Research programs

Our research is focused on the sustainability and productivity of the land base, enhancement of crop and livestock production, and maintenance of soil, water and food quality as affected by agriculture and other human activities.

Sampling soil in the field.

Sustainable food production and communities

Sustaining and increasing the production of crops by enhancing soil management practices, and reducing soil degradation that threatens food production.

Students gathering water samples.

Healthy land, air and water

The use of an integrated approach to agricultural land management within the environment (agricultural landscapes and watersheds) to explore approaches for managing soils and crops to minimize contamination of land, air and water.

Man working with flight auger.

Climate-smart soils

Exploring and promoting soil processes and management practices to better improve crop production in the evolving climate of the Canadian prairies.

Measuring greenhouse gas emission in spring thaw, photo by Marliese Peterson.

Cold region soil processes and management

Developing agricultural management practices for improving soil processes, agronomic productivity, and environmental health in northern environments where soils undergo annual freezing and thawing.

Research Chairs


Our network of facilities can be found both on campus and in assorted locations within the province of Manitoba. Our highly collaborative research programming allows our faculty and students to conduct work at locations across the province including Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Brandon Research and Development Centre, the Canada-Manitoba Crop Diversification Centre in Carberry, and the Churchill Northern Student Centre.

Through the collaboration with other University of Manitoba departments and outside partners, our researchers and students have access to equipment to conduct specialized research in agronomy, soil biomass, environmental conditions, gases, molecular biology, and soil ecology among others.

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Department Publication List


2023Fatema, MarufaInvestigation of pesticides in rivers and an on-farm mitigation strategy for reducing point-source pollution
2023Zheng, FangzhouThe effects of existing water-eroded channels on water erosion and tillage erosion, and the integration of these effects into models of total soil erosion 
2023Zarrinabadi, EhsanSoil erosion and fluxes of sediment within landscapes of the Canadian Prairies
2022Goharrokhi, MousadSedimentary processes in large, regulated river systems in the Canadian subarctic
2022Eragoda Arachchilage, GeethaniEffect of water distribution system on drinking water quality in First Nations communities in Manitoba, Canada
2022Thiessen Martins, JoanneCharacterizing the behaviour and efficacy of struvite fertilizer for organically managed crops in Manitoba soils
2021Adesanya, TheresaCharacterizing the plant-assisted attenuation of antibiotics in municipal biosolids
2020Adelekun, MayowaMeasurement and simulation of nitrous oxide fluxes from perennial forage grasses and annual crops amended with pig manure and inorganic fertilizer 
2020Lasisi, AhmedEfficacy of urease inhibitor with and without nitrification inhibitor in improving efficiency of urea-based fertilizers
2018Jeke, NicholsonWetland and terrestrial phytoremediation of an end-of-life municipal lagoon using cattail (Typha spp.)
2017Taylor, AmandaInvestigating spatial representation of micrometeorological flux measurements over agroecosystems
2017Ojo, RotimiIn situ and modelled soil moisture determination and upscaling from point-based to field scale
2017Munira, SirajumCompetitive sorption interactions of organic and inorganic chemicals in soil
2017Agomoh, IkeNutrient dynamics and phytoextraction in soils receiving long-term manure application
2016Molina, OscarIdentification of Verticillium species and control methods for Verticillium wilt of potato in Manitoba
2016Amarakoon Mudiyansel, Inoka DilrukshiEnvironmental Fate of Chlortetracycline, Sulfamethazine and Tylosin Fed to Feedlot Cattle
2016Hajihassani, AbolfazlStudies of Plant Host Preferences of the Stem Nematodes Ditylenchus Weischeri and D. Dipsaci
2016Singh, BaljeetMethods to Determine Spatial Variations of Herbicide and Estrogen Sorption Coefficients in Undulating to Hummocky Terrains for Pesticide Fate Modelling at the Large Scale
2015Karimi, RezvanDownward Movement of Nitrate and Phosphorus from Hog Manures in Annual and Perennial Cropping Systems
2015Messing, PaulPesticides in the Air, Atmospheric Deposits, and Surface Waters of Canada
2012Wilson, JannaAgricultural Pesticide Use Trends in Manitoba and 2,4-D Fate in Soil
2012Coppi, LucaNitrogen and Phosphorus in Soil and Groundwater Following Repeated Nitrogen-based Swine Slurry Applications to a Tame Grassland on Coarse Textured Soil
2011Caron, EmmanuelleFate of Estrogenic Compounds in Agricultural Soils and Development of an Immunoassay for their Environmental Detection
2011Olatuyi, OlalekanMeasurement and Simulation of Solute Transport in a Hummocky Landscape
2010Glenn, Aaron JamesGreenhouse gas fluxes and budget for an annual cropping system in the Red River Valley, Manitoba, Canada
2009Mahran, AmroSuppression of the root-lesion nematode using liquid hog manure
2007Ajiboye, BabasolaMolecular speciation of phosphorus in organic amendments and amended soils using nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray absorption spectroscopies
2007Gaultier, J.Variability of soil properties and 2,4-D fate at field and regional scales as affected by ecoregion, landscape position and soil depth
2007Li, ShengTillage translocation and tillage erosion: Measurement, modelling, application and validation
2005Ryan, Michael JeffreyThe biotic and abiotic interactions influencing organochlorine contaminants in temporal trends (1992-2003) of three Yukon lakes: Focus on Lake Laberge
2002Wiebe, B. H.The role of natural and anthropogenic factors in soil organic matter quality and aggregate stability of cool temperate soils
2000Tomasiewicz, Dale J.Advancing the understanding and interpretation of plant and soil tests for phosphorus in Manitoba
1998Fisk, Aaron T.Dietary accumulation, sediment bioavailability and toxicity of polychlorinated n-alkanes
1998Hao, XiyingDiffusive movement and reactions of phosphate and associated cations in an acid soil and in aluminum-rich soil-like systems
1998Indraratne, Srimathie P.The composition of interlayered clays affects the retention and transformations of organic compounds
1998Rawn, DorotheaThe transport and deposition of current use pesticides and PCBs to surface waters in the Red River drainage basin
1996Jin, HengThe dissipation of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin and their metabolites in elm bark, litter and soil and their persistence in the control of the native elm bark beetle
1995Dubbin, William E.Structure and stability of hydroxy-Cr and -Al interlayers in montmorillonite
1993Fuller, Lesley G.Ultrasonic dispersion of clay from soil aggregates in relation to carbohydrate content
1993Tu, ShihuaEffects of KCl on solubility and bioavailability of Mn in soil and some reactions of birnessite in the presence of some Mn compounds
1993Lathiff, Mohamed AbdulPotassium fixation in coarse textured soils
1990Nyaki, Adolf S.Factors affecting the utilization of zinc from zinc fertilizer bands by wheat
1990Kumaragamage, D.Effect of four salts on the transport and retention of fertilizer P in soils and its availability to plants
1990Akinremi, Olalekan O.The diffusive transport of phosphate and associated cation in soil and soil-like systems
1989Flaten, Donald N.The effect of urea on the solubility and plant uptake of monoammonium phosphate
1988Servos, M.R.Fate and bioavailability of polychlorinated dibenzo dioxins in aquatic environments
1988Friesen, Kenneth J.Physical properties, sunlight photolysis, and environmental fate of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins in aquatic ecosystems
1986Grant, Cynthia A.The yield and chemical composition of barley as influenced by high levels of Ca and Mg in the growth medium
1986Kuchnicki, Teddy C.The effect of selected herbicides on anaerobic nitrate and nitrite reduction
1986Onofrei, ConstantinA method of land evaluation using crop simulation techniques
1985Cutforth, Herbert W.Dependence of corn development from germination to silking on physical environment
1983Al-Taweel, B.H.Soil genesis in relation to groundwater regimes in a hummocky ground moraine area near Hamiota, Manitoba
1982Khdyer, Ismail I.Oxygen transport and denitrification of nitrate derived from urea and added nitrate in soil columns
1982Sheppard, S.C.Plant phosphorus requirements and soil phosphorus reactions as influenced by temperature
1981Tomar, Jaswant S.Effect of placement of organic matter and urea on immobilization of nitrogen and uptake of nitrogen by plants.
1981Okoro, Godwill E.The effect of burning and fertilizer application on crop yields and soil chemical properties under shifting cultivation in southern Nigeria
1981Christianson, C. BruceChemical denitrification in frozen soils
1981Rawn, Gary P.Fate and degradation of permethrin in a model aquatic ecosystem
1981Abdel-Kader, Mohamed H.K.Malathion and fenitrothion in stored wheat: low temperature degradation, distribution, and quantification of metabolites
1981Obi, Adeniyi, O.Isotope studies on crop utilization and soil fixation of nitrogen from urea, calcium nitrate and ammonium sulphate in several Manitoba soils
1980Worobey, Brian L.Physicochemical studies of the mechanism of complexation and release of 4-chloroaniline from soil and soil humic acids
1978De Jong, ReinderEnergy exchange at the soil surface and the soil temperature regime
1977Kalbasi-Ashtari, MahmoudAssociation of native soil zinc with iron and aluminum oxides and reaction products of zinc banded in soil
1976Chang, ChiEffects of thermal gradients upon mass transport in soil
1973Pang, Patrick C.Transformation and movement of band-applied nitrogen fertilizers in several Manitoba soils
1971Olomu, M.O.Influence of soil water content on soil redox potential (Eh), pH and concentration and plant availability of iron and manganese in soil solutions
1970Strong, W.M.Effect of root growth and rate of phosphorus adsorption by roots on the utilization of applied phosphorus by flax, wheat, rape and buckwheat
1966Racz, Geza J.Reaction products of orthophosphates in soils containing varying amounts of calcium and magnesium
1962Ferguson, W.S.Phosphate nutrition of plants grown on saline soils
1962Weir, C.C.Behaviour of phosphates in some calcareous Manitoba soils


2023Quilesfogel-Esparza, ClaudiaEstimating nitrogen requirement of grain corn in Manitoba using optical spectral reflectance
2023Muhandiram, NikishaShort-term dynamics of soil chemical and health properties under an intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) forage-grain system
2023Webb, KathrynEffect of fall rye cover crop on CO2 and N2O fluxes in the Red River Valley, Manitoba, Canada
2023Hansima, CharithaElucidating mechanisms of sulfamethoxazole sorption onto bentonite in the presence of fresh liquid swine manure dissolved organic carbon
2023Oleson, KodyAdvanced 4R nitrogen management options for corn in sandy soils of Manitoba, Canada
2023Weerasinghe, VirangaEffect of manure application methods on nutrient and metal mobilization with snowmelt flooding in a manured agricultural land
2022Matengu, TauraiDeveloping risk models to mitigate Fusarium Head Blight in western Canadian cereal production
2022Tran, DicksonCorn hybrid response to starter fertilizer
2022Brooks, BrendanA characterization of soil erosion in cultivated watersheds in Manitoba's Red River Valley using sediment budgeting, and its implications for managing soil erosion's impacts
2022Gardiner, LannyOptimum nitrogen management of modern corn hybrids in Manitoba
2022Nawu, TakudzwaOrganic amendment effects on productivity of wellsites reclaimed with suboptimal topsoil replacement depth in northeastern Alberta
2021Dorrian, KathleenEffects of Genotype, Weather and FHB Fungicide/Pre-harvest Glyphosate on Wheat Quality and Gluten Strength for Breadmaking
2021Nicksy, JessicaCircular nutrients for supplying phosphorus and closing urban to rural nutrient cycles in organically managed cropping systems
2020Bourns, MeganSoybean response to potassium fertility and fertilizer in Manitoba
2020Gamhewage, MauliPesticides in the water-column and bottom sediments of four Manitoba rivers
2020Anderson, KristyPerceptions of household drinking water across a variety of water distribution systems in three First Nations in Manitoba
2019Adamolekun, OlayinkaField validation of proximal sensors on a typical Prairie field
2019Wenyika, PriscillarHost preference of Pratylenchus neglectus to major crops of the Prairie Provinces of Canada
2019Britton, TonyDetermining evapotranspiration and crop coefficient values using an adjusted Penman-Monteith equation over canola (Brassica napus) in southern Manitoba
2018Caron, MelodyIntegration of sediment fingerprinting techniques and sampling approaches within a prairie watershed in southern Alberta
2018Agarwal, AbhishekStudy on Verticillium longisporum of canola from the first reported farm in North America
2018Wood, MatthewRight source and right time: reducing nitrous oxide emissions with enhanced efficiency nitrogen fertilizers
2018Gouvea Pereira, FernandaSurvey of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Pulse Crop Fields of the Canadian Prairies 
2017Zhanda, JusticeAssessing thermal indices for modelling grain corn phenological development on the Prairies
2017Theroux, JohannaCharacterizing turbidity and identifying sediment sources in Norway House Cree Nation drinking water using sediment fingerprinting
2017Sapkota, KamalaPesticide residues in groundwater and soil of a Prairie Province in Canada
2017Runzika, MickNitrification rate effect on cumulative nitrous oxide emission from soil
2017Rogalsky, MagdaPhosphorus beneficial management practices for corn production in Manitoba
2016Westphal, MeganNitrous oxide soil emissions from an organic and conventionally managed cropping system in Manitoba
2016Rutter, JoleneWinter Composting of Separated Pig Slurry Solids and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
2016Bardella, Gustavo RodriguesPhosphorus Management Practices for Soybean Production in Manitoba
2016Boudreault, Monica Marie DonnaSediment Source Apportionment Under Different Spatial Frameworks in an Agricultural Watershed in Atlantic Canada
2016Lasisi, Ahmed AgboolaAmmonium-N Persistence and Root Nitrogen Content of Annual Crops and Perennial Forage Grasses Following Pig Manure Application
2016Miller, BrianSoil Moisture, Vegetation and Surface Roughness Impacts on High Resolution L-Band Microwave Emissivity from Cropped Land during SMAPVEX12
2016Obikoya, Oluwatoyin AbosedeChanges in Soil Test Phosphorus and Phosphorus Forms With Continuous Phosphorus Fertilizer Addition to Contrasting Prairie Soils
2016Soloway, Ashley DawnA Comparison of Gap-Filling Methods for a Long-Term Eddy Covariance Dataset from a Northern Old-Growth Black Spruce Forest
2015Shaw, WillPlacement, timing and source of nitrogen fertilizer on yield of irrigated Russet Burbank Potato in Manitoba
2015Adesanya, TheresaProperties of an Orthic Black Chernozem after 5 years of liquid and solid pig manure applications to annual and perennial crops
2015Goharrokhi, MousadEffect of hydraulic shear stress on the banks of the Red River
2015Akinseloyin, TaiwoSoil moisture and Temperature Simulation Using the Versatile Soil Moisture Budget Approach
2015Laskosky, JordenProductivity and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Longterm Stockpiled Soils Treated with Organic Amendments
2014Dickson, TarynGrowing season weather impacts on canola phenological development and quality
2014Jeke, NicholsonBiomass, nutrient and trace element dynamics in cattail and switchgrass during wetland and terrestrial phytoremediation of municipal biosolids
2014Katanda, YeukaiHog Manure-Recovered Struvite as a Phosphorus Source for Enhanced Phosphorus Use Efficiency and Reduced Seedling Toxicity in Canola
2014Cardillo, MichaelStubble Management Effects on Microclimate and Performance of Canola Across Different Climatic Regions in Western Canada
2014Pernerowski, ReanneWeather, Microclimate, Canopy Density and Neighbouring Non-Host Crop Impacts on Sclerotinia Stem Rot Disease in Canola
2014Sayem, S.M.Estimation of Nitrogen Mineralization from Solid Beef Cattle and Liquid Swine Manures
2014Hassan, AdenikePhytoremediation of Municipal Biosolids: Terrestrial and Wetland Approaches
2014Liu, CenweiSpatial and Temporal Variation in Size and Shape of Sediment Particles in the Tobacco Creek Watershed
2013Andronak, LindseyBulk Deposition of Pesticide Mixtures in a Canadian Prairie City and the Influence of Soil Temperature Fluctuations on 17Beta-Estradiol Mineralization
2013Grenkow, LaryssaEffect of Seed-Placed Phosphorus and Sulphur Fertilizers on Canola Plant Stand, Early Season Biomass and Seed Yield
2013Arachchilage, GeethaniThe Effect of Flooding and Reducing Conditions on Phosphorus Dynamics in Manitoba Soils
2013Dickson, TarynGrowing Season Weather Impacts on Canola Phenological Development and Quality
2012Ojo, RotimiModelling Soil Moisture from Real-Time Weather Data
2012Agomoh, IkechukwuChemically-Enhanced Gravitational Solid-Liquid Separation For The Management of Phosphorus in Liquid Swine Manure
2012Fraser, TrevorCarbon Dynamics of Perennial Grassland Conversion for Annual Cropping
2012Taylor, AmandaA Comparison of the Carbon Dioxide Fluxes of Two Annual Cropping Systems and a Perennial Hay Field in Southern Manitoba Over 30 Months
2011Donohoe, GwendolynNutrient Excretion and Soil Greenhouse Emissions from Excreta of Overwintering Beef Cows Fed Forage-Based Diets Supplemented With Dried Distillers' Grains with Solubles
2011Chiyoka, WaraidzoCharacterization of Nutrient Release and Greenhouse Gas Emission from Chernozemic Soils Amended with Anaerobically Digested Cattle Manure
2011Stewart, SiobhanPerennial Legume Phase and Annual Crop Rotation Influences on CO2 and N2O Fluxes Over Two Years in the Red River Valley, Manitoba, Canada
2010Hanis, KristaEddy covariance measurements of methane flux in a subarctic fen with emphasis on spring-melt period
2009Amarakoon, InokaEffects of mono-ammonium phosphate preceding crop on plant cadmium uptake
2009Halabicki, Paula S.Soil properties and agri-environmental conditions affect Imazamox: Imazethapyr 1:1 and flucarbazone-sodium phytotoxicity and dissipation
2009Lumactud, Rhea Amor C.Spatial distribution of soil nematodes in the sub-Arctic environment of Churchill, Manitoba
2009Molina, OscarEffect of green manures and organic amendments on verticillium wilt of potato in Manitoba
2009Rajendran, NandakumarDynamics of profiles of soil greenhouse gases in a topographically variable landscape in Western Canada
2009Ross, LisetteVegetation and soil properties as indicators of the hydrology and ecological health of northern prairie wetlands in native and agricultural landscapes
2009Sawka, ClaytonRelationship between chemical analyses of P in soil and P loss in simulated runoff
2009Tremorin, DenisGreenhouse gas emissions from grassland pasture fertilized with liquid hog manure
2008Akhter, Fardausi (Shati)Crop management impacts on mycorrhizal colonization and cadmium availability in agricultural crops
2008Barker, Corinne A.Effects of Forest Age and Topography on Boreal Forest Evaporation and Water Balance
2008Gervais, Mark, D.Assessment of the second-generation prairie agrometeorological model’s performance for spring wheat on the Canadian prairies
2008Koiter, Alexander J.Short-term carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide flux following tillage of the clay soil in the Red River Valley in Southern Manitoba
2008Ojekanmi, Abimbola A.Phosphorus dynamics and movement in soil with long term manure application
2008Saleh, Abdelhafid AhmedPhosphorus losses from soil and vegetative residue under simulated freezing and thawing conditions
2008Smith, Diane M.The impact of landscape restoration on crop productivity and soil properties in severely eroded hilly landscapes in Southwestern Manitoba
2007Abioye, O. StephenForms and reactivity of manure phosphorus from phytase fed swine in Manitoba soils
2007Churchill, Jacqueline A.Spatial variation of soil methane and nitrous oxide emissions in subarctic environments of Churchill, Manitoba
2007Dunmola, Adedeji S.Greenhouse gas emission from a prairie pothole landscape in Western Canada
2007Holzapfel, Christopher B.Estimating nitrogen fertilizer requirements of canola (Brassica Napus L.) using sensor-based estimates of yield potential and crop response to nitrogen
2007Nadler, Andrew J.An agroclimatic risk assessment of crop production on the Canadian Prairies
2007Sass, Alison P.Energy, water, and carbon budgets of young post-fire boreal forests in Central Saskatchewan
2007Wang, RuifangImpacts of soil accumulation from erosion on greenhouse gas production and emission from soil within a complex and cultivated landscape
2006Anderson, AmberThe influence of tillage and landscape on imazethapyr persistence and sorption in soil
2006Finlay, Gordon, J.Genotype and environment impacts on Canada Western Spring wheat bread-making quality and development of weather-based prediction models
2006Jarvis, Chad K.Growing season weather impacts on Canada Western Red Spring wheat grown in producer fields across Western Canada
2006Olatuyi, Solomon OlalekanChemical characterization of phosphate diffusion in a multi-ionic environment
2006Pelcat, YannSoil landscape characterization of crop stubble covered fields using IKONOS high resolution panchromatic images
2006Reimer, AleishaDechlorination of the naturally produced fungal metabolite, 3,5--dichloro-para-anisyl alcohol by Burkholderia SP.UW103
2006Welsh, CatherineOrganic crop management can decrease labile soil P and promote mycorrhizal association of crops
2005Cyr, Pascal Joseph JeanDissolved organic carbon in Northern boreal forest soils under two different aged forest stands
2005Czurak-Dainard, MonikaThe long-term impact of manure application on soil microbial properties and nutrient cycling in Manitoban soils
2005Erb, Michelle MarieThe effects of landscape restoration on greenhouse gas emissions and plant species and abundance
2005Kroeker, Myron PeterAgronomic evaluation of a homogeneous nitrogen-phosphorus-sulphur fertilizer in Southern Manitoba
2005Nahar, NurunFate of 2,4-D as affected by soil properties and landscape position
2005Riekman, Marla RaeThe effect of canola cultivar on water extraction and nitrogen and sulphur uptake
2004Enns, Jeffrey MarkThe effect of liquid hog manure and commercial fertilizer on nutrient movement in a sandy soil
2004Reimer, MargueriteThe effect of hog manure and municipal biosolids on the mineralization and sorption of pesticides in soil
2004Senkiw, Kelly AnnAlkaline humic substances and the amelioration of an acid sulphate soil and copper-contaminated mine tailings
2004Whetter, David AllenSolute redistribution as influenced by soil properties in relation to landscape morphology in a glacial till landscape in Manitoba
2003Ajiboye, BabasolaRetention characteristics and convective transport of phosphorus in soils amended with biosolids, manures and fertilizer
2003Lanoie, Joanne M.Changes in the bioavailability of phenathrene in montmorillonite clay with aging
2003MacLeod, Cedric JohnThe effects of liquid hog manure application and tillage systems on the rate of cereal crop residue decomposition in clay soils
2003Muc, DennisThe impact of crop rotations on the fate of trifluralin and glyphosate in soil
2003Przednowek, DavidThe effect of pulse crop rotation and controlled-release urea on the nitrogen accumulation and end-use quality of Canada Western Red Spring wheat
2003Stephens, Kristian DietrichThe spatial variability of soil properties and 2,4-D sorption and desorption in two calcareous prairie landscapes
2003Tiessen, Kevin H. D.Efficiency of fall-banded urea fertilizer in Manitoba: Effect of application date, landscape position and fertilizer additives
2002Dilk, Sean B.Agronomic evaluation of leonardite on yield and chemical composition of canola and wheat
2002Durand, Laurent (Larry) David JosephVariability in CWRS wheat yield response to applied nitrogen in Manitoba soil landscapes
2002Unger, Christopher J. H.The impact of sulphur on the breadmaking quality of Canadian Western Red Spring wheat in Western Canada
2002Wilson, Janna L.Estimation of phenological development and fractional leaf area of canola (Brassica Napus L.) from temperature
2001Grift, Sheri L.Impact of leaching and denitrification on temporal distribution of nitrate in several Manitoba soils
2001Nicolas, Léo Jr.Identifying the usefulness of microbial enumeration, diversity, and respiration for implementing strategies for intrinsic remediation
2001Smyrl, Christopher T.The effect of dissolved humic substances on the binding and biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil
2000Bullinger, Andrea L.Effect of fly ash and zeolite amendment on volatile ammonia losses from hog manure
2000Kagan, Michael WilliamNitrous oxide distribution in soil and surface flux
2000Rawluk, Christine D.L.Effect of soil texture, temperature and irrigation on the performance of urea fertilizers amended with the urease inhibitor N-(N-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide
2000Shaykewich, Jennifer A.Impact of leonardite amendments on soil physical properties of two soils related to grain production
1999Ebner, D.Nitrogen and phosphorus availability in Eastern Manitoba black spruce bog ecosystems 10 years after clearcut logging and wildfire
1999Hume, H.B.Gas breakthrough in compacted Avonlea bentonite
1999Manning, Grant R.Relations between spatial variability of soil properties and grain yield response to nitrogen fertilizer in a variable Manitoba soil-landscape
1999Renwick, Randall R.Evaluation of a crop simulation model for potatoes
1999Timmerman, Mitchell D.The effects of a crude oil spill on the crop productivity and biological quality of an agricultural soil, and the potential for phytoremediation of crude oil contaminated land
1998Farmer, Kristina L.A.The toxicity of softwood leachate in aquatic and terrestrial environments
1998Graham, Kristina N.Evaluation of analytical methodologies for diesel fuel contaminants in soil.
1998Heaman, J.B.L.The influence of previous exposure and soil type on the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil
1998Maurice, Robert D.The fate of 14C-Phenanthrene labelled diesel fuel #2 in selected Manitoba soil
1997Brown, Kimberley R.Cd content of Durum wheat and canola as affected by nitrogen fertilization and tillage practises
1997Flynn, Colleen.The fate of nitrate in soil treated with hog manure
1997Hammond, Derwyn W.Effect of band geometry and chemistry on fertilizer phosphorus availability
1997Hay, David C.Innovative techniques for the analysis of chlorophenols and acid herbicides in soil and water
1997Malegus, Ross C.Pedogenic influences on soil cadmium, and phytoavailability in selected agricultural soils from the prairie ecozone
1997Mitchell, Leslie G.Solubility and phytoavailability of cadmium in soils treated with nitrogen fertilizers
1996Cavers, CurtisCharacteristics of Red River clays pertaining to vertisolic criteria and macropore flow
1996Drouillard, Ken G.Physico-chemical property determinations of chlorinated n-alkanes (C10 to C12); Parameters for estimation of environmental fate of chlorinated n-paraffins
1996Fitzmaurice, John L.The effects of tillage practices and soil compaction on the physical properties and productivity of a clay soil
1995Berry, Karin A.T.The applicability, enhancement and dominant process of in situ bioremediation in a heavy clay soil contaminated with diesel fuel #2
1994Pastershank, Georgine M.The uptake and depuration of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran and octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin by Hydropsyche bidens (Ross) in miniature lab streams
1994Wright, Charles Ralph GlennModelling soil erosion due to natural rainfall in Manitoba
1993Audette, JessicaThe distribution and fate of Cu and Zn in treated municipal sewage sludge
1993Hastie, Alan B.The effect of municipal sewage sludge and inorganic cadmium on cadmium bioavailability to wheat and on the chemistry of soil cadmium
1992Grenier, Michel R.Effect of annual legumes on the nitrogen status of soils
1992Kenny, Dorothea F.Runoff, persistence, and runoff modelling of bromoxynil octanoate, diclofop-methyl and atrazine from three Manitoba soils
1992Leung, John W.Role of Ethomeen T/25 and Silwet L-77 adjuvants on rainfastness of herbicide formulation of vision for the control of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.)
1992Chambers, Jarrett W.Influence of a commercial fungal inoculant (PB-50) on plant nutrient availability and crop growth
1992Gehrer, JohnThe effect of VA-mycorrhiza, phosphorus, rhizobium and nitrogen on growth and N2 fixation in lentil
1992Mohr, Ramona M.The effect of chloride fertilization on growth and yield of barley and spring wheat
1992Ford, CathyDetermination of non-ortho substituted polychlorinated biphenyls: method development and levels in Canadian biota
1992Hargrave, Andrew P.Nitrogen and phosphorus losses in surface runoff due to rainfall in Manitoba
1992Rajotte, Michelle A.M.The utilization of nitrogen released from decomposing plant residue by wheat
1991Kapoor Dozois, A.Effect of simulated erosion on crop productivity
1991Martino, Daniel L.Soil physical properties and root density under zero and conventional tillage in three Manitoba soils
1991Segstro, Mark D.The bioavailability of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins to mussels and crayfish in aquatic ecosystems
1990deBeer, Donna L.The effect of phosphorus and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza on growth and dinitrogen fixation by lentil (Lens Culinaris)
1990Cheslock-Fitzgerald, MicheleTrivalent and hexavalent chromium, their reactions with minerals and potential phytotoxicity in soils
1990Green, Brandon J.Effect of nitrogen application on winter wheat under zero tillage and spring wheat under zero and conventional tillage
1990Toews, Edward J.Effect of soil NO3-nitrogen content and nitrogen fertilizer on yield of barley and canola grown on organic soils
1989Dowbenko, Raymond E.Long term effect of copper sulphate fertilization of organic soils on yield of barley and DTPA-extractable soil copper levels
1989Marantz, Dale M.Effects of nitrogen supply, water supply and temperature on the yield and quality of cereals and oilseeds grown in southern Manitoba
1989Tu, ShihuaInteractions of phosphorus and zinc in the nutrition of cereal and oilseed crops and the mechanisms of phosphorus-induced zinc deficiency in wheat
1989Wahome, Ephantus K.Soil erosion measurements under natural rainfall for evaluating the universal soil loss equation in Manitoba
1987Beever, Douglas W.Effect of various nitrogen fertilizers on solubility and plant availability of phosphorus in dual N-P bands
1987Janzen, Robert A.The effect of various amendments on C and N dynamics of active organic matter and aggregate stability in different soils
1987Kenyon, Brian E.Effect of simulated erosion on canola productivity
1987Nafuma, Leonard S.Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus placement on time of phosphorus uptake and yields of canola and flax
1987Pauls, Waldemar J.The applicability of the universal soil loss equation in Manitoba
1987Rodd, VernonEffect of nitrogen addition on yield and symbiotic dinitrogen fixation of soybeans (Glycine max. L. merr. c.v. Maple Amber), Fababeans (Vicia faba L. minor c.v. Aladin) and Lentils (Lens esculenta).
1987Rogalsky, Elaine J.Effect of method of phosphorus placement on yield and phosphorus recovery of barley, canola and flax
1987Sawatsky, Norman G.A quantitative technique for the measurement of the nitrogen loss from the root system of field peas (Pisum avense L.) during the growth cycle
1986Akinremi, Olakekan O.Interaction between ammonium ion and soil
1986Malis, Gregory P.Fate of fenitrothion in shaded and unshaded ponds
1986Morden, Gregg W.The effect of time and method of phosphorus application on yield of wheat and soil phosphorus levels
1986Walley, Frances L.The effect of nitrogen and moisture availability on growth and symbiotic nitrogen fixation in lentils (Lens Culinaris)
1985Basnayake, Asoka K.Soil erosion in the tea lands of Sri Lanka
1985Morrison-Ives, RoseEffect of simulated soil erosion on wheat yields
1985Marcheterre, LineFate of Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in small ponds
1985Poulet, Jacques J.Maximum production of wheat as affected by rate and placement of phosphorus
1984Burnett, Ronald B.Determination of climatically suitable areas for soybean production in Manitoba
1984Kamwaga, Johnson N.Copper fertilization of wheat and methods evaluating availability of copper to wheat growing on mineral soils
1984Modestus, William M.Phosphorus as a limiting nutrient for maximum production of wheat in Manitoba
1984Murage, Peterson M.Potassium as a limiting nutrient for maximum production of wheat in Manitoba
1984Murray, Derek A.J.Water soluble fractions of crude oils and petroleum products: analysis and investigation of fish tainting by gas chromatography
1984Swan, Murray J.Ammonium thiosulfate as a source of sulfur for plants (compared to other sulfur carriers)
1983Corbet, Robert L.The fate of 1,3,6,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, a trace contaminant in the herbicide 2,4-D, in a model aquatic system
1983Regitnig, Peter J.The effect of fertilizer nitrogen on yield, protein content and symbiotic nitrogen fixation in soybeans (Glycine max L. var. Maple Presto)
1982Birkholz, Detlef A.The detection of contaminants in sediments: a coupled chemical fractionation/bioassay method
1982Reid, J. MurrayAvailability of manganese and effects of soil temperature on availability of manganese to plants grown on organic soils
1982Tokarchuk, James M.Availability of copper to plants and methods of evaluating plant available copper in organic soils
1981Fraser, Walter R.An evaluation of automated classification techniques utilizing landsat data for soils mapping in the Grand Rapids area, Manitoba
1981Nyaki, Adolf S.K.Zinc and copper nutrition of corn on Manitoba soils
1981Onofrei, ConstantinLand evaluation model
1981Veldhuis, HugoEcological land survey in Manitoba, a discussion and evaluation
1980Abdul-Razaq, Ibrahim B.Phosphorus availability, solubility and extractability as affected by amount and frequency of application and time of incubation
1980Bullen, Courtney W.Phosphorus nutrition of soybeans as affected by placement of fertilizer phosphorus
1980Cutforth, Herb.Evaluation of a crop simulation model
1980Gauer, Lillian E.Soil temperature and moisture of conventional and zero tilled soils in Manitoba
1979Nicholson, Ian K.Denitrification in lake sediment and sewage sludge
1979McAndrew, D.W.Copper and zinc nutrition of cereal and oilseed crops in Manitoba
1979McKenzie, David B.The effect of N, P, K, Zn, Cu, and Fe, on blackbean (Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) cv. "Black Turtle") yield and quality
1978Christianson, Carlyle B.Denitrification of urea and sodium nitrite in some Manitoba soils
1978Khdyer, Ismail I.The effects of temperature and concentration of nitrate upon denitrification in some Manitoba soils
1978Obi, Adeniyi O.Effect of nitrification inhibitors on nitrate formation from urea and recovery of spring-applied urea-n by barley
1978Reimer, AbSoil temperature estimation from meteorological measurements
1978Saddiq, Muneer H.The effect of soil salinity on zinc utilization by wheat and black beans
1977Akinyede, Francis A.Effect of rate and method of placement of CuSO4 and ZnS04 on dry matter yield and nutrient uptake of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. Conquest)
1977Hedayat, Mohammad M.The effect of zinc rate and method of placement on yield and zinc utilization of black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris var. Black Turtle) and Fababeans (Vicia faba L. var. Minor).
1977Msumali, Gottfried P.Immobilization and fixation of N15-Labelled ammonium sulphate as affected by straw application and method of fertilizer placement
1977Reimer, Gerald J.Chlorpyrifos: Degradation in pond water, and the extraction of the 0-analog and pyridinol metabolites from water
1977Worobey, Brian L.The chemistry and analysis of diflubenzuron and its major metabolites
1976Richards, John E.The effect of fertilizer nitrogen on yield, crude protein content, and symbiotic fixation in Vicia faba L. var. Minor
1976Thie, JeanEvaluation of remote sensing techniques for bio-physical land classification in the Churchill area, Manitoba
1975Field-Ridley, GloriaNitrogen movement in two Manitoba soils
1975Keatinge, J.D.H.The influence of physical environmental factors on the productivity potential of fababeans
1974Campbell, Lyall B.Organic and inorganic phosphorus content, movement and mineralization of phosphorus in soil beneath a feedlot
1974Gumbo, Francis J.Efficacy of tile drainage system at Agriculture Canada, Morden, for reducing soil salinity
1974Tataryn, John H.Evaluation of the corn heat unit for south western Manitoba
1973Eilers, Robert G.Relations between hydrogeology and soil characteristics near Deloraine, Manitoba
1973Hopkins, Larry A.Micropedology of a sequence of soils in the Turtle Mountain area
1972Alkier, Andrew C.The effect of nitrogen supply on the protein content of Neepawa wheat
1972McGregor, William R.A study of the copper and zinc status of some Manitoba soils
1972Michalica, Karel T.Distribution of air-filled porosity above a water table for texturally different soils and its application in soil drainage classification
1972Nielsen, James G.Relationship between farm yields and yields predicted on the basis of soil and fertilizer nitrogen and water deficit
1971Carefoot, Jack M.Effect of urea and urea-ammonium nitrate solution (28-0-0) on barley emergence and growth
1971Chang, ChiHydrolysis of sodium pyrophosphate and sodium tripolyphosphate in sterile distilled water and in soil
1971Haluschak, Patrick W.Effect of phosphorus levels on the iron, manganese, zinc and copper utilization by wheat and flax
1971McGill, Kenneth S.Uptake of nitrogen by barley from spring and fall applied urea and ammonium nitrate
1971Mills, James GaryThe behaviour of radiostrontium and radiocesium in soil systems
1971Othieno, Caleb O.The effect of organic mulches on the fixation and forms of phosphate in acid soils
1971Partridge, J.R. DaleThe effects of nitrogen, temperature, and moisture regime on the yield and protein content of Neepawa wheat
1971Sakdinan, LumduanThe effect of soil-phosphate interaction upon convective transport of orthophosphate in soil columns
1971Singh, Birendra B.Influence of nutrient application on root proliferation in the fertilizer reaction zone and uptake of added nutrients
1971Toews, William H.Comparison of urea and ammonium nitrate as determined by yield data, nitrogen uptake and ammonia volatilization in field, greenhouse and laboratory experiments
1970Ewanek, John N.The effect of potassium fertilization on cereal crops grown on calcareous Manitoba soils
1970Tayakepisuthe, SumitResidual effects of fertilizer phosphorus as measured by crop yields, phosphorus uptake, and soil analysis
1969Fehr, Peter I.Technique for measurement of non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation in some Manitoba soils using 15N
1969Hamm, Jacob W.Nitrogen and sulfur mineralization of several Manitoba soils and N:S ratios in rape and barley
1969McGill, William B.A study of the quantity of nitrogen mineralized during the growing season, its effect on crop growth, and factors affecting the nitrogen mineralization-immobilization relationship
1969Pang, Patrick C.Effect of temperature and added glucose on nitrogen fixation in soil as measured by acetylene reduction and 15N tracer method
1969Strong, JillReaction products of applied orthophosphates in some Manitoba soils as affected by soil calcium and magnesium content and time of incubation
1968Capel, Michael J.Characterization of the organic matter in a well to poorly drained sequence of soils
1968Jones, Richard W.Laboratory studies on the behavior of mineral nitrogen in three Manitoba soil materials
1968Lewis, Errol T.Phosphorus movement in some calcareous and noncalcareous Manitoba soils
1968Le Sann, Jean A.Nitrogen-potassium relationships in barley and oats as influenced by mode of fertilization
1966Anderson, Darwin W.Available sulphur in some Manitoba soils as estimated by plant growth and chemical analyses
1966Bailey, Loraine D.The availability of potassium to plants from several calcareous and non-calcareous Manitoba soils
1966Carnie, AnnExchangeable ammonium and its availability to plants
1966Kalra, Y.P.A comparative study of phosphate uptake by several field crops
1965McKay, Mervin C.Water permeability studies of the Carroll and Harding soil associations in Manitoba
1965Mills, Gordon F.Morphological, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of orthic grey wooded and degraded brown wooded soil profiles developed on coarse textured parent materials
1965Patil, Bheemanagouda N.A study of soil ammonium nitrogen in some soils of Manitoba
1965Shaykewich, Carl F.The relationship between soil components and soil physical constants of some Manitoba soils
1964Beke, Gerard J.Chemical and mineralogical characterization and comparison of an orthic black, an orthic dark grey and orthic grey wooded soil
1964Pettapiece, W.W.Micropedological studies of orthic black, orthic dark grey and orthic grey wooded soil profiles
1964Wilson, Floyd H.A study of the climate, soils and groundwater in the Morden-Winkler area as they relate to feasibility of irrigation
1963Peters, John R.The effect of fertilizer phosphorus on the forage yield and the phosphorus and sulfate uptake of oats grown on saline and non-saline soils
1963Webber, Melvin D.The phosphorus feeding habits of flax, cereals and rapeseed
1962El Bagouri, Ismail H.M.The effect of soil carbonate on the availability of added and native phosphorus in some calcareous soils
1962Huang, P.M.Evaluation of soil tests for predicting nitrogen requirements of cereals for some Manitoba soils
1961Emmond, George S.The effect of fertilizers, crop rotations, tillage and crop residue management practices on soil structure
1960Dryden, Richard D.Soil and soil crop analyses of a long term crop rotation experiment
1959Michalyna, WalterConsumptive use of water by plants and nitrate content in soil as influenced by cropping sequence and fertilizer treatments
1958Ridley, Albert O.Effect of mineral fertilizers and manures on the phosphorus content of a clay soil and on crop yields
1957Janke, Wilfred E.The effect of cultivation on the availability of soil nitrogen in some Manitoba soils
1957Tolton, Hayden E.Response of cereals to anhydrous ammonia as correlated with tests for available soil nitrogen
1955Leclaire, Fernand P.Causes of nitrate contamination of ground waters occurring locally in the Neepawa-Langruth areas
1955Robertson, James A.A pedological study of the Newdale soil association
1952Pratt, Lee E.Halomorphism in Manitoba soils
1950Barr, J. ArnoldA study of pedological processes in certain Manitoba soils
1950Poyser, Edward A.Soil structure in Red River soil associates and of: modification under culture
1940Hobbs, J. ArthurThe fractionation of the organic matter in certain Manitoba soils
1934Caldwell, Orval G.The occurrence and development of "Magnesium solonetz" in the soils of the Red River Valley
1934Timonin, MichaelThe micro-organisms in profiles of certain virgin soils in Manitoba
1932Pickersgill, Thomas B.The effect of fertilizers on the composition and the rate of intake of nutrients by wheat plants

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University of Manitoba
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