graduate student

Choose your program

All of our Graduate Programs require an advisor to be secured in order to be admitted to our program.  We do not match applicants with advisors.

Human Nutritional Sciences

Graduate student training in Human Nutritional Sciences has led to careers such as research scientists in academic, public and private sectors; technical specialists and research supervisors in food and pharmaceutical industries; food and nutrition policy analysts; food service managers; health and wellness specialists and educators; nutrition consultants; university and government employees;
food quality assessment and research supervisors in government and agricultural laboratories.

  • nutrition-science-student
  • Master of Applied Human Nutrition (MAHN)

    The Master of Applied Human Nutrition (MAHN) program is a one year, three-semester program consisting of graduate course work and competency based practical experience. The MAHN program is a specialized program for students who have completed an accredited dietetic undergraduate degree from a Canadian university within the last three years.

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  • nutrition-science-student
  • MSc Human Nutritional Sciences

    Areas of study include metabolic and molecular nutrition, applied human nutrition, and food quality and acceptability.

    A multidisciplinary approach to research is common, with linkages to university departments such as medicine, agricultural and food sciences, management, dentistry, nursing, and physical education and recreation studies.
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  • Student working under a fume hood.
  • PhD Human Nutritional Sciences

    Graduate programs in human nutritional sciences integrate concepts in metabolism, food and community nutrition and include training in biochemical and analytical methods. Graduates of these programs are qualified food and nutrition specialists able to meet the demands of the public, industry and government.

    An informal atmosphere exists with free interaction between faculty and graduate students. The department attracts local, national and international students, many of them holders of prestigious scholarships.
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Food Science

A graduate degree in food science will prepare you for a wide array of occupations including food technologist, food chemist, flavourist, food microbiologist, research chef/culinologist, cereal chemist, etc.

  • food-science-grad-student
  • MSc Food Science

    Graduate programs in food science explore how raw commodities are processed into healthy, safe and appealing foods. Here, research relates to a variety of areas including food microbiology, product development and processing and food safety and quality. Study can focus on either business or science.

    This thesis based program may include basic, applied or practical research relating to the chemistry, physics and/or microbiology of food raw materials, processes and/or products.
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  • food-science-phd-student
  • PhD Food Sciences

    Graduate programs in the food science area maintain a focus on food processing and food safety, with particular emphasis on relationships with food quality and acceptability. Courses at the food science graduate level include unit process operations, food proteins, food carbohydrates, food science of cereal grains, advanced food microbiology, advanced food packaging, advanced meat science, and food rheology.

    This thesis-based program requires a research topic assigned within an area of interest to the student and pertinent to department research objectives.
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More information

Contact us

Food and Human Nutritional Sciences general office
Room 209 Human Ecology Building
35 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2

Tel: 204-474-6411