aerial view of circle of students in forest for land-based learning

Photo credit: Shawn Bailey

  • icon community


    Work with students with diverse backgrounds and experiences

  • icon graduate


    Graduate with a PhD or M.Sc.

  • icon pathway


    Prepare for a future in a variety of career paths

  • Who is this program for?

    The Graduate Specialization in Engineering Education (GSEE) program is open to students with diverse backgrounds and experiences. The program welcomes students who are interested in studying, understanding and making change in engineering. This includes engineering education, professional practice and the relationship between engineering/engineering education and our society, communities and ecosystems. Applicants with a strong background in engineering, the social sciences or humanities are well-positioned for success in this program.

  • What can you do with this degree?

    The GSEE program prepares students for faculty positions in engineering, engineering education and engineering studies, and for a wide range of non-academic positions and career paths. Depending on your own experience, background and interests, the GSEE program can help to prepare you for a future in educational development, instructional design, program evaluation, higher education administration, policy, consulting, management, government, non-profit work and much more. 

  • an award winner holding plaque surrounded by colleagues

Current projects

Engineering and technological stewardship

How do engineering students' understandings of their profession evolve as they complete their studies? How can we develop engineering students' critical understandings of technology and society? We are working collaboratively with researchers from York University, Memorial University of Newfoundland and the University of Waterloo to study the development of engineering students' thinking about the relationship between technology and society as they move through their degree programs. We use the Tech Stewardship Practice Program as a site to study students' developing understandings of the technology-society relationship and of their identities as engineers.

Engineering outreach facilitators

What are the experiences of engineering outreach facilitators and how does their work contribute to development of their STEM identities? How do their actions, dialogue and decisions lead to the success of these programs? In partnership with WISE Kid-Netic Energy, we are using qualitative interviews and observations to understand the impacts of working as an outreach facilitator in settings across Manitoba, with particular focus on how it relates to facilitators' ideas about what "counts" in STEM and their own sense of belonging within STEM. 

Elevating Indigenous engineering students’ experiences

Are Canadian access programs making space for Indigenous students in STEM post-secondary education? We work in partnership with Indigenous students to better understand their experiences being enrolled in an engineering post-secondary access program and their perspectives of engineering education and culture. This is being done to explicitly bring Indigenous ways of knowing and being into post-secondary education, to improve and diversify learning environments, and increase Indigenous attraction, retention and representation.

Land-based learning in engineering

What does it mean to incorporate Indigenous land-based pedagogies in engineering education? We work in partnership with Indigenous land-based educators at the University of Manitoba and beyond to explore how Indigenous land-based pedagogies live within(in) colonial university institutions and structures. This is being done to dream ways forward for bringing land-based learning into engineering curricula.

red fabric wrapped around trees in forest

Learning in decolonial engineering spaces

What do students and faculty need to learn before they can appreciate Indigenous knowledges and worldviews and critically consider how these knowledges relate to engineering? We explore how incorporating Indigenous Knowledges in engineering education may require students to cross ontological and epistemological thresholds. This is being done to help prepare instructors and students for learning from and with Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers, educators and leaders, and to decolonize engineering education.

Understanding the field of engineering education research

What are the emerging topics, issues and methodologies in engineering education research? We explore the journeys, motivations, barriers, challenges and supports of students and faculty in, or entering, this field. Our current work in this area includes employing collaborative autoethnography to study how we, as interdisciplinary early-career faculty members in EER, cultivate a sense of belonging within the field.


Graduate students

Associated alumni

Program logistics

Applying to the Graduate Specialization in Engineering Education (GSEE)

The GSEE is administered through the Biosystems Engineering program.

Prospective students are asked to prepare a short statement indicating why they are interested in the GSEE and should contact faculty members to discuss their interest in the program before applying.

M.Sc. admission requirements, deadlines and how to apply

PhD admission requirements, deadlines and how to apply



How the program works

The M.Sc. and PhD programs require course work and completion of a thesis. For up-to-date information about program requirements and milestones for the GSEE in the Biosystems Engineering M.Sc. and PhD, see the current University of Manitoba Academic Calendar.

Students can take courses within and beyond the Price Faculty of Engineering. Graduate students work with their advisors to develop a plan of study that is appropriate for their research interests. Engineering education courses offered by the Department of Engineering Education include:

  • ENG 7010: The Engineering Design Process - Consideration of the engineering design process and the logic upon which it is based. Explore both the history and possible future directions of the process from technical, social and environmental points of view.
  • ENG 7020: Topics in Engineering Practice - Topics vary according to specific instructors' expertise and research interests.
  • ENG 7030: The Discipline of Engineering Education - An in-depth examination of the discipline of engineering education, including its evolution, its characteristics, application and theoretical developments.
  • ENG 7040: Foundations of Engineering Education Research - Engineering education research conceptual and theoretical frameworks, methodologies and methods in both qualitative and quantitative paradigms and the scholarship of teaching and learning in engineering education.

Typical time to completion is two years for the M.Sc. and four years for the PhD.


Contact us

Department of Biosystems Engineering
Room E2-376 Engineering and Information Technology Complex
75 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6 Canada
