Take strides toward independence, form amazing friendships and learn about new cultures all while earning university credit. Watch as Fourth-year student Kennedy talks about her experience studying abroad through the International Student Exchange Program.

  • 8

    Community partners

  • 4

    Local programs

  • 4

    Indigenous land-based learning opportunities

  • 100+

    international institutions

  • 35+


  • 3

    application periods per year (winter, summer, fall) for UM-wide exchange

  • A group of students sit together on a large rock in the Amazon rainforest.

    Experience the Amazon

    In the Amazon Rainforest Experience program, you will explore the meaning of sustainability and climate-resilience from the perspective of a local Indigenous collective – the Amupakin Collective – as we help out in the community farms, walk the forest to harvest medicinal plants, cook community meals and share stories around the fire.

  • A student relaxing with arms outstretched in shallow water with mountains in the background

    Study abroad

    “It’s such an eye-opening experience – living in a different culture and having to adapt to new situations,” says Alex Ogaranko, a UM engineering student who travelled to Griffith University in Australia in 2019 as part of an international exchange. “I made friends from Australia as well as with other exchange students from around the world.”

  • U of M students exploring the local environment during their stay in Leaf Rapids.

    Learn about food security in the North

    Gain an intimate perspective on everyday life in the North and discover the beauty of the boreal forest region through the Leaf Rapids Northern Community Engagement program. As you get your hands dirty in the greenhouse, you'll learn about food security, develop your project planning skills and try country foods that have sustained Cree and Dene peoples in the North.

Contact us

Undergraduate Student Recruitment
4th floor UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

Toll free: 1-800-224-7713 ext:8808