• Hailong He
  • Canada Research Chair in Water Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Associate Professor

    University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
    Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
    382 Ellis Building
    13 Freedman Crescent
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Canada



  • PhD (Water and Land Resources), University of Alberta, Canada
  • BSc (Soil and Water Conservation), Northwest A&F University, China




Research interests

Dr. Hailong He holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Water Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture. His research will examine (1) the long-term impacts that agricultural water use has on the hydrological processes on farm and regional scales, (2) how land use affects soil water storage, and (3) the implications for runoff and erosion risk, snowmelt, water redistribution and infiltration, flood and drought hazards, and wetland services. Through field, laboratory and modelling studies, and the development and application of water and heat flow sensors and methods for applications at different scales, Dr. He's program will lead to the development of technology (multifunctional sensors) and theory to help uncover water and heat flow in seasonally frozen soils to enhance snowmelt water infiltration into croplands and improve soil structure during freeze-thaw cycles, development and application of beneficial management practices to enhance climate change resiliency and maximize agricultural production, and assessment of the on-farm and regional impacts and trade-offs of these agricultural water management practices. Research interests are focused on:

  • Soil physics/critical zone hydrology in cold and semi-arid/arid regions
  • Experimental and numerical study of fate and transport of mass and energy
  • Land surface/climate modelling of water, heat and carbon fluxes
  • Data assimilation and digital mapping of soil hydrothermal properties
  • Remote sensing based soil erosion risk mapping and hydrology
  • Soil physics and hydrology related sensor and software development


google scholar

Other information

Job Opportunities

Dr. He is accepting postdoctoral fellows and graduate students with interests in soil physics and hydrology and with background of math/physics/meteorology, land surface/climate modelling, numerical simulation, GIS/remote sensing, and electrical engineering.