What we offer
The department provides multiple educational opportunities for your academic growth in the field of radiology.
Advanced Neuroimaging Fellowship
The Advanced Neuroimaging Fellowship is a comprehensive, one-year clinical fellowship focusing on diagnostic neuroimaging, including advanced tools like MR spectroscopy, CT and MRI perfusion imaging and functional MRI techniques.
Clinical Fellowship in Radiation Oncology
The Clinical Fellowship in Radiation Oncology is a one-year clinical program of advanced clinical training in precision radiation therapy, with a focus on Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT).
Research Professorships
The Department of Radiology is pleased to announce two newly established Research Professorship positions, including one dedicated to Interventional Radiology. Both positions are five-year term appointments.
The professorships will commence on July 1, 2025, and conclude on June 30, 2030.
The application deadline for both positions is February 28, 2025.
Professorship in radiology research
The Department of Radiology at the University of Manitoba is seeking applications for a Professorship in Radiology Research. This position offers an opportunity for a qualified candidate to lead imaging research, educational, and other academic activities in subspecialty radiology at St. Boniface Hospital. The position is funded through the Department of Radiology by contributions from the Digby Wheeler Trust.
The successful candidate will be appointed as a clinician-scientist/educator to conduct cutting-edge research, educational, and other academic activities in subspecialty radiology, including but not limited to fields such as cardiac imaging, abdominal imaging, or the implementation of artificial intelligence in radiology.
They are expected to have excellence in diagnostic and/or interventional radiology research or education and/or be on a trajectory to developing a track record of high-quality research output and successful research projects, with significant contributions to the academic and clinical community at local, national, and/or international levels.
The general goal of the Professorship is to support and expand non-image interpretation aspects of academic radiology practice. Applicants will be required to submit a proposal of a program of research, scholarly work and creative activities. Key responsibilities may include:
- Conducting and leading translational, clinical, and epidemiologic research in areas relevant to radiology care
- Creating practice guidelines to guide clinical radiologic care
- Contributing to the education and assessment of radiology residents on a local or national/international level
- Establishing and maintain intramural and extramural academic collaborations
- Providing mentorship to trainees and new researchers pursuing careers in radiology-related fields
- Pursuing research aimed at improving health outcomes and ensuring high-quality radiological care in Manitoba
- Participation in leadership roles within national and international educational organizations
- Contributing to the creation of enduring educational materials, such as textbook chapters, practice guidelines and educational manuscripts
- Canadian citizen or permanent resident
- Current academic appointment at the rank of assistant, associate, or full professor
- During the term of the Professorship, the candidate must be an active staff member of the Department of Radiology at the University of Manitoba, practicing at St. Boniface Hospital
- Proven ability to mentor junior colleagues and investigators
Term and renewal
- Initial appointment is for a five-year (5 year) term
- Position may be renewed for another 5-year term and in exceptional circumstances, a third 5-year term may be granted. Renewal for additional term(s) is subject to successful performance review and availability of funding.
- The incumbent will provide an annual progress report in accordance with the University Policy on Chairs and Professorships. In addition to the reporting requirements stipulated in this policy, the incumbent shall provide an annual report of teaching and research activities to the Dean of the Max Rady College of Medicine and the Head of the Department of Radiology.
Other provisions
- The selection and appointment of an individual to the proposed Professorship shall be conducted in accordance with the University Policy and Procedures on Chairs and Professorships.
- The duties and responsibilities of the individual appointed to the proposed Professorship will be in accordance with the University Policy and Procedures on Chairs and Professorships.
- The incumbent will acknowledge in all publications, lectures, and any other activity supported by the fund.
- The incumbent may have a cross appointment to an applicable Department for the purpose of graduate training. The incumbent will participate in an appropriate amount of teaching activity, including for undergraduate and post-graduate trainees and graduate students, where appropriate.
Application process
Deadline to apply: February 28, 2025.
Interested candidates should submit their application package to resmedgrants@umanitoba.ca consisting of:
- Academic CV
- 1-2 page summary of their plans and objectives for their future program
- A personal statement on their contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion in clinical practice, teaching, research, service and/or other experiences. This is in accordance with the University of Manitoba's Policy and Procedures on Chairs and Professorships. The selection process will be conducted as per university guidelines.
The University of Manitoba is committed to fostering diversity through cultivating an environment where people with a variety of backgrounds, genders, interest, and talents feel welcome and supported. Candidates are encouraged but not required to provide any relevant information about their experience and/or career interruptions to allow a fair assessment of their application.
Professorship in interventional radiology research
The Department of Radiology at the Max Rady College of Medicine is pleased to invite applications for a newly established Professorship in Interventional Radiology Research. The Professorship will serve to support a clinician-scientist in establishing or growing their research program in interventional radiology. The Professorship is funded through the Department of Radiology, the University of Manitoba, and the Rady Family providing up to $40,000/year in funding.
Applicants must be of assistant, associate or full professor, with a history of excellence in Interventional Neuroradiology research as evidenced by high quality research output, successful and promising research projects and programs, and significant contributions to the academic and clinical community at the local, national and/or international level. The appointee will be expected to use the funding from this professorship, and to provide the necessary leadership, to develop and maintain a high quality externally funded program in interventional radiology research at the University of Manitoba.
The appointee will also be expected to lead collaborative research across disciplines in the field, fostering collaborations within the Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba, and extramural institutions. Strong mentorship skills for junior colleagues and investigators is a strong preference.
- Canadian citizen or permanent resident
- Holding a current, or eligible for, academic appointment at the rank of assistant, associate or full professor, with an interest and expertise in interventional radiology.
- Eligible for academic appointment to the Department of Radiology, Max Rady College of Medicine
- Clinical appointment to Shared Health Manitoba Diagnostic Imaging, in the section of diagnostic or interventional neuroradiology
Term of appointment
- The term of the appointment will be for five years.
- The renewal of the appointment for additional terms, is conditional upon availability of funds, and will occur in the final year of the term subject to a successful review of the incumbent’s performance within the context of the Department of Radiology’s Research Review policy. The review process will be initiated and coordinated by the Head of the Department of Radiology or his/her designate.
- The appointee shall normally give a public lecture in the first year of the award (coordinated by the head of department, in collaboration with the University's Donor relations and communication offices.)
- The incumbent will provide an annual progress report in accordance with the University Policy on Chairs and Professorships. In addition to the reporting requirements stipulated in this policy, the incumbent shall provide an annual report of teaching and research activities to the Dean of the Max Rady College of Medicine and the Head of the Department of Radiology.
Other provisions
- The selection and appointment of an individual to the proposed Professorship shall be conducted in accordance with the University Policy and Procedures on Chairs and Professorships.
- The duties and responsibilities of the individual appointed to the proposed Professorship will be in accordance with the University Policy and Procedures on Chairs and Professorships.
- The incumbent will acknowledge that they received funding from the Professorship in all publications, lectures, and any other activity supported by the fund.
- The incumbent may have a cross appointment to an applicable Department for the purpose of graduate training. The incumbent will participate in an appropriate amount of teaching activity, including for undergraduate and post-graduate trainees, where appropriate.
Application process
Deadline to apply: February 28, 2025.
Interested candidates should submit their application package to resmedgrants@umanitoba.ca consisting of:
- Academic CV
- 1-2 page summary of their plans and objectives for their future program
- A personal statement on their contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion in clinical practice, teaching, research, service and/or other experiences. This is in accordance with the University of Manitoba's Policy and Procedures on Chairs and Professorships. The selection process will be conducted as per university guidelines.
The University of Manitoba is committed to fostering diversity through cultivating an environment where people with a variety of backgrounds, genders, interest, and talents feel welcome and supported. Candidates are encouraged but not required to provide any relevant information about their experience and/or career interruptions to allow a fair assessment of their application.
Our story
Watch a brief video to learn more about our department and what we offer.
department Research
Our dedicated research groups are developing and applying advanced neuroimaging techniques to study brain structure, psychological wellbeing and chronic pain.
Core Neuroimaging Platform Lab
Based at Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Centre and the University of Manitoba, research in this lab focuses on studying brain structure and function in healthy controls and neurodegenerative disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injury, using multimodal neuroimaging technologies.
Established in 2015 with the Manitoba Neuroimaging Platform (MNP) support grant from Brain Canada, the platform is designed to be a central resource to facilitate both small animal and human neuroimaging research. It’s mission is to provide standardized policies, procedures and templates for subject screening, image acquisition and analysis. Exploring neuroimaging study design, protocol optimization and data analysis through hands-on sessions and formal lectures and symposia is also a focus.
More about the Core Neuroimaging Platform Lab
The platform provides imaging expertise through imaging collaborations and support to clinical investigators and physical resources, such as desk space, computers/workstations, and software (MATLAB, SPM, FSL, MIPAV, Image, MRIStudio, Olea, SPSS) for new investigators to acquire and analyze pilot neuroimaging data.
The MNP provides expertise in a range of imaging techniques, including:
- Sructural MRI, functional MRI
- Positron emission tomography (PET)
- Small animal MRI
- Computer tomography (CT)
For human neuroimaging, platform components include an intra-operative 3T IMRIS/Siemens MRI system which is located at Kleysen Institute for Advanced Medicine (KIAM).
- It is based on the Siemens Verio platform, including the high-performance VQ-Engine gradient set and 18 receiver channels).
- Has all routine pulse sequences and several research sequences, including the Advanced Diffusion Package, BOLD and ASL fMRI sequences, and a custom 3D Myelin Water Imaging GRASE sequence.
- Is fully equipped with ancillary equipment for fMRI experiments, including an MRI-compatible LCD visual display, response monitoring buttons and more.
This facility is located immediately adjacent to an operating theatre, which the magnet can be moved into, and is also less than 100 feet from the Intensive Care Unit, providing direct access to critically ill patients. An additional human platform facility is a 3T Siemens Tim Trio MRI system that has been reopened at former National Research Council (NRC) Institute for Biodiagnostics in Winnipeg. This system is equipped with a 32-channel head coil for advanced neuroimaging applications, has all of the pulse sequences mentioned above for the intra-operative, plus the latest simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) BOLD, pCASL and Diffusion sequences that were developed for the Human Connectome Project, and is also fully equipped with ancillary equipment for audio-visual displays and response monitoring during fMRI experiments.
Platform components used for neuroimaging of small animals include the Small Animal and Materials Imaging Core in the Faculty of Medicine at UM. This is a core facility, located in Central Animal Care Services, joined by interior basement corridors over a distance of less than 100 metres from KIAM, and includes:
- Centralized capabilities in small animal CT (SkyScan 1176 high resolution micro- computed tomography).
- PET (Siemens P4 micro-positron emission tomography).
- Live animal optical imaging (IVIS Spectrum bioluminescence/fluorescence).
The MNP also includes a 7T small bore MRI for animals, and a two-photon microscopy (TPLSM) system for real time imaging of brain cell function in awake animals.
Overall, using these tools and physical resources, the MNP provides centralized image post-processing analysis capabilities that will empower users across multiple heath research pillars to produce modelling, diagnostic and treatment deliverables they would not otherwise be able to individually achieve. The long-term goal is to create an innovative image post-processing core facility that is sustained by users.
Our researchers
Find out how our researchers push the boundaries of knowledge to provide real-time solutions to the most pressing challenges affecting patients, caregivers and decision-makers.
Faculty and staff
Our team
Our faculty and staff are committed to supporting learners, colleagues and the community. Contact us to learn more about our department and what we have to offer.
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Room AE503, 820 Sherbrook Street
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada