• Susan Prentice.
  • Professor;
    Duff Roblin Professor of Government

    Faculty of Arts
    Department of Sociology and Criminology
    329 Isbister
    183 Dafoe Road
    University of Manitoba
    Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M9

    Phone: 204-474-6726


  • Social Media

    X (Twitter)

Currently accepting graduate students - yes

  • Master's
  • PhD


During the term of the Duff Roblin Professorship (2023-2026), my courses will be in Political Studies.

I enjoy working with Honours and Graduate students inside and outside Sociology. I have worked with MA and PhD students in Anthropology, Applied Health Sciences, City Planning, Community Health Sciences, Computer Science, Economics, Education, English, Family Social Studies, Women's and Gender Studies, History, Human Rights, Individualized Inter-disciplinary Studies, Marketing (Asper School), Political Studies, Public Administration, Rural Studies, Social Work.

Beginning 2020, I assumed the Duff Roblin Professor of Government, with a focus on care, gender, and social policy.  I warmly invite students interested in the intersections of gender, care, families, social policy, and social movements to contact me about courses and possible research assistantships.


My research program begins with my concerns about social inequality and social change, and my interests in public policy and systemic discrimination. I work in two broad areas of scholarship, each of which I undertake with a critical intersectional focus on gender relations. I am trained as an historical sociologist, and so bring an historical as well as a sociological imagination to my work.

My primary specialization is social and family policy broadly, and childcare policy specifically. My interdisciplinary research program is indebted to feminist political economy traditions, and consistently addresses questions of care, gender, social movements, and the Canadian state. My secondary arena of specialization is higher education, where I am keen to understand how formally neutral institutions co-exist with inequality and marginalization. 


  • PhD (Sociology), York University
  • MES (Environmental Studies), York University


Research interests

  • Public policy: family and social policy, especially childcare
  • Work/family reconciliation; work-family 'balance'
  • Social movements and social change
  • Systemic discrimination, especially in higher education

Selected publications


  • 2023 - Trailblazer Award, International Women's Day, University of Manitoba
  • 2022 - Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal
  • 2022 - Children’s Services Recognition Award, Manitoba Child Care Association 
  • 2021 - Equity Award, Canadian Association of University Teachers 
  • 2018 - Diplôme honorifique, Université de Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg


I practice public sociology and work closely with social movements. I believe community-university collaboration is a site of exciting scholarship and knowledge generation. I actively work on knowledge mobilization oriented to popular audiences, social movements, elected officials, decision makers, and the media.

Community-based research is one of my key priorities. I partner with national feminist and childcare advocacy groups and campaigns, collaborate with social justice organizations, Indigenous organizations, and trade unions and provide advice to interested governments, political parties, and others. 

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