University of Manitoba Statement of Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and the Canada Research Chair Program

University of Manitoba is firmly committed to ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion within the Canada Research Chairs program.  This statement expresses our ongoing commitment to fostering a culture where all people feel valued, respected and included. Three of our institutional priorities, Creating Pathways to Indigenous Achievement, Building Community that creates an outstanding learning and working environment and Forging Connections to foster high impact community engagement in the Strategic Plan guide and direct our approaches to creating an inclusive and diverse environment.

In accordance with our equity, diversity and inclusion priorities, we are committed to ensuring that all Canada Research Chair applicants have fair and equitable access to opportunities throughout hiring, retention and advancement. Racialized persons/persons of colour, Indigenous Peoples, Persons with Disabilities and Women have traditionally and are currently underrepresented in the Canadian workforce. The University of Manitoba acknowledges that strategies are necessary to ensure that researchers who are members of these groups are better represented among nominations for Canada Research Chair positions.

Strategies to raise awareness of the University of Manitoba’s commitment and benefits of equity, diversity and inclusion within the CRC program and broader research enterprise

Strategies as per the University of Manitoba’s Strategic Research Plan:

In addition to the strategies within the Strategic Research Plan, the following strategies are or will be employed to generate awareness of equity, diversity and inclusion:

  • Office of Equity Transformation
  • Office of Research EDIA
  • HR equity, diversity and inclusion strategy
  • A boilerplate statement will be added to online stories promoting Canada Research Chair(s):
    • “CRC recruitment and retention is guided by the CRCP’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Best Practices for Recruitment, Hiring and Retention”
  • Social media;
  • Diversity and Inclusion Office provides the following guidance, services and supports:
    • Consultations to faculties, department and units;
    • Advice on how to connect with the widest possible range network of external partners;
    • Informational workshops for all levels of staff to help integrate diversity and inclusion into the University’s culture;
    • Tools to assess and monitor the progress towards an inclusive campus culture.
  • The University of Manitoba recently established a diversity and inclusion working group to advise on a university-wide diversity and inclusion strategy, and encourages departments and faculties to create their own committees;
  • Accessibility and Inclusion Award of Excellence.
  • The Campus Alliance for Diversity and Inclusion (CADI), a university-wide team has recently been created to develop awareness campaigns, educational materials, and programming to combat racism, and other forms of discrimination on our campus.

Governance plan for the approval of the institutional Canada Research Chair Equity, Diversity and Inclusion action plan

The Office of the Vice-President (Research and International) (VPRI) initiated the development of a working group to respond to the Canada Research Chair Program’s call for an Institutional Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan for Management of the University of Manitoba’s Canada’s Research Chairs.The working group is comprised of current Canada Research Chair holders, the Vice-President (Research and International), the Associate Vice-President (Research), the Associated Vice-President (Academic), the Diversity Consultant and members of the designated groups. Sub-committees were struck to complete an employment systems review and environmental scan in order to provide relevant and meaningful information to the working group. The Office of Research Services conducted a comparative review that will also inform the overall action plan. The working group will present the action plan to the Vice-President (Research and International) and the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) for approval. The VPRI will be responsible for communicating the objectives of the plan to the university community and will be accountable for the implementation of the plan.

Terms of Reference:
Canada Research Chair Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan Working Group

The Canada Research Chair Program (CRCP) Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan requires that institutions develop their own equity, diversity and inclusion action plans that will guide their efforts in sustaining the participation of and/or addressing the underrepresentation of individuals (based on the institution’s equity gaps) from the four designated groups (FDGs) (women, Aboriginal Peoples, persons with disabilities and visible minorities) – among their chair allocations. Three key components are required of institutions:

  1. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Public Accountability and Transparency (October 27, 2017)
  2. Institutional Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Action Plan (December 15, 2017)
  3. Implementation of the action plan in order to meet the equity, diversity and inclusion targets outlined in the institutions action plan (Dec 2017-Dec.2019)
Role of the Working Group

The Canada Research Chair Program: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group is advisory to the Vice-President (Research and International) and Provost and Vice-President (Academic). The role of the working group is to:

  1. Provide guidance and make decisions with respect to the public accountability and transparency requirements; and,
  2. Contribute to the development of an Institutional Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan.

The Working Group will be assigned a project manager and, if needed, other administrative supports to assist with planning, gathering information, and reporting.

  • Advisory to the Vice-President (Research and International) and Provost and Vice-President (Academic).
  • The Working Group will strive for consensus when making decisions.
  • Quorum will constitute half plus one members.

Addressing equity, diversity and inclusion concerns related to Canada Research Chair processes at the University of Manitoba

  1. Concerns received within the CRC recruitment process:
    Any equity, diversity and/or inclusion concerns raised or received during the recruitment process will be monitored, addressed and reported by way of the Equivalent Equity Officer (EEO) on each search committee.  Each step of the recruitment process is monitored and approved by the EEO before moving forward to the next step; accordingly, any concerns raised or received will be handled within this process.
  2. Concerns received outside of the recruitment process:

    The University of Manitoba encourages and supports a community which embraces Equity Diversity, Inclusion and the dignity of all people. EDI concerns are considered as purported discrimination or harassment complaints in the human rights area. These complaints are brought forward to the Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management (OHRCM) via various means, including optional confidential disclosure. The OHRCM provides information and assistance if a concern or complain is brought forward and assists in resolving through informal discussions and processes or through a formal complaint process. Visit the Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management website for details surrounding these processes. For the formal process, UM senior administrative personnel, including union representatives and witnesses (if applicable) are involved. University officials have a responsibility to take effective and immediate actions to address incidents of discrimination and harassment.

    In addition to the above, EDI concerns may be monitored, addressed and reported using the following approaches or combination of approaches:

    1. Concerns related to the Canada Research Chairs (CRCs) Program may be addressed through the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International) and/or the Office of Research Services;
    2. Concerns related to the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) Collective Agreement, or by-laws and policies governing faculty are addressed as per the procedures set out in the UMFA collective agreement;
    3. General concerns related to EDI are addressed via the Respectful Workplace Environment policy and procedures and are monitored and reported as per the procedures

Policies and Processes that Govern the Staffing of Canada Research Chairs

Assessment Criteria/Grid for Tier 1 and Tier 2 CRCs at the University of Manitoba

Current and past Chair opportunities

External searches


Current opportunities will be shared when available.


Internal Searches


Current opportunities will be shared when available.



Policies and Processes for Retention and Recruitment of CRCs

Review the policies and processes involved in nominating and selecting Canada Research Chair (CRC) positions.

Internal call for CRCs

When CRC positions become available (through termination, non-renewal or CRC reallocation exercise), the Vice-President (Research and International) and Provost and Vice-President (Academic) issue a Call to deans and directors for CRC proposals.

See the last call at:

Canada Research Chair (CRC) call (PDF)

University of Manitoba academics who wish to be considered for a Tier 1 chair (retention) or advancement from a Tier 2 chair must apply through an open university-wide search in the CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC areas. If no internal candidate is identified, then the university will allocate the Tier 1 CRC position for recruitment (however, the probability of this occurring is low).

Deans and directors share the internal call with their colleges and departments.
Preview an example:

Canada Research Chair (CRC) recruitment sample (PDF)

Deans and directors complete the UM CRC Proposal using the Form below and submit to VPRI by the deadline as noted in the call.

Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier 2 recruitment proposal sample (.docx)

Recommendations are made by a committee and submitted to the President’s Executive Team for approval and then communicated to deans and directors.

Post-allocation process

For units allocated a CRC position, please follow processes below for:
A) Retention;
B) Recruitment;
and C) Advancement.

Units must ensure that the retention, recruitment and nomination processes abide by the program’s requirements for recruiting and nominating Canada Research Chairs.

A. Retention

1. Form a search committee and review resources

Unconscious Bias Training

In-person virtual training by an EDI Officer of the University must be provided to all CRC search and hiring committee members, including Deans and Department Heads (as appropriate) on the importance of equity, diversity and inclusion within the program and on the potential negative impact of unconscious bias on the career paths of individuals from the Four Designated Groups. It is recommended that all members of CRC search committees complete the tri-agency unconscious bias online training module.

Start the unconscious bias training module

2. Draft CRC internal advertisement

3. Interviews completed/candidate recommendation

4. VPRIO and Provost and Vice-President (Academic) approval

Submit Candidate CV to VPRIO for approval. Deans/directors will be notified to proceed with nomination by specified CRC intake cycle.

5. Letter of Offer

Prepare Set VI, VI.3 CRC Initial Offer (Retention) for signature by candidate. See template below.

6. Office of Research Services Coordination

The Office of Research Services provides information and internal timelines to candidate/deans/ADRs/department heads and works with them and Research Facilitator (as appropriate) on nomination development.

7. Decision by CRC/Notification to Candidate

If Nomination is successful, prepare Set VI, VI.5 CRC Final Confirmation of Award to send to candidate. See templates below.


B. Recruitment

1. Notification of CRC Allocation and Position Approval

  1. The Dean will receive formal notification from the Vice-President (Research & International) (VPRI) of a successful CRC allocation proposal.
  2. Once notice is received, the unit must promptly:
    • Seek approval of the position from the Office of the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) by completing a Request to Fill form (one form is required to fill both the professional position and chair position).
  3. Notify the EDI contact person when approval for the position has been granted.

2. Search Committee Creation

  1. Dean to appoint a Chair and establish a CRC search committee.
  2. Article 18.B.2.2 of the UM/UMFA collective agreement sets out the rules in establishing committee membership.
  3. Ensure committee membership is diverse. NOTE: More diverse representation is expected by UM.
    • At least one committee member must identify with one of the four designated groups.
  4. An equity and diversity champion must be a member of the committee.
    • The EDI RA will fulfill this responsibility as the AVP (Research) Designate alone or, if possible, as a co-EDI champion with another committee member.



1All information set out in bold text is a requirement of the CRC Program.

3. Getting Started: Responsibilities of the Committee Chair and Members

  1. As part of the first meeting or before the first meeting, convene a session, led by the EDI RA, on best practices and bias in the hiring process, incuding the UM's commitment and strategy for meeting or sustaining equity and diversity targets and gaps.
    • In addition to the session above, all committee members are also required to view the online module "Bias in Peer Review".
    • Members must also view the Accessibility Training (Employment Standard) module in UM Learn, if they have not already done so.
  2. Either after the best practices and bias session or at the next meeting, discuss the following:
    • Confidentiality rules (FIPPA).
    • Voting process as agreed to by committee (e.g., by consensus, open voting, voting by ballot).
    • Managing conflicts of inerest and bias throughout the process.
  3. During the process, watch for potential/actual bias/stereotypical thinking in reviews/discussions.
  4. Before reviewing application packages, remind committee members of bias and the role it plays in assessing applications packages and CVs.
  5. Ensure conversations are free from micro-agressions and disrespectful behaviour.
  6. Remember that you are facilitating this process as a non-voting member - your role is to ensure a fair, equitable, and transparent process has been followed throughout.

4. Developing Criteria, Indicators, and Assessment Tools

  1. Discuss what you are looking for and how you will know when you see it.
    • Focus on ability over experience.
    • Use flexible criteria to assess excellence.
  2. Develop assessment tool and EDI assessment tool (rubric) once criteria and indicators have been agreed to.
  3. Remember that criteria will be used in developing the ad and throughout the assessment process.
  4. Selection criteria and the assessment tools must be finalized prior to reviewing applications.


5. Recruitment

  1. Ad communicates expectations to potential applicants and helps them assess whether to respond.
  2. Draft carefully to avoid bias, use inclusive language, and avoid he/she binary to include all gender identities.
  3. For a greater diversity of applicants, highlight areas in which underrepresented groups tend to engage.
  4. When describing qualifications, include criteria highlighting EDI track record.
  5. Check language in ad against criteria in assessment tool.
  6. Have active recruitment plan:
    • Committee members should reach out to potential applicants to notify them of the opportunity.
    • Promote position, especially for members of underrepresented groups who may not see themselves in a CRC role.
  7. Ensure you have the results from the UM Equity Questionnaire before you start to assess applicants as self-identification data must be collected from all applicants.
  8. The committee must be able to attest that proactive measures have been put in place to ensure diversity in the applicant pool.


6. Assessing Applications Considering all Scholarly Contributions

  1. Assessments trigger bias so incorporating best practice is essential.
    • Use assessment tools to assess all applicants.
    • Use same assessment process for all applicants/candidates.
    • Watch language in reference letters.
    • Do not rely on years of experience, most publications, most accomplishment - look to substance and quality of work.
    • Be mindful of assessing the accomplishment you think someone should have, which may be based on a biased model of standard academic career.
    • Make sure assessments are made based on the agreed to criteria which are meant to emphasize broader and more diverse indicators of scholarly accomplishments.
    • Don't assume only peer reviewed academic journal publications have value. Pay careful attention to various types of research outputs.
    • When shortlisting, consider having the Chair present a summary of the assessment results (and any comments) to the group before inviting additional comments.
  2. Ensure notes are taken to document process.
  3. Chair should ensure bias in connection with career interruptions is properly managed and ensure candidates know this. NOTE: Committees must consider legitimate career interruptions. These may include eligible leaves, certain raining or administrative leaves, mandatory military service, non-research-related positions, unemployment, and training unrelated to the research career.
  4. Step back and assess pools to ensure applicant pool and candidate list are diverse.

7. The Visit

  1. Visits for all candidates should contain the same elements.
  2. Ensure entire process is accessible for all applicants/candidates and consider providing accommodations to all - be proactively inclusive.
  3. Account for different communication/presentation styles in all assessment processes (e.g., interview, research talk, teaching demo).
  4. Have candidates meet with faculty members outside the search committee to confidentially discuss matters of interest to the candidate (e.g., housing, schools, childcare).
  5. Ensure full consideration is given to:
    • Demonstrated commitment to EDI.
    • Diversity of thought, method, experience.
  6. Do not reward or overrule the familiar (e.g., same discipline, educational background).
  7. Develop interview guide questions and stick to the agreed-to questions. REMINDER: responses to questions must be assessed against the criteria set out in the rubric.
  8. Stay away from questions that focus on protected Human Rights characteristics.
  9. Anyone requesting or requiring an accommodation during any part of the hiring process (from application to visit) is entitled to reasonable accommodation.

8. Open and Transparent Decision-Making

  1. Meet at the end of each visit to assess the candidate.
  2. Focus on strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the assessment criteria.
  3. All assessments must be justifiable based on the evidence presented by the candidates (application, research presentation, interview, etc.).
  4. Reflect - ensure assumptions/biases are not impacting the assessment.

9. Approval and Offer

  1. Once the committee has reached a decision, the Chair must prepare a report justifying the recommendation.
    • Report must contain a description of the actions taken to recruit a diverse pool of applicants, including advertising venues and details of the active recruitment strategy.
  2. The Summary of Search package is prepared and sent to:
  3. Once final approval has been granted, negotiations with the recommended candidate can begin.
  4. For details on salary and stipends:
  5. Letter of Offer templates for Canada Research Chairs
  6. Once the letter of offer has been accepted, the unit contacts the Research Grants Officer - CRC & CFI to notify them of the name of the nominee.
    • The Research Grants Officer - CRC & CFI will contact the nominee to start the nomination process.
    • The Nominee will be supported by the faculty's research facilitator, the EDI RA, and ORS in preparing the nomination package.

10. Decision by CRC/Notification to Candidate

  1. If nomination is successful, prepare the Confirmation of CRC Award.

NOTE: The CRC program requires that documentation attesting that the recruitment and nomination process used for the nomination followed the program's requirements will be kept on file for 48 months after submission of the nomination. This documentation includes:

  • Membership details of the recruitment and nomination committee.
  • Names of senior officials responsible for ensuring the recruitment process was in line with the institution's equity and diversity targets and the program's requirements for an open and transparent recruitment process.
  • Description of the equity, diversity and inclusion training provided to individuals who participated in the process (including training on unconscious bias).
  • Description of the role of the equity and diversity officer or designated equity, diversity and inclusion champion.
  • Description of the strategy and proactive efforts made to identify a diverse pool of potential applicants.
  • Description of the measures used to ensure that individuals who required accommodation or who experienced career interruptions were not disadvantaged during the nomination process.
  • Assessment criteria and assessment tools.
  • Copies of relevant internal policies and guidelines (e.g., equity policies, tenure-track hiring practices/policies, collective agreement or equivalent).
  • Description of the best practices used to collect data on the participation of individuals from the four designated groups, including a copy of the self-identification form.

C. Advancement

Tier 2 chairs may be considered for advancement to an open Tier 1 chair within 2 years of completing their term and in response to an open university-wide call as described above.

Contact us

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) Contact
Office of the Vice-President (Research & International)
406 Administration Building
66 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2, Canada

Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Nomination Development Coordination Contact
Office of Research Services
404 Administration Building
66 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2, Canada

Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm