Faculty, instructors and staff
Faculty and instructors in the Desautels Faculty of Music are renowned musicians who are committed to student success. Many also teach students one-on-one as major practical study (MPS) instructors.
On this page
Edward Jurkowski, Dean
Contact Sarah Rout if you'd like to make an appointment to share your feedback on the student experience at the Desautels Faculty of Music.
Laura Loewen, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
The Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs handles matters involving:
- Academic standing
- Major Practical Study lessons
- Academic timetable
- Student advocacy
- Feedback on the student experience at the Desautels Faculty of Music
Contact Liza Isakov to make an appointment with the Associate Dean, Undergraduate.
Colette Simonot-Maiello, Associate Dean, Graduate Programs and Research
The Associate Dean, Graduate Programs and Research handles matters involving
- Oversees graduate curriculum and policies
- Liaises with the Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Informs faculty and graduate students of funding opportunities and grants workshops
Please contact Dr. Simonot directly to make an appointment.
For questions regarding brass, please contact brass area head Richard Gillis.
For questions regarding composition, please contact composition area heads Gordon Fitzell and Örjan Sandred.
For questions regarding choral conducting, please contact Director of Choral Studies Elroy Friesen.
For questions about instrumental conducting, please contact Director of Bands Jacquie Dawson.
Choral Conducting
Instrumental Conducting
For questions regarding guitar, please contact guitar area head Minna Rose Chung.
Classical Guitar
Jazz Guitar
For questions regarding jazz, please contact jazz area head Will Bonness
Music Education
For questions regarding music education, please contact music education area head Jody Stark.
Musicianship Skills
Classical Musicianship Skills
Jazz Musicianship Skills
Music Research
For questions regarding music research, please contact music research area head Rebecca Simpson-Litke
For questions regarding percussion, please contact percussion area head Victoria Sparks.
Victoria Sparks
Ben Reimer
Jazz Drum Set
For questions regarding classical piano, please contact classical piano area head David Moroz.
For questions regarding collaborative piano, please contact collaborative piano area head Judy Kehler Siebert.
Collaborative Piano
Jazz Piano
For questions regarding strings, please contact strings area head Minna Rose Chung.
Jazz bass
For questions regarding voice, please contact voice area head Mel Braun.
Jazz voice
Vocal Coaching
For questions regarding woodwinds, please contact woodwinds area head Allen Harrington.
Ensemble Directors
- Percussion Ensemble
Victoria Sparks - Chamber Ensembles
Judy Kehler Siebert (Coordinator) - Composition Seminar
Gordon Fitzell
Örjan Sandred - Concert Band
Jacqueline Dawson - Concert Choir
Catherine Robbins - Desautels Chamber Opera Group
Katherine Twaddle
Mel Braun - eXperimental Improv Ensemble
Gordon Fitzell
- Percussion Ensemble
- Rhythm Section Ensemble
Fabio Ragnelli - Small Jazz Ensembles
Will Bonness
Jonathan Challoner
Karly Epp
Jon Gordon
Karl Kohut
Fabio Ragnelli - University of Manitoba Jazz Orchestra
Jonathan Challoner - University of Manitoba Jazz Vocal Ensembles
Karly Epp
- Rhythm Section Ensemble
- University of Manitoba Musical Theatre
Donna Fletcher - University of Manitoba Opera Theatre
Katherine Twaddle
Mel Braun - University of Manitoba Symphony Orchestra
Minna Rose Chung (Coordinator)
Monica Chen (Music director and conductor) - University Singers
Elroy Friesen - Upper Voices
Elroy Friesen - Wind Ensemble
Jacqueline Dawson (Director of Bands)
- University of Manitoba Musical Theatre
Desautels Faculty of Music collaborative pianists
The Faculty’s collaborative pianists are available to accompany students for recitals, courses, rehearsals, performances and auditions. Collaborative pianists offer reasonable fees for their services. Students who require the services of a collaborative pianist should contact the collaborative pianists directly to make arrangements.
Deena Grier | deena.grier@gmail.com | 204-998-5590 |
Lisa Rumpel | Lisa.Rumpel@umanitoba.ca | 204-390-5121 |
Megan Dufrat | meganbeth.dufrat@umanitoba.ca | 204-391-5507 |
Leanne Regehr Lee | info@lrleepiano.ca | 204-250-4437 |
Hector Pinzon | Pinzonh@myumanitoba.ca | 431-279-0006 |
Major Practical Study Instructors
Ryzsard Tyborowksi
Elise Lavallee
Robert Meredith Johnson
Jazz Guitar
Emmanuel Bach
Ben Reimer
Professors and Deans Emeriti
Edmund Dawe
Henry Engbrecht
Karen Jensen
Kurt Markstrom
Senior Scholars
Administration and support staff
Admissions & Recruitment Coordinator, Louella Yambot
The Admissions & Recruitment Coordinator handles matters involving:
- Admissions and applications to the BMus, BJazz, Post Baccalaureate Diploma, MMus, and Music Research programs
- Entrance auditions and interviews
- Music theory entrance exams
- MPS re-auditions
- Recruitment activities and events
- Facilities tour
- Scholarships, awards, and bursaries
Business Manager, Rachelle Girard
The Business Manager provides the following services:
- Provides overall guidance and strategic direction on all Finance, Administrative and Facilities matters for both the DFOM and the SOA
- Projects financial commitments for the Faculty/School budgets
- Manages the financial forecasts for the DFOM and SOA
- Provides direction and supervision to Financial Assistants
- Oversees all Desautels Concert Hall Endowment funds within the Desautels Faculty of Music (approximately $2.5M) to ensure projects stay on track and on budget
- Oversees all financial operations of the SOA Gallery and the Prep studies program for DFOM
Communications Assistant, Shaneela Boodoo
For media inquiries, advertising, and communications information, please email: shaneela.boodoo@umanitoba.ca
The Communications Assistant handles matters involving:
- Changes/additions/corrections to the website
- Advertising
- News stories/events to advertise
- Ensemble performance programs and posters
- Social media
Events Coordinator, Shannon Ralkie
- Internal & external event coordination, including exhibitions, student & faculty events
Facilities and Events Coordinator, Sue Stone Scott
The Facilities and Events Coordinator handles matters involving:
- Room bookings (during and after office hours)
- Midday recital booking
- Event booking
- Maintenance and caretaking concerns
- Swipe card access
- 4th floor practice room bookings
- Student tech supervisor
- Key loans and requests
- Equipment/instrument loans
- Equipment maintenance
- Credit recital equipment requests
Financial Assistant, Mel Bautista-Bagnas
Financial Assistant
322 ARTlab
The Financial Assistant handles matters involving:
- supplier payments
- payrol
- purchasing and deposits
- basic travel and expense claims
Front Office Assistant, Liza Isakov
The Front Office Assistant handles matters involving:
- Meeting requests for the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs)
- General Inquiries
- Competition applications and deadlines
- Sessional room bookings
- Student and faculty forms
- Concert credits
- Credit Recital programs
- Ensemble performance tickets
- Keys
- Photocopy machine codes/use
- Internal Student Evaluations
- Textbook orders
- Ensemble auditions
Graduate Program Assistant, Amanda Wiebe
The Graduate Program Assistant handles matters involving:
- Meeting requests for Associate Dean (Graduate Programs and Research)
- Degree Requirements for M.Mus and MA in Music Research
- Forms for Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Credit Recital Exam Process
- Course Registration for M.Mus and MA in Music Research
- Graduate Student Orientation
- Important deadlines: voluntary withdrawal, add/drop deadline etc.
- Graduation requirements
Executive Assistant to the Dean/HR Officer, Sarah Rout
The HR Officer and Executive Assistant handles:
- Meeting requests for the Dean
- Hiring of faculty members
- Hiring of student technicians
- Hiring of teaching assistants and grader/markers
- Hiring of research assistants
- Promotion and tenure application
- Research study leave
LAN Coordinator, Franc Fernandez
The LAN Coordinator handles matters involving:
- IT support
- Questions regarding computer applications and issues
Preparatory Studies Coordinator, Donnalynn Grills
The Preparatory Studies Coordinator handles matters involving:
- Individual lesson registration and information
- Group classes registration and information (Art & Music classes)
- Desautels Faculty of Music Theory Prep Class Registration and information (TEEP Sessions 1 & 2) – required for admission into the Desautels Faculty of Music
- Student teaching positions – individual lessons (all disciplines)
- Questions regarding computer applications and issues applicable to Prep Studies
- Pembina Trail Voices registration and information
Recording Studio Technician, Adam Mlodzinski
The Recording Studio Technician handles matters involving:
- Recording requests in the Desautels Faculty of Music Recording Studio
Undergraduate Student Advisor
For students requiring an advising appointment, please email dfom.advising@umanitoba.ca with the details of your request.
The Student Advisor handles matters involving:
- Academic standings
- Degree requirements for BMus, BJazz Studies, PBD, MMus (What courses you should be registered in this year)
- Important deadlines: voluntary withdrawal, add/drop deadline, etc.
- Student registration
- Independent study information
- Final exam conflicts
- Jury exam process
- Credit recital exam process
- Major Practical Study requirements
- Student registration
- Music Minor program
- Graduation verification and UM Achieve (degree audit)
- First-year orientation
Concert Hall Coordinator, Chris Coyne
The Concert Hall Coordinator handles matters involving:
- Booking and overseeing the Desautels Faculty of Music Concert Hall