Jae Rivera
Advisor: Carlos Rueda

Canada is seeing an influx of immigration in light of recent times. The country has welcomed families from around the globe and the city of Winnipeg has been one of the nation’s leaders in celebrating this multiculturalism. Immigrants and their future lineages are faced to adjust their identities to suit their social environments through a tension between generational traditions and a contrasting society throughout their lifetime. While exploring the phenomena of liminal spaces with architect Ignasi de Sola-Morales theoretical term of terrain vague in Winnipeg, the purpose of this research is to generate an architectural framework that captures the liminal condition these individuals experience, formed by the informal process of cultural transition the everyday lives.
A few questions are of interest when addressing this phenomenon and enacting it onto architecture and urban design. As immigrants relate to constant modes of transition, how can this internal tension between tradition and new be recorded? How could transcultural spaces express legitimacy within the liminality of the urban fabric? How can architecture and urban design provide for the temporal and spatial cultural adaptability for both the immigrant populace and a mundane society while registering the narratives of change?
The thesis will focus on providing a public programme to hold an archive that expresses this liminal condition and explore theories related to adaptable architecture and metabolism. Furthermore, negotiate a qualitative dwelling that expresses this transformation of culture and identity and serve as the genus loci for this phenomenon. There is a weight to situate the project between the peripherals of established neighbourhoods, such as Central Park and the Exchange District, as this dichotomy holds an urban subjectiveness of place identity experienced through the individual and communal psyche. It is with the intention to develop site(/s) of collective memory in a constant reorganization, redefining itself, speaking back to the public, and is conceived throughout generations.