Civil Engineering Seminars and Workshops
The Civil Engineering Department seminar and workshop series are a valuable opportunity to collaborate with UM members, community and visitors from abroad.
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Seismic Design Workshop
Mar. 1, 2024 | 9:00am-3:00pm | SmartPark Innovation Hub MPR - 100 Innovation Drive
Join Dr. Perry Adebar, P.Eng, who is coming from the University of British Columbia as he discusses the Earthquake Design of Buildings in Manitoba. This workshop is intended for structural engineers with no prior knowledge of structural dynamics or earthquake engineering.
As of January 2024, Manitoba has adopted the earthquake design provisions in the 2020 National Building Code of Canada. All Part 4 buildings in Manitoba are now required to be designed to resist ground shaking due to the types of earthquakes that geoscientist predict could occur in the region.
The complexity of the seismic design procedure and the seismic design requirements for the building depend on the type of building – normal, high importance (e.g., school) or post-disaster (e.g., hospital), and on the soil conditions below the buildings. When the soil conditions are poor, as they are in parts of Winnipeg, all buildings require the more complex design procedures and require more stringent design requirements.
This workshop, which is intended for structural engineers with no prior knowledge of structural dynamics or earthquake engineering, will begin with the fundamental knowledge needed to apply the earthquake design provisions in Manitoba. This includes concepts of seismicity of the region, the influence of soil conditions, performance objectives of the building code, structural dynamic response to ground motion, design spectra, inelastic buildings and code force reduction factors.
The design provisions in Article 4.1.8 of the building code that are relevant to Manitoba will be reviewed in detail and explained using the fundamental concepts taught earlier. Example calculations will show the application of the procedures to simple low-rise buildings and high-rise buildings.
Information will be presented about the CSA Standard requirements for different types of buildings – concrete, masonry, steel and timber; however, the main focus of the workshop will be on concrete shear wall buildings designed to the requirements of CSA A23.3. By the end of the workshop, participants will have the knowledge needed to undertake the seismic design of concrete shear wall buildings in Manitoba.
Dr. Perry Adebar PEng is Professor of Structural Engineering at the University of British Columbia where he has conducted research and taught elementary and advanced courses on earthquake design of concrete buildings for the past 34 years. Dr. Adebar is chair of the national Standing Committee on Earthquake Design (SC-ED), which writes the earthquake design provisions in the National Building Code of Canada. He is also vice-chair of Technical Committee CSA A23.3, which writes the Canadian Standard for the structural design of concrete buildings, and is chair of the technical committee on seismic design of concrete buildings. Professor Adebar received the Engineers BC (EGBC) Teaching Award for Excellence in Engineering Education in 2015, the UBC Killam Teaching Prize in 2013, the Meritorious Achievement Award from EGBC in 2004 and the ACI Structural Research Award in 1998.
- Registration Fee of $350
- Free Parking Available
- Lunch Provided
- Deadline to register: Monday, February 26th, 2024
PARKING: Visitors are required to park in the designated 'Visitor Parking' area in the parking lot south of the building. Parking is available in this area on a first come, first serve basis. Parking Permits are not required by users or their guests attending meetings. Overflow parking is located in SP1 parking lot. See parking map here.
For any questions about the event, please contact