Sonja Boon – Winter 2025 Writer-in-Residence
Sonja Boon is a writer, researcher, teacher, and flutist. The author of the memoir, What the Oceans Remember: Searching for Belonging and Home (2019), she has published creative nonfiction and poetry in numerous literary magazines, and is author/co-author of four scholarly books, including The Routledge Introduction to Auto/Biography in Canada (with Laurie McNeill, Julie Rak, and Candida Rifkind, 2022). For six years, Sonja was principal flutist with the Portland Baroque Orchestra and has performed with various orchestras around the world.
Consultation with Writer-in-Residence Sonja Boon
Interested writers can book a 30-minute creative consultation with Sonja (in-person or virtual). Sonja will be in touch to confirm your time and ask if you'd like to share some of your writing before the consultation. You are welcome to meet with Sonja at any point in the creative process.