• Jorge-Nallim
  • Professor

    Faculty of Arts
    Department of History; Latin American Studies Program
    405 Fletcher Argue
    15 Chancellor's Circle
    University of Manitoba
    Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2

    Phone: 204-474-6387


Currently accepting graduate students - yes

  • Master's
  • PhD


  • HIST 1380 - Modern World History – 1800 to Present
  • HIST 2140 - Colonial Latin America
  • HIST 2150 - Independent Latin America
  • HIST 3740 - Topics in Latin American History: Revolutions in Latin America
  • HIST 3990 - Contested Nations. Latin American History since Independence
  • HIST 4000/7772 - Imperialism, Revolution, Democracy. Latin American History since the Cuban Revolution


I am Professor of History at the University of Manitoba's Department of History. I hold two History degrees (Profesor, 1993, and Licenciado, 1995) from the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina) as well as MA (1997) and PhD (2002) in History from the University of Pittsburgh (PA, United States). Specialized in modern Latin American and Argentine history, I have been Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh's Department of History (2002-2003), Guest Professor of Global Studies/History at Sarah Lawrence College (2003-2005), and Resident Director of Sarah Lawrence College's Program in Havana, Cuba (2005). 


  • PhD (History), University of Pittsburgh, 2002
  • MA (History), University of Pittsburgh, 1997
  • Licenciado (History), Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, 1995
  • Profesor (History), Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, 1993


Research interests

  • Political, cultural, intellectual history
  • Latin America, Argentina, Mexico, Chile
  • Antifascism
  • Cold War

Research summary

My research focuses on modern Latin America and Argentina in the fields of political, cultural, and intellectual history. I have published books, articles, and chapters on topics such as Argentine liberalism, antifascism, and Peronism, as well as on contemporary Indigenous mobilization in Latin America, human rights violations in Argentina, and the cultural Cold War in Argentina, Mexico, and Chile. My current research focuses on Latin American antifascism, the cultural Cold War, and historical memory in Argentina.

Research affiliations/groups

  • Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Research Group on Power and Resistance in Latin America, Institute for the Humanities, Faculty of Arts, University of Manitoba
  • Member, Scientific International Committee (Comité Científico Internacional) of the inter-university program “Interdisciplinary Studies on the Right: Theory, History, and Research Problems.” Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales- Instituto de Estudios Históricos y Sociales, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, IGHCS-IEHS, UNCPBA), Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Member, Red Ensayo en Diálogo, Center for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean/National Autonomous University of Mexico (CIALC-UNAM), Mexico
  • Member, Research Group on the Cold War (Grupo de Estudos sobre Guerra Fria), University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Selected publications

  • "Transformations and Crisis of Liberalism in Argentina, 1930-1955." Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012 (translated as "Transformación y crisis del liberalismo. Su desarrollo en Argentina en el período 1930-1955." Buenos Aires: Editorial Gedisa, 2014)
  • Las raíces del antiperonismo. Orígenes históricos e ideológicos. Buenos Aires: Capital Intelectual, 2014
  • Sandra McGee Deutsch and Jorge A. Nállim, eds. "Latin American Antifascism(s): National and Transnational Perspectives." Special issue for the Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CJLACS), 48:3 (2023).
  • “Epilogue: National Imagination and Periodization in Modern Argentine History.” In Recasting the Nation in 20th Century Argentina, edited by Benjamin Bryce and David M.K, Sheinin, 217-25. New York and London: Routledge, 2023.
  • “El “totalitarismo peronista”. Redes transnacionales y antiperonismo, 1940s-1950s”. In La Argentina y el siglo del totalitarismo, edited by Martín Vicente and Mercedes López Cantera, 55-80. Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2022.
  • “México en la guerra fría cultural: redes intelectuales y textuales en la revista Examen, 1958-1962.” In Redes intelectuales y redes textuales, edited by Liliana Weinberg. 397-418. México, Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia-Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2021.
  • “Fronteras porosas: tendencias de derecha en el liberalismo y el antifascismo argentinos.” In Las derechas argentinas en el siglo XX. De la era de las masas a la Guerra Fría, edited by Ernesto Bohoslavsky, Olga Echeverría and Martín Vicente. 85-97. Tandil: UNICEN, 2021.
  • “Antifascismo, revolución y Guerra Fría en México: la revista América, 1940-1960.” Latinoamérica. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, no. 70 (2020), 93-126.
  • “Culture, Politics, and the Cold War: the Sociedad de Escritores de Chile in the 1950s.” Journal of Latin American Studies 53, no. 1 (2019), 549-71.
  • "Transnational spaces. Intellectuals, politics, and the state in Cold War Argentina, 1950-1964.” In Making Citizens in Argentina, edited by David M.K. Sheinin and Benjamin Bryce, 119-138. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017.


  • 2023-2025 - Faculty of Arts Humanities Research Professorship, University of Manitoba
  • 2020 - Merit Award, Service category, University of Manitoba
  • May-June 2018 - National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Research Residency Program (Programa de Estancias de Investigación, PREI). UNAM-Office for Academic Staff Affairs (UNAM-DGAPA)
  • 2016 - Outstanding Professor Award, Faculty of Arts, University of Manitoba,
  • 2015 - Merit Award, combined categories of Teaching/Research/Service, University of Manitoba

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