
Reading Lists is a multi-purpose tool in UM Learn that instructors can use to share all course readings with students.  

Through a single point of access, Reading Lists in UM Learn allows instructors to: 

  • Provide immediate access to e-resources from the Libraries' collection, other online resources, or your own course materials like lecture slides. 
  • Request digitization of portions of Libraries' print material. 
  • Place print materials on course reserve for students. 

Instructors and students access Reading Lists by logging in to UM Learn.

Benefits of using Reading Lists for instructors and students

There are several benefits to using Reading Lists for both instructors and students.

New copyright clearance feature in Reading Lists! If your students need to read more than 1 chapter or greater than 10% of a work that the library has in a physical format only, make a regular digitization request through Reading Lists and the Libraries will try to obtain copyright permission for the portion needed on your behalf (some restrictions apply). Please be advised that requests for greater than 10% of a work may take longer than 2 weeks to be completed. 

If you would like electronic access to an entire book, please contact your subject librarian for assistance. 

Benefits for Faculty and Instructors Benefits for Students
  • Single point of access to all library resources. You can search and link to all resources within the Libraries' collection (no need to create permalinks).
  • One-step process to add online resources outside the library's collection. The "Cite It" browser extension can be used to quickly add web resources.
  • Place requests to have library material digitized or put on course reserve using Reading Lists. If you add a physical library item to your list, you can request a portion to be digitized, or ask the library to place the item on reserve for your course - all within the Reading Lists tool.
  • Keeps information organized. Features such as Sections and Tags allow instructors to add specific notes, such as whether readings are required or relate to certain themes.
  • Easy to reuse content. Once created, a Reading List can be saved and reused in future courses.
  • Simple to use. Adding, modifying and deleting individual readings and lists is easy to do and takes very little time.
  • All course materials are available in one place. This may include items such as: course syllabi/assignment guidelines, lecture slides, websites, videos, images and library resources.
  • Content is easy to access. Reading Lists include direct links to all library materials, web resources and the option to upload files.
  • Students can find what they need when they need it. Students will no longer have problems trying to locate course resources independently, since everything is organized in UM Learn.



How to make digitization requests and course reserve requests without Reading Lists

The Libraries encourages instructors to use Reading Lists to take advantage of its many benefits.

If you are not using Reading Lists, you can use the following service options to provide access to library materials for your course:

  • Get portions of UM library materials digitized: Place a Scan on Demand request using the button in the Library Search. You will need to manually upload the content to UM Learn. 
    • Note: Scan on Demand requests will not be able to access the copyright clearance feature available in Reading Lists for course-related digitization requests. If more than 1 chapter or 10% of a work is needed, please contact your subject librarian for assistance.
  • Place requests for print course reserves: Fill out the Print Reserve Request Form (webform)
  • Link to resources in the Libraries collection: Create permalinks and add to UM Learn.


Convert a coursepack to Reading Lists

Your coursepack can be created in, or converted to, Reading Lists in UM Learn by the UM BookStore or by contacting a liaison librarian.

Request printed coursepack

Instructors who still require a print coursepack may contact the UM BookStore.

Getting started

There are 6 steps when creating a new Reading List from start to finish:

  1. Add the Reading Lists tool to a UM Learn course (See special Safari browser instructions below.)
  2. Create a new Reading List and associate it with your course
  3. Create a new Section (optional)
  4. Add resources
  5. Send your list for Library Review (print reserves only)
  6. Publish your list for students to see

NOTE: Safari browser instructions:

  1. Clear browser cache.
  3. If browser continues to give log in screen, clear cache one more time, reboot device.
  4. If you are using an iPad, Tablet, or mobile phone:
    Open Settings > Find settings for Chrome > Turn on "Allow Cross Website Tracking" option.
    You need this for passing your authentication credentials to Reading Lists in UM Learn. You can turn it off again after you are finished with Reading Lists if you do not want it on.

Get help with Reading Lists

Need help with reading lists? Librarians and support staff are here to help you get started with Reading Lists.

For questions about Reading Lists, course reserves or technical support, contact ReadingListsandReserves@umanitoba.ca.

To discuss how Reading Lists can work for you or for help finding course materials, contact your subject librarian.

Check out all our Help Resources

Step 1- Add the Reading Lists tool

Requires 1 minute of time.

Before you can begin adding and organizing readings, you will need to add the Reading Lists tool to a course in UM Learn.

If you would like to use this tool in multiple courses, remember to add it to each one.

NOTE: Reading Lists works best when using Google Chrome or Firefox. If you are using Google Chrome or Firefox and are continuing to experience issues, you may also want to clear your cache and ensure your browser is up to date.


  1. Login to UM Learn and select the course where you would like to add your reading list. Click on this waffle icon to begin creating reading lists in UM Learn.
    Click on this waffle icon to begin creating reading lists in UM learn.
  2. In your UM Learn course, click on the Content tab (2a) from the top. Under Add a module (2b) create a new module for course readings. In this example, the new module will be called “Course Readings” (2c).
    Table of contents
  3. In the Course Reading List module, click on Existing Activities (3a) and select External Learning Tools (3b).
    Course readings.
  4. In External Learning Tools, scroll down and select Reading Lists. The Reading Lists icon will show up in your module. Click on Reading Lists (in blue) to create and view your reading lists.
    Scroll down to find reading lists.

Help and resources

Step 2 - Create a new Reading List and associate it with your course

Requires 3 minutes of time.

​Once Reading Lists has been added to your UM Learn course, you will need to create a new List. 

Note: Existing lists can be re-used. See Use the same Reading List in another course or term.

  1. Click on the Reading Lists (in blue) to open the tool, then select CREATE IT to start a new list.
    1. Next time you open Reading Lists, scroll down to click Leave this page and explore the application to access lists you've already created.
  2. Enter a Title for your list (required), a description (optional), then click Create.
  3. Select a template for your reading list.
  4. A blue “Associate to a course” box will appear at the top of your list. Click ASSOCIATE LIST.
    1. Start typing your course name in the search box or select from the list. If your course does not show up, contact ReadingListsandReserves@umanitoba.ca for help.
    2. Click Associate and Close.

Help and resources

Step 3 - Create a new section

This step is optional.

Within a Reading List, you can use Sections to organize readings. You may choose to have one section for each week of the term or create Sections to represent different themes in your course. 

You can add or edit sections at any time:

  1. Select NEW SECTION from the tool bar at the top of your reading list.
  2. Enter a Title for your section (required), description (optional), and date range for which the section applies (optional).
  3. To edit a section, click the “...” in the top right corner of the section, then select Edit section.
  4. To reorder sections, use the blue Drag Section bar that appears to the right when hovering over a section.

Help and resources

Step 4 - Add resources

Compile course reading materials that you want to share with students.

Using Reading Lists, instructors can: 

  • Link directly to all resources in the Libraries' collection
  • Add online resources such as websites, videos, images, and more
  • Make a library Digitization Request
  • Place print library materials on reserve
  • Upload your own files

While it is most beneficial to have a Reading List prepared at the beginning of the term, instructors can create and work on Reading Lists for the current term at any time. You can continue to add resources and edit your lists after they are published.

Detailed instructions are available below:

Link to resources from the Libraries’ collection

  1. Select the ADD ITEMS + button from the tool bar at the top of your reading list.
  2. Click Library Search.
  3. Enter your search criteria. You can use filters and the Advanced Search to help you find what you need.
    TIP: If you already have your readings collected in another document, just copy and paste in a title.
  4. View your search results. Results include information about the resource’s format and its availability (e.g. Full text available, Open Access).
  5. Drag and drop to add a resource to your list. Items available online will immediately be marked "Complete" and will include a link to the resource. Physical items will be marked "Being Prepared and show the library where the book is physically available at."

    NOTE: Adding a physical library item to your list will not automatically place the material on reserve for your course. A request must be created. See Place print materials on reserve for instructions.

Add online resources using “Cite It”

The "Cite It" browser extension makes it easy to link to online items not found in the Library Search. These may include YouTube videos, websites, government reports/documents and more. You can also use Cite It to add items from the Libraries Collection.

  1. Click the icon with your initials in the top right corner of the Reading Lists tool and select Cite It!
  2. Drag and drop the CITE IT! Link to your browser’s bookmarks bar.
  3. You are now ready to add online resources:
    1. Go to the webpage containing the resource you wish to add.
    2. Click the Cite It! button in your bookmarks bar.
    3. In the pop-up window, fill in or edit any of the citation information.
    4. Select the list you want to add the resource to from the drop-down list.
    5. Click Add & Close.

TIP: Cite it! will tell you if the resource is covered by your library at the top of the pop-up window. Look for the green flag!

Make a digitization request

Instructors can request a digitized copy of a portion of a library book  or article through Reading Lists in UM Learn.

  • New Copyright Clearance Feature: If your students need to read more than 1 chapter or greater than 10% of a work that the library has in a physical format only, make a regular digitization request through Reading Lists and the Libraries will try to obtain copyright permission for the portion needed on your behalf (some restrictions apply). Please be advised that requests for greater than 10% of a work may take longer than 2 weeks to be completed. 
  • If you would like electronic access to an entire library book or item, please contact your subject librarian for assistance.
  • If you own a copy of an item that the Libraries do not hold and wish to have a portion digitized for your course, please contact ReadingListsandReserves@umanitoba.ca.

Processing time

  • Digitization requests for book chapters or articles are typically filled within 5-7 business days. Requests for greater than 10% of a work may take longer than 2 weeks to be completed. 
  • Requests are filled in the order which they are received.
  • Please note that some requests may require copyright review. If there are any problems with the digitization request, the Libraries will contact you directly.
  • Instructors can make digitization requests throughout the term. You can submit digitization requests prior to publishing or after your list has been published.

Follow these steps to make a digitization request in Reading Lists

  1. Add the item (i.e. book) to your Reading List using the Library Search feature or "Cite It" browser extension.
  2. Select the item to see its full record.
  3. Scroll down and select Digitization Request.
    Scroll down to select "Digitization Request."
  4. Fill in the form. Be sure to specify the correct pages for the chapter you need.
  5. Click Submit. Your request is now in process (Status: "Sent"). You can continue to work on your list or publish it for your students to see. If there are problems with the digitization request, the Libraries will contact you directly.
  6. Your requested material will automatically be added to your reading list once it's digitized. At this time, the item status will change to "Complete" and you will receive a notification via email and in the Reading Lists notifications. If you haven’t already, publish your list to allow students to access the material, or publish it later when you’re ready.

Place print materials on reserve

Wherever possible, requests for print course reserves should be submitted at least 1 week in advance of the course start date to ensure materials are ready on time.

Up to five working days will be required for processing reserve requests. Requests will be processed in the order received.

Print course reserves

Print course reserves provide equitable access to high-demand course materials. Print items placed on reserve are only available for short-term loans to accommodate the increased demand.

Course reserve materials may include resources from the Libraries' holdings or resources provided by the instructor. Please see the steps below for instructions on how to place Libraries-owned or instructor-owned materials on reserve.

Wherever possible, the Libraries encourages making electronic versions of material available rather than print formats.

Alternatives to print library materials

Print course reserves are available for courses being taught in-person only. For online courses, please consider electronic alternatives to ensure equitable access.

  1. UM Libraries will try to obtain a digital version of an item, wherever possible. Please contact your liaison librarian for assistance. Note that if a digital version is available, the turnaround time for purchase is 7-10 days.
  2. Click the Make a digitization request tab above to request a chapter or portion of a print book in the Libraries' collection.
  3. Consider adopting an open educational resource (OER), for example an open textbook. Please contact your liaison librarian for assistance with OERs or visit our OER Guide.

Print reserve locations

Items can be placed on reserve in course reserve kiosks at Drake Centre, Education Building, Engineering & Information Technology Complex (EITC 3), Agriculture Building, Sciences & Technology Library, St. Paul's College, and Law Library; and at the service desks in Architecture/Fine Arts, Dafoe, Music, Health Sciences Libraries.

Not using Reading Lists in UM Learn? You can use the Reserve Request form to submit requests.

Follow these steps for Library Materials

  1. Add the item (i.e. book) to your Reading List using the Library Search feature or "Cite It" browser extension.
  2. Click the Add Tag button beside the item that you would like to request be placed on reserve.
  3. Select the tag for the loan period required. TIP: Look for tags with the Book icon (Book icon = library tag that is not visible to students).
    • REQUEST – Place on course reserve (1 hour)
    • REQUEST – Place on course reserve (2 hours)
    • REQUEST – Place on course reserve (1 day)
    • REQUEST – Place on course reserve (3 days)
      Note that you can add print items to your list that you do not need on reserve. Just leave the item untagged.
  4. By default, the item will be placed on reserve at the library where it is currently available. To request an alternate location, other loan period, or ask a question about the item:
    1. Click the item to open the item details
    2. Click Library Discussion in the right panel
    3. Enter your comment then click Submit Comment.
    4. When library staff respond, you will receive a notification.
  5. Send your list for Library Review by clicking the Library Review button on the tool bar at the top of your reading list.

IMPORTANT: You must send your list for Library Review in order for your request to be received and processed. If you do not click Library Review, the Libraries cannot be held responsible for materials that are not placed on reserve.

Follow these steps to submit your own materials for reserve

Instructors are normally expected to supply packaging and labelling as necessary for the proper storage and control of reserve materials.

  1. Select the ADD ITEMS + button from the tool bar at the top of your reading list.
  2. Click Blank Form.
  3. Enter as much information about the item as possible. The Title and Type are required. Click Add & Close.
  4. Click the Add Tag button beside the citation you just created.
  5. Select the tag for the loan period required. TIP: Look for tags with the Book icon (Book icon = library tag that is not visible to students).
    • Instructor Copy (1 hour) - Bring to Library
    • Instructor Copy (2 hours) - Bring to Library
    • Instructor Copy (1 day) - Bring to Library
    • Instructor Copy (3 days) - Bring to Library
  6. Send your list for Library Review by clicking the Library Review button on the tool bar at the top of your reading list.
  7. Prepare your item:
    1. Mark the item with your Name and the Course Code
    2. Prepare packaging and labelling as necessary
  8. Drop your item(s) off at the Service Desk of the library location where you wish the material to be available. If the location’s service desk is not open, contact the library.

IMPORTANT: You must send your list for Library Review in order for your request to be received and processed. If you do not click Library Review, the Libraries can not be held responsible for materials that are not placed on reserve.

Upload your own files

Instructors can upload their own materials to their Reading List, such as lecture slides or other course material that you’ve created. 

Copyright notice: Posting works which infringe copyright is prohibited.  All copied materials (such as journal articles, book chapters, reports, videos and images) uploaded to UM Learn and/or to its tools - including Reading Lists in UM Learn - must be compliant with the Copyright Act and the UM Copyright Guidelines. As well, materials must be clearly identified and/or referenced. Please visit the Copyright Office’s Instructor copyright guidance for more information. 

  1. Select the ADD ITEMS + button from the tool bar at the top of your reading list. 
  2. Click Upload a File then drag files or browse to upload them.  
  3. Fill in the required information about the item:  
    1. Choose the copyright declaration that applies to the item (required)  
      • If it is your own material, choose “This file was authored by me and does not require copyright clearance”.  
      • If the files was not authored by you, be advised that all copied materials uploaded to Reading Lists must be compliant with the Copyright Act and the UM Copyright Guidelines. Please review the Copyright Considerations for materials on UM Learn before posting.
      • Once you have verified applicable guidelines, choose “This file is compliant with the Copyright Act and the UM Copyright Guidelines”. 
    2. Enter the Title and Author (required)  
    3. Choose the item type (required)  
    4. Enter additional details as needed.  
  4. Click Add.  

If you uploaded a file that you authored or declared to be compliant with the Copyright Act and UM Copyright guidelines, it will be available immediately to students when you publish your list.

Other files may be subject to review before becoming available to students. 

Integrate private Pressbooks content into UM Learn

To learn how to integrate your private Pressbooks into UM Learn, check out Getting started with Pressbooks or contact your subject librarian.

Step 5 - Send your list for library review

Required for Print Reserves only

If you requested any print materials (Library or your own materials) to be placed on reserve, you MUST send your list for Library Review in order for your request to be received and processed.

If your list contains online resources only, you do not need to send your list for review. Instructors are not required to submit their reading lists to the Libraries.

  1. Click the LIBRARY REVIEW button located on the tool bar at the top of your reading list.
    A green check mark will appear and the button will be greyed out showing LIST SENT.
  2. You can continue to work on your list and add additional items after the list has been sent.
  3. If you wish to request additional items for reserve, you will need to resend your list for Library Review.
  4. You will receive a notification when library staff have completed processing your items. The item status will change to Complete and your REQUEST or Bring to library tag will be replaced with an “On Reserve (time period)” tag which will be visible to students.

Help and resources

Step 6 - Publish your lists for students to see

Requires one click

When you're working on a list, it is in "Draft" mode, and it's not available to students. Publishing your list is required to make the list contents visible to students.

You can publish your list at any time, as long as you’re ready for students to see it. Any changes made after publishing will immediately be visible to students.

If you publish before the library has completed your digitization request or processing your print reserve requests, some of the items will be unavailable until the library completes their work.

  1. When you’re ready to make your list available click the PUBLISH button in the tool bar at the top of your list.

Help and resources

Help and resources

Reading Lists instructions - video

This video provides a simple introduction to using Reading Lists at the University of Manitoba. Learn how to develop Reading Lists within your own course during this step-by-step instruction session. Presenters will highlight key features such as creating a new list, adding resources, and publishing. Watch the full video (above) or browse by topic below.

Create a Reading List - 05:16
Add readings from the Libraries' collection - 15:38
Add your own files to a Reading List - 23:03
Add online resources using "Cite It" - 25:55
Additional Features - 29:38
Edit your Reading List - 33:00
Publish your Reading List - 34:39
Export your Reading List - 36:25
Getting Help - 37:52

Frequently asked questions

A list of all the FAQs for Instructors is available here and will be updated regularly. You can also explore questions by topic below.

Browse by topic

Copyright guidance

The Copyright Office provides support to instructors to ensure that copyright protected works used for educational purposes are compliant with both the Canadian Copyright Act and the UM Copyright Guidelines.

Visit the Copyright Office's Instructor Copyright Guidance on the UM Intranet for resources related to sharing course materials:

Visit the Copyright Office on the UM Intranet

Instructions for students

Instructions for students on how to access Reading Lists in UM Learn and find course reserves are available.

Information for Students


UM Libraries does not purchase copies of textbooks that students are expected to purchase for use in a particular course.

A textbook is defined as “An edition of a book specifically intended for use of students who are enrolled in a course of study or preparing for an examination on a subject or in an academic discipline…sometimes published in conjunction with a workbook, lab manual, and/or teacher’s manual.” (ODLIS: Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science).

Not all texts used for instructional purposes are textbooks and many scholarly monographs lend themselves to classroom use but are not explicitly considered textbooks by publishers or by the Libraries. As an alternative to adopting a textbook for a course, faculty and instructors may wish to consider referring students to monographs already in the Libraries' collection when developing a reading list. Please contact your liaison librarian for assistance identifying existing books or to request a new acquisition of an appropriate scholarly monograph.

When considering e-books in UM Libraries' collection for course use, please note that we do not have permanent access to all titles and many e-books may leave the collection without notice to instructors or students. Additionally, many of our e-books only support a single user at a time.

This video demonstrates how you can determine the number of people that can access an e-book at one time according to any given e-book license.

Contact your liaison librarian with inquiries and requests for assistance in determining whether the license for a particular e-book in the Libraries' collection can support your course. The Reading List service information provided on this page is also available to help manage access to assigned readings.

Faculty and instructors may also consider an OER (Open Educational Resource) as a substitute for existing proprietary textbooks. Please consult the Libraries OER page for more information.

Contact us

For questions about Reading Lists, course reserves or technical support, contact ReadingListsandReserves@umanitoba.ca.

To discuss how Reading Lists can work for you or for help finding course materials, contact your subject librarian.