

Dr. Hiebert-Murphy's research focuses on family violence and family-centered practice. 

Recent research projects:

Power and Relationship Satisfaction in Couples with a History of Violence
(Principal Investigator, Dr. Janice Ristock, Co-Investigator)

The focus of this SSHRC-funded study is how power operates within relationships where violence/abuse has occurred. The study asks new questions about couples who have experienced violence in the past and stay in the relationship. Women’s and men’s experiences of how power (both interpersonal and structural) operates in the relationship and affects relationship satisfaction are being explored.

The Couples Project: Treatment for couples who have experienced violence in their relationships
(Principal Investigator/Clinical Supervisor)

The Couples Project has been funded since 1998 by the Family Violence Prevention Program, Department of Family Services and Labour. It is a service/training/research program designed to help couples that have experienced abuse in the past and want to work towards an abuse free-relationship. The Program offers relationship therapy to couples, trains graduate students for clinical practice in family violence, and conducts research on intimate partner violence.

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