

Dr. Larios is an interdisciplinary critical policy researcher. She studies citizenship and immigration in the Canadian context, in particular, as it intersects with family and reproductive politics and policies. Her most recent work focuses on the politics of pregnancy and childbirth and precarious migration as an issue of reproductive justice.

Select recent projects include:

  • PRENA-E-COUT’: Évaluation mixte et participative de l’expérience et du coût des soins chez les femmes enceintes sans assurance maladie au Québec (2025-2029) funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (Co-Investigator)
  • Employment relations as everyday bordering: Navigating the Temporary Foreign Worker Program in Manitoba, Canada (2025) funded by the Faculty of Social Work Endowment Fund. (Principal Investigator)
  • Abortion in Manitoba: An intersectional analysis of access to care (2023-2025) funded by New Investigator Operating Grant – Social Sciences & Humanities, Research Manitoba. (Principal Investigator)
  • Migrant reproductive justice: Experiences of medically uninsured pregnant people in Manitoba, Canada (2022-2025) funded by an Insight Development Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. (Principal Investigator)
  • Period Poverty and Equity, on Campus and Beyond (2023-2024) funded by the University of Manitoba Strategic Initiatives Support Fund (Co-Investigator)
  • Bordering access to health care: International students in Manitoba (2022-2023) funded by Centre for Human Rights Research and University Research Grants Program.  (Principal Investigator)

Her research interests include:

Teaching and supervision

Dr. Larios has recently taught the following courses:

Dr. Larios is open to supervising students engaging in critical policy analysis and advocacy, and who are interested in topics related to precarious migration, citizenship, borders, and/or reproduction and reproductive healthcare access. 

Service and membership

As a researcher, Dr. Larios is an affiliate with the Centre for Human Rights Research, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Manitoba, and the Centre for Social Sciences and Policy Research. She is also a member of the Canadian Political Science Association. 

Within the broader community, Dr. Larios serves on the Board of the Women’s Health Clinic and is an active member of the Healthcare for All Manitoba Coalition. She is also a member of the Research Committee of the Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations and the Reproductive Justice Committee of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada. 

Within the University of Manitoba, Dr. Larios serves on the Research Ethics Board and the Centre for Human Rights Research Advisory Board. Within the Faculty of Social Work, she has served on the Graduate Program Committee,  Tenure and Promotion Guidelines and Procedures Revisions Committees, Endowment Fund Committee, Graduate Award Selection Committee, several hiring committees, among other advisory and curriculum development work.  


Select recent journal articles:

Elias, H. & Larios, L. (2024). Translating Priorities into Practice: Midwifery Care for Uninsured Migrant Populations Across Canada. Birth.

Larios, L, Bhuyan, R., Schmidt, C. & Bergen, H. (2024). Bordering non-citizenship assemblage through migrant legibility: A conceptual framework for tracing hidden forms of legal and bureaucratic violence. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 8(1/2):12-34. 

Schmidt, C., Bergen, H., Hajjer, O., Larios, L., Nakache, D., Bhuyan, R., & Hanley, J. (2023). Navigating Bureaucratic Violence in Canada's Two-Step Immigration System. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49(19): 4887-4906.

Larios, L. (2023). The problematization of migrant maternity: Implications of the ‘passport baby’ narrative in the Canadian context. Social Politics: International studies in gender, state, and society 30(2): 397-421.

Larios, L. (2023). Precarious reproductive citizenship: Employment protections for pregnant noncitizen workers in Canada. Citizenship Studies 27(1): 19-37.

Larios, L. & Paterson, S. (2021) Fear of the Other: Vulnerabilization, Social Empathy, and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada. Critical Policy Studies.

Gagnon, A. & Larios, L. (2021). The politicization of immigration at the sub-national level: Election discourse in Quebec and Ontario. Canadian Journal of Political Science.

Abji, S. & Larios, L. (2021). Migrant justice as reproductive justice: Birthright citizenship and the politics of immigration detention for pregnant women in Canada. Citizenship Studies, Special Issue: Abolishing detention: Bridging prison and migrant justice 25(2): 253-272.

Larios, L., Hanley, J. Salamanca Cardona, M., Henaway, M. Dwaikat Shaer, N. & Ben Soltane, S. (2020). Engaging migrant careworkers: examining cases of exploitation by recruitment agencies in Quebec, Canada. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 6(1/2): 138-157. doi: 10.1504/IJMBS.2020.108690

Paterson, S. & Larios, L. (2020). Emotional Problems: Policymaking and empathy through the lens of transnational motherhood. Critical Social Policy.

Hanley, J., Larios, L., Ricard-Guay, A., Meloni, F. & Rousseau, C. (2020). Pregnant & undocumented: Taking work into account as a social determinant of health. International Journal of Migration, Health & Social Care 16(2), 189-199. 


Select recent book chapters:

Larios, L. & Laurent, M. (2024). Re-imagining relationality in academia: A dialogue for future feminist scholars. In S. Paterson, A. Cattapan, E. Tungohan, F. MacDonald, & N. Nash. Feministing in Political Science: A Manifesta for Change in the Academy. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press. 

Larios, L. (2022) Les immigrants au statut précaire et les personnes sans statut au Québec. In M. Paquet (ed.), Le Québec comme d’«société d’immigration» contemporaine. Montréal, QC: Presses de l’Université de Montréal.

Abji, S. & Larios, L. (2022). Migrant justice as reproductive justice: Birthright citizenship and the politics of immigration detention for pregnant women in Canada. In S. Aiken & S. Silverman (eds.), A World without Cages: Bridging Immigration and Prison Justice. Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

Larios, L. (2020). ‘Because we are mothers’: The invisibility of migrant mother care labour in the Canadian context. In K. Levasseur, S. Paterson, & L. Turnbull (eds.), Mothering and Welfare: Depriving, Surviving, Thriving. Bradford, ON: Demeter Press.


Select recent reports:

Tennent, P., Alemaio, B., Belec, H., Hunter, M., Larios, L., Perry, A., Romero, V., Smith, J., & Vickar, C. (2024). A Report on Period Poverty and Equity, on Campus and Beyond. Winnipeg, MB: Centre for Human Rights Research, University of Manitoba.

Larios, L., Larsen, P., Olanubi, O., & Oviosun, J. (2023) “Healthcare is a human right”: International student speak out on healthcare inaccessibility in Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Manitoba.