Scholarships and awards
The Price Faculty of Engineering offers a wide variety of scholarships, awards, prizes, and bursaries to undergraduate and graduate students each year.
Undergraduate award and funding opportunities
Undergraduate award and funding opportunities are typically based on academic merit, extra-curricular involvement, and/or financial need.
Award eligibility
Award eligibility is considered through two mechanisms:
- Automatic Assessment: Using data reported to the Faculty, the eligibility of all Price Faculty of Engineering students is reviewed and considered for these awards.
- Application: Students submit an application and/or additional information in order to be considered for these awards.
Eligibility criteria may vary across individual awards; students must meet all award eligibility criteria (as outlined in the award's terms of reference) in order to be selected for, and to retain, an award.
Each summer, the Price Faculty of Engineering will notify all current students via UM email that applications are open for any awards requiring written application. Once a student has been selected for an award (both automatic assessment and application-based awards), the UM Financial Aid and Awards Office will notify the successful recipient and provide instructions on how to accept or decline the award through their Aurora Student account. Students will be able to view a credit in the fee section of their Aurora Student account once the award has been allocated.
Award and funding overview
The following award and funding opportunities are available to new and continuing students in the Price Faculty of Engineering:
- Entrance awards for new students entering the Faculty directly from high school
- Scholarships and prizes for continuing students already enrolled in the Faculty
- Bursaries for students looking to access additional funding based on financial need
For more information regarding these award and funding opportunities, please navigate through the tabs above.
Please Note: Some award and funding opportunities may not be available in all years.
Entrance Awards
Entrance awards
There are currently ten Entrance Awards available in the Price Faculty of Engineering. To be eligible for these awards, students are required to be enrolled full-time in their first year of study and to have achieved high standing in the courses required for admission to the Faculty (additional requirements may vary by award).
Non-Application-Based Entrance Awards
Brice Wightman Entrance Scholarship in Engineering
- Eligibility Criteria: Enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the first year of study in the Faculty; achieved the highest standing (minimum 85% average) in the courses used for admission to the Faculty
Price Scholarships in Engineering
- Eligibility Criteria: Enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the first year of study in the Faculty; achieved high standing (minimum 85% average) in the courses used for admission to the Faculty
Helmut Krueger Entrance Scholarship in Engineering
- Eligibility Criteria: Enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the first year of study in the Faculty; achieved high standing (minimum 85% average) in the courses used for admission to the Faculty
Dr. Len Domaschuk Engineering Entrance Scholarship
- Eligibility Criteria: Enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the first year of study in the Faculty; graduated from a specific list of Manitoba high schools; achieved the highest standing in the courses used for admission to the Faculty
Doug Strang Memorial/Reid Crowther Scholarship
- Eligibility Criteria: Enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the first year of study in the Faculty; entered the Faculty directly from a Manitoba high school; achieved the highest standing in the courses used for admission to the Faculty; Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Engineering Entrance Scholarship
- Eligibility Criteria: Enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the first year of study in the Faculty; entered the Faculty directly from a Manitoba high school; achieved high standing in the courses used for admission to the Faculty
Dr. Kwan Chi Kao Entrance Scholarship in Engineering
- Eligibility Criteria: Enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the first year of study in the Faculty; achieved the highest standing in the courses used for admission to the Faculty
Price Industries Limited Entrance Scholarships for Engineering
- Eligibility Criteria: Enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the first year of study in the Faculty; achieved high standing (minimum 85% average) in the courses used for admission to the Faculty
There is no action required by students to apply for these awards; all new Direct Entry students are automatically
considered upon final admission.
Application-Based Entrance Awards
Scott Saxberg Entrance Scholarship in Engineering
- Eligibility Criteria: Enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the first year of study in the Faculty; achieved high standing (minimum 85% average) in the courses used for admission to the Faculty; represented their high school as a student-athlete and/or participated in extra-curricular activities
Price Faculty of Engineering Entrance Awards for Technology-Based Student Competitions
- Eligibility Criteria: Enrolled full-time (minimum 80% course load) in the first year of study in the Faculty; while in high school (Grades 9 - 12), placed first in any eligible individual or team competition* that requires participants to demonstrate technological excellence
*Eligible competitions include the Manitoba School Science Symposium; Manitoba Robot Games; Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Discovery Program; and the F1 in Schools Formula One Technology Challenge
Students are required to apply for these awards by submitting additional information for consideration via UM Learn; this information may include an essay, question responses, reference letters, or another form of written input.
Students will be notified via UM email once applications open (typically in late July/early August each year).
Scholarships and Prizes
Scholarships and prizes
Scholarships and prizes are primarily awarded on the basis of academic performance in a particular program, year, or course (additional requirements may apply).
Non-Application-Based Awards: There is no action required by students to apply for these awards; all Engineering students are automatically considered for any non-application-based awards for which they qualify. Eligibility for these awards is typically based on aspects such as program, year of study, gender, citizenship, and academic performance.
Application-Based Awards: Students are required to apply for these awards by submitting additional information for consideration via UM Learn; this information may include an essay, question responses, reference letters, or another form of written input. Eligibility for these awards is typically based on aspects such as academic performance, community involvement, leadership, and extra-curricular activities.
To be eligible for most awards, new and returning students must maintain full-time enrollment (minimum 80% course load) in the year in which the award is tenable. There are a select number of awards offered for part-time students registered in both Fall and Winter Terms.
Students will be notified via UM email once applications open (typically in late July/early August each year).
Each year, the University of Manitoba offers over $10 million in bursaries to students who demonstrate financial need and meet specific academic requirements.
To be considered for bursaries, all students must first complete the University of Manitoba General Bursary Application. Once this application has been submitted, students may then submit additional information via UM Learn for Price Faculty of Engineering-specific bursaries that require supplemental application; this information may include an essay, question responses, reference letters, or another form of written input.
For those bursaries that do not require supplemental information, no further action is required; all Engineering students who submitted the University of Manitoba General Bursary Application are automatically considered for any bursaries for which they qualify.
To be eligible for most bursaries, new and returning students must maintain full-time enrollment (minimum 60% course load) in the year in which the bursary is tenable. There are a select number of bursaries offered for part-time students registered in both Fall and Winter Terms.
Students will be notified via UM email once applications open (typically in late September each year).
Undergraduate research awards
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs)
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs) are 16-week research appointments valued at $9,000 and awarded to Engineering undergraduate students each summer.
Applications for Summer 2024 NSERC USRAs are now CLOSED.
Candidates are ranked by departments according to the number of NSERC USRAs allocated to the Price Faculty of Engineering. There is an additional allotment of NSERC USRAs for Indigenous and Black student researchers.
Once selections are complete, successful candidates will be notified via email and will be required to confirm acceptance of the NSERC USRA by the deadline stated in the offer (instructions for completing the online NSERC USRA application form will also be provided at this time).
Unsuccessful candidates will also receive notification of their application outcome via email. If students do not receive an NSERC USRA for the upcoming session, they are encouraged to apply again in the next award cycle.
To be eligible for an NSERC USRA, students must meet all eligibility criteria listed on the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards webpage, including (but not limited to):
- Be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) [as of the application deadline listed above]
- Have completed at least one full year (two academic terms) of Engineering
- Have achieved a Degree GPA (DGPA) of more than 3.0 (a DGPA of 3.5+ is recommended to be competitive)
- Be registered as a full-time student in a bachelor's degree program at an eligible institution [as of the application deadline listed above]
- Students must have been registered in at least one of the two terms immediately prior to holding the award
- Students who were registered full-time throughout their program, but register as part-time in their final graduating term, are eligible to apply for and hold an NSERC USRA in the term immediately following completion of all requirements of their program
- Students who already hold a bachelor's degree, and are studying toward a second bachelor's degree, are eligible to apply for and hold an NSERC USRA
- Have not started a program of graduate studies in the Natural Sciences and Engineering (NSE) field at any time
- Have not previously held another USRA during the fiscal year (April 1 to March 31) or three USRAs throughout the duration of their undergraduate career
How to apply
Do not wait until the last minute to apply. Earlier is better!
- Step 1: Approach an Engineering faculty member to discuss a potential research partnership for the award
- Step 2: Obtain a copy of your unofficial Aurora (Web) transcript (in PDF format)
- Step 3: Complete Section 1: Student Information in the Summer 2024 NSERC USRA Application Form (provided to students via email), then work with your proposed research supervisor to complete the remainder of the application form
There is an additional allotment of NSERC USRAs for Indigenous and Black student researchers; Indigenous and Black student researchers are encouraged to self-identify on their application.
Faculty Members (Proposed Research Supervisors):
- Step 4: Collaborate with the student to complete all fields in the Summer 2024 NSERC USRA Application Form
Students and Faculty Members:
- Step 5: Submit both the completed Summer 2024 NSERC USRA Application Form and the student's unofficial Aurora (Web) transcript to the appropriate Department Representative (listed below) via email by the application deadline
- Note: Both the student and proposed research supervisor must be included on this email
NSERC USRA applications must be submitted to the proposed research supervisor's 'home' Department for consideration.
Department Representatives:
Biosystems: | Nammy Nadarajah |
Civil: | Pat Fedirchuk |
Computer & Electrical: | Eddy Cheung |
Mechanical: | Keverley Malawski |
Undergraduate Research Awards (URAs)
Each summer, students have the opportunity to apply for a University of Manitoba Undergraduate Research Award (URA) and, if selected, to work alongside professors in the areas of research, scholarly work, or creative activities.
These awards are intended to provide undergraduate students with a valuable experiential learning opportunity in a scientific research environment. Students holding one of these awards will participate in research activities throughout the duration of the award.
Applications for Summer 2024 URAs are now CLOSED.
Summer 2024 Research Topics for URA Students
Lists of Price Faculty of Engineering faculty members and their associated research topics are included in the dropdown menus below. To contact a faculty member to discuss a potential URA partnership, visit the Contact Us page, select the department of the faculty member you wish to connect with from the menu on the right, and locate the faculty member's contact information in the list that appears.
Centre for Engineering Professional Practice and Engineering Education
Dr. Jillian Seniuk Cicek
Engineering education - scholarship of teaching and learning in engineering education
Civil Engineering
Dr. Marolo Alfaro
Geosynthetic-reinforced earth structures, ground improvement techniques, earthfill dams, northern infrastructure
Dr. Masoud Asadzadeh
Watershed modeling, model calibration, river-reservoir systems modeling, applications of optimization and sensitivity analysis in water resources engineering
Dr. Jamie Bartz
Geotechnical Engineering: Deep foundations, landslides, slope stability, soil-structure interaction
Dr. Mohamed Bassuoni
Infrastructure and building materials, durability of concrete, rehabilitation and sustainable concrete infrastructures
Dr. James Blatz
Geotechnical engineering including design of flood protection infrastructure, infrastructure management and planning
Dr. Young-Jin Cha
Smart sustainable structural systems using advanced structural health monitoring system and control technologies
Dr. Shawn Clark
River ice engineering, ecohydraulics, hydraulic structures
Dr. Karen Dow
River ice engineering, experimental fluid mechanics, computational hydraulics
Dr. Ehab El-Salakawy
Concrete structures, steel and FRP reinforcement, structural behaviour, seismic performance of FRP-RC frames and hollow-core slabs
Dr. Graziano Fiorillo
Bridge engineering, structural reliability and risk, structural analysis of extreme events
Dr. Beata Gorczyca
Potable water treatment, particle analysis, disinfection, heavy metal removal, water chemistry
Dr. Gursans Guven Isin
Building information modeling, construction automation and digitalization, construction engineering and project management
Dr. Ricardo Mantilla
Hydrologic modeling, flood forecasting, flood frequency estimation, self-similarity in river networks, hydroinformatics, data assimilation of remote sensing instruments
Dr. Babak Mehran
Optimization of traffic operations and public transportation systems, traffic flow modelling, intelligent transportation systems
Dr. Chandra Rajulapati
Statistical modeling of extreme events such as floods, droughts, and heatwaves, climate change impact assessment, hydroclimatic variability, risk assessment, big data analysis
Dr. Jonathan Regehr
Freight transport systems, traffic engineering and modelling, traffic information systems, railroad engineering
Dr. Ahmed Shalaby
Pavement engineering, performance of highway materials, infrastructure engineering and management, design of sustainable infrastructure
Dr. Dagmar Svecova
Precast prestressed concrete bridge deck connections, use of ultra-high performance concrete in accelerated bridge construction, durability of concrete under temperature and fatigue loading
Dr. Chengjin Wang
Emerging contaminants, water reuse, advanced oxidation processes, natural organic matters, environmental chemistry
Dr. Qiuyan Yuan
Nutrient removal and recovery, leachate and wastewater treatment, solid waste, biomass, fermentation, anaerobic digestion
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Udaya Annakkage
Power system stability, FACTS, HVDC converters, wind energy systems
Dr. Ahmed Ashraf
Information and computing systems, Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Faouzi Bellili
Signal processing and wireless communications
Dr. Gregory Bridges
Biomedical and electrical biosensors, sensors, applied electromagnetics
Dr. Douglas Buchanan
Micro-nano-electronic materials and devices, MEMs-based ultra-sonic transducers
Dr. Ken Ferens
Telecommunications, embedded systems, distributed computing
Dr. Shaahin Filizadeh
Power systems transient simulation, power electronics, electric and hybrid vehicles
Dr. Colin Gilmore
Applied electromagnetics, electromagnetic inversion
Dr. Aniruddha Gole
Power systems simulation, flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS), high voltage DC transmission
Dr. Carl Ho
Power electronics, energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies, smart grids and micro grids
Dr. Ekram Hossain
Wireless communication networks, cognitive radio systems, multimedia communications over wireless and mobile networks
Dr. Peng Hu
Networked systems, applied machine learning
Dr. Dustin Isleifson
Electromagnetics and remote sensing
Dr. Ian Jeffrey
Applied and computational mathematics, high performance computing, parallel programming, electromagnetics
Dr. Vahab Khoshdel
Artificial Intelligence and robotics
Dr. Behzad Kordi
Condition monitoring of high voltage apparatus, electromagnetic modeling of power transmission lines
Dr. Joe LoVetri
Time domain computational EM, modeling of EMC problems, ground penetrating RADAR, microwave tomography
Dr. Arkady Major
Laser photonics, biophotonics, solid-state lasers
Dr. Dean McNeill
Embedded systems, structural health monitoring, adaptive signal processing, real-time and ubiquitous computing
Dr. Amine Mezghani
Wireless communication, joint communication and sensing, large-scale signal processing, hardware constrained radio, Antenna Theory
Dr. Puyan Mojabi
Applied electromagnetics
Dr. Zahra Moussavi
Biomedical Engineering, instrumentation, biological signal processing, rehabilitation
Dr. Vladimir Okhmatovski
Computational electromagnetics, high performance computing, electronic design automation
Dr. Derek Oliver
Assessment of HV insulators, scanning probe microscopy, nanoscale and molecular electronics
Dr. Miloslaw Pawlak
Machine learning and pattern recognition, statistical signal processing
Dr. Ke Peng
Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Athula Rajapakse
Power system protection, monitoring and control, renewable energy integration, active distribution systems and microgrids
Dr. Elham Salimi
Microfluidics, biosensors, bioelectromagnetics
Dr. Cyrus Shafai
Micro/nano-electro-mechanical systems, MEMS, micro-sensors, RF MEMS, MOEMS, adaptive optics
Dr. Sherif Sherif
Optical coherence tomography, optical and fluorescence microscopy, tissue optics, laser spectroscopy
Dr. Gabriel Thomas
Digital signal and image processing. ultrasound non-destructive testing
Dr. Douglas Thomson
Electronic sensors of dielectrophoretic actuation, sensors for structural health monitoring
Dr. Pradeepa Yahampath
Signal processing and communications
Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Subramaniam Balakrishnan
Computer Assisted Industrial Engineering, computer integrated manufacturing, robotics
Dr. Eric Bibeau
Kinetic turbines, biomass, wind turbine icing, plug-in electric vehicles, district energy systems
Dr. Madjid Birouk
Combustion of fuels and bio-fuels, fuel nozzles, droplets gasification, swirling flows
Dr. Vijay Chatoorgoon
Aerospace Engineering, acoustic wave propagation, supercritical flow stability
Dr. Chuang Deng
Atomistic modeling and simulations, yielding and plasticity in nanocrystalline materials, grain boundaries
Dr. Philip Ferguson
Satellite, attitude control, navigation, space objects, composites, reaction wheels, drones, simulation, orbit control
Dr. Raghavan Jayaraman
Polymer and composite processing, curability and interfaces in polymers and composites, novel composite materials
Dr. Matt Khoshdarregi
Advanced manufacturing, industrial robotics, machining, CNC design, instrumentation, mechatronics
Dr. David Kuhn
Multiphase flow in complex geometries, modelling of abdominal aortic aneurysms
Dr. Xihui (Larry) Liang
System dynamics, condition monitoring, fault analysis, reliability, intelligent maintenance
Dr. Yunhua Luo
Biomedical image construction, applied mechanics and design, materials science and engineering
Dr. Olanrewaju Ojo
Materials science and engineering, processing-microstructure-property relationship studies
Dr. Scott Ormiston
Film condensation, heat exchanger shell-side flows, slab foundation heat loss, microchannels
Dr. Qingjin Peng
Virtual manufacturing, sustainable product, modeling and simulation, product adaptability
Dr. Nariman Sepehri
Teleoperation and robotics, control systems, systems modelling and identification, actuators and fluid power
Dr. Mark Tachie
Experimental fluid dynamics, turbulent flows over rough surfaces, laser doppler velocimetry, particle image velocimetry
Dr. Igor Telichev
Fracture mechanics, nanomechanics and computational material science, mechanics of composite materials
Dr. Cam Verwey
Experimental heat and mass transfer, droplet and fuel science, non-intrusive laser diagnostics and turbulent convection
Dr. BingChen Wang
Computational fluid dynamics, turbulent flow, convective heat transfer, bio-fluids, high-performance computing
Dr. Nan Wu
Structural health monitoring, structural repair and enhancement, energy harvesting, nano-technology
Dr. Malcolm Xing
Biomaterials, nanomedicine, tissue engineering, 3D bioprinting, nanoenergy, biosensor
Dr. Guozhen Zhu
Material science and engineering
Graduate awards and funding
Master’s and PhD students in the Price Faculty of Engineering have access to thousands of dollars worth of scholarships and awards.
Travel funding
Price Faculty of Engineering graduate students can apply for funding to support travel for the purpose of conference attendance. The Dean's Office supports up to a total of $250 per student once for the Master's program and twice for the PhD program.
How to apply
- Complete the travel funding application form (PDF): This form can be submitted to the Dean’s office either before or after attending the conference.
- Attend the conference: Keep all original receipts related to registration, travel, accommodation, and meal expenses incurred. Email receipts for expenses incurred online (such as conference registration or travel/hotel bookings) are acceptable; please print these receipts directly from your email account. If you are unable to provide original receipts, we will not be able to reimburse you for these expenses.
- Complete the claim form: To complete the Student Travel & Business claim form (PDF), you must first obtain a unique reference number from Financial Services. Complete the form by filling in all fields and listing the expenses with original receipt back-up only. If you are planning to ask for additional funding from your department and/or the Faculty of Graduate Studies, use the same form to indicate the distribution of reimbursement for expenses as agreed upon by each funding source. Print the completed form.
- Obtain signatures and submit your documents: Obtain a signature on the claim form from the appropriate signing authority for each funding source. Submit your original claim form and receipts to the last person to sign the form. This individual will submit the claim to Travel Services on your behalf.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact Celina Bonilla, Financial Assistant, Price Faculty of Engineering.
External opportunities
Throughout the year, the Price Faculty of Engineering is notified about various external awards that are available to Engineering students. These awards are not administered by the Faculty or University; however, Price Faculty of Engineering students are encouraged to apply for all awards for which they qualify.
Students will be notified about external award opportunities via UM email - please watch for regular updates!
Graduating Class Awards for Excellence in Teaching
In their graduating year, students in the Price Faculty of Engineering have the opportunity to nominate a faculty member for a Graduating Class Award for Excellence in Teaching. Each year, these awards recognize the teaching excellence of one faculty member in each Engineering Department who has made a significant, positive impact on the academic learning experiences of students.
Nominations for the 2023 - 2024 Graduating Class Awards for Excellence in Teaching are now CLOSED.
2023 - 2024 Recipients
- Dr. Chyngyz Erkinbaev (Biosystems)
- Dr. Jonathan Regehr (Civil)
- Dr. Ahmed Ashraf (Electrical and Computer)
- Dr. Scott Ormiston (Mechanical)
Past recipients
2022 - 2023
- Dr. Natasha Jacobson (Biosystems)
- Dr. Karen Dow (Civil)
- Aidan Topping (Common Core Courses)
- Dr. Shaahin Filizadeh (Electrical and Computer)
- Dr. Meghan Guyot (Mechanical)
2021 - 2022
- Dr. Qiang Zhang (Biosystems)
- Dr. Babak Mehran (Civil)
- Nishant Balakrishnan (Common Core Courses)
- Dr. Greg Bridges (Electrical and Computer)
- Dr. Paul Labossiere (Mechanical)
2020 - 2021
- Dr. Song Liu (Biosystems)
- Dr. Shawn Clark (Civil)
- Dr. Farhoud Delijani (Common Core Courses)
- Dr. Ian Jeffrey (Electrical and Computer)
- Dr. Sean O'Brien (Mechanical)
2019 - 2020
- Dr. Jason Morrison (Biosystems)
- Dr. Jillian Seniuk Cicek (Common Core Courses)
- Dr. Douglas Thomson (Electrical and Computer)
- Dr. Matt Khoshdarregi (Mechanical)
2018 - 2019
- Dr. Danny Mann (Biosystems)
- Dr. James Blatz (Civil)
- Vern Campbell (Common Core Courses)
- Dr. Puyan Mojabi (Electrical and Computer)
- Dr. Meghan Guyot (Mechanical)
2017 - 2018
- Dr. Mohamed Bassuoni (Civil)
- Dr. Dean McNeill (Electrical and Computer)
- Kathryn Atamanchuk (Mechanical)
2016 - 2017
- Dr. Kris Dick (Biosystems)
- Dr. Peter Rasmussen (Civil)
- Dr. Ian Jeffrey (Electrical and Computer)
- Dr. Paul Labossiere (Mechanical)
2015 - 2016
- Dr. Karen Dow (Civil)
2014 - 2015
- Dr. Fariborz Hashemian (Civil)
- Dr. Puyan Mojabi (Electrical and Computer)
- Dr. Olanrewaju Ojo (Mechanical)
2013 - 2014
- Dr. Ehab El-Salakawy (Civil)
- Dr. Shaahin Filizadeh (Electrical and Computer)
2012 - 2013
- Dr. Kris Dick (Biosystems)
- Dr. Hugues Vogel (Civil)
2011 - 2012
- Dr. Jason Morrison (Biosystems)
- Dr. Shawn Clark (Civil)
- Dr. Paul Labossiere (Mechanical)
2010 - 2011
- Dr. Danny Mann (Biosystems)
- Dr. Jeanette Montufar (Civil)
- Dr. Dean McNeill (Electrical and Computer)
- Dr. Igor Telichev (Mechanical)
2009 - 2010
- Dr. Tricia Stadnyk (Civil)
- Dr. Shaahin Filizadeh (Electrical and Computer)
2008 - 2009
- Dr. Kris Dick (Biosystems)
- Dr. Jan Oleszkiewicz (Civil)
- Dr. Douglas Thomson (Electrical and Computer)
- Dr. Yunhua Luo (Mechanical)
Award for Excellence in Engineering Education
The Award for Excellence in Engineering Education recognizes the exceptional contributions of professors and educators to the quality of Engineering-related teaching and learning. Each year, this award recognizes one faculty member for their outstanding achievements in the area of Engineering Education.
Nominations for the 2023 - 2024 Award for Excellence in Engineering Education are now CLOSED.
2024 Recipient
- Dr. Sean O'Brien
Past recipients
- Dr. Jillian Seniuk Cicek
- Dr. Witold Kinsner
- Dr. Danny Mann
- Dr. Nazim Cicek
- Dr. Dimos Polyzois
- Dr. Ying Chen
- Dr. Don Petkau
- Dr. Behzad Kordi
- Dr. Paul Labossiere
- Dr. Dagmar Svecova
Endowment fund
The Engineering Endowment Fund (EEF) exists thanks to ongoing generous donations from students, staff and alumni.
Each year, interest from the fund is used to support projects that improve the quality and contribute to the excellence of the Price Faculty of Engineering. Projects may be initiated by students, staff, alumni or others associated with the Price Faculty of Engineering. Applications to the EEF are called for once per year by the Engineering Endowment Fund Advisory Committee, which reviews applications and makes recommendations to the Dean of Engineering regarding funding.
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Corporate donors
We would like to thank the donors below for their support of student scholarships, awards and bursaries. Their continued generosity helps students to achieve their goals and work to their maximum ability.
- Accutech
- American Concrete Institute
- Boeing Canada
- Bockstael Construction
- Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering
- Concrete Manitoba
- Crosier Kilgour
- Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba
- Hatch
- Lafarge
- Magellan Aerospace
- Manitoba Aerospace Inc.
- MB Farmers with Disabilities
- Manitoba Hydro
- Petro Canada
- Price Industries
- Resolute Forest Products
- Royal Air Force Auxiliary
- StandardAero
- TC Energy
- Urban Systems
- Vector
- Wallace & Akins
Contact us
Engineering Student Services
Price Faculty of Engineering
Room E2-262 EITC
75A Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6