Smiling student sitting at picnic table on campus.

You can inspire minds through an outstanding Student experience

Together, we can create pathways to Indigenous achievement

You can foster creativity and innovation through exceptional Places and spaces

You can drive discovery and insight through Research excellence

Research chairs

Endowed and Sponsored Research Chairs are created through contributions from individuals, government agencies, foundations and/or corporations, which provide targeted support in defined research fields. By giving to research chair funds, you can help ensure UM attracts and supports the most innovative researchers in their fields.

Having trouble finding a fund?

  • Donate to a specific fund: Visit and choose the "Enter a fund name" option.

  • Need assistance? If you're unsure about a fund name or would like to donate to multiple funds please contact us directly.

Give where it's needed most

  • Every gift you give to the University of Manitoba will assist our students. With an unrestricted gift to the University of Manitoba President's Fund, you allow the university to put your donation where it is needed most.

    The President's Fund enables President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Michael Benarroch to allocate funding to areas essential to the university's success.

    In the ever-changing environment of post-secondary education, the President's Fund provides critical resources to address the immediate priorities of today, while building a stable foundation for a bright future. This flexibility builds on existing efforts, creates new opportunities and opens doors.

    Give to the University of Manitoba President's Fund online

  • Hadeesha Piyadasa works on his research in a lab.

How to give

Choose the method of giving that works for you: Give online, set up a recurring donation, establish an endowment or plan a gift in your will. Whatever the method, you can be sure your gift will make an impact for UM students and researchers.

  • Give by phone

    To give by phone, call us at 204-474-9195 or toll-free at 1-800-330-8066. If the office is closed, you may leave your credit card information on our voicemail or request a return call.

  • Give by mail

    To donate by cheque or via credit card through the mail, please print and fill out a donation form (PDF). Please note that due to the current Canada Post strike, your gift will make it to us but it will be delayed.

  • Give by preauthorized debit

    To set up recurring a preauthorized debit, please fill out a preauthorized debit form (PDF) and submit it with a void cheque.

Other ways to give

Class reunion campaigns

Your graduating class is united in your shared experiences and memories. Now that you’re coming back to celebrate and reconnect with friends and former classmates, this is a great time to make your reunion more meaningful by making a class gift.

Donate to a class campaign

If your class has already established a reunion campaign, you can contribute to it by selecting your fund and making a gift online.

Donor Relations tracks all gifts, but it is your choice if you want to let the committee know or keep it a private donation. The committee is not provided a list of donors however are made aware of overall participation rates

Participation rates and total funds for each class are calculated based on donations and pledges received between April 1 and March 31 of the year of the reunion.

Establish a reunion campaign

One way to give back is to volunteer to help coordinate your class reunion campaign. Some classes establish special scholarship funds at their reunions to support future generations of students. Other classes have named areas in buildings or have funded special projects. To find out how you can help establish a reunion campaign, please contact Donor Relations staff at or 204-474-7881.


Gifts-in-kind are gifts that are not cash (or near-cash), such as real estate, art work, collections and archives.

We are pleased to receive offers of such gifts, and we will work with you to determine whether your gift in meets the university's gift acceptance criteria. Receipts may be issued for gifts-in-kind, subject to criteria as described in the Gift Acceptance Policy.

To make a gift in kind or learn more about the acceptance process, please contact us.

Gifts of publicly traded securities

You can now donate listed securities to the University of Manitoba, obtain a tax-receipt for the market value of the gift and be completely exempt for any capital gains tax. This tax provision applies whether the securities are donated outright in a given year, or are donated through a bequest in your will.

Most gifts of securities are made through an electronic bank-to-bank transfer, and can be done in a very short timeframe. To make of gift of securities, please download and fill out the Transfer of stock form (PDF)

Once the form has been completed, please forward a copy to your brokerage firm as well as to the Donor Relations by fax at: 204-474-7635 or email at

If you have questions about a gift of securities, you may contact the University of Manitoba’s broker, BMO Nesbitt Burns at 204-949-7890 or

Giving from the United States

If you are a University of Manitoba alum, or a family member (defined as: spouses, children, grandchildren, parents and siblings) you may make donations directly to the University of Manitoba and use the charitable receipt for your U.S. income tax returns under the Canada-United States Income Tax Convention.

Other American citizens or residents who are neither alumni nor related to alumni of the University of Manitoba, as well as corporations, foundations, estates and trusts requiring a U.S. tax receipt, can contribute to the University of Manitoba Foundation USA.

The University of Manitoba Foundation USA is a not-for-profit organization recognized under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3) and its EIN is 36-3683991.

University of Manitoba Foundation USA Inc.
c/o Gregory M. Winters
Burke, Warren, MacKay & Serritella, P.C.
Suite 2100
330 North Wabash Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 
USA   60611-3607

Phone: 312-840-7059 (Direct), 312-840-7000 (Switchboard)
Fax: 312-840-7900

Matching gifts

Many companies encourage employees to be philanthropic by matching their charitable gifts. Most of these companies match dollar for dollar, and some will even match two or three to one.

If your employer has a matching gift program, it just takes a few steps to double your impact: Once you have made a donation to the University of Manitoba, request a matching gift form from your human resources office. Fill out the donor portion and forward it to the University of Manitoba—we will do the rest. Remember that a separate matching gift form must be completed for each pledge payment.

Memorial and tribute gifts

You can remember a loved one or mark a special birthday, anniversary or other occasion by giving a gift in honour or memory of an important person in your life.

If you wish, an acknowledgement card can be sent to the honouree(s) or their family from the university to inform them of your generosity and thoughtfulness. Special holiday greeting cards are also available.

To honour or celebrate someone with your gift, simply fill out the "Tribute information" section while making an online donation.

Acknowledgement cards will only be sent for gifts of $18 or greater.

Contact us

Donor Relations
Unit 100-137 Innovation Drive
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 6B6 Canada

1-800-330-8066 (toll free)
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Charitable registration number: 11926-0669-RR0001