethical conduct of the research. The focus of the audit normally depends on the nature and scope of the request. However, the Research Compliance Specialist may, at their discretion, expand the scope of the audit at any time during the audit process.

A researcher acting as PI in a UM investigator-initiated clinical trial may request an audit to support preparation for an upcoming Health Canada inspection. 

Data management audits

Data management audits are undertaken with the aim of reviewing a study’s continuing and long-term data management practices. Studies/protocols are selected if they meet at least one of the following criteria:

i.    Are multi-year/longitudinal,
ii.    Involve the storage of identifiable data for a prescribed period or indefinitely, or
iii.    Involve a data sharing agreement.

Clinical trial protocols are selected for data management audits if they meet at least one of the following criteria:

i.    Health Canada regulated,
ii.    Investigator-initiated/are UM-sponsored,
iii.    Involve the storage of identifiable data for a prescribed period or indefinitely.

While data management audits focus on data management practices, the Research Compliance Specialist may, at their discretion, expand the scope of a data management audit at any time during the audit process.


Corrective Actions

Upon completion of an audit, and based on audit observations, areas of improvement will be identified by the Research Compliance Specialist, and corrective actions will be required as appropriate. Corrective actions may include submitting an REB Event, submitting an amendment, and filing essential documents among study files. A PI may also be required to implement measures to prevent instances of repeated noncompliance for example scheduling regular training meetings with staff to go over the protocol, policies and procedures, and applicable legislative and regulatory frameworks, and with contractual obligations, as applicable.

Audit Documents

If you need any documents below in an alternate format, please contact the Research Compliance Specialist at

Audit plans

When initiating an audit, the Research Compliance Specialist shares with the PI a study specific audit plan for the study under audit. The study specific audit plan includes details on the protocol, audit objectives, audit scope, audit criteria, study documents required for review, researcher and study personnel interviews, audit reports, and audit follow-up plans. Below are audit plan templates for social and health research and for biomedical research.

Open file: Audit Plan Template for Social and Health Research (PDF)

Open file: Audit Plan Template for Biomedical Research (PDF)

Audit report

Following an audit, the Research Compliance Specialist prepares an initial audit report for the PI. The purpose of the initial audit report is to give the PI an opportunity to respond to any audit observations by providing any clarifications, additional information, feedback, and/or proposals for corrective action.

Open file: Initial Audit Report Template (PDF)

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

The Human Research Ethics Compliance Program implements Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to achieve greater efficiency and quality in compliance operations. To get copies of the Program’s SOPs contact the Research Compliance Specialist at   

Guidance Documents

If you need any documents below in an alternate format, please contact the Research Compliance Specialist at

Maintaining Human Research Ethics Compliance for Social and Health Research

This document contains pertinent information for staying compliant with approved research protocols, University research policies, procedures, and with applicable contractual obligations. This document applies to Social and Behavioral Sciences, Health Research Involving Interventions, Surveys/Questionnaires, Focus Groups/Interviews, Observations, Quality of Life Research, Prospective and Retrospective Examinations of Medical Records and Other Personal Records, Genetic, Registries, etc. 

Open file: Maintaining Human Research Ethics Compliance for Social and Health Research (PDF)

Preparing for a Research Ethics Compliance Audit 

This document summarizes the Human Research Ethics Audit Program. Specifically, this document offers guidance on the following topics:

•    What to expect if your study/protocol is selected for audit. 
•    What happens during an audit.
•    The criteria used to audit studies.  
•    The documents required for review during an audit. 
•    The possible outcome of research compliance audits.  

Open file: Preparing for a Research Ethics Compliance Audit (PDF)

Common Compliance Issues for Social and Health Research

This document outlines common compliance issues that researchers face pre-approval and post -approval. Addressing these issues proactively can help you maintain research compliance and avoid potential pitfalls. This document applies to Social and Behavioral Sciences, Health Research Involving Interventions, Surveys/Questionnaires, Focus Groups/Interviews, Observations, Quality of Life Research, Prospective and Retrospective Examinations of Medical Records and Other Personal Records, Genetic, Registries, etc.

Open file: Common Compliance Issues for Social and Health Research (PDF)

Audit Tips for Researchers

This list of audit tips aims to provide researchers (PIs and Advisors) with pointers for maintaining human research ethics compliance ultimately contributing to the protection of participants’ rights, safety, and welfare.

Open file: Audit Tips for Researchers (PDF)


Upcoming Educational Sessions

Keep an eye out for updates coming soon on new educational opportunities in human research ethics compliance.

Other Relevant Units

Contact us

Marion Kiprop

Research Compliance Specialist
Room 403-4 Administration Building
66 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada

T: (204) 599-8300