Current students
Desautels Faculty of Music Students can find all of the information they need for success in one place.

Desautels Faculty of Music events
All DFOM events can be found on the Desautels Faculty of Music Online Events Calendar
Student advising
Students with questions about academic requirements or progress can meet with an academic advisor.
Request a program progress report
Music student handbooks
Student handbooks provide students with all the music-specific guidelines, deadlines, and requirements for their programs.
University of Manitoba Academic Calendar
The University of Manitoba's Academic Calendar is the official publication containing course descriptions, program and graduation requirements, as well as UM and faculty/school-specific rules, regulations and policies. Students should refer to the Academic Calendar when registering for classes to form a blueprint for year-over-year course planning.
Music courses
All Desautels Faculty of Music courses for the current academic year can be found on Aurora, with the exception of the Micro-Certificate in Songmaking (see below for details). Additional information for the current academic year that is helpful for music students planning their schedules can be found below. If you have any questions or concerns about the information below, please book time with an academic advisor.
Music courses not offered annually
Some music courses are not offered annually. Students requiring these courses for their programs should pay careful attention to when the courses are offered in order to plan their schedules accordingly. These courses include:
- MUSC 3780 - Woodwind Techniques (next offered Fall Term 2025)
- MUSC 3690 - Percussion Techniques (next offered Winter Term 2026)
- MUSC 3790 - Brass Techniques (This course will be offered Fall 2024. It will then only be offered every other year.)
- MUSC 4156 - Choral Music Literature and Programming (offered Winter Term 2024)
- MUSC 4762 - Senior Years and Community Choral Methods (This course will be offered Fall 2024. It will then only be offered every other year.)
Topics courses in 2024-2025
The following Topics courses are being offered this year. The course description can be found in Aurora - Schedule by selecting the "Syllabus Available" link.
Instructor Approval is required - please contact the instructor of record for permission to enter the course.
All topics courses are Music Electives. Music History or Music Theory elective courses are identified if applicable.
- MUSC 3830 T01 - Acting for Singers 1 (Fall 2024)
- MUSC 3830 T02 - Acting for Singers 2 (Winter 2025)
- MUSC 3830 T04 - Advanced Orchestration (Fall 2024)
- MUSC 3830 T42 - Business of Music (Winter 2025) - Instructor approval NOT required.
- MUSC 3830 T41 - Composition for Film and Media (Winter 2025)
- MUSC 3830 T38 - Operatic Repertoire for Performance (Spanned)
- MUSC 3830 T32 - Popular Songwriting and Production (Fall 2024 and Winter 2025)
- MUSC 3830 T16 - Role Study (Spanned)
- MUSC 3830 T19 - Song Interpretation (Spanned)
- MUSC 3820 T31 - The Musical Culture of Belle Epoque France (Fall 2024). Music History Elective.
Music student resources
Students can find templates, checklists, and forms for their academic studies
Repertoire booklets
Download booklets for classical and composition studies
Eckhardt-Gramatté Music Library
The Eckhardt-Gramatté Music Library has many resources to assist students in their studies.
DFOM Recording Crib
The DFOM recording crib houses a select list of recording equipment available to students enrolled in our programs, to ensure they have the tools they need to document performance/practice to evaluate and improve on their skills as a performer, composer, or educator. The cost for one academic year of membership is $50.00 and can be paid in our front office (Tache Hall 319). This membership allows students to sign-out select equipment for free.
Midday performances
Desautels Faculty of Music students can perform for their supportive peers during regularly scheduled middays that occur throughout the academic year. These performances serve as a wonderful way to gain confidence as a performer.
Event promotion
Are you performing in an event outside of DFOM ensembles? Let us help you promote it! Our students, staff, faculty members, and alumni fill the world with music, and we want to help your audience find you!
If you are giving a performance outside of DFOM ensembles, we can help promote it in our monthly UM Today listing of musical events in which our faculty, staff, students, and alumni are performing.
The UM Today listing will be published and pushed out on our social media channels on the first day of each month.
Submit your event for promotion!
If you are a part of a musical group that performs regularly, and would like to submit your group's entire concert season for inclusion in the monthly UM Today listing, please let us know!
The individual concerts in your group's concert season will be published in the UM Today listing for the month in which they occur.

Students can browse and download recent ensemble performance photos for their own use. A UM email address is required to access the photos.
University of Manitoba policy notes that photos/videos taken during for-credit courses do not require video/photo consent forms to be signed by students, and this policy applies to ensemble performances. That said, if you do not want to have photos or videos of you taken at ensemble performances, please contact the communications assistant with a photo of yourself (for identification purposes only), and the communications assistant will refrain from taking photos of you at performances. You are not required to provide a reason as to why you do not want to have your photo taken.
Masterclass schedules
Masterclasses are a required part of a music student's degree, offering valuable opportunities to learn, improve, and receive performance feedback. The 2024-2025 masterclass schedules for each instrument type can be found below.
Brass masterclasses
- Time: Fridays, 2:30pm-4:30pm
- Location: T2-166
Cello masterclasses
- Time: Thursdays, 1:00pm-3:00pm
- Location: Eva Clare Hall (fall term), T450 (winter term)
Guitar masterclasses
- Time: Tuesdays, 3:00pm-5:00pm
- Location: T450
Jazz masterclasses
- Time: Fridays, 2:30pm-4:30pm
- Location: T2-272
Percussion masterclasses
- Time: Fridays, 2:30pm-4:30pm
- Location: T2-145
Piano masterclasses
- Time: Fridays, 2:30pm-4:30pm
- Location: Eva Clare Hall (fall term), T250 (winter term)
Voice masterclasses
- Time: Thursdays, 3:30pm-5:00pm
- Location: T2-266
Violin/Viola masterclasses
- Time: Tuesdays, 1:00pm-3:00pm
- Location: Eva Clare Hall (fall term), T250 (winter term)
Woodwinds masterclasses
- Time: Fridays, 2:30pm-4:00pm
- Location: T2-162
Ensemble auditions
Students are required to participate in two ensembles per academic year. Ensemble auditions occur at the beginning of fall term
Get involved
FMSA Council
The Desautels Faculty of Music Students’ Association (FMSA) Council works to build a professional and supportive community within the faculty and advocates on behalf of students. They host and are involved in activities throughout the year.
Desautels Faculty of Music News
DFOM Student Feylin James Studies City Pop with the Undergraduate Research Award
Desautels Faculty of Music
Music by DFOM Faculty Member Melody McKiver Featured in Film by Tasha Hubbard, Singing Back the Buffalo
Desautels Faculty of Music
Classic 107: Stephen Runge announced as new dean of U of M music and art schools
Desautels Faculty of Music
University news
News & Stories
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CBC Manitoba: Are Minerals Manitoba’s Secret Weapon Against U.S. Tariffs?
Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources, UM Today
DFOM Student Feylin James Studies City Pop with the Undergraduate Research Award
Desautels Faculty of Music
Music by DFOM Faculty Member Melody McKiver Featured in Film by Tasha Hubbard, Singing Back the Buffalo
Desautels Faculty of Music