Below is a list of some of the many scholarships and fellowships offered to graduate students during the academic year. Deadlines may vary slightly every year. Notices will be sent to current students each year at the time of award submissions and deadlines.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies hosts an Awards Database where you can find details on these awards plus search for all awards offered. You can also find them on Facebook with a list of all the upcoming award deadlines, so that you can see at a glance which awards you need to prepare for.


Name Deadline Requirements Amount Offered
NRI's 50th Anniversary Legacy Award N/A Please see link info up to $9000

NRI Scholarship in Energy Research

Feb 16 Is enrolled as a full-time graduate student at the Natural Resources at the University of Manitoba.
· Has achieved a minimum GPA of 3.75 in the previous 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study;
· Demonstrates an interest in aspects of energy related research, including but not limited to energy policy, renewable energy, sustainable energy, energy in agriculture, remote site energy, energy and technology.

Henley Graduate Scholarship in Natural Resources Development and Stewardship in Manitoba

Oct 8 Please see Henley Scholarship for more details. $2100

Berkes Graduate Scholarship in Community Based Research

Feb 25 Please see Berkes Scholarship for more details. $10000

University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF)

Mar 1

- Applicants must be enrolled in or plan to enroll in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the U of M in either a Master's or Ph.D. program as full-time students
-Applicants must have achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50 over the equivalent of the last two completed years of study
-Applicants must show great promise as researchers and as graduate students.

--Applicants are required to email their completed application to the NRI’s Graduate Program Administrator. Supporting documents including reference letters and transcripts, must be sent directly from the referee and/or institution to the same email address.

$18,000/year for Ph.D. students
$14,000/year for Master's students

Click here for application

Karen Palidwor Memorial Fellowship in Forest and Wildlife Management Feb 16 - Full-time student at the Natural Resources Institute conducting
research addressing wildlife/forestry management interaction in Manitoba
and working on a thesis project which will result in a practical application
of sustainable forest management)
One award per year of $3,775
Manitoba Hydro Graduate Fellowship in Natural Resources Management February 9 - Focus must be specifically on Canadian Natural Resources and Environmental Management.
- GPA of 3.75 in the last 60-credit hours is required.
- Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
- Preference will be given to Master's students.
One award per year of $5,000
Graduate Student Conference Travel Awards n/a
- In good standing with a minimum 3.50 GPA and enrolled full-time in a Master's or Ph.D. program.
- Must be presenting a paper/poster at a conference, festival, or competition for a recognized national or international organization and be the first author.
- Students may not receive funding more than once at the Master's level or more than twice at the Ph.D. level.
- Applicants must have departmental support of at least $100.
- $750 for conference travel in North America, which includes Canada, USA and Mexico (conference has to be outside Winnipeg)
- $1,000 for international conference travel
Northern Scientific Training Program October 24 - Canadian citizen or permanent resident
- Enrolled in a degree program at a Canadian University
Ranges in amounts from $500 to $4,000
SSHRC Scholarship n/a Pursuing full-time studies leading to a Ph.D. Canadian or permanent resident $20,000 per year
Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship November 7 - Must be a doctoral student.
- Major in Social Sciences and humanities
- Must be nominated by a Canadian University
- See FGS website for award information
$40,000 per year up to 4 years plus an additional $20,000 per year for research-related travel and events
Mackenzie King Open Scholarship February 1 - Graduate of a Canadian University and continuing in graduate studies
- High academic achievement, personal qualities, and demonstrated aptitudes
Dr. Ken Stewart Scholarships in Aquatic Biology and Conservation March 31 - Enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral program whose approved research program is in the area of freshwater Aquatic Science
- Preference given to research which is relevant to Fish Futures' objectives
One award at $2,500
University of Manitoba Distinguished Dissertation Award February 28 A dissertation which has been completed and accepted by the Faculty of Graduate Studies between January 1 and December 31 in the previous calendar year. Citation Certificate and a cash prize
Sixth Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference Fellowship August 30 - Enrolled full-time in a Masters or Ph.D. program at the U of M in a program relating to prairie conservation and/or prairie endangered species management
- Minimum gpa of 3.5 on the last two regular academic session while studying full-time
- Conducting or have proposed to conduct research in the area of prairie conservation and/or prairie endangered species management in Canada
- Show great potential as researchers, as judged by the selection committee