The person, group, or organization (the “user”) booking facilities, rooms or space (“facilities”) on University of Manitoba campus agrees as follows: 

The user shall not use the facilities in a manner which: 

  • Interferes with the educational, research and other activities of the university; or
  • Jeopardizes the health, safety, or security of any member of the university community. 

The user shall comply with: 

The user understands that any behaviour on the part of its participants that places others at risk could result in immediate termination of the participant’s right to use the university’s facilities. During its use of the facilities, the user shall take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety and security of all persons who may enter the facilities or be otherwise affected by the booking. 

The facilities are provided on an “as is” basis on the date and time outlined in the application and only for the purpose outlined in the application. There is no representation on the part of the university that the facilities named in this application are in suitable condition for the intended use. 

The university has the right and may, in its sole discretion, change the spaces reserved by the user under this agreement and provide alternate university facilities, with reasonable advance notice. 

The university shall not be liable, and the user will indemnify the university, for any injury (including death), loss, or damage to the person or property of the user, including any participant or attendee, which results from or is in any way attributable to the user’s use of the facilities. 

If the user is external to the university, then the user may be required to take out and keep in full force and effect throughout the user’s use of the facilities, comprehensive general liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 against bodily injury (including death) and facilities damage on terms and in an amount satisfactory to the university. The university shall be named as an additional insured on this policy but only with respect to claims arising out of the use of the facilities. The user may be required to provide the university with a Certificate of Insurance prior to the date of the booking. 

The serving of any food, beverage, or alcohol will be under the exclusive control and approval of the university, through Conference and Catering Services. With respect to the service and consumption of alcohol, the user shall ensure compliance with the Campus Alcohol Policy, the Liquor Control Act of Manitoba, and all the regulations and requirements of the Liquor, Gaming, and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba (the “LGCA”). 

The User shall: 

  • Ensure the outdoor booking concludes at 12 a.m.; 
  • Ensure the indoor booking adheres to room capacities; 
  • Ensure no one under the age of 18 will be admitted if alcohol is being served; 
  • Take reasonable precautions to maintain the security of the facilities and to comply with all applicable requirements respecting safety including precautions respecting the fire hazards; and 
  • Reimburse the cost of repairing damages to the facilities caused either directly or indirectly by a person permitted by the user to participate in the use of the facilities referred to in the application 

The university shall have the right at any time to terminate the function and require the facilities to be immediately vacated if in the opinion of the university representative there is a danger to security or public safety. 

In the event that the user, or anyone attending the facilities, is in breach of these Terms and Conditions or any applicable laws, the university may: 

(a) immediately revoke the user’s ability to use the facilities, and/or 

(b) pursue disciplinary action or other legal consequences. Misrepresentation or omission of relevant information provided by the user in the application will be considered a breach and may result in the immediate cancellation of the booking and refusal of future booking requests.