

Dr. Larios is an interdisciplinary critical policy researcher. She studies citizenship and immigration in the Canadian context, in particular, as it intersects with family and reproductive politics and policies. Her most recent work focuses on the politics of pregnancy and childbirth and precarious migration as an issue of reproductive justice.

Her research interests include:


Selected publications:

Larios, L. & Paterson, S. (2021) Fear of the Other: Vulnerabilization, Social Empathy, and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada. Critical Policy Studies.

Gagnon, A. & Larios, L. (2021). The politicization of immigration at the sub-national level: Election discourse in Quebec and Ontario. Canadian Journal of Political Science.

Abji, S. & Larios, L. (2021). Migrant justice as reproductive justice: Birthright citizenship and the politics of immigration detention for pregnant women in Canada. Citizenship Studies, Special Issue: Abolishing detention: Bridging prison and migrant justice 25(2): 253-272.

Larios, L., Hanley, J. Salamanca Cardona, M., Henaway, M. Dwaikat Shaer, N. & Ben Soltane, S. (2020). Engaging migrant careworkers: examining cases of exploitation by recruitment agencies in Quebec, Canada. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 6(1/2): 138-157. doi: 10.1504/IJMBS.2020.108690

Paterson, S. & Larios, L. (2020). Emotional Problems: Policymaking and empathy through the lens of transnational motherhood. Critical Social Policy.

Hanley, J., Larios, L., Ricard-Guay, A., Meloni, F. & Rousseau, C. (2020). Pregnant & undocumented: Taking work into account as a social determinant of health. International Journal of Migration, Health & Social Care 16(2), 189-199.

Larios, L. (2020). ‘Because we are mothers’: The invisibility of migrant mother care labour in the Canadian context. In K. Levasseur, S. Paterson, & L. Turnbull (eds.), Mothering and Welfare: Depriving, Surviving, Thriving. Bradford, ON: Demeter Press.

Larios, L. (2019). Near and far, with heart and hands: Carework in the context of refugee settlement in Canada. International Journal of Care and Caring 3(2): 263-278.

Paquet, M. & Larios, L. (2018).  Venue shopping and legitimacy: Making sense of Harper’s immigration record. Canadian Journal of Political Science 51(18): 817-836.

Hanley, J., Salamanca Cardona, M. Henaway, M., Larios, L., Dwaikat Shaer, N., Ben Soltane, S., & Eid, P. (2018). Transportation and temp agency work: Risks and opportunities for migrant workers. Cahiers géographiques du Québec, Thématique : La droit à la ville : les immigrants dans l’espace urbain. 62(177), pp. 1-14.

Hanley, J., Larios, L., Salamanca Cardona, M., Henaway, M., Dwaikat Shaer, N., Ben Soltane, S. & Eid, P. (2017). Gender dynamics of temporary placement agency work: (Im)migrants, know your place! Canadian Diversity 14(2), pp. 37-42.

Hanley, J., Larios, L., & Koo, J.-H. (2017). Does Canada care about migrant caregivers? Implications under the reformed Caregiver Program. Canadian Ethnic Studies 29(2): 121-140. doi: 10.1353/ces.2017.0015