Currently accepting graduate students - Yes

  • Master's
  • PhD


I am currently the Associate Head of the Economics and Society Stream in the Economics Department. I served as Head of the Department between 2018 - 2021.

My research uses a political economy approach to investigate how groups in society (primarily in Canada and the United States), with differing interests, reproduce and use their economic power to influence the political and economic policy environment. This research has in turn led me to explore how such efforts generate counter movements against that power. This research has led into diverse areas, including the ethical consumption, economic history, history of economic thought and inequality.


  • PhD (Economics), University of Manitoba, 1999
  • MA, Patterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, 1991
  • BA (Honours) (Economics), University of Manitoba, 1989


Research affiliations/groups

Selected publications

Selected books

  • Hudson, I. and Hudson, M. (2021) "Consumption" Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Chernomas, R. Hudson, I., and Hudson, M. (2019) "Neoliberal Lives: Work, Politics, Nature, and Health in the Contemporary United States" Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Chernomas, R. and Hudson, I. (2016) "Economics in the 21st Century: A Critical Perspective" Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Selected articles

  • Das, A., Hudson, I. and Hudson M. (2024) "Unionization Rates, Inequality, and Poverty in Canadian Provinces 2000-2020" Capital and Class.
  • Das, A., Hudson, I., and Hudson M. (2023) “Interprovincial Unionization and the Environment” Labour/Le Travail.
  • Das, A., Hudson, I., and Hudson, M. (2019) “Was There a Transformation in Economic Ideology Between 1960 and 2000?” Studies in Political Economy.
  • Das, A., Fridell, M., Hudson, I., and Hudson, M. (2019) “Do Governments Matter? Provincial Policy and Redistribution in Two Canadian Provinces, 1990-2010” Review of Social Economy.
  • Chernomas, R. and Hudson, I. (2017) "Genetics vs History: Competing Explanations of Uneven Development" Cambridge Journal of Economics 41(6).
  • Fridell, M., Hudson, I. and Hudson, M. (2008), "With Friends Like These: The Corporate Response to Fair Trade" Review of Radical Political Economics 40(1).
  • Hudson, I. and Hudson, M. (2003) “Removing the Veil? Commodity Fetishism, Fair Trade, and the Environment”, Organization & Environment, 16(4), December, 413-430.
  • Hudson, I. (2002) “Sabotage vs. Public Choice: Professional Sports as a Case Study for Interest Group Theory”, Journal of Economic Issues, 36(4), pp. 1079 - 1096.

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