• The PCSR Facility will allow us to accelerate soil and crop research far beyond what is currently possible. Our scientists will be able to establish more sophisticated field trials and improve the quantity, quality, and efficiency of seed, soil, and plan sample processing and archiving.

    UM students and faculty will be able to better integrate soil, crop, entomology, livestock, and engineering research to make crop production in Western Canada more sustainable. Furthermore, we can expect to attract and retain top scientists and students whose field studies will advance nutrient management, cropping system design, digital agronomy solutions, and breeding.

    The research enabled through this initiative will contribute to economic vitality in Canada and enhance global food security and agricultural sustainability.

  • 2 people in field using a drone.
  • Prairie Crops and Soils Research Facility.

Features of the Prairie Crops and Soil Research Facility:

  • New opportunities for Agricultural and Food Sciences students and faculty to explore new research horizons and have a global impact
  • Experiential learning opportunities through internships and employment that will prepare our students to become the agricultural leaders of tomorrow
  • New analytical capacity to explore and validate sustainable agricultural practices
  • New sample processing equipment for greater accuracy and efficiency in testing
  • New laboratory instrumentation
  • New opportunities for field study preparation and sample processing and storage
  • $11.8M

    The PSCR Initiative is an $11.8 million project.

  • $7.7M

    We have raised $7.7 million to date.

  • $4.1M

    We are only $4.1 million away from our goal.

Driving value-added agricultural innovation in Western Canada

Building on our legacy of innovation, the PCSR Facility will lead to growth and modernization in agricultural research and training capacity.

  • Our teams will develop agronomic best management practices to improve yield and quality of current and emerging crops in Western Canada.
  • The PCSRF will provide an ideal environment for developing digital technologies and translating their value to crop producers.
  • Our agribusiness researchers are using advanced data science to sort through the growing pool of data on farm level responses to climate to assess farm insurance risk.
  • Scientists will be able to develop a systems-based approach to integrated pest management research in plant pathology, weed science, nematology, and entomology.
  • We are formulating cropping systems that use diverse crop rotation and intercropping solutions, to develop strategies to reduce tillage and lower greenhouse gas emissions by up to 35% per bushel produced.
  • Teaming up with experts in image analysis, AI, and robotics, our scientists will continue to develop agronomic practices and new products to control weeds and eliminate or minimize herbicide use.
  • Our researchers will use the proposed infrastructure to protect our water resources and improve public trust surrounding current-use pesticides that are part of sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Our crops and soils research team supervises more than 100 graduate and 70+ undergraduate students annually. These students master diverse technical, critical thinking, and communication skills to prepare for careers in agronomy and the agri-food industry.
2 people digging in a field.

Innovative. Focused. Visionary. The Prairie Crops and Soils Research Facility will become Canada’s pre-eminent resource for field crop research and innovation, capable of driving success across the agriculture and agri-food sector.

Invest in the Prairie Crops and Soils Research Facility

Our collective success depends on us doing things better, more efficiently and more cooperatively. First-rate facilities provide future generations with the best training opportunities in their pursuit of learning, discovery, and career growth and contributions. 

Your support will foster bold innovation and sustainable growth in food production in Canada and around the world. Thank you for your consideration.

Donate online Contact us to discuss a gift

Contact us

Brooke Karlaftis
Donor Relations
Unit 200-137 Innovation Drive
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 6B6 Canada


Charitable registration number: 11926-0669-RR0001