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    Review all eligibility criteria of each available funding source to determine which you can apply for.

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    Prepare and collect all required documentation required for the funding sources you will be applying for.

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    Complete application process and submit any forms/online documents/emails required by your funding source(s).

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    Upon return from the conference , submit any outstanding documents or information outlined by your funding source(s).

There are four main sources of funding available for Civil Engineering graduate students presenting research at a conference. Each of these funding sources have varying application processes and eligibility requirements so it is important to review each before applying.

Multiple funding or awards can be received at once, however, each award may only be received a limited amount of times per Master's/Ph.D. programs for an individual student.

Although applications are recommended to be submitted before you attend a conference, there are some processing that will take place upon your return from the conference as well. Be sure to obtain and keep all original receipts from your conference that can be claimed for reimbursement.

Available Funding (Travel Awards, Funding, Grants, Etc.)

Funding for travel support can come from various sources. The Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, FGS, UMGSA, and Graduate Student Supervisors each act as separate sources for funding or awards available to graduate students.

Review the eligibility and criteria for each thoroughly before beginning the application process.


Leah Phillips (she/her)
Office Assistant
Room E1-368 EITC
